
Crap, I was Rifted: War Of the Users (Homeworld Dragonball Z Mix)

Follows the User Wars that touches on all the titles of Crap I was Rifted. Story focus is on the User Marcel. Other Users will appear for small instances. Bimonthly Update

FrozenTidez · Otras
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21 Chs

You need a Home World Part 1 Well a bit of a problem

"Think he can hear us." A voice poked at the glass. Tapping against it trying to see any change in the person inside. "Never could get over how know one really responds in these. I mean, not like they are.." Marcel opened his eyes staring at her. "..ahhhh! You dick!" Fasha jumped away freaking out. Hands behind her as she was about to attack.

"Settle down." CaCao said. He was checking over the vitals one last time. Marcel waited to the water drained before removing the mouthpiece. "Take it easy Marcel."

"Yeah, easy." Lakishi said. A few others of his race moved about checking over things. "Lots of things to talk about. Like.."

*Chsssh!* The door opened to reveal some Saiyans coming in. Frutas, mother of Vegeta and Tarble. Aspara, mother of Broly. Which she was holding on her hip currently. Nappa, with his cousin Cheri. she was not bald like he was. But she shared the brown hair. No mustache and was quite tall.

"Kuff.. kuff.." Marcel decided to sit in the vat and waited a bit before getting out. "I feel like crap." His body felt so weird. he couldn't really focus. "Stupid.. blasts.. damn.."

"At least your body parts grew back. It was so gross seeing it happen." Cheri grinned. Her hands behind her head as she moved about. Touching things with her tail. "I would not want to get blown up like that."

"Yeah.. I bet you wouldn't." Fasha grinned at her. "Keep touching things and it is going to happen real ssooon." Cheri immediately backed away.

"Get your self sorted out." Frutas said grimly. "A lot happened you might not like."

"Go ahead and tell me." Moving his arm, he felt it move slightly. "Response is way to fast. that is just weird."

"All right. After the attack. We survived. You were barely alive in space according to the scanner. The ship pulled you back in a mess. The attack left some kind of distortion in it. A combination from the two Death Ball attacks and you firing back." Cacao said. "We were sucked in and pulled through. A slight problem as the shield took most of the power-up. But the backups are doing fine as repairs have been ongoing."

"No idea what happen to Frieza." Fasha said. "His ship blew up and his forces were there a little still. The ones that could survive the vacuum of space anyway. I am sure King Cold will be heading to pick him up."

"Zi has been busy with things so unable to help." Frutas said slightly irked. "We are the only ones who remained. Bardock, Gine, Radditz, Kakarot, and Bardock's whole crew went to the Warfront. Well, Gine, Kakarot, and Radditz went to one of the places that were safe. She couldn't bare to separate her family. And his team didn't want to part. All but her apparently."

"Yup. You are stuck with me." Fasha smiled. "Is that gonna be a problem?"

"Nope." Marcel finally stood up giving him self some silk clothing. His body still felt tender as can be. His feet doing a slight pitter patter. His tail laid limply. Any time he thought about moving it, it shot around. "So what is everyone's plan for now."

"Training, and studying technology." Cheri answered. "Now that I am not confined to fighting all the time, I want to branch out."

"Training and protecting the way of Saiyan life." Nappa smirked. Aspara nodding with him.

"Raising my sons to be better." Frutas said. The door opened revealing prince Vegeta with Tarble in his hands. He handed him off to his mother staring at Marcel. "Thanks for fixing his medical issues with your technology. He may start the same as low class Saiyan but that is nothing from what I have seen from everyone else shooting to such powerful heights."

"Right." Marcel sat in a chair still feeling out of sorts still. He felt hungry for one. But he would most likely throw up. "What about you Fasha?"

"Oh, to become the queen of Saiyans. The strongest most powerful there is." She stroke a guts pose at the group. "Which means I have to stay stronger than Frutas and the rest."

"You can have it." Frutas waved at her not wanting the title in any way. "I plan on marrying for myself next time. No political crap to tie me down." She was only somewhat worried about the future. Finding out she was suppose to die brought a new perspective. The same for a few others.

"Hey.. did Rasin, Daiz, and Amon leave?" Marcel didn't feel their presence.

"Affirmative." CaCao answered promptly. "They went to the war front as well. To pave the way when you finally arrive in the future."

"That is good." Marcel leaned back and felt a slight throbbing in his head. A quick thought opened his log to view what was wrong.

System: Level x5, Further Beyond + 2, Dense Muscultare +5, Ki +10, Divine Ki +1,

System: Title: Standing Against Death, Against All Odds, Unwilling to Die

Standing Against Death: The User looked at his Death and stood against it. Fatal Death Situations are easier to manage. Fewer penalties against stronger opponents.

Against All Odds: User went against a superior opponent and survived. Fewer penalties against a hier Tier enemy. Pillars of Worlds receive less help.

Unwilling to Die: The User clung to life while mind and body was under turmoil. Soul has increased in level vastly. Ki has changed in various ways (Locked).

System: Soulbond Formed- Fasha, Bardock, Gine, Frutas, Nappa, Daiz, Cheri, Aspara, CaCao, Lakishi. Divine Ki + 10

System: Soulbonds Increase Divine Ki by one due to power increase of the qualitative level.

"Haaa, could have used all of that before getting yeeted." Marcel sighed but had a grin on his face. He just rembered they said they were in the past. "What past are we in?!"

"The past Bardock would have gone to." Vegeta/Zi said. He was using him as his Avatar again. "Haaa, not much really to do here. I mean, you can go and beat up Chilled, I think it was little short self. Then again, this is not tied to the History we will go back to. So..."

"Let them do it." Marcel raised his finer and fired Divine Ki into Nappa, Cheri, Aspara, and Frutas. The three women already having some in them from fusing with Fasha. He had been out for a really long time. "Get that under control and try your selves out against Frieza's ancestor. I still feel off."

"Might be.. from the regeneration of your limbs and most of your internal organs. Or.. you are bloated. Your Ki is beyond your body current level. need to get you training to burn it off." Zi pointed to Cacao and Fasha. Then to the Saibamen. "All of you need to fight him for he can get to normal. Do not worry about the Divine Ki, it is now sealed off."

"You have been out for 6 months, so yeah." Nappa grinned. "You are more than rusty. I look forward to fight the person that they speak so highly of." He pointed to Fasha and Zi.

*Sching!* A few red rings wrapped around Marcel. The divine ki was still there, he just couldn't get it to move around or circulate. His regular ki felt pullated. Running checks with the Replicators revealed them to be changing into something. What, he had know idea.


-A few weeks later-


It took a lot to get his body back right. The others benefited from it more than he did. Their power level's shot up massively. They kept getting in the Healing vats and would find Marcel for another spar immediately after. The first thing that were repaired apparently and upgraded while he was recovering.

Lakishi and his people were experimenting with some of the minerals they found recently. Trying to make up for the Warp Drive incident. The mineral had a weird tent to it. but it did not effect them. Some of it had broken off. Inside a plant carrying a weird scent entered the vents. Which were still lacking a thorough check.

Marcel was currently in his lab looking at the projects he had. The three specimens in the vats were growing well. A base power level of 1,000 despite still in an embryonic state. His back up body at 1,200.

"Hmm sucks I am not allowed to grow more. Makes no sense. Stupid rules." Marcel grumbled. With a wave of his hands the vats sunk into the ship. Completely protected by the Neumetal. Various music played as they were monitored. All for the development of course. "You can come in now."

*Chsshh!* The door opened. Fasha and Frutas came in.

"So this sensing power level is bullshit!" Fasha cursed. "We have scouters to find people and stuff." Her tail moving about behind her.

"Haaa, it can be hidden. You have had it happen before." Marcel sighed at her impatience. "It will make you stronger and give you more control. You need to understand that." The more he tried to reason with Fasha, the worse she seemed to get. "Just mind-boggling."

"You are not very good at this are you?" Frutas moved around the lab observing it. She stopped at a graph showing the depiction of a moon and the articial ball that did the same as it. "Why are you studying this Blutz Waves thing?"

"To get more power. The peak of natural Saiyan evolution. The key to Super Saiyan 4. Which is a long way from now. Have to have a lot of power or control of Great Ape state. A lot of focus." Marcel watched as Fasha started floating in front of him. A look in her eye as if she was ready to pick a fight. "I will blast you if you start again!"

"Just mad cause I knock you out the other day." The grin on her face was so smug.

"You were fused, it hardly counts." Marcel looked away. A weird scent entering his nose. His natural changes pushed away anything harmful to him. So he let it be. "You two are a pain to fight that way. Especially with your large ki pool. Damn volleys everywhere." Remembering the one shot that hit the base of his tail caused a frown. As well as the one that singed his balls. "A few more fights and it will be alright again."

"We won't stop improving." Frutas turned to him. "Our fusion can last 30 minutes now. Perfect for something we have planned in the future. But fine for now."

"So Marcel.. what do you know about female Saiyans?" Fasha grinned. Marcel felt his tail move around on its own. "Ahh, you know... racially at least."

"Well, didn't think you two were interested in things like this. I am not the settling down type. And you are.." He looked at Frutas. 'I mean definitely interested in them as woman but...'

"Happily divorced." Frutas discarded her leotard. Her ample breasts bouncing as she walked forward. "If you don't best us, you will become the bitch in this." Her tail moved about quite fiercely.

"Yeah, I think a little fisting will make you more complacent." Fasha grinned. The idea of causing pain to Marcel delighting her.

*Fwwwooosh!* A blast of energy sent them both back. They recovered quickly enough. Eyes blazing as they used their Divine Ki. Both of their hair turning the weird magenta color.

System: Power Up Check 25 Pass

"Haaaa!" Marcel broke the seals Zi placed on him. His butthole was on the line for Pete's sake! His hair flickering white as his Dark Saiyan God fluctuated.

*Shine!* Power erupted as Frutas and Fasha fused. Supringsly they were still naked. Well they had the fusion vest on. But it disappeared into ki right after. That explained a little where that came from.

"Well, lets see if you can beat this queen." Their voice was in synch which defintely caused a problem for Marcel. It meant they were way furthur in the technique than he thought.

"Bring it on!" In a flash, he already struck forward.

Off in another room, the others were actually having a different out come. CaCao and Cheri were getting busy. His mechanical attachments driving the young female Saiyan wild. In another room Nappa and Aspara doing the same. The furniture was not going to survive them. Zi had moved to the room with the unknown Saiyan female after sending word to Lakishi to fix the issue.

"She should not exist." Vegeta/Zi checked over the child well looking over the information on the screen. The info back from the screen background check made no sense at first. Till he found the reason why. "So, your Homeworld is gone. The others.. are in the System Shop. Destroyed by A Traitor User to keep the others from gaining the version of themselves there. Smart move."

With a quick purchase, two babies appeared to go with this one.

"Caulifla, Kale, and Cabba. All togethor. Do not have the points to buy the others." Zi looked them over and noticed they were missing something. A small injection and a few Replicators and they each had tails. The Replicators also fixing any genetic issues they had. Which turned out to be a lot. "Hmm, Aspara can raise Kale. Frutas can raise Cabba. And Cheri or Fasha can raise Caulifa. Better than the enemy getting them."

A quick look at the screen and he noticed the others from the World were sealed away after he someone sent the report. Which meant they would be in stasis for a very long time. At least unaware of any time passing.

The good news the were all babies and really did not have any memories. It was easier to have them as Followers.