
Crap, I was Rifted: War Of the Users (Homeworld Dragonball Z Mix)

Follows the User Wars that touches on all the titles of Crap I was Rifted. Story focus is on the User Marcel. Other Users will appear for small instances. Bimonthly Update

FrozenTidez · Others
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21 Chs

Turles Part 8 Leaving Planet Plant!

Coming back was a hiccup. Zi did it just right. But.. the Traitor Users had did something that affected everyone that travelled. Knocking them all off slightly. Marcel arrived after one of the plans were underway.

The plan to get Frieza to question his brother ended in a slight flop. Cooler didn't even answer the call. Daiz was forced to escape. He managed it thanks to leaving in a cloaked pod to planet Plant. Injured he was forced to take the last of his supplies to heal.

The other plan planting the bombs worked wonders. The problem was that the ships Marcel had, they ran into issues. An actual magnetic storm for 50 and the rest. Cacao had engine trouble. Someone couldn't wait to try upgrading the Warp Drive. Rasin had screwed up and it might cost them.

King Vegeta was on the planet having been ordered by Frieza to investigate possible traitors. But it was mostly just to get rid of them all in one go. He wanted to kill him with his people so they could see how he failed them. Prince Vegeta was on his ship along with a few Saiyan babies. Why they were there, Marcel had know idea. Neither did Zi.

Seeing the quest that popped up, Marcel was pissed.

System: Survive the Destruction of Planet Plant. Rewards: Get to Live, Vary Failure: Death, Loss of current Forces

System: Bonus mission- Information has lead to new conclusions. Frieza has made contact with the Traitor Users. He plans on shipping the Saiyan infants to them. He will receive True Immortality if done. Info retrieved by Snugglysquid.

"Tch!" Marcel clicked his teeth annoyed. The plan was going so well. But he forgot that Frieza was a bitch. "What is your decisions?"

"We will Follow you." King Vegeta said between clenched teeth. The others obeying their King and bowing. His wounds more than enough to make him reconsider things. "Just what do we have to do now?"

Zi: Giving access to gateway. It will open to the Meat Farm. There is A lot of room. Oh, The fruit made on Planet Meat finished.

System: Tree of Might (Meat) Fruit increases cellular resistance, regenration, and adaptability.

'Damn it! Not enough!' Marcel cursed. In the long scope that would help. 'I need to get solve this issue right now. Frieze doing baby trafficking, defintely profitable I guess.'

"What now Marcel!?" Gine knocked him from his musings with the yell. Radditz behind her worried and Kakrot in her hands. Bardock was looking at something and was dazed as well.

"Nothing. You all are leaving." Marcel opened the gateway and ushered the Saiyans inside the pocket dimension. "Go there to calm your heads. Then I will follow afterward."

"What are you going to do?" Bardock asked. Daiz had the same questioning look. Seeing marcel looking up, he had a guess. Zi had sent him the info as well. "You.. are going to save the infants aren't you?"

"Yeah, I mean they deserve the chance. Besides, only a few Frieza forces are there anyway." Marcel checked his Ki and did the math. '20 minutes tops. The planet would pop in 25 minutes. That is being generous.'

Gine looked at Bardock feeling as if she would never see him again. She grabbed his hand wanting him to stay with the family.

"I have to. Kakarot and Radditz need you right now. I have to help save as many of our people as possible." He gave her a quick kiss and moved to Marcel. "We will have more time if we do this togethor."

"Go ahead we will get as much as we can inside." Fasha said. Tora was already lifting whole structures, placing them inside. They were broken but repairs were easier than full remakes.

"I will make sure none of Frieza loyalist cause trouble." Daiz said upset. He wanted to go and fight but knew what was more important. His scouter already registered the energy in the giant ball descending. 'Hope this goes over well.'

Marcel and Bardock flew a good distance away and stopped. Once it was all clear the two fused.

*Boooom!* In an instant they shot off to space. His power level hidden and the cloak activated to help from those with good eyesight.

Bardock: Your head is almost empty. But vast.

'Cause protection. A wall just makes someone want to tear it down to see what is inside. Empty make them want to fill it in.' Marcel thought back. His main focus was the babies on board. He had his mine blank to make sure he didn't know what he will do if they can't get them out of there. 'Try not to go nuts inside.'

Bardock: I am fine. I can still spread my senses around. The babies are to the left. Why are you headed to the right?

'To plant more bombs. Just in case the first ones are found.' Marcel planted them along the ships outside. A special one near the east engines. 'Alright, now for the rescue.'

Sneaking in was easy for the most part. Frieza was in the midst of a celebration with a few others. His soldiers standing by in fear. The single thought of their own people being next.

"It is a shame really. Who knew the planet was so durable. I must be having an off day." Frieza joked. He knew otherwise. His scouter picked up several Saiyans firing at his attack. They mitigated the blow a large margin. But only kept it from descending fully. Bardock crew doing the most work at first. The others adding in. The Frieza loyalist firing as well. They did not want to die. 'It is right that I got rid of them now. Father will have to just deal this.'

"Lord Frieza, should we leave or.." Zarbon was going to say more but stopped seeing Frieza's tail move a little. "..just to get a better view anyway."

"We are fine where we are." Frieza sipped a drink that looked very much like wine. "To bad about Prince Vegeta, he made a good lapdog." The others shivered at what Frieza did to the young Vegeta. Zi was using him as an Avatar at the time. "It will all be over soon, ahahahah!"

"Hahahaha!" Frieza's forces started laughing along with him. To scared not to.


- Nursery-


In the nursery at least 50+ baby Saiyans were sleeping. Unlike the regular machines they were in, these had domes that canceled outside sound out. It was to make sure none of them would wake up. As well as programming them.

Seeing the first caretaker, Marcel snuck up and snapped the man's neck.

*Crack!* The sound was audible as the lizard had thick bones. The corpse was put in his inventory.

"Pali, did you here something?" The other caretaker asked. He popped up from behind a healing vat with a cart. It was full of control head gear. "That fool left me alone! Doing this to all these babies will take forever."

The devices had needles on the inside that would burrow into the flesh. A good way to gain control of the subject was to start early. And messed with early development.

*Sniff, sniff!* The caretaker could smell something odd. He looked around before sniffing again.

*Sniffff! Sniffff!* His talk smacked the air just an inch from Marcel.

"I know I smell someone in here."

'No time to take this slow. We will have to grab some and the rest will..' Marcel did not like the rate they were going at. '.. we still have to get away from the explosion.'

Bardock: No! We have to save them all!

*Poof!* The fusion broke apart from the conflicting desires. Another consequence of not having mastered the Fusion Dance.

"Bardock.. two Bardocks.. wait, I know you." The caretaker stared at Marcel backing away. "Please do not kill me!"

Marcel was still disoriented and couldn't react In time. The caretaker left in a hurry.

"Damn it! Now we are in deep shit!" Marcel cursed as he moved to the babies. He opened the Gateway throwing them inside. The chambers were sturdy enough. They hoped. "You just had to loose your cool!"

"I panicked." Bardock answered lowly. He did the same as Marcel and threw the babies inside. Keeping an eye on anyone coming nearby.

Zi: A quest is available, would you like to partake in it?

'Depends on how good it will be.' Marcel moved to the last two and paused. It was because of the quest he received and who was inside. "Bullocks!" Another one was to the back but empty. The tech looked weird.

System: Save Prince Vegeta. Rewards: Loyalty of ??? Failure: Death of Operator's Avatar

Inside the tank was an extremely beaten Vegeta. The healing Vat was the only thing saving his life by the looks of it. Even then, that may not last much longer. The other one, Marcel had know idea. No time to really check either.

"Bardock get this one inside while I get this healing Vat. It looks new." Marcel did not want him to see the state of young Vegeta. With a twist, he ripped it and put it in his inventory after transferring Vegeta to the other pod with a spell. 'Shit, they are here!' Using that spell slot was a stupid move considering things. But he had to use another to cast a healing spell on him to.

"Alright, but hurry!" Bardock yelled. Moving to the two infants he lifted them up and was about to throw them inside. But a large power level got his attention. "Incoming!"

*Pew!* A laser cannon fired from the opening. A few flying into the gate. Bardock ran in to shield it. Another vat got his attention.

"Hup!" Marcel lifted the entire vat up and pushed it inside. Knocking Bardock inside as well.

"Fire!" Another volley of laser cannon fired. It blasted part of the floor causing, Marcel, to fall through in surprise. The Gate closing up as well. A sick feeling had caused him to become disoriented.

"Shit!" Marcel cursed. He started running to the nearest exit. Good thing the ships were almost built the same. 'Damn cloak is on cool down still.' The disorientation was from the use of the Gateway. It was not meant to be used in the way he had.

"There he is!" A soldier cried out.

"Out of my way!" Marcel wanted to fire a Ki blast but that would give him away. Then again, he was already found out. So no point in it. "Time to go!"

*Pew!* A large Ki blast was fired killing those in the hallway. It traveled around before stopping.

"Need to make an exit!" Turning, his arms bulged as he punched out. "Raaah!"

*Boom!* The impact tore a hole in the side. Charging up for a split second, Marcel burst out with a rush. Happy that the Replicators were able to make a suit to help him save on energy.

Outside several Frieza forces were gathered still. Making sure no Saiyans escaped the planet.

Marcel shot straight to the planet dodging laser cannon fire. Say what you will but continuous static damage was dangerous. Especially when you are hit enough. Once he believed he was safe enough away, he started detonating the explosives.

The ship rocked from side to side before ripping in half. Either the people inside had started to disable some or.. more needed to be placed.

"That just bites." Marcel turned to look back. The time limit was dropping and his Ki was dwindling fast sustaining him in space. "Of course I am not that lucky." The replicators were providing a little support. Helping to stave off the cold.

"You stupid monkey! I will make you pay for this a 100 times over!" Frieza yelled. The brier around the ship fluctuated jus slightly. "I think a second helping is warranted."

*Bwoop!* Another Death Ball gathered at Frieza's fingertips. He tilted and held it for a bit. Something else shot down to the other one on the planet. It did nothing as far as Marcel could tell.

"Tch!" Marcel was floating back to conserve ki. Waiting for gravity to take over really. But it would be to late. 'All or nothing.' Pulling on the Divine Ki he pushed his body to the max. About to move far enough away to get in his pod and get away.

But the Death Ball detonated down below. With a turn, he made a new plan and hoped for the best.

Dark energy currents circled around his body. As his hair flickered white, Marcel clutched his hands togethor. His body was nowhere near prepared for the energy, but it would have to work.

"Die!" Frieza launched the attack. With a pluck, it went down with one finger. Frieza was showing off. It went more towards Marcel than the actual other one. 'What is with that energy?' Frieza felt uneasy. A greater desire to end him passing over.

'Divine Kill Driver!' Marcel fired a white ring of energy. Pushing against the Death Ball, only hastened his descent. He had know idea where the others were. Hurtling towards the planet, he pulled his Saiyan pod out of his inventory behind him. "Upgrades better hold!" No way he was getting away. He had to hope for the mest. His magic was used to create a hard shell around him.

*Booooom!* The planet detonated. Engulfing Marcel in its blast.