
Tutorial Part 1:Xenos and Followers

The difficulty of the Tutorial was really high set. A lot of stuff was involved and he seemed to have a Mental Block. Good old amnesia to deal with things. Which was something else of a bad choice.

System: Aliens (2179) User is to survive. The longer he does, the more rewards.

"Ch..ch ..ch!" Sounds of chittering teeth could be heard. Titan turned to see a little mouth looking at him.

"Hi," He said not afraid. "What's up?" Looking at the Xenomorph, he was surprised it was taller in real life. Bigger than the statue of the one he saw in Guam while deployed in the military. "Man you look legit as hell. Same as Tyrannids and Zergs. Which makes sense."

"You can communicate with me?" The Xenomorph moved down a little as the chittering lessened but project thoughts were tangible speech to someone like Titan. It's body is poised ready to strike still. "You are different. Not fully human. The scent you give off, more than what a Queen has."

"Yeah, your right. The scent is that of my Broodfather Blood ingrained in my soul and a part of my title. So again, what's up?" The Xenomorph did not understand the title part. It understood Brood a little.

"Passing genetics over. Making... making more of my kind." The Xenomorph was quite chill as it talked. Something about Titan calmed it immensely.

"Alright. Well, good luck with that." Titan started to walk away and sung a tune. "La La La Lalala."

"Wait!" The Xenomorph raised up and crawled around the ceiling coming over to him. "Come to the queen. She would want to meet you." It was quite incessant by the Biotic Strands it released.

"Meh, alright. Lead the way." Titan said. The creatures were fast but not fast enough he couldn't avoid if he pushed himself. Not counting the use of skills he was not worried. The surroundings started to trigger stuff in his buried memories. The Movie Aliens was where he was. Just modified. 'Hmm, I wonder what would happen if I Indoctrinated one?'

The Indoctrination was an ability he gained from the Reaper Node he use to have. Combined with magic and a touch from D.G. cells and the power of an Everchosen. Combined with magic, he was able to always use it despite not having the device. Even more, he wished to use DG cells to help with it more.

On machines of course.

They traveled down the hallways of the ship. Slowly, as Titan wasn't in any rush. And conversed with each other. Titan informed the creature that it was a bioweapon that over the centuries had been re-purposed and recreated for various tasks. But overall, it was a defunct. There was no real purpose besides breeding and running from different races that used it for sport.

It did not take the information to well. A lack of purpose was something it wanted. But the power of the queen was a lot to consider.

Said Queen was now in front of the two.

"That's a big old woman there." Said Titan looking at the large Xenomorph Queen. "For the life of me, I cant tell where you could go. Oh, you remind me a bit of the Rachni Queen I had. As well as De'Vora. But they were technically close in design with you. Well, the latter had a slim waist and really tight ass."

Titan moved his hands in the shape of a woman. It was out of habit that he talked while usuing his hands when he was excitied.

"Hssss!" Several hissings went out in the room. The Queen moved its head around and felt Titan's presence. It felt fear and a large amount of servitude towards him. It did not help when Titan entered the area, he released his Pather Power to calm it down as well as used his Indoctrination to keep it from attacking him. 'You are unusual. Not a regular like the others.' The queen thought to him.

'Nope.' Titan moved forward and stoke the side of the creature. Fingers grazing it carefully. 'I remember what happens now. This abomination inside will kill you. If you serve me.. I will make sure you live. As well as the one behind me. I like him.' He moved it over her stomach area.

The genetic learning of a Lifeshaper from Halo at work once again. He wanted to study the abomination inside and have the Queen at his side. The abomination would die of course, for research purposes. But not the Queen. She was a very lovely specimen.

'But I must continue to evolve. It is the next step in our evolution.' The Queen thought back.

'Bah, it is a reject. You have a womb-like a woman. You can have a lot more children and change more. That thing will die, I can assure you.' Titan moved along its side to the large head. 'The rampant killing and devoid of purpose is annoying to me. I rather use you for my own ideas and designs in the future.'

'You would just kill us then!' The Queen rose up as best as its massive head would allow. "Hsssss!" It called out dangerously. The others getting ready to fight.

'Calm your tits their beautiful. Well, you dont have tits.. so yeah. Oh, calm your thorax. That sounds right.' Titan waved his energy over her. 'Mental Cleansing. No need for hormone problems.' The spell cleared away the aggression easily enough.

"Do not harm the queen!" The Xenomorph that came with him said. It moved up behind Titan ready to attack but didnt. It was confused about what to do.

"I will not. I am leaving." Titan turned to walk away. "Good luck with everything." He waved and shot down the corridors. None followed as he moved. He came across a few of the others. 'Oh, I am not here for them.' Jumping into the shadows was easy enough.

System: Reflex Check 31 Pass Stealth Check 26 Pass

Moving along the ceiling was easy enough with all the cables. Crawling and moving like an insect.

'Hmm, so many eggs in there. Not counting the ones in the other area that appeared in the movie, I wonder what else is different?' Spreading his perception out he cast spell on himself. Now able to see furthur, he realized he was on the colony and not a ship. He came to a good bit after things happen already. 'But why is this one here? Shouldn't that be the next movie?'

Crawling along the walls was easy enough after using his spirit energy to mask his presence further. Down below a few Colonial Marines moved about. They were way more heavily geared than they should be. Adding it all togethor, it made sense that a User had been to an instant in the timeline earlier.

The log confirmed it after he made enough deductions.

System: A User fought hard in the movie Alien. Actions changed the rate of Xenomorph intelligence and reproduction. A large number of the Users Followers were sacrificed to escape. Orbital Bombardment was set to take place with the Homing Beacon placed. However, a Wayland member prevented it. The User was arrested with his remaining survivors under the charge of War crimes.

'Man, that bites.' Moving to the next block building, Titan paused. 'Should I go an see if they should be saved? Or do I just keep moving around and having fun watching? Decisions, decisions.'

"We still haven't found them yet." A Colonial Marine said to another. They were moving togethor slowly as they searched. A Xenomorph was afraid not to far from them. Hiding as best it could. The rounds they carried would do terrible things to its kind. Gift of the Users weapons that used to be alive. "It is just one woman, a girl, and one baby. How hard can it be?"

"Well, if these damn creatures were not here, this would not be a problem. Can not believe they want to capture these things. It is so stupid. Waste of money and lives."

"I hear that. Makes me think about the old story of the marine that was framed." The first Marine stopped. Pointing his light to the ceiling, he was about 15 feet from spotting Titan. "But it is not like the guy couldnt present the stuff better. Went in there ranting and raving like a lunatic."

"Didn't he kick it up a few months ago? Started spitting ravings that it was getting ready to get worse?" The marines spotted another pair furthur up. They were running towards them injured. "Shit! They have company!"

Behind the two injured, several Xenomorphs were chasing. They were slow and covered in several devasting wounds. The tactic involved was to disable them. Limbs were missing all over. The mouth was destroyed but the head overall was untouched.

System: Bonus Quest: Assist the Marines or assist the Xenomorphs.

'Meh not assisting either of them. Gonna take the time to move furthur in.' Titan climbed furthur up and ran on a foothold. He was heading towards the next group of people nearby. 'Maybe they made it to medical?'

The info for the Tutorial placing, put him as a Colonist. He survived by isolation. As in, he was half way across the Colony doing research when it all started.

A few minutes later, he found them. Popping the duct crate seal, he dropped in. Since the marines didnt find them according to what was being said, it was a long shot they were in here. The girl Newt was holding the baby that as mentioned. Ripley was tending to a marine on a slab. The armor was beat up. A closer look revealed they did not belong here.

Titan knew that by the face. It was an exact likeness of Gene Starwind from Outlaw Star. The scratch marks on the face like a tiger scratch, weird spiky red hair, and Observe kicking in let him know he was right.

Observe: Gene Starwind Level 21

Specialty: ????, Mercenary, Taoist

Status: Injured, Incubation period, Depressed

'He has been fighting a very long time. Must be a survivor of that User's people. What to do about the incubation period?' As Titan thought, he floated down the side silently. The baby spotted him and gurgled. The others not noticing a thing. 'Telepathy would have been the smarter thing to do, but this is more fun.'

Smiling he moved up and introduced himself.

"Need any help?"

"What the hell?!" Ripley turned to grab at her gun. Titan just blinked at her innocently. His eyes blinking slowly as he waved at them. "A colonist, are you with him?"

"Nope. But I do know of him. Want help with removing that from inside you Mr.Starwind?" Gene's eyes went wide looking at Titan. Considering he had nothing displaying his name, he assumed it was someone like himself. All of the Followers of the User had alias instead of their actual name. "I can remove it safely before the Marines come around and find you all."

"Are they close?" Newt said lowly. This suprised the hell out of Titan. He was expecting the girl to be completely mute after everything that happened. She was in the movies anyway. "You here to help us?"

"They are close. Yes, I am here to help a little bit. Have you seen magic before?" She shook her head no. "You are about to." Titan moved over to Gene and grabbed a scalpel. "Nurse Ripley, please remove his upper arm. It is time to operate."

"Just do it, I rather not have those things burst out of my body." Gene said. The slow response made him smile, but time was of the essence. "You have done this before right?"

"Yes. Quite a few times actually." Titan waited till they finished moving the chest piece then wiped his stomach down up towards the neck. "This will be painful, but you are used to pain by now. Who all came with you originally?"

System: Heal (Medince) Check 41 Pass

Ripley moved to the side and was trained on the door to fire. Newt watched Titan at work. The baby already falling back asleep. Titan used a sleep spell to keep from hearing any outbursts.

The scalpel cut along easily enough. What ever upgrades Gene had, kept his body from regenerating over it. No blood was bursting out either. His User spent good points on him.

Moving the guts out of the way was easy with psychic power.

"There it is. Almost fully ready. Tail wrapped around your spine a little." Titan wrapped the Xenomorph in his Pather power. He was sending it calming vibes. If it acted up, he would resort to the more hostile options. "Let go little one. This man has provided enough to you already."

"Chcchc!" Its little mouth moved. It was weak but it would survive. Slowly the tail pulled free. The little limbs wiggling as Titan scooped it out. He walked over to one of the containers and placed it inside.

"There there, it will be alright if you remain quiet and still." Titan soothed the little monster. Its thoughts were to underdeveloped to communicate from its end. "Now to fix the damage inside of you."

"Just Jim, Aisha, and Malfina. But they are out in deep space. How about my boss? Do you know what happened to him?" Gene was feeling better with the xenomorph no longer eating away at his strength. He felt Titan try to talk with him telepathically and allowed the connection.

"He was arrested." Titan said for the benefit of those in the room.

He spoke Telepathecally about what he knew to Gene on the User that may be his boss. The conversation went on for awhile. Finally healed of the damage, Titan sealed him up and watched as the stitches vanished. Gene's regeneration kicked in.

That was not the only thing that kicked in.

*Crnnk!* A pair of the jaws of life pierced the door.