
town of revelation

As Pibby made her way towards the town after deciding to leave the creatures she couldn't help but let her mind wonder 'wonder who lives there, are they friendly?, what are these creatures, are they animals?,how intelligent are they?' Are a few questions that went through her mind. When she got to the town all her questions made way for one big one "where is everybody?".

Walking further into the town she was in, it came as no surprise to her that she only reached up to the handrail of one of the benches. What did come as a surprise to her was her own reflection in one of the shop windows. Instead of seeing herself bleeding and scratched like she had before she came here but what surprised her the most was the fact that two eyes were reflecting back at her. She had been so caught up in her emotions that she hadn't noticed that her vision had improved

Hearing a sound from the next shop over she wandered over and saw a tv displaying the news "breaking news, all psychic type pokemon in all regions have begun to head to the inland areas of unova. What has caused this? Where are they going? Here's more information from our special guest professor Cerise" the camera turned round to show a very nervous looking man with maroon hair. He looked nervous, like he was scared to say what was happening. After a few seconds he appeared to pull himself together and said in a very serious tone "thank you kinsey. As you all know the psychic type pokemon are acting strange and strange behavior is my job to research." He took a drink of water and continued "me and my team have done research and we discovered they're all heading to one area. We investigated the area and found nothing special about the area. There is one thing that stands out. The area all these pokemon are heading to is on the complete opposite side of the world from Alola, namely melemele island. We already have researchers on their way there and we should have an answer soon" the camera spun back around to the reporter "thank you professor cerise for your help, more information at 8 but in the meantime here's the cantos pokemon battles" the camera cut to two people standing on a square with two creatures between them

Pibby had no idea what a pokemon was but she was smart enough to put two and two together and concluded that the weird creatures in this universe were called pokemon. She was happy with this answer and continued walking. A few moments later the sound of shouting caught her attention. It seemed like it came from nearby and it sounded like a lot of people.