
calming grasps

After calming down and realizing that she was in no danger she laid down again . though still wary of her surroundings she was clearly relieved of her surroundings, i mean why wouldn't she be, It was either be dead or be in a nice field. "This is nice" she said to herself as she finally was able to process it. For months she had been preparing for war against the corruption but now she finally had time to relax.

At the back of her mind there was a small voice saying 'it could have followed us. Even if it didn't it will find its way here, nothing you do can stop it' but as Pibby lay there she pushed those thoughts away, she just wanted to not think about it and relax. After laying there for about 10 minutes she fell asleep.

What woke her up wasn't the sound of sirens of soldiers shouting that she was used to, no what woke her up was a small grub digging in the dirt around her. Pibby wasn't scared of bugs after seeing the corruption so she just sat there watching it. The grub was white with an orange head, two large orange mandibles, orange spots and two black little eyes. The grub dug in the dirt but unlike normal grubs this one was very fast but stayed around Pibby.

After a few minutes of watching the small grub, something yellow and hovering zoomed past the area. Although it was gone in a few seconds she was able to see one thing before it disappeared and it was a facial expression, one she knew all too well, fear.

Without waiting another second she was up and chasing the yellow creature. There are two reasons she chased it, first of all she wanted to catch up to it and find out what was wrong (though she could probably guess), the second reason was because it was obviously running from something and she didn't want to be near whatever it was.

When she finally caught up to the yellow creature she saw that it had stopped near a short drop about 5 foot high that was next to the sea. The yellow creature was a yellow mouse riding on its tail like a surfboard. It had its head in its hands and it looked like its head was going to explode due to how tightly it was holding its head. Looking round she realized that it wasn't the only creature here. There were a few more surfboard mice, several pink birds wearing pa'u and a purple orangutan.

All the present creatures were as close to the water as possible without falling in. One notable thing they all had in common was that all their heads seemed to be in extreme pain. They all had their heads in their hands/paws/wings and seemed to all be scared of something in the forest beyond the field Pibby woke up in. Looking around at the group of frightened creatures she noticed a shiny object that caught her attention. Looking beyond the creatures she saw a large sea town that had lots of buildings and a large round one she could see from quite a distance away. The round building had a red roof and had a red and white circle above the door. 'Wonder what that is' she thought.