
battle for the universe

The corrupted form of Arceus rose high above the group blocking the sun. A black ball that flickered with colorful pixels like Arceus's skin formed in front of its open mouth and it began to grow with every passing nanosecond.

None of the legendaries could move after seeing the downfall of their god. They were too stunned and just watched as the ball of death reached its max size and flew towards them.

Part of Pibby's brain she didn't know she had was so frightened it let out an inner high pitched squeal that only Pibby could hear, and it was loud. If you at home have ever heard the youtube video 'LOUDEST NOISE EVER *WARNING*!' (yes this is a real video) then you know how loud a squeal can be, but for Pibby it was so much worse. It was louder than that and it caused Pibby physical pain. The noise felt like her head would explode. Her brain was vibrating but she didn't need to know that.

When it stopped Pibby was left dazed but unharmed except her head was throbbing like it would when you have a headache. But she was brought out of her pain by the ball of corruption again but it seemed to have barely moved from its position before her head almost killed her. But now it was moving again just as fast as it had before.

When it was only about 2 meters away from the still stunned legendaries it suddenly smashed into a floating panel of gray corruption.

Confused on what was happening several more spheres of corruption were fired but all were met with similar results, each hitting gray corrupted panels.

A hole that the residents on the ship recognised as an ultra wormhole split the skies and started leaking corruption. But unlike the corruption currently attacking them this corruption was gray.

It dripped onto the ship causing everyone onboard to move back. A large gray corrupted mass plopped out of the wormhole and onto the ship. "Great another one, just what we needed!" one of the crew members shouted. The gray corruption lifted its form until it resembled several rectangles.

Pibby had never seen this kind of corruption before, it looked dangerous but didn't attack any of the people on the ship and what's more the shields that protected them were obviously from this new corruption.

The new gray corruption suddenly began floating and with what seemed like the sun being turned off everything was pitch black. When the light returned in every direction you looked, the gray corruption was there in the distance. Looking up, the gray corruption replaced the sky. Even the sea reflected the gray corrupted background.

Even behind the island the gray corruption towered over the black corruption's highest point already showing which one was superior and it hadn't even been here three minutes.

The gray corruption began dissolving into the oceans making giant waves that spanned past the other three visible islands. The waves started enclosing in on the location where all the spectators were. the gray corruption made blankets that emerged from the water that covered the islands completely, when it was removed it left the islands as they had been before the black corruption had attacked, minus the people of course as they were on the boat and all signs of the black corruption were removed.

As the waves moved closer to them thousands of attacks met it, the black corruption was using all of its captured pokemon to attack the only thing in the omniverse that could not only harm it but could actually kill it which was unheard of. But the attacks had as much of an effect on the gray corruption as it had on the black one.

The waves passed under the tripod legs not even rocking the ship and like the black corruption had done with the legendaries gray tendrils emerged from the water and wrapped around Arceus dragging it towards the last corrupted island that still had thousands of attacks coming from it.

Arceus, empowered by the corruption's distress, emanated large waves of dark energy that shattered rocks like glass and withered any remaining plants that weren't corrupted already. But even this at such close range did not even slow down the gray corruption. When it reached the shores the gray corruption emerged from the water with not a drop of water on its corrupted mass. powerful close combat legendary moves were used by by-standing legendaries but as soon as contact was made they were pulled into the gray corruption.

As it moved to the center of the island it absorbed all the black corruption like you would if you wiped a cloth across a dusty surface. At the center of the island a black cocoon containing the black corruption's main intelligence stood about 40 feet high but the gray corruption's wall around it was easily 60 feet tall. Several tendrils sprang from the walls creating a net that pierced the black cocoon causing it to leak black corruption.

The tendrils tensed causing the gray corrupted walls to collapse on top of the cocoon completely erasing it from existence.

The gray corruption resuming its original rectangle form, it formed a gray corrupted panel that lifted it to the group of five legendaries. First stunned by fear and now of awe they just hung there with their mouths open watching the corruption float 5 meters away. even the people on the ship were stunned after seeing how easily it had defeated something that had defeated Arceus.

"I told you it's just what we needed, '' the crewmate from before shouted, breaking the silence. After the crewmate received a slap to the back of the head the whole ship bursted out in cheers of happiness about still being alive.

When the cheering quieted down the corruption glowed a faint orange and something emerged out of Pibby's head. It phased through the back of her skull and was absorbed into the gray corruptions form.

As soon as it was gone a brief but vivid memory emerged in Pibby's mind. She had seen this corruption before, she had seen it in the wormhole that had brought her here, she had seen it and now she remembered it.

The corruption waited a few more moments before it was brought back to the wormhole and disappeared into it leaving the world behind. Back on the island everything that had been corrupted had been released from the corruption's grasp and was now laying unconscious.

Calling flygon and dragonite out the two boys flew toward the group of conscious legendaries. "What just happened?" Goh and Ash asked. Deep in thought Mewtwo replied 'i'm not sure but in any case she is best with you.'' Mewtwo said passing Pibby to Goh. She had fainted after the memories had returned and was placed into her pokeballs.

'I must go now' Mewtwo said and quickly teleported away the others followed suit except for Eternatus who was teleported to Leons location (he was in a championship battle and was surprised when his legendary appeared interrupting the battle) and cresselia who flew down to the island and stayed near darkrai's unconscious form.

Goh followed Cresselia down to the island full of unconscious legendaries. "Now's the perfect time to catch them" Goh said and he did, the process was long due to how strong and feisty some legendaries are in their sleep so i won't bore you with the details except that Goh did catch most of the legendaries and he did get almost crushed by legendaries rolling over.

As Goh finally finished catching Giratina he recalled suicune into its pokeball and made it way to the next legendary which happened to be darkrai. Darkrai was lying next to Cresselia who was trying to use heal pulse to wake him up but nothing worked. As Goh approached, Cresselia took notice and turned towards Goh and stopped. She hadn't looked properly before but now she could clearly see that it was one of the boys that had saved her and darkrai from team rocket. She knew he was a good person but was he good enough to be trusted with her love.

"Hey cresselia, i know we met before and i am sorry for what happened to darkrai but if you let me catch him i can bring him to a pokemon center" Goh said with the calm reassuring voice he usually used to to talk to pokemon.

Cresselia thought this over. It was true he could help but what would that cost?, their freedom?, and as if sensing what she was saying Goh said "if you let me catch darkrai he could be like suicune and i would never contain or restrain him, i just want to help him."

Finally making up her mind cresselia moved out of the way allowing Goh to throw a pokeball and catch darkrai, as Goh picked it up he felt an empty pokeball be removed from his back pocket and when he turned around he saw cresselia tap it on herself, allowing herself to be caught. "Cresselia and darkrai have been registered to your pokedex" his rotom pokedex sounded from his side pocket.

Picking up the two pokeballs he released cresselia and said to her "if you want you want you can carry Darkrai's ball" which cresselia gratefully accepted holding the pokeball in her mouth following Goh. Goh made his way to the last legendary on the island to catch, Arceus itself.

When Goh emerged into the clearing in the middle of the island he stood in awe as the unconscious form of Arceus the creator of the universe lay before him, looking at the purple pokeball he had found in the crate he threw it towards the resting god.

3 months later

Goh stood with Ash watching all the pokemon in Cerise park playing. Most of the legendaries were off somewhere else doing whatever helped the universe. The ones that had stayed had trained with Ash and Goh and now Ash stood second and Goh stood third as the best pokemon battlers in the world. Turns out Pibby is a psychic type and after weeks of practice she learned how to use psychic type moves. She had quickly become one of Gohs best fighters due to her soldier training she had done in the MACF and her observant nature of watching the gods in her former group.

Pibby was told telepathically that their universe was the only one left, all other universes had been taken over by the corruption. It told her that the gray corruption was protecting the universe she was in but could not save other universes. She had no idea who had told her this but she felt sad that all her friends from the war were gone forever and that she would never be able to see any other universe ever again, but she didn't mind, she had grown to love this universe and she was glad that if she was stuck in any universe, it was this one. With her friends by her side Pibby went on to be a legendary pokemon herself after immortality was bestowed upon her by arceus.

10,000 years later

An area of grass was disturbed as a human awoke from his unconscious state.

'Where am I?' He thought to himself looking around, but the only sound that came out of his mouth was the word "Sai-tama"