
The Mall

The air conditioning hit them like a blast of arctic air as they stepped out of the summer heat and into the echoing expanse of Lenox Square Mall. The scent of popcorn and cinnamon mingled with the vague musk of a hundred different perfumes, a uniquely Atlanta olfactory experience.


"Alright, guys," Arell announced, his voice barely rising above the murmur of the crowd. "There's a bunch of stores on the second floor. Let's check it out."


Malik bounced the worn basketball he'd somehow managed to bring along, "Upstairs? You sure we can't just grab some new simple tees from that store by the food court? This old one I got, has a ketchup stain the size of Texas on it."


Arell chuckled. "Come on, Malik, my uncle left me a decent bit of cash, we can splurge just a bit."


"Oh yeah, fifty thousand is a lot, surprised your uncle had that much to be honest." Malik replied.


Devon, perpetually glued to his phone, glanced up. "Oh, right. There's this one called 'Threads' on the second floor. They have a good selection of local brands and stuff, apparently."


A slow smile spread across Malik's face. "Local brands, now that's interesting. Maybe they'll have some Hawks gear."


They navigated the bustling crowds, dodging strollers and weaving past teenagers lost in their phones. The air grew thick with the aroma of Cinnabon as they passed by, a silent temptation Arell managed to resist. Finally, they reached the second floor and followed the rhythmic pulse of hip-hop beats to their destination.


Threads wasn't a flashy store. The storefront had a simple, clean design with a single, large window showcasing mannequins dressed in a mix of classic and trendy street wear. They pushed open the door, the familiar scent of fresh cotton and new clothes washing over them.


A young woman with a bright smile and a nose ring greeted them. "Hey there, welcome to Threads! Can I help you guys find anything?" Her voice had a friendly lilt, and her name tag read 'Aisha.'


Arell returned the smile. "Thanks, we're just browsing for now. Maybe some new tees and stuff." He glanced at Malik, who was already gravitating towards a rack of brightly colored hoodies


Aisha chuckled. "No problem at all. We've got a great selection of local Atlanta designers. Anything specific you're looking for?"


"Maybe something….casual," Devon offered, finally looking up from his phone.


Aisha's smile widened. "Perfect! Follow me." She led them deeper into the store, pointing out different racks and highlighting designs by local artists. Kenny picked up a bunch of graphic tee's, the best one featuring a re imagined image of the Atlanta skyline, while Arell found himself drawn to a simple black hoodie with a small embroidered image of a phoenix rising from the ashes that felt oddly symbolic.


As they browsed, Arell exchanged glances with Aisha, he couldn't help but notice how her light skin glowed under the store lights, highlighting the way her long hair cascaded down her shoulders in loose waves. But it was her eyes, a deep brown that held flecks of gold, that truly held Arell's attention. She continued to linger near him, offering suggestions for shirts that matched his eye color or pointing out details in designs he seemed drawn to. Her playful demeanor and genuine interest in his taste made him more interest in easing into a conversation with Aisha.


Malik, oblivious to the budding connection between the two, was busy modeling a bright yellow hoodie emblazoned with a octopus holding up a skyscraper. "Yo, check this out, fellas, this is how you make a statement on stage, right?" he boomed, striking a dramatic pose.


Devon, ever the practical one, snorted. "Yeah, if you're aiming for 'psychedelic sea creature' as your stage persona." He held up a plain white Polo tee. "This is more my style. Simple but effective."


Aisha laughed, the sound like wind chimes. "You guys are hilarious, that octopus hoodie is definitely…unique. But you're right, you could never go wrong with a Polo." She winked at Arell, their eyes locking for a moment before she looked away,


"You know we should get some clothes for Geoffrey as well, dude's wardrobe is probably lined up with suits." Kenny chimed in as Devon, Malik and Aisha went to another area of the store


"I don't know man," Arell admitted, "we don't even know his size, speaking of Geoffrey, what car do you think he's going to buy?" He asked Kenny, having given Geoffrey over half of the money he had received from the system to spend.


Kenny, ever the car enthusiast, contemplated. "He'll probably go for something practical, reliable. Maybe a Toyota? A Prius, even?"


Aisha, who had been waltzing a few racks down, chimed in with a casual smile. "Oh, I actually have a Prius," she revealed, holding up her keys with a playful jingle. "Not the flashiest car, but it gets the job done."


Arell whistled appreciatively. "Prius is a pretty cool car brand actually," He nudged Kenny. "Maybe Geoffrey will follow suit and join the Prius club."


Kenny grimaced playfully. "I doubt, a Prius just wouldn't be his style, you know?"


"True," Arell conceded. "Maybe a Subaru then? They're pretty practical,"


Kenny nodded thoughtfully. "Subaru… that could work. Though, knowing Geoffrey, he might surprise us all and go for something completely unexpected."


Suddenly, Aisha reappeared again, a stack of neatly folded shirts in her arms. "Alright, guys, I think you've got a pretty good haul going on here, you're other friends are finished. Ready to make some decisions?"


Arell forced his focus to Aisha, "Yeah, we're good," feeling a pang of disappointment that their shopping adventure was nearing its end. He wasn't quite ready to leave the comfortable atmosphere of the store, or Aisha's company.


"Hey, Aisha," he began casually "I gotta say, you have a great eye for style. Those suggestions you gave me were spot-on." Kenny who had caught on, flashed Arell a knowing grin before walking off to where the others were. His voice smooth and easygoing, he continued, "for real, thanks for the assist today. You got a magician's touch with clothes." He gestured towards the neatly folded pile of clothes.


Aisha's smile widened, her eyes crinkling at the corners. "Glad I could help you out, Arell. You were a fun to shop with."


There was a comfortable silence between them, Arell wasn't sure if he should push his luck he'd never been that interactive with females before he was sent to jail, but the prospect of their conversation ending left a hollow feeling in his chest.


"This store had a real vibe, you know?" he continued, keeping his tone casual. "You made it even cooler." His gaze lingered on her for a moment longer than necessary.


Aisha chuckled, a light and melodic sound. "Well, you-… guys definitely kept things interesting," she replied, a playful glint in her eyes. "There's a dope little cafe right around the corner. You guys ever venture out that way?"


The suggestion sent a wave of relief washing over Arell. This was his chance. "Actually," he said, a grin spreading across his face, "I was looking for a tour guide, I'm pretty new to Atlanta."


The invitation hung in the air, a silent plea for her company. Arell held her gaze, hoping his intentions were clear. Aisha raised an eyebrow, a playful smile still dancing on her lips. "A tour guide, huh?" she teased, tilting her head slightly. "Well, Atlanta's got a lot… to offer, depending on what you're into." Grabbing a stray strand of hair, she began absentmindedly curling it around her finger, the movement drawing Arell's attention to the way the light danced in her eyes.


Catching onto the playful challenge in her tone, Arell decided to match her energy with a subtle hint of his own. He leaned back against the wall, mirroring her relaxed posture, and offered a casual shrug. "Honestly," he admitted, a hint of amusement creeping into his voice, "I'm down to explore anything. Just trying to soak up the Atlanta experience, you know? Maybe with a cool person showing me the ropes."


Aisha's smile widened, her eyes sparkling with amusement. The playful lilt in her voice sent a thrill down Arell's spine. "Well, I wouldn't call myself a professional tour guide," she countered, her gaze lingering on him for longer than necessary, "but I do know a few hidden gems around here." Her glance flicked down to the neatly folded pile of clothes, a knowing glint in her eyes. "Those clothes are begging to be shown off, wouldn't you say?"


"You're right," he said, his hand reaching into his pocket. "Those clothes deserve a great debut. How about I get your number so we can plan the perfect outing to show them off?"


Aisha's smile was like a ray of sunshine. She tilted her head back and let out a melodic laugh. "Alright, smooth talker," she teased, her eyes sparkling with amusement. Taking his phone, she quickly punched in her digits and returned it to him with a playful wink. "There you go, Atlanta explorer. Don't say I never helped a guy out."


With a triumphant grin, Arell pocketed his phone, feeling a surge of confidence. He thanked Aisha again for her help with the clothes, the compliment lingering in the air between them. The rest of the group had already finished browsing and were waiting by the register, their shopping bags overflowing. They settled their purchases and exited Threads not before Arell noticed that his charisma had gone up multiple rating, because of his conversation with Aisha he presumed.


There were still a few more stops on their list. They moved quickly through the throngs of Saturday afternoon shoppers, their arms laden with bags after running through different stores, phones, shoes, clothes, a PlayStation four, their bags were host to a number of items.


Emerging from the cool, artificial light of the mall into the warm Georgia sunshine felt refreshing. They blinked in the sunlight for a moment, reacquainting themselves with the world outside. As they compared their purchases and made plans for the evening, a sleek, metallic black 2013 Subaru Forester pulled up in front of the curb. The driver's side window rolled down, revealing Geoffrey's familiar grin.


"Check out the new ride!" he boomed, gesturing towards the car. "Isn't she a beauty?"


They all crowded around the car, impressed by Geoffrey's choice.


"Nice one, Geoffrey," Malik said, circling the car and peering through the windows.


Geoffrey chuckled, popping the trunk. "Yeah, figured it'd be good for all our gear. Plus, it's got all-wheel drive, perfect for Atlanta."


As they loaded their shopping bags into the trunk, a dark glint flickered in Geoffrey's eyes for a fleeting moment. He slammed the trunk shut a little harder than necessary. "Alright guys," he announced, his voice lower than usual, "before we head back, I've got some news." Geoffrey cleared his throat. "I also got what you needed."


Malik's eyes widened. "Guns? You got the guns?"


"Did you get into legal issues?" Devon interjected, his voice laced with concern. "What kind of guns did you get? And where did you even get them?"


Geoffrey held up his hands defensively. "Whoa, whoa, relax everyone. It's cool. I had to pull a few strings, but money talks," He grimaced, looking toward Arell with an apologetic glint in his eyes, "Had to spend a few extra dollars, lucky enough because you lot were in Juvenile for most of your sentence I was able to get papers ran through a friendly ATF office."


"Alright." Arell conceded, a tinge of doubt lingering in his mind "At least we'll won't be walking around unprotected, never know what could happen." His tone being one of worry as he glanced at his friends, a knowing look on their faces.


"If anything happens…" Kenny trailed off, his eyes holding a dark glint within them, "We'll hold it down, for sure." Kenny stated, the hidden meaning being understood by all.


"So, what kind of firepower are we going to snag?" Malik's voice, usually booming with excitement, was subdued, laced with a hint of apprehension. "Relax, relax," Geoffrey chuckled, "Atlanta ain't exactly the strictest on gun laws. Background check's a breeze, especially with a little…persuasion, and you can get a lot of different guns down here, personally, I'd go for some handguns, recent purchases have put a dent in the funds after all." He winked at Arell, his tone laced with a hint of something shifty. Arell forced a smile as Geoffrey finished his announcement about the guns. A cold dread had settled in his stomach. He stole a glance at his friends, their faces reflecting a mixture of emotions that mirrored his own, as much as he hated that they had to go through this much trouble incase they had a run in with their past affiliates, deep down he felt a sense of satisfaction knowing that they had gotten their hands on weapons so soon after getting out of jail.


Despite their windfall, the carefree vibe of their afternoon had evaporated, replaced by a tense uncertainty. Arell knew it was also necessary that they remained vigilant as Atlanta was packed with criminal activities, with many famous rappers having considerable influence over Atlanta, he'd have to be careful not to step on the toes of other. But for now, they wrapped up their shopping trip, the weight of Geoffrey's news hanging heavy in the air.


They piled into the new Subaru, the excitement of the car quickly overshadowed by the unspoken tension. As they pulled away from the curb, Arell cast a longing glance back at the mall. The encounter with Aisha, though brief, had offered a glimmer of hope for a fresh start, a start that didn't involve violence. He clutched the phone in his pocket, the promise of their future outing a tiny spark of light in the growing darkness.




Name: Arell Rose

Alias: N/A



Strength: 42/100

Agility: 60/100

Stamina: 43/100

Durability: 54/100

Intelligence: 72/100

Charisma: 65 -------> 68 (+15 Boost due to handsomeness)


Rapper Stats

Flow: 56

Voice: 58.5

Lyrics: 29

Production: 53

Performance: 14

Freestyle: 40

Songwriting: 32


Hidden Stats [Locked]

Business Acumen: 39/100

Marketing: 20



Hidden Status' 

Expansive Vocabulary (Rare)

Ear for Music (Extremely Rare)

Foresight Gambit (Rare)

Street Hustler (Uncommon)

Chicago Streets: Lyrical Inspiration (Uncommon)


Roulette [Locked]

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