

Bent toward the floor, wracked by violent coughs and spitting blood—poison coursing through my veins courtesy of my own family. How could they? Even if I'm not their flesh and blood, how could they betray me like this? My gaze flickered up to meet theirs, twisted in cruel anticipation, my mother, father, and sister, watching me with chilling detachment as if waiting for a morbid spectacle to unfold. Fury surged within me, a molten tide of rage and betrayal mingled with a raw desire for vengeance. I wanted to wrap my hands around their throats, to feel the warmth drain from their bodies, to see the fear in their eyes as they realized their mistake. And then, as if in response to my silent plea, something stirred—a voice, dark and seductive, whispering promises of retribution. "Do you seek revenge?" it chuckled, a sinister edge to its tone. I didn't hesitate. "Yes," I rasped, each word laced with the metallic tang of blood. "Good," it purred. "I can help you. All you need to do is offer me their souls." I nodded, a fervent agreement fueled by pain and anger. "Take whatever you want," I spat, my voice thick with venom. "Just make them pay."

DivineAuthor · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
17 Chs


The servant declares my presence, "Lady Seraphina Ironhart has arrived," as though he were alerting the household to an unwelcome guest.

As the doors opened, I stepped inside the grand dining room. The clinking of silverware filled the air, mingling with the murmur of conversation that hummed like a distant melody.

My father and brother were sitting at the head of the table, engrossed in their own conversation, their eyes flickering over me as a passing glance. It was a familiar sight to me, one that no longer stung as it once did. For they were not my family, not to me.

My gaze shifted to my half-sister, who sat beside my brother, her expression of false innocence as she greeted me with a saccharine smile.

"Good morning, older sister. I was waiting for you", She declared innocently.


Haah….. The audacity of his mischievous girl is driving me crazy. What did she take me for? I can clearly see that she had already started with her breakfast. I guess everyone is blind to be fooled by this immature and fake acting.

Likewise, I returned the gesture with the same saccharine smile, a mask of civility slipping effortlessly into place.

"I am honored that you would spend your valuable time waiting for this ungrateful older sister".

Saying that, I sat on the chair next to my father, the annoyance on my sister's face was evident.

"Milady, do need me tell you of what your so-called family is thinking?. Especially this wicked ugly sister of yours?". A snickering voice creeped through my ears.

Wicked ugly sister?, despite the jarring comment that echoed in my ears, I maintained my composed expression, a mask of indifference. Inside, however a bubbling laughter threatened to escape, amused by the audacity of voice.

My half-sister, with her flawless façade and carefully curated image, deemed ugly by some unseen voice that dared to intrude upon my thoughts.

I let go a slight silent chuckle, 'Are you aware that you're the first person to say that my sister is ugly', I informed the voice.


"Sister, it appears that you are feeling cheerful today". My short moment of amusement was interrupted by Eveline. Perhaps she didn't enjoy seeing me happy.

I hesitated for a moment, weighing my words carefully. I knew better than to reveal the true source of my amusement—the voice that had dared to insult her. Instead, I offered a vague explanation, a half-truth veiled in ambiguity.

"It was nothing important," I replied evasively, a small smile playing at the corners of my lips. "Just a passing thought."

Her curiosity unsated, my half-sister nodded, though the lingering look of suspicion in her eyes told me that she was not entirely convinced. But she did not press the matter further, instead turning her attention back to her meal.


I focused my attention on the array of delicacies laid out before me, savoring each bite as if it was a small victory in itself. The symphony of tastes and textures served as a welcome distraction from the complexities of family politics.

As I savored my breakfast, I allowed my mind to drift; preparing the words I would need to convince my father of the necessity of my request.


"Father there an important matter', that– I would like to discuss with you". There was a slight pause in my statement.

Everyone, including Father, regarded my face with doubt. Well, they're not wrong; the Real Seraphina would never initiate a conversation.

But as I put forward my dispute, a pang of doubt crept in to my thoughts. Would my father grant me the permission I sought, or would he dismiss my concerns as frivolous and unwarranted?.


I pushed aside my uncertainty, steeling myself for the upcoming discussion. " I would like you to give me the permission to move to the Auror estate".

My sudden demand made my father divert his attention to me, "Why do you want to move to that estate, does this mansion doesn't fit your taste?". He said in his deep voice. 


"Yeah, sister, why are you leaving? Is it because of me that you don't want to stay here?" Eveline asked, tears brimming in her eyes, her voice choked with sorrow. "If you hate me that much, then I will leave." Tears began to stream down her cheeks.


This wicked woman never lets go of a chance to paint me as the villain to everyone around her, I thought, My mind ticked with anger.


"SERAPHINA!!" I was startled by Hikaan's garish voice. "How could you do that to Eveline? Look, you made her cry. Even if she is your half-sister, you can at least show some affection as a courtesy." He put his hand on Eveline's shoulder to comfort her.




I released a heavy sigh of annoyance, brushing my hair back in frustration. Hikaan, my older brother and the heir to our family, displayed a remarkably foolish judgment.

My demeanor turned cold, and my eyes dimmed with seriousness. "I already knew that Eveline was stupid, but you?" There was a pause of disappointment in my speech.

"As the heir to our family, how could you make such a hasty judgment without understanding the logical reasoning behind my intentions?"

Brother looked at me with an appalled gaze.

"And while we're on this topic, please enlighten me. What made you think that I harbor hatred toward Eveline?" I asked Hikaan, my expression grave.

"And you, Eveline," I turned my head towards her, she still aghast. "Have I ever bullied you or intentionally made you uncomfortable in front of others?" My tone remained cool and composed.

She bowed her head, visibly trembling with anger and embarrassment, offering no response. Her silence spoke volumes, serving as the answer to my inquiry.

"Are you satisfied now, brother?", I inquired, maintaining my composed demeanor.

Hikaan turned his gaze towards Father, seemingly seeking support, but Father's response surprised us all.

"Seraphina is correct. You are an heir; behave accordingly," he advised in his deep and commanding voice sending chills to both Eveline and Hikaan.

Turning my gaze towards Father, I found him calmly observing the situation. His gaze bore a chilling intensity, akin to ice, yet held depths reminiscent of a mysterious ocean. The atmosphere was heavy enough to suffocate the servants standing there.




"As I was stating," I cleared my throat to resume my discourse. "I'd like to mention my intention to move to Auror estate for my health recovery. After a recent serious illness, I'm still not fully recovered. I believe the fresh air there will be beneficial for me".


His gaze flickered over me, assessing and inscrutable, before he nodded once, some words of acquiescence slipping from his lips. "You can go."

"But make sure to return soon", But even as he gave his consent, a subtle reminder followed—a gentle but firm admonition to return to the mansion soon. It was a directive couched in his characteristic tone of authority, maybe a reminder of my responsibilities and weight that I have to carry within this family.


"As you wish, Father", I replied in soft and respected tone.

The unseen voice, its tone as inscrutable as the shadows that danced upon the walls, pierced through the silence of my thoughts like a whispered revelation.


"Milady," it called to me, a gentle reminder of its presence. "It seems like your father is concerned about you."

A bitter scoff escaped my lips, though whether in response to the voice or the implication of my father's supposed concern, I could not say.


"Concerned?" I echoed, the word tasting bitter upon my tongue.

"I don't think he is concerned about his daughter, but rather his reputation."

The voice, unfazed by my skepticism, persisted, its words laced with a conviction that left me unsettled.

"Milady, you are well aware that I can read people's thoughts and emotions. The emotion that I felt from your father is his concern towards his daughter," it replied, its tone convincing, its presence lingering around me like a ghostly specter.

I shook my head, unwilling to entertain the notion that my father's motives could be anything but self-serving.


"If he is concerned," I muttered, my voice choked with a bitter blend of resentment and sorrow, "then he is too late."


For the daughter he should have been concerned about was long gone, lost amidst the tangled web of expectations and obligations that bound us together. And as I grappled with the weight of my own emotions, I knew that the facade of familial concern was nothing more than an illusion, a fleeting shadow cast by the harsh light of reality.


Refusing to trust in the sanctity of familial bonds again, I stood firm in my resolve, guarded against the allure of false promises and hollow gestures.