

Bent toward the floor, wracked by violent coughs and spitting blood—poison coursing through my veins courtesy of my own family. How could they? Even if I'm not their flesh and blood, how could they betray me like this? My gaze flickered up to meet theirs, twisted in cruel anticipation, my mother, father, and sister, watching me with chilling detachment as if waiting for a morbid spectacle to unfold. Fury surged within me, a molten tide of rage and betrayal mingled with a raw desire for vengeance. I wanted to wrap my hands around their throats, to feel the warmth drain from their bodies, to see the fear in their eyes as they realized their mistake. And then, as if in response to my silent plea, something stirred—a voice, dark and seductive, whispering promises of retribution. "Do you seek revenge?" it chuckled, a sinister edge to its tone. I didn't hesitate. "Yes," I rasped, each word laced with the metallic tang of blood. "Good," it purred. "I can help you. All you need to do is offer me their souls." I nodded, a fervent agreement fueled by pain and anger. "Take whatever you want," I spat, my voice thick with venom. "Just make them pay."

DivineAuthor · Fantasy
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17 Chs


As the first rays of dawn filter through the curtain, the room bathed in the soft ethereal glow, This made me push myself to open my eyes.

I whispered to myself that it was already morning. Lately, I have been feeling quite low because of the recent incidents. This room which was still unfamiliar to me was rather unpleasant.


With a gentle rap on the door, her diligent maid enters, her demeanor poised and respectful.

As the first rays of dawn filter through the curtain, the room bathed in the soft ethereal glow, This made me push myself to open my eyes.

I whispered to myself that it was already morning. Lately, I have been feeling quite low because of the recent incidents. This room which was still unfamiliar to me was rather unpleasant.




With a gentle rap on the door, her diligent maid enters, her demeanor poised and respectful.


"Good morning, milady", she announces in her gentle and soothing voice. Her respect for her lady was evident from the look in her eyes. I wonder how will she react when she found the dreadful secret that I am keeping.


Sitting straight in bed, I rubbed out the sleep from my eyes, the soft patter of her footsteps drawing nearer.


"The breakfast will be served shortly. Shall I assist you in getting ready, My Lady?", Maya inquires in her gentle voice.

I nodded softly and stood up from my bed.


"My, My, look who finally wakes up?. Up with the birds are we?". In the early morning, a bothersome interruption to my thoughts occurred, which I had already become accustomed to.

Ignoring the voice teasing tone I focused on Maya's directions, allowing her to guide me through the already accustomed morning routines. Yet, despite my efforts to push the lingering voice aside, its taunts didn't stop like it was reminding me of the lurking shadows with in me which I would never get rid of.


"Aww, Milady, don't do that to me. You are well aware how long I was waiting for you to wake up?". The voice suddenly turns sweet as it was coaxing me to speak to it.

'SHUT UP!! You already are aware that I don't fancy the early morning teasing. So will you please do me a favor shut that pestering mouth of yours'. I rigorously inform it in my mind'.


The dark misty shadow brushes my shoulder making me feel shivers to my spine, "Humph.... Do whatever you want. It's not like your beloved maid can hear your thoughts or my voice". The voice's tone shifts dramatically because it felt neglected and sullen.

"Also, allow me to remind you, if you had mistakenly forgotten, that without me, you can't even survive in this rotten house". The voice reminds with arrogance.



I release a big sigh of irritation, because I knew everything that it had stated was reasonable. The fact that I would have to deal with this sulky behavior later was also quite accurate.


'There's no use in moping, You are fully aware of my personality. I don't like to waste my time on things I don't find interesting. I scoff its childish behavior'.

There was a huge lapse of silence, no more of disturbing voice lingering around me. "Oh my!... I apologize if my teasing get a little overboard". I murmured suddenly in a remorseful tone.

A sullen voice rang in my ear, saying, "Humph….It's all right".

This childish behavior made me slightly chuckle.


I turned my attention to Maya's sudden call after she said, "My lady"?

"Did you call for me, Maya?", I answered my sweet maid.

"You're ready to go to dining hall. I am sure your family is waiting for you", Maya stated respectfully.


"Family?", I brutally scoffed on Maya's statement. "Yeah, I am sure my loving family is waiting for their lovely and poised Seraphina". I stated in a mocking manner.

Maya looked at me with a sad expression because she was aware of my position, to be exact Seraphina's position in this damn household. She was more like pitying my very existence.


My eyes darkened, "Don't pity me". I demanded in a cutthroat voice. "I don't want your sympathy, not from you"


She stood before me, her head bowed down and hands clasped together.

" I..I am sorry, MY lady", Maya apologized, her voice quivering with emotion. "I…I didn't mean any harm. It was a mistake, a laspe in my judgement".

Her usual and calmed demeanor was replaced by slight tremble, the corners of were filled with unshed tears. My anger subsided upon witnessing her regretful behavior.




Stepping closer to Maya I let go a huge sigh. I reached out my hand, lifting her chin up to meet my gaze. "It's okay Maya, I didn't mean to scold you". I reassure her in a sweet and calming voice".


"I got angry because it was you pitying me not someone else. You are the only person, who is loyal and respectful to me that's why I suddenly loosed my composure". I told her in gentle voice.


Maya wiped her tears as she nodded, a mixture of relief and gratitude washed over her. "Thank you my lady", she softly whispered, her voice chocked with emotion.

Smiling softly, I patted her head reassuringly, my heart swelling with affection for this loyal maid who had become more like family to me than a mere servant.


"Now of this chatter lets move towards the dining hall, my affectionate family is desperately waiting for me". I smirked viciously.


I walked through the corridor towards the dining hall. A red carpet was laid on the marble floor. Each stride sent a soft echo through the space adding to the aura of opulence to every corner of the mansion.


Along the walls, intricately framed painting were hung like silent sentinels, their subjects gazing down on me like a timeless refinement. Soft glow of crystal chandeliers created a warm atmosphere in the corridor, adding to the elegance of mansion.


On the other side tall windows were lined. Sunlight filtered through the panes, casting a pattern of light and shadow on the floor, adding a touch of natural beauty to the luxurious surroundings.


I should be thankful that this family is filthy rich; otherwise, I would still be struggling to make money like before.

"Milady, what are you thinking of doing in the dining hall?", a curious voice asked unaware of my intentions.


'As you are aware that my father would be present today', I conveyed it in my mind. 'I Will take this opportunity and ask for his permission to moved to Aurore estate'.

"Are you talking about the land that your father gifted you on your birthday two weeks ago?"

'Yes, you are right. I am talking about that very estate'.

"But why there?".

'Are you inquiring because you lack knowledge?. Well.... let's not talk about that now because there are more serious matter to consider'

I could see the huge magnificent entrance of the dining room. I stopped in front of the door, I was waiting for the servant standing there to announce my arrival.

The servant looked at my face, which was expressionless at the moment.

He bowed his head to greet and give me the gesture, as if it was asking for my permission to announce my name.

"Are you ready, My lady?", he asked respectfully.

I subtly nodded in agreement.


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