
Conquering the Lower Realms

On an island in the forgotten seas, there lies a mansion. In truth it's a glorified prison for the strongest mages known to man. They were imprisoned after the ancient war that had taken place 500 years ago. But can they truly not leave? As the prisoners stop to remain as docile as they were before the world suddenly learns why those people were kept away from society. But the escaped prisoners have much grander plans and set their sight on the lower realms, a unique set of worlds below the surface. Author's note: If you find any mistakes in my writing feel free to point them out in the comments. I'm always trying to improve the quality of my writing and any help is much appreciated. I you want to chat or ask more specific questions about any of my books join my discord: https://discord.gg/aCcmyzw

djarcher · Fantasía
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116 Chs

Another failure huh

The warden seemed like he wanted to repeat the warnings a few times more, but sadly I had to interrupt him, as things were about to get interesting.

"Dear warden, as much as I love to hear your praises for our little group, I must ask you to remain silent for now. After all the main attraction is about to start."

Right on cue Rose plopped down next to me, just as a deafening explosion sounded throughout the island. Those three were so shocked by the explosion that they completely overlooked the fact that they had just witnessed someone teleport. Teleportation without a magic circle or array was virtually believed impossible or would at least need hours of preparation. Even worse, this place had so many barriers and space locks, it would blow their minds if they had seen it. Alas, they were preoccupied with watching the twins bust out of their cell.

Leanna, the older sister, had an affinity with the destruction element, making barriers and seals largely inefficient against her and causing the warden quite a few headaches. And so the twins began their sprint towards the main gate, the only weak point the mass of barriers, which even Leanna's destruction magic couldn't completely get through, had. Leo, the younger brother, had an affinity with fire. He tried to give them cover by shooting fire all over the place but the prison personnel wasn't stupid enough to get in reach and the fire coming our way was secretly extinguished by me.

Behind us, the warden's back stiffened even more than before. He knew that no barrier that had been set up would keep them from reaching the main gate. Only the Main barriers around the main gates could stop them, but they had been set up by the ancient beasts 500 years ago. Why these ancient beasts had left a weakness in form of the main gate was a mystery to the warden.

"Aia, Ken I will take care of this personally. You stay here and observe."

During their last escape the twins had managed to kill the former deputy wardens, one a peak high mage, the other a newly minted rank 1 archmage. While killing these two had exhausted the twins and left them vulnerable for recapture, the price had been too steep. This time it seemed he wanted to face them himself to avoid further casualties. Sadly he underestimated them. They had chosen this day for their escape based on the situation outside. The main barriers didn't just keep the captives suppressed and inside, it also kept the storms outside. With all the hurricanes and storms raging out there the barriers were pressured and the suppressive effect on us captives loosened, not that it made a difference for us, but to them, it was a major boost in power.

Not knowing any of this, the warden had arrived in front of the gate, barring the twin's path. They, seemingly having expected this development, immediately engaged. Leo formed a phoenix of fire letting it soar towards the warden, while Leanna covered her fists in destruction magic, making them lethal weapons that could hardly be stopped. The warden retreated a few steps to get more distance between himself and the fast approaching firebird. Laying his finger on his storage bracelet he pulled out his weapon. A glowing white sword surrounded by a holy aura that gave of an invisible pressure to all near it.

"Is t-that a grade 6 weapon???"

Seems like little Ken isn't as daft as he looks. He actually noticed that this was an epic weapon.

Meanwhile, the warden used his sword to cut the firebird in half, spun sideways angling his blade to block Leanna's fists. Upon connecting with the thrown fist, the sword managed to withstand the destructive energies of the punch, it was my creation after all, but most of the force contained in it got transferred to the warden. Unable to dissipate this force, the warden got pushed backward, towards the gate. While Leanna was engaging the warden in close quarter combat, Leo snuck around him and released a barrage of fire, forcing the warden to divide his attention.

Being attacked from both front and back, the warden was forced into the defensive. He stopped Leo's barrage with a wall of rocks, shooting out of the ground and kept blocking Leanna with his sword. His plan was probably to tire the twins out and recapture them once they couldn't withstand the suppressive force of the arrays anymore.

A shame he had made one miscalculation. Both twins gave an evil smirk as a semitransparent, hemispherical force field started to emanate from their bodies. Leo's was bright red, while Leanna's was a... this is actually kinda hard to describe, so... I won't. Above all, these were domains. A kind of force field that a rank 3 archmage would form based on their innate understanding. Most mages would base their innate understanding on an element they had an affinity with, like Leo's domain was fire based and Leanna's was destruction based. Of course, since destruction can't be clearly envisioned, the innate understanding and through that also the domain is heavily dependent on one's interpretation of it. Leanna's domain for an example, had blotches of orange and red, featuring a scorching heat, as her interpretation was largely influenced by her brother's fire and the destruction it caused.

The warden now suddenly found himself trapped in two domains, heavily suppressing him. This came as quite a surprise to him as the barriers and arrays should have been preventing them from releasing their domains. Now the warden needed to make some difficult choices very, very fast or he would be very, very, very dead. And already some of the fire that Leo had been continuously hurling, broke through the rock wall protecting the wardens back and hit his right shoulder, carbonizing it on the surface. Near simultaneously, Leanna managed to get past the sword that had been blocking her punches and landed a solid hit on the warden's left arm, shattering bones and giving him slight burns. Finally, at that moment, the warden began to make his move. His eyes now showed a serious look that hadn't been there before, indicating that things were about to get serious. A low murmur, "come luminous skies", could be heard from the warden's silhouette that was now bathed in blinding light. The sword in his hand glowed as bright as the sun and around it more and more glowing swords began to appear and shoot towards the twins like they had a mind of their own.

Now it was the twins turn to be flabbergasted, the situation they had believed to be all but final, had been overturned and now they were the ones under attack. Leanna was used to close quarter combat, so she dealt with the first wave of swords with relative ease. Leo, on the other hand, failed to evade even a single blade and got skewered, taking his last breath. Being distracted by her brother's sudden death, Leanna's life ended with a mournful cry escaping her lips as she to was run through by the swords made of pure light.

Hope you all enjoyed this chapter.

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