
Conquering Moirai

In the tapestry of my existence, my path was predetermined, my fate sealed. It was a bitter pill to swallow, realizing that my happiness was not mine to claim, but rather a pawn in a grand cosmic design. I felt like a marionette, strings tugged by an unseen maestro, dancing to a tune I did not compose. My purpose reduced to a mere sentinel, guarding someone of immense power who had no need for my presence. Ah, how amusing! My entire life, a punchline to an elaborate joke. Alora Smith, a woman of diverse heritage, blissfully unaware of the storm brewing around her. That is, until she crossed paths with a towering, enigmatic figure who whisked her away from the comforting confines of her sheltered city, thrusting her into a world teetering on the edge of calamity. Overnight, she found herself entangled in a realm of fiery chaos, where celestial forces clashed in a battle of epic proportions. Initially dismissing it all as a figment of her imagination, Alora questioned whether she was merely a hapless mortal ensnared in a fantastical illusion. But could she be mistaken? Now, the looming question hangs in the air: will Alora succumb to the relentless grip of the three Moirai, the sisters of fate, or will she rise against them, defying their script and forging her own destiny? Find out more in the first book of the Children Of A.

Miss_Black05 · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
32 Chs

New Idea about the incident

I glanced nervously in the direction the criminal and my hero, Blade, had gone. Even though he had saved me, I couldn't ignore the fact that he was a wanted man who had tried to kill me during our first encounter. What on earth was he doing here, and how did he know which window I was falling through?

The memory of him stirred something deep within me, even though my recent bouts of forgetfulness had plagued my mind. A jumble of emotions washed over me, a whirlwind of images flashing through my thoughts so rapidly that it left me dizzy. The paramedic's words became mere whispers as my ears rang, reminiscent of traversing a treacherous minefield and stepping on an explosive. She grasped my arm firmly, while two other paramedics guided me towards their vehicle for a thorough examination.

Finally, the police managed to disperse the frenzied crowd and shoo away the relentless reporters who swarmed around me like vultures, hungry for a story—a story of a troubled star on the verge of self-destruction.

I braced myself for the inevitable intrusion into my life, knowing that the reporters would hound me relentlessly, hoping to uncover the secrets hidden behind my identity.

Amidst the gradual subsiding of the chaos, I took a moment to collect my scattered thoughts. Blade, the enigmatic savior who had come to my rescue, was now a fugitive. Countless questions swirled through my mind, demanding answers. How had he known I was in danger? What was his connection to all of this turmoil? And, above all, why did I feel an uncanny familiarity with him, as if our paths were intertwined in some inexplicable way?

The paramedic who had been whispering earlier approached me again, her voice cutting through the ringing in my ears. "Are you feeling any pain? Headaches, dizziness?"

I shook my head, trying to clear the fog that clouded my mind. "No, I'm just a little disoriented. But I'll be fine."

She nodded, satisfied with my response. "We'll still need to take you to the hospital for a thorough examination, just to be safe."

I inwardly groaned, utterly unprepared and unwilling to be taken to the hospital, where they could potentially uncover secrets I wished to keep hidden. The mere thought of them discovering my illness, or worse, that I was slowly fading away, sent shivers down my spine. If they found out, the assumption of a failed suicide attempt would resurface, and I had no idea how the authorities planned to resolve that misconception. Nevertheless, a glimmer of relief washed over me when I spotted Adonis, my loyal confidant, engaged in a serious conversation with two attentive police officers. Good old Adonis, always there to clean up my messes.

Afterwards, he turned his attention to the paramedics, somehow managing to convince them that a trip to the hospital for further examinations was unnecessary. I underwent a brief check-up, and Samantha, the ever-anxious worrywart by my side, finally breathed a sigh of relief as she embraced me once more.

"If you keep hugging me that tightly, I might end up with actual injuries this time," I grumbled, half-jokingly.

She smacked my head, almost jolting a few lost memories back into place.

Samantha burst into tears, her words stumbling and jumbling together, just as they always did when she was both worried and venting about her beloved son, Troy.

I groaned, gently wiping away her tears. "Enough crying now. You've been incredibly helpful, but it's time for you to go home. Little Troy must be worried sick, especially after seeing his godmother on the news, supposedly on the brink of committing suicide."

My attempt at humor fell flat, and Samantha's glare told me that my joke was not appreciated in the current situation. I quickly realized the gravity of what had just happened and the emotional toll it had taken on her.

"I'm sorry, Sam," I said, my voice laced with sincerity. "I didn't mean to make light of the situation. Thank you for being here for me. I'll be okay, really."

Samantha's expression softened, and she reached out to cup my face gently. "I know you're not a kid anymore, but that doesn't mean you have to face everything alone. You're my friend, and I care about you deeply. Promise me you'll reach out if you need anything, no matter what."

Touched by her words, I nodded, feeling a mix of gratitude and guilt for having put her through this ordeal. "I promise, Sam. I won't hesitate to ask for help if I need it."

With a final, reassuring smile, Samantha gave me a tight hug before turning to leave. As she walked away, I couldn't help but feel a pang of loneliness creeping in. Despite the chaos and the questions that plagued my mind, I knew I had to find the strength within myself to face the challenges ahead.

Samantha walked past Adonis, his eyes smoldering with mischief as he offered her a tight smile, his lips dangerously close to her ear as he whispered something, his words a tantalizing secret meant only for her. A fleeting expression of confusion passed over her face, before she nodded, and gave him a sweet smile.

"What are you up to, Adonis? How are you getting these people to listen to you, did you strike a deal with the devil? Or are you just seducing everyone in sight?" I asked, my voice dripping with curiosity. But Adonis, always the enigmatic charmer who got on my nerves, responded with a tired smile, his eyes hiding a thousand mysteries, and walked away, leaving me with a burning curiosity that begged to be satisfied.

I noticed how the gaze of the people he whispered to followed him with lust and obedience clouding their eyes.

Was he bribing them with forbidden pleasures? If so, how did he possess such power?

"Tell those corrupt cops not to hold you for longer than twenty minutes, and make sure one of them drives you home. I won't allow you to walk alone," Samantha interrupted my thoughts, her voice laced with concern and a touch of possessiveness.

I thought she left already?

I nodded in response and waved her goodbye while watching her hop into her fancy car.

"Are you alright?" a deep, husky voice whispered into my ear, sending shivers down my spine.

Without even turning to see who it was, I felt a surge of adrenaline coursing through my veins, making my heart race. "I'm fine. But the events of the day still haunt me, leaving me restless and tense," I confessed.

"Don't worry. You're safe now. No one will dare come after you, and the darkness that once plagued your mind will vanish," he whispered, his voice like silk.

What is wrong with me! Voice like silk?

I turned slowly, my eyes locking with his intense gaze, unsurprised to find the cop who had been watching me like a hawk. I heard his colleagues call him Black.

The other officers approached me, their presence overwhelming. The interrogation began, their questions like a strange language in my ears.

"Do you know who dared to take away your consciousness, leaving you teetering on the edge of life, Miss Smith?" one of the officers inquired, his voice dripping with urgency.


I stared blankly at him, my mind swirling with fragments the true event. What happened to the interrogation about me committing suicide, why the sudden change of thoughts?

In the corner of my eye, I caught a glimpse of Adonis, his presence commanding attention as he whispered something to the officer named Black. What wicked games was Adonis playing, and why did I always forget to question him, to unravel the web of lies he spun? Somehow, I suspected he was involved in everyone here having a change of mind and spurting out lies of the true event, lies that slowly I also was beginning to accept, lies that someone tried to kill me by pushing me off the top of the highest building of the city. Like I didn't use my own very legs to walk to the spot of all these chaos.

"We need to capture the elusive culprit who remains hidden in the shadows. The CCTV footage failed us, but we have two witnesses who saw you being taken, although they were unable to glimpse the face of your captor," the officer said.

Sweat broke out on my forehead. Even though my memories eluded me, something felt off, as if this version of events carried a hidden truth waiting to be uncovered.

I was weary and disheveled, my body aching for rest. I should be indulging in a steamy bath right now, letting the warm water wash away the doubts and the lingering touch of danger. I had had enough of these twisted enigmas, and I decided to play along with this new narrative, to surrender to dark and dangerous.

I proceeded to explain, my voice laced with a mix of innocence and allure, that I had been forcefully silenced, oblivious to the identity of the one who sought to extinguish my flame. Despite my lack of memory, I allowed myself to be carried away by the tide of their thoughts, providing a statement molded by their initial suggestions.

The questioning dragged on, the air thick with a tension that matched the pounding of my heart. After what seemed like an eternity, frustration bubbled within me, threatening to consume my facade.

"I told you, I don't know how I ended up on that perilous rooftop! I didn't catch a glimpse of the wicked one who sought to silence me, and I harbor no grudges that would invite such danger. I don't know Blade, and our paths have never crossed in this lifetime!" I declared, my voice a mix of defiance and anger.

Finally, the boss spoke up, his voice commanding attention. "Give her a break. She needs to rest."

"Thank you!" I exclaimed, a surge of relief coursing through my veins, grateful that someone with a spark of understanding realized my need for rest.

"Young lady, I'm setting you free for tonight, but remember, we expect your cooperation at any time," the previously irksome cop said, his voice carrying a hint of respect now. It was a shift I couldn't quite recall, a change in dynamics that intrigued me.

I let out a loud, deliberate yawn, the boss frowned at my crude display. "And if Blade dares to seek you out, you must inform us. Here, take my card," he said, extending a sleek black card. Call me if anything happens. My name is Black, Calhoun Black."

"I'll be your chauffeur tonight," Black announced.

Nodding, I followed him without questioning further. "Could you drop me off at my friend's? Here's her address."

As we made our way Sam's place, I couldn't shake the lingering questions in my mind. The events of the day had awakened memories I thought were lost. The glimpses of familiarity, the fleeting images that flashed through my mind—they held the key to unlocking the truth, a truth I desperately needed to understand.

But for now, I had to focus on my own well-being and recovery. The mysteries surrounding Blade and my own past would have to wait.

I'm seriously losing inspiration. SIGH.

If you are into Anime...check out Black Clover!

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