
Chapter 46


My sleep was deep and restful for the first time in years. I actually woke up feeling refreshed. I reach over and feel the rise and fall of my dishanna and smile. Finally, Mine. Forever.

“Yours. Forever.” Birsha sleepily whispers in my ear. I smile in response. He pulls me closer and I feel his hardness press up against me.

“Why good morning.” I chuckle as I let my hands wander down and caress the tip of his cock and he twitches in my hand.

“Mmmm…. Yes… what a delightful morning.” He leans in and places kisses along the inside of my neck and I moan in delight.

We laid there snuggling and kissing enjoying the feel of each other until a knock came at the door and Lika released a growl. Birsha laughed and told the interruption to enter. Ali walked in and we both sat up. “What's the matter?” I was upset by the fact that now that anyone knocks on our door I immediately think there’s trouble.