
Complete Opposites

One is an extroverted social light, the other prefers being alone and introverted. They’re probably the closest of friends anyone has ever seen, despite being so different.

DarkNightWolves · Adolescente
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57 Chs

Absolutely Stuffed

I awaken to the sound of footsteps carefully making their way down the stairs and towards my room. It must be Alina, nobody in my family would ever be that careful even if their life depends on it. I guess that breakfast must be ready. There's muffled voices and laughter upstairs, along with some squeaking from the couch, Cerberus must be hopping everywhere again.

Placing a hand on my head, I sit back up and gaze around my room. My pounding headache seems to have vanished. Good thing I took that nap. Now I won't have to worry about ruining Alina's birthday with my shitty attitude.

Her steps are silent as she calmly walks into my room holding two plates full of food. There's some pancakes, eggs, bacon, sausage, and hashbrowns, all covered in hot sauce on her plate, except for the pancakes, those have maple syrup. Meanwhile, my plate is still empty aside from the food, with the bottle of maple syrup hung by Alina's finger.

Her smile is sweet as she and I lock eyes, and her voice is low as she places my plate next to me, "Are you feeling a little better?"

I nod, and sit up a little higher to place my plate on my lap, "I don't have a headache anymore, so that's good."

"Great," She grins widely, handing me the bottle of maple syrup. "Let's go run a marathon then."

"Over my dead body," I chuckle, pouring maple syrup all over my plate. Wish I had some extra butter as well, but whatever, this is fine.

"Fine," She whines, sitting next to me on the bed as she shreds through her food. "How about we go swimming inside of a volcano instead?"

Taking a moment to act like I'm thinking about it, I nod and say, "Sure, as long as I get to freeze my clothes beforehand so then I won't get hot."

She giggles softly, taking a huge bike out of her hot sauce soaked bacon, "Definitely, and maybe eat some ice cubes beforehand for an extra safety measure."

I laugh loudly, nearly choking on my pancake, "Sounds like a plan, now we just need to find someone to take us there."

"We could also just steal a car and drive it straight into the volcano," She suggests, nonchalantly. "You know, like boat cars."

I'm hollering from laughter, and all of the voices from upstairs go quiet for a moment. There's then some barrelling coming from down the stairs, as well as some panting, definitely Cerberus. "Like boat cars?"

Cerberus comes sprinting into my room, tongue flailing behind him. Alina takes both of our plates and moves them out of the way just in time for him to not make a mess as he leaps onto my bed. He tries to smother Alina with kisses but she signals him to lay down and he does so. His breath is terrible but luckily he's closer to Alina so I don't have to deal with it as much. His slobber drips to my covers, forming a little puddle in the area that he's currently laying in. He stares at us greedily as we begin eating again, his eyes not even looking away from the food on our plates.

"Oh yeah, how long was I asleep?" I ask, noticing the sun is a little higher in the sky than expected.

"Around half an hour," She answers, swallowing a whole piece of bacon.

My jaw drops and Cerberus twists his head to the side, "Huh?"

She giggles at my shocked expression, "Yeah."

"I was seriously asleep for that long?" My voice raises with my increasing shock. "All of that time I could've spent playing video games or watching TV."

"But you would've had a worse headache then," She points out, scratching the back of the dog's ear.

"True," I nod. "But it would've been worth it."

"Would it though?" She raises an eyebrow at me, and Cerberus slowly creeps his way closer to her plate. Luckily she looks back just in time to stop him from pouncing.

"I guess not," I mumble with a bit of laughter.

After a few more minutes of eating, laughing, and watching Cerberus closely, we finally finish our food. I can feel my stomach protruding out of my shirt. I really should've let Alina finish the rest of my food, after all, she has a far larger appetite than me, and she's on her period so it'll just make her even happier.

"Fuck, I'm stuffed," I breath, laying back in my bed as Alina places our plates on the ground for Cerberus to lick up. He leaps off of the bed, making slobber fly everywhere. He breathes heavily as his tongue covers the plates, licking the syrup, grease, and hot sauce clean off of the dishes.

"So what do you want to do today?" Alina asks, gazing down at me with a kind and excited grin.

"Sleep," I fake a groan and stuff my face into my pillow.

She giggles, placing a gentle hand on my back, "Guess I'll just play a competitive match on your account then."

Reaching a hand up, I wrap my arm around Alina's shoulders and pull her down next to me, my voice muffled, "Don't you dare."

We both start laughing and Cerberus hops back onto the bed and begins licking up, syrup still covering his snout. The slobber-syrup mixture gets stuck in our hair, some even soaking our clothes. Our laughter mixes melodically with Cerberus's heavy breathing and hyper tail wagging. His breath is putrid, though that's not much of a surprise. The only time when I've been around a dog without bad breath is either when they're a puppy or if their owner is obsessive with keeping their breath bearable and teeth clean.

"Cerberus, stop," Alina laughs, trying to push Cerberus off of us but he continues to persist, his huge, muscular body going up against Alina and her lifetime of working out. I'd imagine that they're around the same level of strength, especially since they always workout together. But then again, Cerberus does have a special level of canine strength, and his excitement definitely makes him stronger.

"Walk," My voice squeaks and Cerberus promptly jumps off of us, barreling out of my room and straight up the stairs. A startled scream comes from my mother, followed by Keita hollering in laughter.

"Guess we should take him for a walk," Alina giggles as we listen to the mixtures of the chaotic sounds coming from upstairs.

"Can we just stay here and let Afia take him for the walk," I whine, wiping my wet face on my poor pillows. "It's cold outside and I'm tired and full." She shakes my body and my voice is muffled, "Please don't make me go. Five more minutes."

"We ain't going to school," She laughs and gets off of my bed. My gaming chair then squeaks and I promptly sit up. She's smiling at me mischievously with one leg over the other.

"Don't you dare," I shake my head timidly.

"I will," She smirks, then spins around and starts up my computer.

"At least play casual then," I ask, standing behind her. My face is still soaked and sticky, not exactly the most enjoyable feeling. I don't want to have to take another shower all over again either.

"Knox, Alina, come on!" Ketia's voice shouts from the top of the stairs. "We're taking Cerberus for a walk and you're coming too!"

Both Alina and I lock eyes timidly, then in unison we both mutter, "Fuck."