
cole young: story retold

after an isekai senario, Mar Grant, reborn as Cole Young, carries the memories of the vengeful Scorpion.

TheCrimsonKnight · Película
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19 Chs

Chapter 19: A Titan's Legacy

The desolate landscape remained eerily silent. Thanos, the once-mighty Mad Titan, lay lifeless on the scorched earth, a testament to Cole's swift and decisive action. Black Widow, still reeling from the sheer speed and brutality of the fight, finally found her voice."You… you killed him," she whispered, her tone a mix of awe and apprehension.Cole, his chest heaving, lowered his blade, the legendary aura fading from its surface. "He had to be stopped," he replied, his voice slightly hoarse. "The System… it guided my hand."Black Widow approached the fallen Titan, her eyes fixated on the Infinity Gauntlet lying discarded at his side. The six stones, each glowing with a different vibrant color, pulsed with an otherworldly energy.Suddenly, the System's voice boomed in Cole's head, a torrent of information flooding his consciousness. It spoke of the Gauntlet's power, the potential for chaos in the wrong hands, and a solution – a monumental task, but one that could offer unmatched protection for Cole and his allies.Cole shared the System's message with Black Widow, his voice laced with a hint of trepidation. He explained the concept of using the stones to forge armor, a suit that would not only grant him immense power but also safeguard the universe from any future threats that might arise.Black Widow, ever the pragmatist, recognized the logic. Destroying the stones was a tempting option, but their controlled use – their incorporation into a suit of armor – offered a chance to maintain balance.Tentatively, she reached out and gingerly picked up the Gauntlet. The stones pulsed with a warm energy, whispering promises of power in her mind. But she quickly relinquished them to Cole, her trust in him solidified by his actions.With a deep breath, Cole activated the System, its holographic interface appearing before him. It displayed a series of intricate schematics, instructions for a process unlike anything he had encountered before.The transformation wouldn't be easy. It would require immense concentration, a deep understanding of the stones' properties, and the unwavering support of the System.Cole, fueled by a sense of responsibility and the weight of expectation, took a knee before the fallen Thanos. Holding the Gauntlet in one hand and focusing on the System's guidance, he began the intricate process.The stones, as if awakened from a dream, pulsed with renewed intensity. Tendrils of energy stretched from them, weaving intricate patterns in the air. Slowly, painstakingly, the energy coalesced, taking shape around Cole's body.Black Widow watched in awe as the energy solidified into a form-fitting suit of armor. Each piece – the helmet, the breastplate, the greaves – glowed faintly with the color of a specific Infinity Stone. The armor, though alien in appearance, felt strangely familiar to Cole, as if an extension of himself.When the final tendril of energy snapped into place, the armor hummed with contained power. Cole flexed a hand, marveling at the enhanced strength coursing through his veins. He felt a surge of awareness, a heightened perception of the world around him.Black Widow stepped forward, her gaze tracing the intricate design of the armor. "You look… different," she admitted, a hint of curiosity coloring her voice."Different, yes," Cole replied, his voice echoing slightly through the armored helmet. "But the purpose remains the same – to protect this realm, and all realms, from those who seek to bring chaos."With a newfound confidence and power surging through him, Cole turned to Black Widow. "Tell me about these Avengers," he said, his gaze resolute. "There's much to learn, and even more to protect."Black Widow, a small smile playing on her lips, nodded. "There is," she said. "Welcome to the team, Cole Young."As the sun began to set on the ravaged planet, casting long shadows across the battlefield, a new legend was born. No longer just a champion from another reality, Cole Young, the bearer of the Infinity Armor, stood poised to become a pivotal figure in the ongoing battle for the safety of the multiverse. His journey had just begun.