
cole young: story retold

after an isekai senario, Mar Grant, reborn as Cole Young, carries the memories of the vengeful Scorpion.

TheCrimsonKnight · Película
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19 Chs

Chapter 18: A Blade Forged in Destiny

Black Widow's gaze remained locked on Cole, her skepticism evident. The notion of a warrior from another reality was outlandish, yet the urgency in his voice demanded attention. "A grave warning?" she echoed, her voice laced with suspicion.Cole, his heart pounding in his chest, launched into his explanation. He spoke of the realms, of Outworld's tyranny, of the System that had chosen him as a champion. He told them about Edenia, the restored paradise, and the alliance forged in the face of a common enemy – Thanos and his Infinity Gauntlet.The doubt in Black Widow's eyes gradually gave way to a flicker of interest. As Cole recounted the Mad Titan's ruthlessness, the devastation he had witnessed in his own reality, even the cynical superhero couldn't help but be moved."We've been tracking Thanos," Black Widow admitted, a hint of grim determination coloring her voice. "His whereabouts are currently unknown, but we have a contingency plan."Cole listened intently as she outlined their strategy. The Avengers, a team of extraordinary individuals, were scattered across the globe, each engaged in their own missions to thwart Thanos' potential allies.But time was running short. The System, ever-present, confirmed Thanos' location – a desolate, war-torn planet on the verge of collapse. With a surge of urgency, Cole proposed a course of action."I can take you there," he declared, his voice resolute. "The System… it can guide us through the interdimensional gateway."Black Widow, recognizing the potential advantage, hesitated for a moment before reaching a decision. "Very well," she said, her voice firm. "You lead the way, stranger. But any funny business, and you'll answer to the Avengers."With a curt nod, Cole activated the System, a swirling portal tearing open in the sterile lobby of Avengers Tower. A wave of chaotic energy washed over them, a gateway to a world consumed by conflict.Black Widow, ever the pragmatist, relayed a message through a secure channel, alerting the other Avengers of their plan. As they stepped through the portal, the vibrant colors of the Avengers Tower vanished, replaced by a desolate landscape bathed in the harsh glow of a dying sun.Buildings lay in ruins, the air thick with dust and the stench of death. Thanos, his imposing figure clad in golden armor, stood atop a crumbling structure, the Infinity Gauntlet gleaming ominously on his hand.He surveyed the ravaged planet with a chilling indifference, his gaze sweeping across the battlefield below. His objective here achieved, he was about to leave when a sudden shift in the atmosphere caught his attention.A portal crackled open, spewing forth Cole and Black Widow. Thanos, his eyes narrowing, recognized the energy signature as similar to the Tesseract, the powerful cosmic artifact the Avengers had previously possessed."Another pawn of them?" he boomed, his voice echoing across the wasteland. "Come to delay the inevitable?"Before Black Widow could formulate a response, Cole stepped forward, a newfound resolve hardening his features. He knew the Avengers were on their way, but time was a luxury they couldn't afford.He glanced at the System interface displayed only he could see. It wasn't a regular fight; it required a special weapon. With a heavy expenditure of points, a shimmering image materialized before him. "Legendary Interstellar Blade," the description read, "forged from the heart of a dying star, capable of severing even the most powerful enchantments."Without a second thought, Cole confirmed the purchase. A blinding light engulfed him, and when it faded, a magnificent katana, its blade shimmering with otherworldly energy, lay in his hands.Black Widow, witnessing the sudden appearance of the blade, watched in stunned silence. But Cole didn't have time for explanations. With a warrior's cry, he charged towards Thanos, the legendary blade singing through the air.Thanos, surprised by the unexpected attack, raised his gauntlet to defend himself. But the blade, imbued with the power of a dying star, sliced through the gauntlet's magical defenses like a hot knife through butter.The Infinity Gauntlet clattered to the ground, inert. Thanos, his eyes wide with disbelief, looked down at the severed wrist where the gauntlet had once been. In that moment of shock, Cole swung his blade once more.The steel met flesh in a sickening thud. Thanos, the Mad Titan, the destroyer of worlds, crumpled to the ground, a single, clean cut severing his life thread.A stunned silence descended upon the battlefield. Black Widow, still processing the events that had unfolded in a matter of seconds, stared at Cole, his blade dripping with a single, glistening drop of blood.He had done it. With a single, decisive strike, the threat of Thanos, the harbinger of universal destruction,