
Catching Up - I'mma need that hug, bro.

I just managed to have CK start talking but when we were right in the thick of it, some dude just came hauling a surfboard and in my head, I thought that was just fucking enough. It didn't take long before I had the same dude step on the other end of the surfboard—using it as a plank as pirates would—as I dragged CK over to the other side and threatened him with my katana.

All I was missing was an eyepatch, a peg leg, a hook hand, and a parrot to complete the look.

But yeah, I know that CK needed his time alone but he also needed time with the people he knows or close friends with at the same time. I've been too familiar with being alone and it was quite addicting, but as I said earlier, I just wanted to give my friend a hug.

"Arr~! You bein' a fuckin' bitch, matey! You either walk the plank or face with me and my blade!"

"This is all sorts of crazy, dude! Are you fucking insane!"

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