
Code: Infinity (Rewrite Out)

Ryo was a researcher but due ue to a stupid experiment, he created a black hole that destroyed everything. Ryo survived the explosion by sheer luck and was floating in the void when he found his newly gained power. As he was testing out his power, he found himself in front of an angry God... or a Demon? What will happen to him? Will he survive the harsh world? And how does he gain a system? Read the ff to know more about his future adventure! ========== The system only shows the status and will give mission and rewards... It's a harem ff. The final number of wives he will marry/love is not decided. The story has most of the time related to magic cultivation as power upgrading. Mc will be quite moody but will be truly neutral and he will not be horny to collect wifus. He will be possessive and protective of his wife but will not get in their way of development. But he will start his plans to kill all those who even try to flirt with them. He might even be a little psycho in this matter... He will not hesitate to do evil things for his gain. He will even destroy the plot for his plans and he will be a little prideful and arrogant but will always plan all his future works. (Not on the level of Gilgamesh or Aizen but he will be cautious as well as prideful) ======== Images used for reference are not my own. They belong to their respective owners. Hope you enjoy reading!

SR_2027 · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
38 Chs

Chapter 5 - Recalling all the memories

(MC's POV)

"Little Ryo, wake up!"

I heard someone calling out my name. It was a soft but stern female voice. She is trying to wake me up but I don't want to.

"Just let me sleep 2 minutes more, please...*cute shota noise*"

I covered my face with my blanket and went back to sleep as my head was hurting a little. I sometimes wish that morning doesn't exist.

As I tried to go back to sleep, a hand shooked my whole body. The female voice repeated, "Ryo! You are already late for breakfast! wake up right now or you will not get any breakfast. You did not wake up early just like usual..."

"Start to train yourself to wake up earlier as we are going to select which school you will start to study tomorrow and you will start to attend the classes by the start of next week."

She took a little break and said in a stern voice, "From tomorrow, you will have to train to wake up early in the morning. I will set an alarm from tonight. So get ready already for breakfast and don't skip brushing your teeth!"

I groaned a little and sat up in my bed and adjusted myself to the bright sunlight in my bedroom and yawned once. I then looked at the person who woke me up.

Yes, she's my mom, her name is Otsuki Maya. She have approximately 5'8 feet (172 cm) in height, have deep blue eyes and dark jet blue hair. She is quite tall, thin and gives out the aura of maturity. Her skin was like white porcelain and her lips were thin but deep red.


(Image here)


I examined her in an instant. Gave her a nod in affirmation as I slowly got off my bed and walked toward the bathroom. My mother patted my head as she left my room with a soft look.

I frowned a little as I touched my head and felt a little longing for the head pats. It's as if I want more. I shooked my head and opened the bathroom door and entered it. This feeling might be possibly due to that thing that happened to me before I got the system.

I quickly closed the door and locked it as I started to observe the bathroom. It was medium size but was a nice one. The nearest to me was the basin. It had a mirror attached to the wall just above it. Then a little further to the basin was the toilet seat. A glass door can be seen in front which separated the shower from the other accessories.


(Image here)


I went to the basin and washed my face to remove the drowsiness. I then stared at my reflection in the mirror.

I recalled everything about my past. I am born in a Japanese family exactly on 10 January 2000.

{A/N: Current it will be 1 February 2005. I am setting the appropriate date for future plot development}

My name is Otsuki Ryo, I'm 5 years old but due to genes from my father, I am a lot taller than the rest of the children of my age. I look like a 7~8 years old child. Normally most children are still childish and most of their tasks are completed with the help of parents but probably due to genes, I matured earlier and can do most of my tasks by myself.

My father is Otsuki Tsuka and my mother is Otsuki Maya. Both are in their late thirties. They look a little younger than their age but still, they are really successful.

{A/N: These names are random and they might not have any meaning.}

My father completed his studies in a military school, he studied everything in the same school. He was a super genius for sure. If I could describe his achievements until now, I can definitely say with confidence that he was just less talented than the main characters from Chinese novels who are trained from their childhood and have superhuman talent and are almost able to do anything.

He is good-looking. He had mastered a few types of combat techniques and had knowledge about most of all types of firearms, can drive almost any kind of land vehicle, have mechanical knowledge, medical knowledge, and bulky buff body as if he was specially made to be a soldier. He also had his own personal team and had even operated in a few real-life missions related to terrorists. But sadly reality is not sweated.

My grandfather, who was the owner of the Otsuki empire worth hundreds of millions, was diagnosed with heart and as the only heir of the Otsuki family, he took retirement and took over the company. And not soon after that, my grandfather passed away.

My grandmother apparently also had passed away while giving birth to my father.

Even when he took over the company and had very less management experience and knowledge, he was still able to maintain the company somehow after some minor setbacks. There was a little loss but soon was covered up.

The company mostly manages the sales of medical and beautification products. After my father took over the company in his mid-twenties, the company experienced a few setbacks as the sales were affected.

My father as if the main character of a novel, was able to somehow manage the situation as he became popular in the rich society.

Although he saved the company, he was not able to make it very successful like those novels. Then he was in his peak popularity, he was young, good-looking, talented, fit, and have was almost a billionaire. The Otsuki empire was especially famous in Chiba and had a few businesses in Tokyo.

He then met my mother at a party which was organized by my father for the success of the products of the company.

My mother was very famous at that time. She was also talented in investment and stocks and was also considered a genius. My mother only started earning just three years before the party. She was able to earn millions of yens from her personal money. Let me remind you that this is real life and although my mother was not able to earn a lot, she had earned it from her personal money which was probably a few tens of thousands of yens.

This can still be considered a great achievement. The stock market is not a joking matter like in novels where MCs can directly earn billions of money in just a few days.

My father was attracted to her as she was beautiful, young, talented, and successful. It was as if saying goes, "Talented people are attracted to earn others." My father searched her background and she was from an above-average family. Then confirmed that she had no hands in dirty and illegal things...

My father was first confused about how should he approach her but one day, they met at an interview as my mother applied for a job at my father's company as if fate was playing with fun. And just like in a Korean drama, they soon married after a few years of dating in their early thirties and I was born just a year or so after marriage.

I feel as if my father was some kind of protagonist of those Chinese urban novels where somehow the character is omnipotent genius. At least my father was able to do feasible things that are possible within human limits.

I cleared up my mind, quickly brushed my teeth, and took a quick shower. I wore an orange T-shirt and black shorts. I definitely don't want to be punished early in the morning and make the starting of my day start with an argument so I quickly did all my necessary tasks.

Coming down the stairs, I quickly reached the dining area, just by the kitchen.

My house can be considered a small mansion. It has three floors and the ground floor only consisted of the main hall, kitchen along with dining area and garage. Then there is a garden on the backside of the house. All of the bedrooms, library, and guest rooms are located on the first floor. The second floor is also connected to the attic. Most kinds of stuff are kept there and there are a few study rooms.


(Image Here)


I quickly sat at the dining table, my mother served me the food. Usually, in rich families, most of the works is done by servants but this was not so in my family. My family believes that it's better to do the work by ourselves instead of using servants for help. This does not mean that there are no servants in the mansion.

There is a butler and maid but they mostly take care of the house. The butler, Minato Takeshi, and the maid is Mayuri Nana.

{A/N: Random name again, they will not even have any screen time.}

I also think that this is good as it will also give exercise to the body. While I was eating, I heard a soft and gentle male voice from the opposite side of the table saying, " Good morning Ryo, you are late as usual? You should start to work out a little on it."

I lifted my head a little and examined my father. He can be considered a lot tall and buff. He can be almost considered a giant, reaching an astonishing height of 6'6 feet (198 cm).

He has deep purple eyes and jet black smooth hair. His skin was a little tanned and his clothes cannot hide away his strong buffed body muscles. He adorned a soft smile in contrast to his fierce looks.


(Image Here)


I smiled and replied, "Good morning papa. I am growing up so it's normal to sleep a lot. Mom is going to set alarm for tomorrow. I heard that I will be attending the school next week?"

He nodded and continued, "We are going to choose which school you will be attending. Do you have any school in mind? This is the last chance to change your mind. *Quick Wink😉*"

A stern voice of my mother arrived from the kitchen, "Hubby, you are spoiling him again! what about the schedule that we have set up with the principal? You graduated from there. It is not good to cancel it."

My father laughed a little and said with pride, "Well most of the donation is done by me, so it doesn't matter. As for the impression, it was already good. He will not mind me canceling."

My mother entered the dining hall and sat on the table and said, "You are spoiling your child too much... Remember my advice, he will definitely become arrogant if this goes on." She stared at my father as he looks away. I smiled at the scene. It was from my heart. It was a weird feeling of longing which arrived again.

I soon frowned a little and thought that this feeling arrives whenever I am with my family or my parents look at me with care and love.

This was definitely related to that dream or reality, whatever it was. My mother then looked at me and asked, "Ryo, will you attend the military school, Army Public School, where your father graduated from? Remember that you will study there for the rest of your student years there till graduation. We will only transfer you until or unless if you might not be able to cope up with the technique which is used to teach there."

{A/N: I cannot come up with any better name for the school so I went for the most straightforward one.}

My father lifted his head high to the sky and said pridefully, "Weakness disgust me, Ryo! you will definitely have to make your body sturdy and bulky like me so that I can brag about it to everyone. From tomorrow onwards I will train you."

My mother shooked her head in defeat as she know that my father is stubborn and is obsessed with making me buffed like him for an unknown reason.

I quickly opened my mission log and accepted all the missions currently available or are related to it.

[Mission available:-

1. Train your body during the following week. Do twenty push-ups, crunches, and sit-ups. Also, do 100 m running exercise. (O)

Rewards: Fast adaptation potion

2. Attend a school that will train your body and makes you stronger. (O)

Reward: Starter Pack.

3. Learn and read diligently for three years. (O)

Rewards: Skill [Focus: E- Rank, passive]

4. Reach middle school with above-average marks and good fitness. (O)

Reward: Gift Box

5. Reach Highschool with above-average marks and good fitness. (O)

Reward: Gift Box

7. Graduate. (O)

Reward: Gift Box

8. ???]

I replied to my parents, "No I don't have any problem attending that school. Instead, I am excited."

My parents raised their eyebrows as just before a few days back, I was complaining about not attending school. They might be wondering how and what changed my mind. My father asked, "Ryo, what happened? it is not like you... Are you sick or something?" He said as he stood up came to me and examined my body condition.

I removed his hands rudely and acted tsundere and shyly said, "It was just to... make myself strong! it's not like I am doing this for you or something!"

I almost vomited by my actions as previously I used to act shy in front of my father and wanted to make him proud but after the system came, my personality is affected. It will cause a lot of trouble if they know about it right now. I have to act like my usual self and so I did act.

My father laughed and ruffled my hair as he said, "Yes, yes! you are doing this to make yourself strong." Hopefully, he didn't find anything out.

My mother suddenly said, "Tsuka, hubby, you are going to be late for the office!"

My father suddenly halted all his actions and ran for his job. He didn't forget to say goodbye to us.

As for my mother? she works from home with the internet and mostly takes care of me and the house. I then quickly ate all my breakfast and entered my room for planning up for my future tasks.