
Code: Infinity (Rewrite Out)

Ryo was a researcher but due ue to a stupid experiment, he created a black hole that destroyed everything. Ryo survived the explosion by sheer luck and was floating in the void when he found his newly gained power. As he was testing out his power, he found himself in front of an angry God... or a Demon? What will happen to him? Will he survive the harsh world? And how does he gain a system? Read the ff to know more about his future adventure! ========== The system only shows the status and will give mission and rewards... It's a harem ff. The final number of wives he will marry/love is not decided. The story has most of the time related to magic cultivation as power upgrading. Mc will be quite moody but will be truly neutral and he will not be horny to collect wifus. He will be possessive and protective of his wife but will not get in their way of development. But he will start his plans to kill all those who even try to flirt with them. He might even be a little psycho in this matter... He will not hesitate to do evil things for his gain. He will even destroy the plot for his plans and he will be a little prideful and arrogant but will always plan all his future works. (Not on the level of Gilgamesh or Aizen but he will be cautious as well as prideful) ======== Images used for reference are not my own. They belong to their respective owners. Hope you enjoy reading!

SR_2027 · Anime & Comics
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38 Chs

Chapter 6 - Magic (─‿‿─)

As I entered my room, firstly I waited for a few hours before the food is digested. It was instructed to have glucose but just before arriving, I drank it. My mother was looking weirdly at my action because I drank it just after breakfast but she dismissed it.

I am worried about how long it will take them to find about my personality change. The main problem is that although I got my memories, the memories did not bring the feelings alongside it. It was as if I was watching a film. I can see the love the previous owner of my body had to his parents but I don't have such deep love.

Yes, there is a little care but that's it. It's like the movies, you can feel the emotion that the main character is going through and you sometimes put yourself in the place of the protagonist and feel a little of what the protagonist is going through but it cannot be genuine and real.

I prepared a little for the next events like exercising a little and studying a little from the books which were bought by my parents for my school. Honestly, I don't know why I really hate studying. I am not able to concentrate on it a little but had to pass a few hours for digestion.

After doing twenty pushups, situps and crunches, I feel my sore body. Although the amount is low, my body is that of a child so it can still be considered a lot for me. It's not like those stories where 2~3-year-old children go and slaughter the whole clans just because they called him a child or something.

{A/N: There was literally that ff that had an OP MC and he literally slaughtered the whole clan and its member. I have forgotten its name as I dropped it a few months ago.

I dropped it the next second he did so. I was like if you want to make an OP MC, at least make it a little logical and the reason behind the slaughter was also the same. They only called him a child and that's all. I think that it was an ATG ff...}

I then ran a few perimeters of the house to complete the mission requirement. Thankfully I was allowed to take a break during the run or I would have literally melted due to exhaustion.

My mother, the butler, the maid, and the Gardner watched me in confusion as usually I never did something like this.

My mother also asked the reason for my action to which I replied with 'shyness', "I want to become strong." Although my mother believed it after some excuses, probably my Trait pushed in and she believed me. In the end, she was still concerned and ordered the butler to take care of me after I have completed my exercise.

After completing the exercise, I was feeling my sore body. I felt a little good and almost thought that I was a mascot and inquired about it to my system. Thankfully, the main reason for feeling good and refreshed is because of my Perk [War Lord] working and my body will adapt to my training much faster than a normal person.

As I went to take the shower, I took out the Body Growth potion and drank it. It was advised to drink it when I have eaten and have prepared myself. I removed my clothes and as I waited a few seconds, that suddenly I almost collapsed as I felt my body grow weakened.

I felt some kind of fluid or liquid crawling inside my skin as if it is skimming through my whole body. I quickly supported myself as my institution told me to reach the basin quickly.

I quickly closed the bathroom door and supported myself in front of the basin as I felt like vomiting. Not long after that, I vomited a dark black liquid. It was very disgusting and I quickly rinsed my mouth and removed the liquid along with some breakfast leftovers.

After that, I examined if I got anything news but the most major thing that changed is that whenever I breathe, I feel very good and addicting; it's as if electricity is flowing through my whole body. I can even feel something(Mana) flowing through my whole body which is 'strengthening' my body.

I can also feel the thing(Mana) flowing through certain my body forming many connections and joints. I can say that it had formed literal secondary nerves of my body which I can feel if I concentrate enough.

Then I also regained a few of my memories but it's just a few minutes of memories. They mostly consisted of my childhood memories. It had memories that belonged to the time when I was just adopted. At that time, I was like 10 years old.

Then there is also the knowledge of [King Of Lust(Passive): YYY-Rank]. This technique really lives up to its rank. I will gain strength every time I have sex. This also strengthens my partner and also the stronger my partner is, the faster we will grow. Then this also gives me skills [Aphodite Body(Passive): S-Rank], [High Sexual Capability (Passive): A-Rank], and [Sensitive Touch of Love (Active): S-Rank]

{A/N: There will be a detailed description at the end of the chapter.}

I slowly organized my mind and saw that a very thin layer of rough liquid was present on my skin and the smell it released was very disgusting.

I quickly took a shower and removed all the dirty liquid from my body.

I then adorned normal clothes and checked out my new status. There were no major changes in it but my Body Power Rank has increased by a minor rank for its peak value.



Name: Otsuki Ryo

Gender: Male

Title: -

Bloodline: Human

HP(Health Points): 100%

MP(Mana Points): 100%


Traits: [Chuunibyou Effect] [Pure and Innocent]

Perks: [War Lord] [Brave and courageous] [King Of Lust] [Cockroach] [Pride]


Magic Core: Infinity

Core Stage: F-Rank 1st stage

Core Traits: [Infinity: True immortality, as long as your name or information is known to someone or is written somewhere, you will revive infinitely. The stronger you are, the longer it will take to revive.]


Body: F- (F)

Mind: F- (F)

Soul: F- (F-) ]


There was no major change and although the mana is flowing through my body while strengthening it, the peak value of my Body and Mind has increased. I think that the peak value refers to when I will in a life and death situation. As for my soul, it was told that it will start to form its physical form when I reach B-Rank. I then checked out all my skills also.



[Minor Intuition(Passive): E-Rank = Self explanatory]

[Eyes of Truth(Active): A-Rank = The eyes gained as an innate ability by the activation of your body core. You can perceive/feel/see the emotions and state of mind of any person or thing going through. It will work only on the physical body and can only be used on a person/object who are almost two ranks above you.]

[King of Lust(Passive): YYY-Rank = Magic art once practiced by S^#GSg during the HB*&^ period. It increased the strength of you and your partner per sex. The stronger you and your partner are, the more effective it will prove. It further gives a few more skills related to sex and you will also be able to find sensitive spots of your partner easily.]

[Aphrodisiac Body(Passive): S-Rank = Skill related to [King of Lust]. Any fluid from your body will work as Aphrodite for your partner. They will feel a lot more sensitive and the pain will also be reduced when you take your partner's virginity. This also works for your body as you will also find your partner's body fluid more addictive.],

[High Sexual Capability (Passive): A-Rank = Skill related to [King of Lust]. It increases the body stamina and helps you find the eroge spot of your partners faster. You will also gain knowledge of various things related to sexual activities.]

[Sensitive Touch of Love (Active): S-Rank = Skill related to [King of Lust]. It will increase the sense of the sensitivity of your partner and they will feel more secure, loved, and turned on whenever you use it on them.]. ]


{A/N: From now on, all the explanations of skills will be only present in the auxiliary chapter stating his current status. I will only write the names only as it's very unnecessary to give their explanation every time.}

Those are a lot of skills. I didn't know that there were ranks like YYY-RANK from the system's explanation. I asked the system mentally, 'System, what is this new rank? Is there a rank above the SSS-Rank that you talked about?'

[I cannot disclose anything right now because of Insufficient magic core rank. It is advisable to grow strong as fast as you could for you to know about such things.]

I silently organized my doubt and asked, 'So tell me system, what is your true purpose for choosing me? It cannot be anything random. Tell me your real desire.'

The system went silent for a short period of time but repeated the same thing again.

[I cannot disclose anything right now because of Insufficient magic core rank. It is advisable to grow strong as fast as you could for you to know about such things.]

I expected such an answer so I was not disappointed. Now that I think about it, the system might definitely have a goal. I should not be so dependent on it

Then I asked, 'Is that so? Well, then tell me and explain all the ranks and their power'


[Host, the ranking of the core is as follows:-

[F-RANK increases the stats by +1X of that of a normal person per sub stage]

[E-RANK increases the stats by +10X of that of a normal person per sub stage]

[D-RANK increases the stats by +100X of that of a normal person per sub stage]

[C-RANK increases the stats by +1000X of that of a normal person per sub stage]

[B-RANK increases the stats by +10,000X of that of a normal person per sub stage]

[A-RANK increases stats by +100,000X of that of a normal person per sub stage and ability to fly in space and can destroy a planet]

[S-RANK increases stats and gives the ability of Solar-system destroyer level]

[SS-RANK increases stats and gives the ability to destroy multi Solar-systems and Galaxy destroyer levels at peak]

[SSS-RANK increases stats and gives the ability to destroy clusters of galaxies and the Universe at peak]

The stages are further divided into 9-Sub stages. Unfortunately, the current world where the host is living is a low level one and even the most talented person can only reach (E+)-Rank at most here almost because the mana is very low in quantity in this world.]


I was started to see such a list. I can say that SSS-RANK is like the state of Goku in his Ultra instinct form, which is not something to be underestimated.

As for the current world being low-level, I cannot say much about it as even at the lowest stage of Magic Core, which is the F-RANK 1st stage, I can feel that I am strong enough to beat an adult if it is a life-death situation.

I will definitely have to travel to another world. I don't know where I will go. I bet the system will deny it saying my strength is low to know anything important right now.


(Omniscient Viewer POV)

As Ryo was thinking and discussing his things with the system, in a completely different dimension, a group of people in shadows were discussing something that will affect his future a lot.

(Location in the same place where mc was just saved and kept from Hell keeper)

A lot of shadows can be seen discussing the actions of MC and were also making several remarks about it. There was a huge hologram in the air that showed every action of our MC.

An angry roar was heard as it sent many shadows to oblivion can be heard. The nearby shadows ran away from the location as they didn't want to die accidentally like their fellow shadows.

The angry voice said, "Miro! Do you even know what you gave him!? That power is not something which should be distributed to such a puny mortal!"

This was Drangg's voice. He continued, "If you wanted to share that power, you could have given it to us! It's such a huge waste to give it to the mortal! I know that you are genderless but after you got the inheritance from the King of Lust, you kept it with yourself until now!"

The King of Lust was not any ordinary skill or ability. Just from its rank, you could understand its power. Miro gained this inheritance from the tomb of King of Lust.

{A/N: The skill was invented by King of Lust and named the skill after his title. Also, Drangg is XX-Rank, Ga Einia is XX-Rank, Mero is 'almost' XXX-Rank and Elinor is a true XXX-Rank in Magic Core Rank. Their Core stage might look to have any major difference but each major rank has a huge difference. If Elinor wants, he can kill everyone present there in just a few hours.}

He was angry and so asked, "If you want, you can share the skill with me! Wh-"

Mero directly cut him off and coldly said, "This skill is my own, it's up to me to decide whom i should give my skills to. Also, he is a very special specimen for me. Don't even think about getting your hands on my skills!"

He was the second strongest among the 'Group' who had planned things for our MC. He is only weaker than Elinor, who is the strongest.

Elinor also intruded, "Don't cause inner fighting right now. We are at the crucial part of our plans. Just a hundred years and we will be able to control his body and mind. Although it's possible right now, we are currently weakened as we are in soul and we cannot let 'Them' know any hint about us."

They both went silent and then continued to watch Ryo's actions. Only some muffed moans can be heard from Ga Einia who got turned on just by watching the bare body of Ryo and is fantasizing about him.


Hope you enjoy the chapter!