
Cobra Kai: A Great Fighter

This fanfic has been dropped.

SmotheryGecko · TV
Sin suficientes valoraciones
27 Chs


Hey guys, I wanted to talk about the last chapter of the fight. I know many didn't like it, including me, but there wasn't much I could do. I don't like to make a character strong and then make him lose to a character " any".

I know that many thought it would be better because of the first chapter I did about fighting, but a lot of things have changed since that time. Kai grew up at that time he didn't have half the strength he has now, not to mention the experience of fighting and with your power.

And I don't even need to say why nothing has been posted for so long, you must be tired of knowing that it was because of personal problems.


"We're done for today." Johnny told Miguel.

"Come on, I'll drive you home." Kai said.

"No need Sensei." Miguel said, not wanting to cause Kai any trouble.

"Don't worry, I have things to do over there." Kai then left before Miguel could say anything.

Miguel followed him silently to his car.

Kai got in and waited for Miguel to get in the car, before heading towards Miguel's house.

"So what do you think of Johnny?" Kai asked.

"Sensei? Although he's a little stern, he's a good teacher." Miguel couldn't say much, after all it was only two days since he started training with Johnny and only today he really learned something.

But that was a good way to break the ice, Kai and Miguel continued talking until they reached their destination.

"Thanks for the ride, until next time Kai." Miguel thanked him and got out of the car.

With just a ride, Kai conquered Miguel and they became friends.

Kai also got out of the car, saw Miguel entering the compound and leaned against the car.

He pulled out a cigarette, when he was about to light it he heard a female voice.

"It's bad for your health, you know that." When he heard the voice, he knew who it was.

He gave a smile and said "I'm going to die anyway, no matter what the reason."

Hearing his words the woman was shocked, it wasn't a good thing to hear, for someone to say something like that shouldn't care much about their life.

"You don't like the smell?" Kai looked at Carmen and asked as she put the cigarette away.

"No…" She was still recovering.

"Well, if you don't, then I won't smoke when I'm with you." Kai said with a smile.

And stood in front of Carmen, some strands of hair were in front of her face, Kai with his fingers put them behind her ears.

And said with a loving look "I missed you."

Seeing Kai so close, and his words made Carmen totally forget what was happening before.

"I was missing you too." Carmen noticed that she didn't feel as embarrassed around Kai as she used to.

She gave Kai a confident look, having grown used to him.

But what he did next made her panic again.

Kai approached and kissed Carmen on the mouth. At first she was shocked but after a few seconds she returned the kiss and hugged him.

Kai felt Carmen's body on his body, and he couldn't stand it and squeezed her ass.

Something she naturally noticed but ignored, forgetting it was out in the open, luckily no one passed by.

Once the kiss ended, she leaned into him and enjoyed the moment, she could smell him and his muscles.

"Do you want to go out with me for dinner?" Kai asked, interrupting the pleasant silence.

"I would love it." Carmen responded with a smile.

"I'll pick you up at half past seven." Kai set the time with her and left after one more kiss.

Kai went home, having done everything he needed to for the time being.

Arriving there, he saw that Daniel was also almost at his house.

He parked his car in the garage, and went to talk to Daniel.

"Do you want to login?" Seeing Daniel at his door he invited him in with a friendly smile.

"If there's no problem." Daniel spoke, seeing the indication Kai entered.

"Would you like something to drink? Water? A beer?" Kai asked, but he was already bringing two beers.

He could tell by the way Daniel was acting casually that there was more than an 80% chance he would accept.

The percentage was actually a little higher.

As expected he accepted, and so they kept talking and becoming more and more friends.

They talked about the party at Daniel's house and other things.

Kai even though he wasn't actively trying was gaining Daniel's trust more and more.

After a while Daniel said goodbye, ready to leave.

Outside the house, as he was about to go home, Daniel seemed to remember something.

"To say thank you for the pie earlier, would you like to come over for dinner tonight." Daniel asked.

"I'm sorry, today unfortunately I'm going to be busy." Kai apologized for not being able to attend.

"Okay, no problem, next time." Daniel showed he didn't care much about the refusal, said goodbye and left.

A while later~

"So how was it? Did he accept?" When Daniel just walked into the house, a barrage of questions was hurled at him by his daughter.

He could only look at her anxiety and shake his head before speaking to her.

"Unfortunately he's busy, but if you want we can invite a friend of yours over for dinner tonight." Daniel said the first part but couldn't bear to see her sad face and made a suggestion.

Which she reluctantly accepted and went upstairs to her room.

He looked at her back and sighed.

His wife noticed this and asked "What is it?"

"Anything." He answered but she wasn't going to let it go and asked again "Is it about Kai?"

"Yes, we talked and he told me he had no interest in our daughter." Daniel said.

What made his wife raise her eyebrows "Aren't you supposed to think that's good?"

"Yes and I think, after all he is our friend, it would be strange, but to see her sad. *sigh*"

His wife showed understanding and spoke consolingly "Don't worry about it, she's a teenager and will forget about it soon."

As if to show how right she was, her daughter came down to show a picture of the friend she'd invited, a boy named Kyler.

With Kai~

Seeing the time, he was sure he got ready on time.

He took his car and went to get her, walked to her apartment door and knocked twice.

Who opened the door was a small surprise.

It was Miguel who opened the door, but with a little time to think Kai managed to call, she had said she had a son the same age as Miguel.

And he also said he used to live here, and they look alike, which is a few more points.

Miguel was also surprised by Kai's visit, but invited him in without asking why he was there.

Kai originally didn't plan on joining, but thought why not?

"¿Quién es este apuesto joven? (English):Who is this handsome young man?" An elderly woman asked Miguel in Spanish.

"Hola, mi nombre es Kai, es un placer conocerte. (English):Hello my name is Kai, it's nice to meet you." Kai also responded in Spanish.

This surprised both of them, and it seems it surprised someone else.

Kai heard something falling when he said his name 'It doesn't seem to have good soundproofing in here.'

"Ella es mi abuela Rosa, y esta es mi Karate Sensei. (English):She is my grandmother Rosa, and this is my Karate Sensei." Miguel introduced them.

She didn't ask why Kai was here but turned to Miguel and asked "¿Estás aprendiendo kárate? ¿Por qué no nos dijiste? (English): Are you learning Karate? Why didn't you tell us?"

She questioned him, clearly more concerned that he hadn't informed them than that he was learning a form of fighting.

Miguel froze when he accidentally blurted it out, but seeing Kai there he thought he had come to talk about it and felt less distressed, they were going to find out anyway.

And then he tried to explain everything to his grandmother, Kai looked at it with a smile enjoying the scene.

"I'm sorry I was a little late." A beautiful voice sounded behind Kai.

Everyone's eyes turned to the owner of the voice.

"Wow." That was Miguel's reaction to seeing his mother.

"Don't worry, you're not late, and if you were it would be totally worth it, you look beautiful." Kai replied with a smile.

Carmen wore a long fitted dress, it showed just enough, nothing excessive and that just added to her beauty.

For Kai if this outfit was to tempt him, then it served its purpose well.

He was very tempted to find out what that dress was holding.

Carmen heard and saw Kai's look and was ashamed and secretly happy in her heart.

Upon seeing the conversation between the two, Rosa Diaz realized that Kai was the person her daughter was talking about.

The two then left and went to the restaurant where Kai made the reservation, leaving behind a crestfallen Miguel and a happy Rose.

Rosa was happy that her daughter had found a real man who wasn't afraid to meet them, and she had a feeling he was a good man.

And Miguel was down after finding out that Kai really had no intention of saying that he was learning Karate, as for the fact that he was hanging out with his mother he didn't care, if she was happy he was happy too.

And he was happy to be with Kai, someone he knows and has turned out to be a nice guy.

As long as he didn't make her suffer, they wouldn't have any problems.

With the couple~

Although she didn't say anything before about her son learning to fight, when they were alone, Carmen asked Kai everything with a little concern.

Her worries basically disappeared when he assured her that everything was fine, so she put it aside and enjoyed Kai's company in the car, chatting until they reached the restaurant.

It wasn't an extremely famous restaurant, but from Kai's research, in addition to being a nice place, the food was delicious.

Kai learned a hard lesson a long time ago, just because the restaurant is famous doesn't mean the food is good.

In fact, according to their research, the more famous a restaurant is, the less food is on the plate and the prices also increase, this is clear because you don't pay for taste, but for appearance in these restaurants.

Unfortunately or Fortunately Kai cares more about how food tastes than how it looks.

And this is also a restaurant that cares more about this too, unfortunately this is not very successful, but it manages to win loyal customers.

Kai opened the car door for Carmen and led her to the front desk to go to their table.

Some time later~

Kai and Carmen left the restaurant smiling, happy and satisfied.

Getting in the Car, Kai drove towards his house, the two knew what would happen that night, Carmen was ashamed and expectant, Kai had his usual calm smile.

On the way, they passed the Mall where the Dojo Cobra Kai is located.

Kai pointed Carmen to the place where the Dojo is, although he didn't really need to point, she just needed to look that way and she would see the eye-catching sign with the name Cobra Kai Karate in Neon White in the middle and two Cobras made of Neon Yellow, red, white and black.

Extremely flashy, and having enough light to cover the street in front of it, luckily that part was completely reserved for Shops otherwise the next day would be full of complaints.

But at this moment Kai wasn't paying attention to that, he was paying attention to the car that had just stopped in the parking lot, now there were two cars there, the first one that was already there was the Pontiac Firebird that Kai had fixed for Johnny, except for him being well taken care of, it's the same to the old one.

As for the new car being produced, Kai doesn't plan to leave the car the same, otherwise it would just replace the parts, it would take much less time and be done quickly.

But the focus is not on this car, but on the car next to it, it's an Audi S7, although it's a luxury sports car, it can't be considered a rare car to find, but Kai knew that car with just one look before he'd seen it. I had decorated the plaque even if I didn't mean to.

That was Daniel LaRusso's car, which made him think because he was there, Johnny and Daniel were far from friends, and he doubted Daniel would be there to wish him happiness over Johnny's acquisition, and even if he didn't like having a new Cobra Kai around the region, Kai knew him well enough to know that he wouldn't try to cause trouble for no reason.

And Kai was sure he wanted to cause trouble, but he sure as hell would wait for a chance or a reason.

That means he was there for something else, or had found a reason.

It made Kai wonder what that reason was, and doing a quick mental search and connecting the dots he found something.

At Daniel's daughter's party, he saw some "familiar" faces.

E agora pensando ativamente ele viu de onde esses rostos eram familiares, da câmera de segurança eles eram os garotos que apanharam para Johnny depois de fazerem Bullying com Miguel.

Ao ligar esses pontos ele já pode deduzir o que provavelmente aconteceu, tendo passado tão pouco tempo desde a briga, eles ainda devem estar machucados, Daniel viu esses machucados e tentou descobrir o que aconteceu.

Naturalmente as pessoas costumam distanciar seus filhos de pessoas que fazem Bullying, e eles devem ter inventado desculpas para inverter a história e deixá-la favorável para eles, provavelmente algo como: fomos atacados por um bêbado sem qualquer motivo.

And after connecting the dots Daniel was suspicious of Johnny and came to take satisfaction, with a conversation they could have understood everything, but like two people who don't like each other one bit, they would never sit down and talk civilly.

Which would end up making a small matter become giant.

After thinking about it for a while, he decided to stop this couple's quarrel.

Even standing in front of the Dojo he could hear what was going on.

Kai heard Johnny 's voice.

Kai POV~

"If it weren't for your daughter, I wouldn't be walking around—" Weird, he was driving, right?

But her next words made him understand "Fortunately, a very good friend lent me a car, so thanks." Johnny said mockingly.

"You are welcome." I walked in with a smile, well I thought it was a good cue and decided to take advantage of it.

""Kai?"" The two said at the same time, and then looked at each other and asked.

""Do you guys know each other?"" I laughed out loud which got their attention.

"You would be good friends, have known each other for so long and speak together with such maturity."

Without even thinking they answered me ""No way!"" and were silent after talking together.

I interrupted with a laugh and told them both that we are friends, although they both liked each other, to my surprise they had no problem with that.

I think I tagged them more than I thought.

And I was right, they both considered me one of their closest friends if not their best friend.

It's like they say trust conquers people very quickly.

"Well now why are you here?" I asked Daniel, and he explained the whole story to me and also made it clear that he didn't fully believe in Johnny, even more so in the part where he said he protected someone.

I simply showed him the video and said I couldn't guarantee he did it to protect the kid, but I believed him.

And I let him come to his own conclusion and leave with Carmen.

With the Car I continued the path until I got home, answering some of her questions, such as who were they? And that video was that, and she felt bad after learning that her son was being bullied and she didn't know.

But after promising that she would protect him she calmed down.

And having arrived at my house she had more things to worry about, like what was going to happen and the fact that my house was a mansion.

I took her hand and took her to the bedroom, she seemed tired of all the fuss and as soon as we entered the bedroom she started kissing me.

I started to undress her as soon as she was only in her panties and threw her on the bed, and looked at her embarrassed trying to hide with her arms and I had fun.

I took off my shirt showing my upper body, which made her move her hands out of the beautiful sight.

Her breasts weren't very big, but they were very beautiful just like the rest of her body.

I kissed her on the mouth and went down, kissing her neck and leaving some marks.

"Ahh! Ohh!"

Her moans gave me confirmation that it was time to reach down, cupping one of her breasts in my hand and squeezing the nipple, and with my mouth I licked around the nipple to stimulate before sucking on the nipple.

"Ahhh! Mhhh!" She bit her lip to hold in the moan, and felt glad she hadn't done anything at home, just that and she was already screaming with pleasure.

I then took my mouth off one nipple and sucked on the other, with a while in it I bit down on the nipple.

"Ahh! I'm coming!!" She arched her back and crossed her legs as she orgasmed.

I went down while kissing all over her body, until I reached her soaked panties.

Deftly I removed her panties, and in front of me was her shaved pussy.

I kissed the top and felt her body trembling with pleasure, I was already understanding how her body worked.

I lowered my mouth slightly and gave her slit a lick.

"Ahhh! ♥️To be continued!"

In the end my tongue touched her clit, which made her cry out and shudder in pleasure again.

I stopped the teasing and put my mouth around her clit, and used my tongue to lick her clit like a cherry.

Her body squirmed trying to get out of my hands.

♥ ️Ahhh! Ahh! Ahh! Ohhh! Yepp!

She decided not to hold back her moans anymore, which made me increase the speed and intensity.

I continued to pleasure her mouth like this until she came.

Having finished my actions I took everything off and got naked, she looked at my waist with wide eyes, more precisely at my cock which was much bigger than what she expected.

I took her lips again, and brought my cock closer to her pussy that was already lubricated with all her juices.

Still kissing her I thrust my cock into her narrow slit.

"Hmm." She let out a moan of pleasure muffled by our kiss.

"Ahh! It's so deep!♥️" With the first thrust, I drove in as far as possible.

I continued with my movements, increasing the speed of my movements, back and forth, deeper and deeper.

In my rhythmic movements she grabbed my neck, and I got up standing with her clutching my neck with my cock inside her.

Kissing her I started to move her up and down.

She stopped kissing me and clung to me with her head on my shoulder.

"Ahh yeah yeah! You're so good! Going so soooo good!" I didn't expect her to have such a dirty line during sex, which I loved.

Increasing the speed also increased the frequency of his speech, his moans and his phrases made me increase the speed and do it with more skill.

So we spent some time having sex, she had already had many orgasms, and I was getting there.

"I love you!" In her last orgasm she had, she rested on my shoulder and said, and froze after realizing what she just said.

She knew very well that saying that too soon was a good way to scare a man away.

Upon hearing this, many thoughts crossed my mind, I had already told her that I would have other women, so I would not have any serious relationship to not betray anyone.

And even knowing that she said it, which probably means that she didn't care or that the pleasure was so much that it made her forget about it.

And I was pretty sure it was the first option, even more so seeing how she looked, with uncertainty, relief and fear, showing that she really meant it.

I flashed her a smile, and didn't stop my movements.

"Ahhh." Though quieter, she couldn't help but moan in pleasure.

With me getting closer and closer to cum, more and more dopamine is released in my brain.

I knew I might end up doing something stupid out of happiness, but… Fuck.

I'll just let myself go.

"Hmg" I groaned holding back the urge to come which heightened my pleasure.

Which in turn made me increase my speed, and Carmen increased the volume of her moans.

"I love you too." I looked into her beautiful eyes and told her and kissed her before I came inside her.

She also had another orgasm, I don't know if it was because of the warm liquid in her uterus or because of what I said.

I lay down on the bed, and she snuggled into my chest, before going to sleep, tired.

I looked at it and smirked 'That's why I can't have just one woman.' My cock still inside her, not softening one bit ready for another battle, and I knew this was just the beginning.

But she was tired, so I kissed her forehead before getting more comfortable and going to sleep.

Totally forgetting what I had said, still on the dopamine effect.


I found it interesting so I'm going to do it to see if it looks cool, a summary of the chapter.

In this chapter, we saw bonds being formed and how strong those bonds are between Kai and the others.

Kai shows his maturity and that he has limits that he does not exceed, limits that he himself imposed on him.

And in the end we saw a show of love between Kai and Carmen.

What does the future hold for our friend Kai? We'll see in the next chapters, stay tuned for Kai's story.


Yes, I finally decided, and on the pretense of Kai being Daniel's friend, I crossed Samantha off the list.