
Cobra Kai: A Great Fighter

This fanfic has been dropped.

SmotheryGecko · TV
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27 Chs

A bid.

Kai is currently at Johnny's house.

"So let me see if I understand, you decided to reopen Cobra Kai even after everything he put you through?" Kai asked a little surprised, he never expected that of all people it would be Johnny who reopened Cobra Kai.

"Yes." Johnny responded quickly, upon hearing his response Kai started to think.

Well, he wanted to start a Karate dojo and unfortunately he didn't know how or when to start, and Johnny letting him know he was going to do it, it was like a pie falling in front of him.

And of course there was only one thing he could do now "I'm in."

"As?" Johnny looked at Kai in disbelief upon hearing her words, thinking he had misheard, though he hoped what she heard was true.

Kai just nodded, indicating that he really meant what he said.

Johnny was happy but didn't show it. He originally wanted to ask Kai to join, but wanted to wait a little while until the dojo grew. After all, it only had one "student" until now.

So when he had more students, he would then invite Kai, and he was a little afraid that Kai would decline his invitation.

But now with Kai volunteering to participate, most of his problems have been resolved even though he didn't know it.

"Do you already have students?" Kai asked to which Johnny's response was "Yes, well not students, but student."

"Hmm, it's a little weird for two people to train a student together." Kai spoke and then looked at Johnny, which gave him a bright idea.

"How about I train you?" Kai said with a smile.

Johnny scowled and said "I don't need your training, I think you're the one who needs me to train you."

Kai just looked at him and smirked "Oh really? I don't think so."

"How about we make a bet, a Cobra Kai-style fight, whoever wins trains the other, or are you scared?" Kai asked but was already sure of Johnny's answer, as an old-fashioned man, he wouldn't accept anyone doubting him or his manhood.

Johnny didn't answer, he just thought about what Kai had said, he wasn't sure he could beat Kai in a one-on-one fight.

But when he heard that it was a fight with Cobra Kai style only, his heart moved, he knew that Kai's main style was not Cobra Kai Style, in fact Kai doesn't specialize in any style.

And when he heard Kai asking if he was scared, he reluctantly accepted.

"Okay, whoever loses will have to call the other Sensei for life, and will have to listen to the winner's orders." Johnny said what was at stake in this fight, honestly he expected Kai to refuse.

"Are you sure?" Kai looked at Johnny waiting for what the answer to that would be.

"Yes, or are you scared?" Johnny couldn't help himself and said this.

"I'm not an idiot to be teased like that." Kai said with a smile.

Johnny thought something was wrong with that sentence, but Kai didn't give him time to think.

"But, it seems like a good idea, it's a promise between men, when I win, all you have to do is call me Sensei inside Dojo, and I'll do my best to train you very well." Kai said and got up to make some preparations.

"Oh right you have the place." Before leaving he asked.

"Yes, I already rented a place." Johnny answered.

"All good." Kai didn't ask where the place was and just left.

Some time later Johnny got a call that the place had been bought.

Johnny just listened before hanging up with a smile on his face.

He could naturally guess who had bought it, and it didn't take long before he got a thumbs up message from Kai.

[Now it's up to you.] It was the next message.

He got up and went to do his job, buy things to do the renovation and make it to his liking.

He went towards the Dojo site, and when he started to do the renovations, some strong men arrived.

Seeing this Johnny remembered the movies that had that business of paying for ''protection'' of his establishment, he wasn't expecting that, but he wasn't afraid of problems.

And he was already getting ready to do some moves and teach them that you shouldn't mess with a Karate Dojo.

But all his preparations proved futile.

The men introduced themselves as workers hired by Kai to help him and were there to follow his every order.

Upon hearing all of his orders, Johnny couldn't help but imagine Kai saying with a smile "Learn from them how to follow orders properly, see? Because you're going to have a good time doing it."

Kai wouldn't say something like that normally, he's someone who prefers actions over words, so instead of saying stupid things it's better to show the truth with your fist.

But since Johnny is a friend, there's no doubt that he could do something like that, but this time Kai didn't really send these people with that intention.

If he knew what was going through Johnny's mind at that moment he would laugh out loud and say nothing to quell those thoughts.

Well, anyway, it took them a day to finish everything, paint it, put the exercise machines in, fix the wiring and everything else that was wrong.

And basically everything was in order.

The walls were painted black with gold stripes, a wall parallel to the front door had a white section with the basic rules of Cobra Kai written on it.

And on top there were two eyes looking down, the two eyes were black and had a design in the shape of a golden lotus flower.

This was Johnny's tribute to Kai and he also expected Kai to be embarrassed.

On the floor there were white and red mats, and so they finished the renovations and another day passed.

Next day~

"Wow, this place is amazing!" Miguel said, looking around as he entered the Dojo.

Miguel walked over and stopped in front of Johnny, who was wearing a custom black Cobra Kai kimono with the symbol on the chest and back.

Kai had ordered it and it arrived this morning for Johnny.

"Sir Lawrence, when shall we begin." Miguel said and looked at the kimono longingly.

When he was about to ask when he would get one, Johnny said "Always address me as Sensei, understood."

"Yes, Sensei." Michael replied.

"Do you want a kimono? To earn one, you have to earn it." Johnny then looked Miguel up and down and said "And someone weak like you doesn't deserve one."

"But-" "I let you talk." Johnny interrupted him.

"Now I'm going to teach you the basics of Cobra Kai while we wait for him." "He who?"

"Quiet! You'll know when it's needed." Johnny didn't answer Miguel's question and scolded him.

With Kai~

Kai at the time was at a party at the Encino Oaks country club.

He was invited by Daniel, and accepted the invitation to meet his neighbors who live nearby.

And just as he thought, he actually met many people, mostly women, who approached him in search of getting to know each other better.

Even married, to these actions Kai responded politely with a smile.

None of them really caught his attention, many were really beautiful but he didn't feel that attraction that he felt for Carmen.

Thinking of her he couldn't help but feel anxious about their next meeting, the day before they didn't meet because she said she was going to spend the day working.

So he was going to meet her later today, maybe after doing his business at the Cobra Kai Dojo.

Thinking about the bet he made with Johnny, Kai remembered that it was almost time for said duel.

He approached Daniel to let him know he was leaving.

"Kai, this is Isaiah Robinson and his daughter Aisha Robinson." Daniel, seeing Kai approaching, introduced him to the people he was talking to.

"And this is Kai Kresse." He then introduced Kai.

"Nice to meet them." Kai said, shaking hands with Isaiah and Aisha.

Kai gave Aisha a smile as he shook her hand.

She shyly nodded with her face turned away, those beautiful eyes captivated her.

Kai chatted with them for a bit before deciding it was time to go.

Kai apologized before going after letting the LaRusso family know he was going home soon, as he had some appointments later.

He took his car and went home to change clothes, after all he couldn't fight in a suit, well he could, but getting beat up by someone in a suit must hurt someone's pride.

Then he changed his clothes to something more free and casual, he could wear Cobra Kai's kimono, but something didn't feel right about him wearing it now and on this occasion.