
Cloud Strife: An Alternate Story of New Beginnings

It began one fateful evening, as Cloud stood looking over Edge. The sun casting the world a brilliant golden hue as monsters bayed in the distance. Something beautiful, yet pain was all he could remember whenever he thought back to it. Excruciating pain, so vast and absolute within and around him that he blacked out during the first Jump. And several more Jump's after that before he finally got used to it enough to stay awake through the process. His life depended on it, after all. Cloud's second Jump brought him to the conclusion he was being pulled into alternate versions of his world, for reasons unknown. Around the 5th Jump, he came to realize he couldn't control it, no matter how hard he tried. It didn't stop, didn't go back to his world. Only forward. Continuous, constant. The only rest that he found during the peaceful worlds, if he was lucky enough to Jump to one between the more dangerous versions. Something he never thought possible. The fact an alternate version of his own world could possibly be worse. But he soon learned. The life and death battles he would suddenly be thrust into against alternate Sephiroth's, among other things, showing him such. The way the worlds could alter drastically compared to his own leaving him reeling at the sheer difference among them. Some with nothing in common with his own world at all. It was his 47th Jump when it happened. Another world different from his own, yet promising answers he had started to give up on. A world of ruin, and new dangers. This is where his story truly began once more, after leaving that fated cliffside all those years ago. The story of an Alternate Fate, of Beginnings, where none had traveled before him. The story, of Betrayal. (The pic used for cover isn't mine. All credit to its original creator.)

LunaLexx · Película
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5 Chs

Unexpected Surprises

For the 47th time, Cloud is pulled to another parallel dimension. A world that is his, but not. Unable to stop or control this strange new power surging within him.

He's met countless versions of those he knows. Different Sephiroth's, different General's, even different Zack's. Yet not all of them were peaceful. More often than not, he was thrust into battle. Time, and time again. Struggling to survive on those worlds until he could travel to a new one once more.

With that grim prospect in mind, Cloud continued to Jump, until finally reaching this one. A world much like his own. At least at first, as he hoped to rest easy there for a while after the last world's battle.

But soon he came to realize he was wrong. Discovering the details, he couldn't help the feeling of irony over the whole thing. How yet again, he was thrust into a bizarre version of his own.

In this world, there was a group called The Church of Sephiroth, dedicated to worshipping the legendary hero of the past, Sephiroth.

The Calamity who could bring about Meteor in the end of time prophecy.

All the followers were known as "Sephranites", funnily enough. In that dry, humor kind of way. But even more incredulous, was the fact Shinra was their enemy. Somehow the good guys, compared to the Church, and that alone had made him laugh after reading it in the newspaper he had bought. The stall vendor looking at him like he had lost his mind.

Not that Cloud could blame him. It was a bit hysterical, but after Jumping so many times, seeing the things he has... one doesn't just stay completely sane. Something slips eventually. Especially after having to kill several versions of Zack along the way. That tended to stick with you.

Normally he was good at acting normal, being his usual self. But seeing this? Cloud couldn't help it. It was one of the most ridiculous things he had heard yet.

After calming down though he came to realize that meant double the danger. Two powerful groups that could be his enemies, not just one.

Weary of this new darker version of his world, Cloud did his best to lay low in Midgar. The founding city of the Church of Sephiroth and Shinra both, until his next Jump.

Unfortunately, it seemed his modified First-class SOLDIER outfit and Tsuragi unknowingly drew the attention of the Church, and their corporate enemy Shinra, both.


Cloud didn't even see it coming.

It was a gloomy night, rain pouring heavily on the Plate where he currently found himself. Slipping through dark alleys silently as a wraith as his blue green eyes glowed ominously to any who glanced his way in passing. Booted steps only heavy in his mind with weariness as he made his way to the Loveless district in search of work.

The method to pay seemed to remain the same no matter the world he went to, thankfully, so Cloud used any opportunities he could to gather Gil on the side for the next worlds. Knowing a few coins stood between him and comfortable eating as he waited without resorting to theft.

He liked to think he had some honor on the matter. Not wanting to resort to petty crimes just yet if he could help it.

As he walked as silent as a predator stalking prey thanks to his SOLDIER enhancements, he went over the information he had managed to gather about this world. It wasn't much, honestly. Not wanting to focus too much on the useless details since he wouldn't be sticking around anyway. But The Church of Sephiroth was definitely a key thing here. It was dedicated to bringing about the end of the world, so it could be rebuilt anew by "The Great One". The great one being none other than Sephiroth himself, of course.

He snorted at the thought. The only sound to be heard from him as he saw the lights of the Loveless district up ahead. It didn't surprise him that he was such an imposing figure in this world. That seemed to be a theme with the man.

Sephiroth just couldn't stay normal.

Reaching the Loveless Avenue he walked around casually in the crowd, taking pains to avoid the Church of Sephiroth preacher's out and about waving flyers around as he looked for work. His normally imposing sword blending here among the Shinra SOLDIER's walking about. No one giving him a second glance, even with his bright chocobo blond hair.

It was something he was also grateful for on this world. The fact Shinra was apparently the good guys here. Or at least in a twisted sense compared to the Church of Sephiroth. The fact the two groups were enemies strangely satisfying to him, as a casual observer to their world. But it was because of this small relief that Cloud found himself slacking a little. Paying no notice to the Turks lurking about as he easily dismissed them as observing the preacher's nearby, instead of him. That even some of the Church of Sephiroth zealots were leaving lingering glanced his way.

They were watching him closely. Both sides noticing the unaccounted-for SOLDIER in the city, despite his best efforts to avoid attention.

The thought didn't even occur to him. Such a fleeting thing for someone who could literally jump to a new world at any time without control.

He didn't even pay heed to the warning signs of the approaching complications to his temporary stay here. The details. Too focused on simply working small jobs for Gil and laying low to possibly notice.

But the choice to be ignored was taken from his hands this time.

Frowning Cloud started to notice more and more Turks lurking in the area as he stopped to browse at a job board. The comfortable weight of Tsuragi shifting against his back as he tensed a little. Wondering why there were so many all of a sudden. Unaware they were here for him as one suddenly stepped up beside him casually, staring ahead like he was observing the board as well.

Cloud stiffened at the sight of him, knowing better as he recognized the man from his world. Tseng. The actual leader of the Turks was here.

If that didn't send off warning bells alongside all the Turks suddenly making their presence known in the street around him, then he wasn't Cloud Strife.

Eyes narrowing, he shifted away from Tseng a little, drawing his gaze. He didn't know for how long, but Shinra clearly had their eyes on him. And Tseng, in true Turk fashion, was here on their behalf to 'persuade' him to join.

"Are you perhaps looking for work?" Tseng asked casually, making Cloud frown.

Tseng knew very well already that he frequented job boards a lot, he was sure. He wasn't a Turk for nothing. Yet he still asked. Ever the polite and skilled master of persuasion when it came to Shinra.

"...Yeah." Cloud answers, voice betraying nothing of his sudden rollercoaster of emotions as he met his stare with a blank one of his own. "But I don't plan on staying long." He edged, glancing down the street behind him.

Cloud was tempted to make a run for it. But he wouldn't get far before they caught up, in true Shinra fashion. And fighting, drawing attention to himself even more, was the last thing he wanted.

As if reading his mind, Tseng smiles. "Then I would like you to accompany me for a bit. We at Shinra would like to offer you an exciting job opportunity, for your duration of stay."

There wasn't much left to do at this point but comply. Cloud had no escape from this situation. Not if he still planned to lay low until the next world. Reluctantly he nods. Wanting to get it over with now as Tseng smiled professionally and led the way. Turks flanking both of them casually as Cloud noticed a couple familiar faces among them. Reno and Rude especially stood out thanks to his time with his versions of them.

Grimacing he looks away, staring straight ahead as they guided him to Shinra Tower. Drawing the gaze of many Church of Sephiroth zealots as they walked, much to Cloud's chagrin. The familiar sight of the Tower alone making him uneasy as he followed the Turks in, Tseng beginning to talk.

"We would like to offer you a contract." Tseng began in that professional tone of his as only the two of them entered the elevator. Pushing the button for the level Cloud knew very well to be the Turk floor as he resisted the urge to tense further. Clearly planning on talking to him there, with this offer of theirs.

No doubt wanting to have him for their ongoing tensions against the church of Sephiroth.

As the doors shut between Cloud and the staring workers of the main lobby, he finally allowed himself to relax a little, glancing Tseng's way as the elevator went up. Keeping his voice as disinterested as possible. "Yeah?"

Tseng, in true Turk fashion, ignored the intentional cold shoulder. Giving a knowing look in turn.

"The Church of Sephiroth has been a pain to deal with for quite some time now. We'd like you to join in our efforts against them. As a mercenary would." He says, making it sound appealingly simple. There was more to it than that, of course. But the mercenary life had always been a profitable one. It was an appealing offer, at the very least.

Cloud sighed, feeling the obvious ridiculousness that he managed to get himself in to this time as the doors opened and Tseng lead him out. Heading to a small conference room.

"...That's tempting." Cloud admits, deciding to stick with honesty. "But I've heard of the problems Church of Sephiroth causes. They're strong in their own right. Standing up to SOLDIER as they do."

Honestly Cloud didn't want to get involved with this world's problems. Just bide his time until he could jump to another parallel dimension and so on.

Putting his neck out there for others, no matter how similar they were to his original friends, was surely suicidal. Especially since he didn't know what would happen to him if he died in another world.

Cloud shuddered at the thought.

"You'd be well-rewarded, of course." Tseng countered smoothly. Easily prepared for his rejection, it seemed. "We would give you one of the penthouses on the upper floors, usually reserved for SOILDER First's. And all equipment is freely provided. Days off are included as well, so you'd have plenty of free time to continue any and all of your... hobbies."

Cloud frowns at how well he phrased it. Expecting it from the alternate version of the Turk, even as the details of the offer itself surprised him.

Honestly, wasn't that a bit much? As far as exclusiveness goes? When he put it like that... it wasn't a terrible offer, as far as those went. Still, he had some reservations about getting involved directly with them. Not that he probably had the choice, now that they knew of his existence, but still.

"And if I said no?" Cloud asks, stopping as the two of them reach the conference room and Tseng shut the door behind him.

"Then you won't be forced, of course." He lied smoothly, expression as calm as ever. "But I'd still insist you give it thought. Shinra would appreciate your help on behalf of the citizens."

Cloud stares at Tseng for a second as he passed by and took a seat at the conference table calmly, before giving a little grimace. Choosing to take a seat as well as he joined Tseng.

"I'd prefer not getting involved at all. But... I could. Possibly." Cloud muttered with a sigh, propping his feet up on the table as he leaned back in the chair. Earning a raised brow from Tseng.

If he was going to be forced to join this version of Shinra until his next jump, then he was damn well going to be comfortable as it happened. Cloud raised his brow back in response, a silent challenge for him to say that he couldn't, even though he knew Tseng wouldn't.

Tseng was trying to persuade him to join Shinra after all. He didn't want to ruin his chances at doing so for such a small thing.

"...Possibly? Then, would I be correct to assume you'd consider it, under certain... conditions?" He inquires. Straight to the point as he cupped his hands together in front of him.

Cloud knew he was just asking for the sake of the recording in the room, but he ignore it. Remembering company policy easily enough from his own version of Shinra.

"Yeah. I have conditions." He says, clarifying. "And I won't bend on them, so take it or leave it."

Tseng nods. "Very well, I'll ask my superiors about them. What would they be?"

They seemed eager enough, surprisingly. If they were willing to compromise and actually hear out his requests like this. It confused him a little, being so different from the Shinra he knew, but he didn't show it. Looking almost bored as he raised a gloved finger. "First, no doctor's or scientists of any kind. Ever. I'll heal myself."

Tseng looked taken back by that in that subtle way of his, another similarity between him and his own Tseng, as Cloud raised his second finger.

"Second, I get to choose the jobs I take on your behalf. I don't want to be running around dealing with weak monster's and the like, it'd be a waste of my skills. And third," He continue with a small smile this time. "I'm not cheap. I expect plenty of Gil compensation for my time."

That was definitely something major for him as well. The need for Gil, to have for the next world. If he had to get involved with the affairs here, then he was going to take advantage of it. For the sake of his next jump.

Tseng seemed to consider the terms for a moment, before nodding. "I think that we may be able to reach an agreement. We will be in touch with you soon, Mr...?"

"Strife." He says automatically, earning a small smile in turn.

"Mr. Strife." He conceded. Noticing how he failed to tell him his first name as he stood, but letting it slide for now. "I'll be taking your offer straight to the president, so please see yourself out. In the meantime, I advise you to stay on the Plate for now, to avoid fanatics of the Church. They seem to be prominent in the slums below."

He nods as he stands up, surprised himself that he was actually going through with this. "...Got it. I'll be waiting, then."

With those words Cloud left the room, no one stopping him as he stepped into the elevator and pushed to go down to the lobby. Silently wondering if all this was truly okay to meddle in as it went down.

What would it be like fighting the Church of Sephiroth? He honestly didn't know. None of the other world's had a situation like this before, so he could only guess what kind of force they had to stand on equal ground with Shinra's elite SOLDIER's.

This was all going to be new to him. He just hoped it worked out and didn't get him killed because of it as he left Shinra tower and made for a hotel. Listening to Tseng's suggestion, even though it was going to cost a lot of Gil and hurt his wallet in the process.

Cloud sighed, unaware of the Church of Sephiroth fanatic watching him from the shadows as he entered a relatively cheap one to rent a room. Rushing off to tell the others that he saw their mark for conversion.

Word had already spread of the mysterious new SOLDIER with no allegiances being escorted to Shinra, and they didn't plan to sit idle without trying to convert him for their cause as well.

I feel like it sucks, but I always think that about my stories lol. So feel free to confirm or deny these allegations. I won't bite. ;P

Also don't forget to add to your library if you haven't already!

Later peeps!

LunaLexxcreators' thoughts