
Cloud Strife: An Alternate Story of New Beginnings

It began one fateful evening, as Cloud stood looking over Edge. The sun casting the world a brilliant golden hue as monsters bayed in the distance. Something beautiful, yet pain was all he could remember whenever he thought back to it. Excruciating pain, so vast and absolute within and around him that he blacked out during the first Jump. And several more Jump's after that before he finally got used to it enough to stay awake through the process. His life depended on it, after all. Cloud's second Jump brought him to the conclusion he was being pulled into alternate versions of his world, for reasons unknown. Around the 5th Jump, he came to realize he couldn't control it, no matter how hard he tried. It didn't stop, didn't go back to his world. Only forward. Continuous, constant. The only rest that he found during the peaceful worlds, if he was lucky enough to Jump to one between the more dangerous versions. Something he never thought possible. The fact an alternate version of his own world could possibly be worse. But he soon learned. The life and death battles he would suddenly be thrust into against alternate Sephiroth's, among other things, showing him such. The way the worlds could alter drastically compared to his own leaving him reeling at the sheer difference among them. Some with nothing in common with his own world at all. It was his 47th Jump when it happened. Another world different from his own, yet promising answers he had started to give up on. A world of ruin, and new dangers. This is where his story truly began once more, after leaving that fated cliffside all those years ago. The story of an Alternate Fate, of Beginnings, where none had traveled before him. The story, of Betrayal. (The pic used for cover isn't mine. All credit to its original creator.)

LunaLexx · Película
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5 Chs

For the Sake of Answers, the Length's We Go

Days passed in a tense blur as Shinra kept Cloud of the mission router. Understandably keeping him close by and under watch for a while.

But still. It left him irritated, giving him way too much free time to get lost in his own thoughts.

And that, was dangerous.

So, it came as no surprise, that when Reno himself dropped by with the fluttering feelings of nostalgia brought on by memories from his own world's version of him, Cloud followed all too eagerly to the SOLDIER floor when he said Director Lazard wanted to see him.


Were they giving him a mission now? Was the probation period over?

Cloud could only hope.

There was only so much relief the training rooms could provide for his pent-up frustrations, when he had to consciously limit himself and hold back his usual strength. It couldn't compare to fighting the real thing at all.

Had Cloud given it much thought, he would've realized how suspicious the whole thing was as Reno lead him to a rarely used conference room, rather than Lazard's office itself. A Turk wouldn't be running errands for the director of SOLDIER. Much less Reno, who was personally tied to non-other than Rufus Shinra himself.

To say he was a little disappointed at his own eager behavior when the door finally opened and only Rufus Shinra and Tseng were present in the room was an understatement.

With a grimace Cloud came to a stop, shifting a glance behind him as Reno shut the door and leaned against it with a grin. It's meaning that he wouldn't be allowed to leave until Rufus said so clear as Cloud looked towards Tseng warily.

Why would Rufus Shinra and the head of the Turks want to meet him secretly? And it was secretly, it didn't take his knowledge of his own world to understand that in this parallel one. Clearly, they were up to something the SOLDIER department was unaware of. And that something involved him as well now, it seemed. Question was, did it have something to do with the Church of Sephiroth? Or the matter he talked to Tseng about previously. Where he gave the Remnant Kadaj his name, not knowing that he could use it to summon him?

Tense Cloud glanced to Rufus; the question evident in his glowing eyes as he waited for them to explain themselves.

"I'm sure you've realized by now this isn't a meeting with Director Lazard in the least," Rufus says with a smirk, leaning back in his chair casually and gesturing for Cloud to be seated. Only one other chair left in the nearly empty room and placed in the middle, a short distance away. The Intention of distance obvious. "It's been a while, Cloud. How have you been?"

...Fake pleasantries? Or genuine interest? Nothing good, either way. His own version of Rufus having taught him that long ago.

"...Fine, thanks." Cloud mutters halfheartedly. Eyes narrowing slightly. "Why did you bring me here under pretext? I thought you got along with the SOLDIER department. Why the secrecy." Shifting as he talked, Cloud ignored the offered chair intentionally.

Rufus raised a brow in amusement as Cloud stayed standing. Reno's scowl at Cloud from his position leaning against the door obvious, even towards his back.

"It's nothing personal." Rufus responds with a smile. "Though I'm a little hurt that you would think it was, Cloud."

Cloud raised a brow for him to go on, staying silent for now.

"As I said, it's nothing bad." He speaks.

"...Just suspicious." Cloud muttered back, glancing back to Reno again. He gives a little mock salute, in typical Reno fashion.

Whatever they wanted to talk about, it clearly pertained to the Church of Sephiroth, right? But why the secrecy? Why hide the conversation from the SOLDIER department?

This world was different from his own, sure, but they were clearly working together towards a common enemy. All of Shinra, against the Church of Sephiroth. Or at least, so he thought.

"...Is it about the Church?" Cloud asks warily, straight to the point. Rufus shakes his head.

"Sort of."

"We're interested in you, Cloud." He smiled in that way of his, Cloud's frown edging him on. "The Church is simply a steppingstone, for what we have in mind. The future. There's always been more to it than just the Church. So, tell me," Rufus extended his gloved hand, eyes as cold and calculating as his smile. "What are your thoughts on Shinra as a whole, Cloud?"

And now we're getting to it.

"...I'm not sure." Cloud replied just as vaguely, shrugging a shoulder as Rufus let the gloved hand drop. "I'm still new here."

Rufus nods, smiling that same sly smile from before.

"Indeed. But what about the current situation? What do you think our chances are?"

Cloud frowns, thinking over the question for himself. What did he actually think about this war? Did he even care?

Truthfully no, but... he was stuck here for a while until the next jump. And after hearing this world's Sephiroth say he wanted to find Aerith, as well... Cloud felt a little more inclined to.

Unfortunately, it was a high stakes game with the war. Shinra was strong, sure, but so was the Church of Sephiroth. Surprisingly so. With strange powers that made them difficult to suppress quickly. So, the question wasn't what Cloud thought about the war in general, but rather, if he saw an end to it in the foreseeable future.

Rufus was playing the long game, it seemed. And his ambitions went beyond just the war with Sephiroth and his fanatics. Ambitions, Rufus wished to recruit him for.

So, what was his endgame then? What could possibly be more important to him than the fate of this planet? His own world hung in the balance with this war on the Church, so what could possibly be more important to this version of Rufus than that? What did he see for the future?

"...What are you after? What's your endgame?"

An amused look forms on Rufus' face, clearly pleased with how quick Cloud processed the situation.

"You're a sharp one," He begins, crossing his leg casually. "I like that. A man of few words, but with a razor-sharp mind. I think we'll get along just fine."

Rufus paused, tapping his index finger lightly against a blank folder on the table, drawing Cloud's attention to it. A watchful glint in Rufus' eyes. Innocent enough, if the emptiness of the folder didn't set him on edge. Cloud's instincts humming in warning that it was somehow about him. More specifically, the lack of.

True to Turk nature, it didn't surprise Cloud that Tseng looked into his background. That Rufus ordered it, even. But that was the problem.

The folder was empty, because they found nothing. There was no Cloud Strife in this version of his world. Until a few months ago, he didn't even exist.

It's what he had feared in the first place after accepting the offer to join. The lack of any Strife, his mother included, coming to bite him in the ass.

Tense he met Rufus' knowing gaze once more. Eyes narrowing.

They may have found it suspicious, but Rufus believed in keeping his enemies close. And Cloud most certainly was an enemy in his eyes.

But he was anything but stupid. He would use this opportunity as blackmail, and effectively force Cloud into a position to help his cause.

Question was, what exactly was he working towards in this world? What was his goal? Did this version also want to take over his father's company? Or was there something more? Something hidden in the shadows, in this already darkened world.

"...You didn't answer. What exactly do you want from me, Rufus?" His words were hard, the glow of Cloud's eyes doing little to soften them.

Tseng narrowed his own eyes in turn, clearly taking offense to Cloud's crass attitude. Even as Rufus slowly smiled. Lips moving slow and precise. A sharpness to their deceptively soft edges.

"Why, Cloud." His smile widened. "What I want... is you. Your cooperation, to be precise. I have need of your strength."

...Okay. He wasn't expecting that. Not directly, anyway.

Cloud frowned as Rufus gestured to the empty folder casually with a gloved hand, his mesmerizing eyes glowing with their own charisma. Neither of them looking away as his words softened.

"For all intent and purposes, you're a ghost in this world. The mysterious stranger. Your power is unquestioned, your place here, rightfully earned. But you could become much more than just my father's little SOLDIER. Why fight his war for this horrid world? You and I could go further, Cloud. Beyond this one, to another. One where we could be anything. One of our own makings."

Cloud stiffened at that.

...Another world? Did he-?

No, he couldn't know his ability. Yet Rufus still said such a thing. Which meant there was another way. Did Rufus discover a way to travel to another dimension, or something similar? That would mean there was something on this world that allowed it. A method, that could serve the answers to Cloud's own problem of jumping uncontrollably.

Question was, could they control it? How? By what means did Rufus discover dimensional travel in the first place? In all the previous jumps, this had never happened before. In no other version of his world had anyone discovered a way to do what he did naturally. Much less Rufus Shinra, of all people.

Regardless, Cloud wanted to agree. To see the method for himself. But that meant compromise.

This was Rufus Shinra he was talking about, a clearly smarter and more cunning version than all the ones previously. To just invite him to such a project, to let him know, without first agreeing...

Rufus never did things in halves. He always had a plan. He knew Cloud would agree. To him, he didn't believe he would hesitate.

Not even for a second.

"...Say I agree." Cloud started slowly, shifting slightly. The way Rufus' eyes sharpened in response making him wary. "It doesn't sound like much of a trade."

With a chuckle Rufus finally broke eye contact. Glancing at the folder and opening it.

Showing a single piece of paper and a polaroid picture, much to Cloud's surprise.

"You're right." He hummed, amused. "I'm not proposing a trade. Rather..."

His fingers stopped on the picture, lifting it up smoothly to show Cloud.

"I'm proposing a contract."

The image was of a black katana. An Odachi. So similar to Sephiroth's Cloud's vision saw double before he corrected himself. Memories surging.

No. it wasn't his. It was different. The blade was entirely black, and strange symbols were etched harshly into the black sheath that lay beside it. The age of both evident.

Everything about it looked worn, unlike Sephiroth's. And very, very old.

Cloud frowned, not recognizing such a thing from his world.

"...What is it?" He asks, watching Rufus place it back in the folder.

"We found it alongside Jenova's remains, the supposed 'Mother' of Sephiroth, four years ago. We believe it was Sephiroth's original sword, before he was sealed away within the Lifestream by the Centra." Tseng explains, voice lower than usual.

"We've been keeping both the remains and the sword hidden from the Church in the Nibelhiem reactor ever since. Only a handful of Turks aside from those present in this room, know of their existence."

Of course. Everything always came back to his hometown, didn't it?

"It's not just the sword." Rufus states, meeting Cloud's eyes evenly as he glanced back at him. "It possesses a strange Materia within. We were unable to extract it for study however, but one of our best scientists managed to run tests on it regardless. He is certain it contains a power never seen before. To go to other worlds similar our own. And even managed to successfully open a portal to prove it. Though it was highly unstable."

Hearing him say different worlds instead of dimensions disappointed Cloud. He had hoped answers were finally in reach. That Sephiroth had lied, and the solution was here all along. Still hesitating at the thought of asking another Sephiroth for help, but it seemed that once more he was left with despair.

Then the rest of his words finally processed.

"...The scientist was Hojo, wasn't it?"

"...Indeed." Rufus answered. Raising a brow curiously as Cloud sighed. Wondering how he knew.

Figured. Things tended to come full circle, regardless of the alternate dimensions he wound up in.

"So, Cloud. Are you in, or out?" Rufus finally asked, breaking the silence.

Cloud stared at him with hardened eyes, trying to find the right answer buried somewhere within them. The key to this whole thing, just like it had always been.

In the end, was it best for him to join with Rufus and be forced to work with Hojo of all people, possibly getting answers, or staying far away? Taking the chance until he jumped again?

The answer was already there. He didn't even need to think about it, hesitating for only a moment. The need outweighing his disgust towards the scientist after seeing other versions of the man several times already.

Though just barely.

Cloud gives a small nod. "I'm in."

Rufus smiled. A small simple thing really, yet it still gave him chills. The way it filled with self-satisfaction, of victory towards goals unknown, made him doubt his decision even more. But he couldn't go back on his word. And Cloud reassured himself with the fact all of this was temporary.

Rufus was always known for his quick wits and manipulation, regardless of whatever version of his world Cloud went too. It came as no surprise. It didn't make it any more pleasant, however. And the look on Cloud's face must've said as much.

Rufus gave a light chuckle as he stood and came to stand in front of Cloud, tilting his head good naturedly as he did so.

"No need to look at me with such disgust, Cloud." Rufus placed a hand on his shoulder, ignoring how he tensed under his touch wearily as he smiled in that convincing way of his. "I'm sure you'll see soon enough. Working with me is the best choice you could've made."

Honestly, Cloud wasn't too sure about that. But he was the closest one to give him answers at the moment, leaving him reluctantly accepting of Rufus' hand and wishes right now. Including those involving him working with Hojo, the man he despised.

Reluctantly Cloud agreed to his words. Giving an almost imperceptible nod.

"Good." He squeezed gently, voice low and lilted in praise at Cloud's compliance. Smirking as he stepped close beside him and looked towards Reno by the door. Hand still resting on his shoulder almost possessively.

Though Cloud shook the thought, frowning a little at the strange feeling the action gave him. This was Rufus he was talking about. Why would he be possessive of him? They just met recently. Not to mention he saw people as expendable pieces on a chessboard. Rufus was only possessive and protective over Darkstar, his beloved pet. And Cloud was certainly no pet.

Pulling out of his strange thoughts Cloud refocused on the man from the corner of his eye. As he continued to speak in that relaxed manner of his.

"Reno will take you to Professor Hojo. He'll explain the work he needs you to undertake for his research to continue. Do play nicely. We have much to accomplish before my father, or the Church, becomes suspicious of our actions. We must make haste, if we are to stabilize the gateway and achieve our goals of a new, better world."

Cloud frowned a little, still trying to take it all in.

This version of Rufus, who Cloud barely knew, was so sure of himself and his goals he had for the future. And he was just a tool to help him achieve them. Under normal circumstances, Cloud probably would have left right then and there. However, he was intrigued by what Rufus was doing. Whether he could actually achieve anything with it in the end. The answers Cloud himself could receive along the way, about his own predicament.

In the end, it was all for this. Cloud's goals being served, as well as Rufus' own. A perfect partnership, for all intent and purposes.

Question was, would it last? Could it? Before his next jump?

Cloud wasn't sure, honestly. But he was willing to take that chance. If it saved him from having to talk to future versions of Sephiroth, he was all for it.

As Rufus let go Cloud quietly turned and followed Reno out of the dark meeting room. The man himself acting nonchalant about the entire secret meeting between Cloud and his boss like it had never happened as he yawned and lead the way. Hands resting behind his head in a very Reno fashion as he did so.

Cloud couldn't help smiling a little at the sight. Reminded of his own version, whom he was friends with.

Reno was your typical Turk, through and through.

Reaching the elevator both of them travelled down in quiet companionship as people got on and off, only to change elevators at the last moment to one that required keycard access. Unsurprisingly the younger Turk pulled it out of his inner jacket pocket with a bit of flare. Wiggling it with a little smirk before using it.

"Secret shit yo. Pretty cool, huh?"

Cloud rolled his eyes at how pleased Reno seemed with himself as the elevator started up. Unable to say anything as his own body tensed with heavy dread. The crushing feeling of knowing what came next, as it was heading all the way down to Hojo's secret labs. The place Cloud dreaded most. As the man himself was sure to be there.

The fact he was going willingly, even, to help the man with this gateway project, even more unsettling.

Pushing the thoughts down Cloud calmed his heartrate, leveling out his breathing just as the doors opened to familiar white sterile halls.

He almost blacked out as memories pushed to the forefront, before mercilessly squishing them down. No. He wasn't in the labs anymore. He wasn't an experiment. As much as he didn't want to think about it, he was an ally this time.

The professor wouldn't hurt him. Rufus wouldn't let him. He wouldn't let him. Everything was different this time. This wasn't his world. Just... a version of it. Things were different here. Majorly.

Calmer now Cloud followed Reno out of the elevator as the red head looked around, grabbing the coat of a lab assistant quickly passing by with his face buried in paperwork roughly. The man let out a squawk of surprised outrage as he was jerked back by the Turk, his face a funny puffy expression that reminded Cloud of a disgruntled bird as his papers scattered to the floor unceremoniously.

"W-wha-?!" The man stuttered, turning quickly to look at them both. Reno looking amused as even Cloud raised a brow coldly at the man, making his mouth shut with an audible sound as he paled at the sight. Clearly seeing a Turk and SOLDIER, approved by Rufus to be down there, standing before him.

"Yo, newbie," Reno grinned, making the man pale further as he gestured a thumb back at Cloud. "Where's the professor? Got a new recruit to introduce."

The assistant blinked, looking between the two of them as he gulped nervously.

"B-b-but the pro-professor is in the middle of an experiment! I'm not allowed to disturb-"

"Oh yeah? My bad, yo. Didn't know the professor considered an order from the boss below him now." Reno said lightly, raising a brow with a smile that was anything but nice. A silent baring of teeth behind cold eyes, more than anything. The man looked ready to piss himself. "Guess I should wait, huh?"

Cloud felt bad for the lab assistant, being on the receiving end of Reno's relaxed look of death. But not bad enough to step forward and say anything.

Regardless of what world he went too, any assistant of Hojo's was as bad as the man himself.

Cloud stayed silent, his own darkened look unknowingly bearing down on the man over Reno's shoulder as the man struggled to stutter excuses.

"N-no! Of course not! You're very important guests of the professors!" Was the man trembling now? He raised a shaky hand to adjust his glasses.

"H-however I was just told not to-"

"Yo, seriously?" Reno burst out, staring at the man with an intensity that made him visibly shake. "Tell him I'm here to see him, and that Rufus sent me. I'll take responsibility. Got it?"

The assistant nodded so fast and furiously his glasses nearly fell off, looking nearly relieved at the suggestion. "Y-yes sir! Right away! I-I'll just get out of your way..."

Picking up his fallen papers quickly he scurried off faster than he came down the hall before, rushing off to a sealed area and entering a code before going through.

Noticing he left a piece of paper behind Cloud stepped silently past Reno. Bending down and picking it up out of curiosity. He browsed the contents as Reno looked over with a curious look of his own. But more towards Cloud, than the classified paper. Clearly not caring that he reads it.

A part of Cloud was curious what kind of experiments this version of Hojo did, in almost a morbid way. Though honestly, he was more curious for a specific reason.


Was Hojo keeping Aerith captive in this world, like he once did his own?

Is that why this version of Sephiroth and his Church followers couldn't find her?

"Yo, SOLDIER boy."

At the words Cloud snapped out of his thoughts, looking to the redhead beside him.

"Whatcha looking for?" Reno questioned, raising his brow in the way that told Cloud his curiosity was peeked.

He sighed. Knowing that look and the trouble Reno could stir up if left to himself. Cloud couldn't tell him about Aerith specifically, though. Or his desire to find her. But he settled for a partial truth, trying to satisfy the red head.

"...Curious. This paper mentions one of his experiments. Just thought I'd read it, see what the professor is like." Cloud answered as vague yet honest as possible, glancing to meet his curious look. Reno's brows raising nonchalantly as he clasped his hands behind his head. Relaxed, as he waited.

"...Yeah?" Reno said just as vaguely back. Eyes studying Cloud's own.

Cloud didn't know what to think of that response but forgot about it quickly as Reno suddenly stepped over to lean close, surprisingly him.

He tensed only slightly from the lack of space as Reno glanced over the paper himself. A quiet hum of amusement.

"So, what's on it?" He questioned.

Cloud opened his mouth, then paused.

"...That's just it, I don't really know. It vaguely mentions the human brain. Something about compatibility to some process." He answers honestly with a sigh, looking back. The paper made no sense without the others the lab assistant was holding, it seemed.

Which meant he couldn't really get a good idea how this Professor Hojo was, compared to his own world's. Unfortunately.

The redhead only hummed in thought once more, holding out one of his hands in a silent gesture for the paper. In true Turk fashion, he wasn't about to let him keep something classified, after all. Cloud handed it over easily enough. Watching as Reno pocketed it smoothly out of sight as the door finally buzzed open down the hall. Drawing both of their attention as the flustered man from before came back out and smiled weakly.

"G-good news! The professor said to show you in immediately-"

"Course he did." Reno snorted, interrupting the man.

"Y-yes, he's still in middle of an operation, so watch your step. H-he'll receive you there." The man stammered quickly, gesturing them both to follow as he quickly rushed back to the door.

Reno followed in bored amusement, but Cloud hesitated. Trepidation rising once more. After a moment of reassuring himself, he followed. Hearing the door buzz shut behind him and lock as more white halls were revealed. Strange, gurgled screams echoing into the hall as he walked as quickly as stiff limbs allowed.

By the time the man leads them both to a nondescript door along the hall and showed them in, Cloud was ready to leave. Only his experience with the crazy professor several times over keeping him outwardly calm and feet still. The sight of the man and several assistants operating on... something, on a table as it screamed, reminding him of himself. He couldn't help the grimace as Reno whistled low, smirking as he drew the irritated professor's gaze.

"Reno, of course. How unexpected. Do kindly be quiet with unnecessary noises, I'm busy." With a sneer the professor gestured, the flustered assistants quickly leaving the room, leaving them alone with Hojo as he continued to cut on something. Blood spraying as he huffed in annoyance.

Cloud crossed his arms as the creature screeched, hiding how his trembling hands fisted at his own surging memories. The effort it took to keep his face emotionless no small feat.

"State your business and leave, Turk." Hojo continued behind his mask. "What did Rufus send you here for this time? I'm in the middle of something."

Reno clicked his tongue good-naturedly at the professor's clipped personality. Not fazed by the sight of the gruesome surgery room in the least as he gestured to Cloud in way of introductions.

"We got a new partner, yo. His name's Cloud." Reno said cheerfully, finally drawing Hojo's attention. "He's here to help with the gate project, Rufus' orders."

The professor's eyes finally flicked over to Cloud, taking in his features all for a moment.

"I see. You do realize that the project is still in early stages of development and completion? We don't need any extra hands yet. Especially a SOLDIERs."

Reno put up his hands in a defensive way, backing off a step or two.

"Easy, yo. Don't kill the messenger." He said, earning a scowl from Hojo. "I'm just dropping off the package, talk to boss if ya got complaints."

"And what, pray tell, am I to use him for then? His good looks?" The professor sneered, having enough of Reno's antics apparently, as he focused back to the creature. Though Cloud was pretty sure it was dead already. The screams having stopped long ago in their conversation.

"If you want." Reno mused with a grin, earning looks from both Hojo and Cloud. Reno suddenly ducked to avoid a thrown scalpel with a laugh, Hojo scowling darkly the whole time. Clouds own hand twitching to throw something much larger at the Turk and barely refraining. For a frail looking man, Hojo was surprisingly strong.

"Easy yo! I was just kidding professor!" He backed up towards the door, still grinning. "Boss said he'll be going on missions for you, running errands, stuff like that! Whatever helps completing the gate project faster."

Reno glanced towards Cloud finally, raising a brow at his tight expression for Reno's earlier joke. "Consider Cloud your personal SOLDIER assistant, yeah? He's as strong as the Commanders, I'm sure he'll be of use. More so than your usual assistants."

At this point Cloud was sure that Hojo didn't like him. The feeling was mutual.

The professor muttered darkly and waved a hand, as if shooing Reno away.

"Fine. Leave this 'Cloud' and go, I have work to do." Hojo grumbled, turning away. "And he better know enough biology to help me, or else he's out. I don't have time to babysit Rufus' pet projects."

Cloud frowned at being called a pet project by Hojo, of all people, but held it in. Getting a satisfied "See ya!" from Reno and a wave as he left cheerfully out the door. Leaving Cloud alone in the creepy surgical room with the man he despised as he kept cutting the creatures dead body, doing something to its insides as he scowled at whatever he was looking at.

Thankfully he didn't have a queasy stomach. Cloud's own experiences under the man's blade in similar situations leaving him to battle his own disgust, more than anything. Wondering not for the first time if this would be worth it.

As if sensing him shift wearily to the side in the ongoing silence, Hojo glared over his shoulder at Cloud. Look of annoyance in place.

"Be of use, boy." He sneered, gesturing vaguely to where he threw the scalpel earlier. "Bring that scalpel back and help. I had to send my assistants away earlier because of you and that damn Turk, it's the least you can do."

"...Fine." Cloud muttered under his breath, walking over and picking the bloody utensil up. Ignoring the feel of it between his fingers as he approached. Handing it over without a word.

'Keep it in Cloud, you can't stab him yet. You're allies now.' He told himself as Hojo took it, grunting in slight approval.

"At least you follow commands simple enough. What else can you do? Have any biology skills?" He asked dismissively, resuming his work and pulling out an organ to put it in a tray beside him.

Cloud grimaced in displeasure, not even wanting to talk about it. Technically, yes.

Being under the blade himself before, he certainly had secondhand skills, unfortunately. But it wasn't anything he was proud of. And now he was having to say yes, he did. And pretty sure help Hojo, of all people, dissect one of his experiments.

The goddess must truly hate him.

"...Yes. I do." Cloud says reluctantly, watching the man work. "Why?"

"Why? Because it's going to help you fit in here, that's why." Hojo snorted, grabbing the scalpel once more and making an incision on something inside the creature. "If you're going to get anywhere in my lab, then you're going to have to learn the science. All of it. Now show me what you know. I'm beginning to lose patience."

Having no choice in the matter, Cloud resigned himself to his fate.

Going to stand across from Hojo he shut off his emotions, like he would so many times when his own Hojo would cut on him. Focusing on the task at hand as he took off his own gloves and replaced them with medical ones. Not caring if he got the creatures blood and juices on the SOLDIER Second outfit he borrowed earlier but refusing to dirty his own gloves in the process. Fully intending to burn the clothes once he was done if he could. Or leave them for some poor Shinra employee to clean.

Either way, Cloud followed Hojo's lead effortlessly, working in sync. A skill he loathed, even knowing he only had it from watching all the assistants help Hojo cut him up long-long ago.

Not that he'd ever tell this version of Hojo that. He seemed pleased enough with his display that it was nauseating.

"Good, good." Hojo compliments, looking at him. "Perhaps you'll be of use after all. Better skills than most of my assistants by far. It seems I'll have to give my thanks to Rufus for such a valuable asset next time."

Cloud couldn't keep looking at his smug approving look, bile in his throat and feeling utterly wrong helping him, instead nodding quietly. Going through the motions as the day passed in a blur.

When it ended, he barely remembered making his way back to his room in a cold sweat, collapsing in his bed with little thought of removing anything but Tsuragi to lean against the wall as memories came crashing in. Pulling Cloud into a deep sleep after a while, his breathing heavier.

But it was far from his mind. The numbing darkness welcoming.

Even as the dreams that came afterwards were not.