
Cloud Strife: An Alternate Story of New Beginnings

It began one fateful evening, as Cloud stood looking over Edge. The sun casting the world a brilliant golden hue as monsters bayed in the distance. Something beautiful, yet pain was all he could remember whenever he thought back to it. Excruciating pain, so vast and absolute within and around him that he blacked out during the first Jump. And several more Jump's after that before he finally got used to it enough to stay awake through the process. His life depended on it, after all. Cloud's second Jump brought him to the conclusion he was being pulled into alternate versions of his world, for reasons unknown. Around the 5th Jump, he came to realize he couldn't control it, no matter how hard he tried. It didn't stop, didn't go back to his world. Only forward. Continuous, constant. The only rest that he found during the peaceful worlds, if he was lucky enough to Jump to one between the more dangerous versions. Something he never thought possible. The fact an alternate version of his own world could possibly be worse. But he soon learned. The life and death battles he would suddenly be thrust into against alternate Sephiroth's, among other things, showing him such. The way the worlds could alter drastically compared to his own leaving him reeling at the sheer difference among them. Some with nothing in common with his own world at all. It was his 47th Jump when it happened. Another world different from his own, yet promising answers he had started to give up on. A world of ruin, and new dangers. This is where his story truly began once more, after leaving that fated cliffside all those years ago. The story of an Alternate Fate, of Beginnings, where none had traveled before him. The story, of Betrayal. (The pic used for cover isn't mine. All credit to its original creator.)

LunaLexx · Película
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5 Chs

A Fated Meeting of Familiar Foes


Entering what would be his future home in this world, Cloud took in the large space appreciatively. Admiring its modern design for only a moment before passing through the living room. Expecting great things already for one room in particular.

The bedroom was his primary concern, sleeping a rare enough commodity he came to appreciate every chance he got. Immediately making his way down the small hall connected to the living room.

He was right, as he took in the sight of it. Smiling to himself. It wasn't a bed, it was a freaking mountain. A large king sized one at that, with enough pillows to sink deep into the soft mattress, and a comforter that was probably warmer than what he had at home back in his own world. Pulling Tsuragi off he leaned it against the wall beside the bed and collapsed face first into it without hesitation. Making a small noise in bliss as he felt himself sink into its welcoming soft warmth.

"Fuck." He groaned, sinking deeper into it as he felt all his joints and muscles release all their tension. "Ahhh... I miss this..."

It didn't take Cloud long to fall asleep in a bed like that, the thought of removing his clothes for it easily forgotten as warm darkness pressed in. Blanketing his mind as hours passed. Day turning into night swiftly as he continued to sleep. Only stirring a little groggily finally at the sensation of someone entering the room.

Rolling to his side with a sleepy frown he tried to make sense of the feeling. The presence of someone else here in the bedroom, yet not, as he missed the way the shadows in the corner pulled together behind him along the inner wall. A familiar man clothed in black stepping forward silently with a grin at the sight of him. Green slitted eyes glowing brightly as he stopped at the edge of the bed. Silver hair shifting slightly from the movement.

"Have you given my offer any thought, Cloud?"

At Kadaj's familiar voice resonating with power Cloud jerked awake, sitting up in the bed quickly. Glad he was still dressed this time at least as he looked over at Kadaj with a grimace. His own glowing eyes flaring a little brighter in the dark bedroom at the sight of him. Adrenaline kicking in.

"Kadaj." He muttered warily. Of all the places he thought he'd be safe from him returning to ask about joining the Church, he thought it'd be Shinra. They were enemies, after all.

"...Why are you here? Please tell me you can't just whisk inside Shinra tower whenever you like. That would be ridiculous."

Cloud says dryly, wondering if there was any protocol to be observed for this kind of situation, or if he could just try to kill the Remnant already. Not forgetting he had his name now, even though he was pretty sure any large scale fighting was forbidden in Shinra if at all possible. Considering the entire tower would probably collapse should members of the Church and SOLDIER fight seriously.

"Now, now. There is no need for hostility, Cloud." He says with a mocking pout, the glow of his eyes shimmering playfully as he gestures to the side casually, shrugging lightly. "I'm just here to see if you've given it any thought. Joining the Church, that is. I'd prefer it if you sided with us instead."

Again that feeling was there in his eyes as Kadaj watched him. Something more shifting behind the glow to study Cloud as well, making a small shiver go up his spine as he frowned. Honestly it felt familiar, Cloud just couldn't remember why.

"...I haven't." Cloud says, looking away to run his hand through his naturally spiked blonde hair tiredly. Confident he didn't have to have his eyes on Kadaj to dodge out of the way should he attack. "Why are you still bothering with that anyway? I know you have a mole in Shinra. They had to have told you already that I joined them. I'm not interested in the Church."

In Sephiroth, really. Though he kept that part to himself.

No way would he ever join the fanatical Church of the man he despised. Well, a version of the man, at any rate. Still, Cloud didn't plan on running into this worlds Sephiroth anytime soon either way. Considering Sephiroth was still imprisoned in the Lifestream on this world, having been put there by the Centra centuries ago.

Kadaj frowned at Cloud's words, the alien shadows in his glowing eyes shifting again almost in tandem. Making a part of Cloud desperately want to know what that was about. And why it was making him shiver in unease and dread.

"Hmm... Yes. I did hear." He says, tilting his head to the side a little. "That's a shame. Still, it doesn't have to be the end of the line for you. I'll ask again when I return. For now though..." He lifts his hand and wiggles his fingers towards Cloud, almost mockingly. Smile spreading across his lips. "...Let's talk, hmm~?"

Cloud stared at Kadaj in confusion, brow furrowing as he tried to process it all. He was going to come back again, to ask him to join? Even knowing he had literally just joined Shinra, their enemy, instead? It was... confusing. Far too confusing. Leaving Cloud to sigh and shift to slide his legs over the side of the bed. Booted feet touching the floor as he sat on the side of the bed now, directly in front of Kadaj.

"I don't understand you at all." He muttered under his breath, glaring up at Kadaj under lashes as he leaned forward to rest his elbows on his knees. "We have nothing to talk about, Kadaj. Go back and do a Church activity or something. I'm not interested."

Kadaj chuckled at that, surprisingly undeterred by Cloud's hostility at the moment as he crossed his arms lightly. Disarmingly. Looking almost curious as he leaned down towards Cloud slightly. Making him straighten a bit in turn to lean back from him.

"I'm a messenger, if you will, Cloud. Spreading the word for the Church of Sephiroth is only natural." He mused, smiling. "So just hear me out, 'k? I'll make it worth your while."

"Doubt it." Cloud frowns in response. Meaning it. This wasn't his world originally, so nothing here held more than a temporary interest for him. Jumping through parallel dimensions was his life now, after all. "Why bother?" He asks.

"Because~" Kadaj leaned down further, now only a short distance from him as Cloud refused to move away. Making those shadows dance a little more in Kadaj's eyes for some reason as he still smiled. The distinct feeling someone else was looking out of his eyes at the same time washing over Cloud. Disorientating him.

"It's important, Cloud. I have a message for you, personally." He almost whispers. Like its a secret.

Cloud couldn't help but frown at that, wondering what the hell he meant. Knowing no one in this world knew him personally to have a message. He only jumped here several months ago.

"...What are you talking about." Was all he could muster for a response. Still hating how a Remnant of all people was currently invading his space leaning down as he was. He couldn't even back up without looking weak.

And then... he felt it. Kadaj's cool hand was suddenly there. Touching Cloud's bare arm as his glove was suddenly gone, shifting away as shadows, his face beside his own. Cloud's eyes widening at the sudden movement from him as he struggled not to react. Unease and something more stiffening his body under Kadaj's touch as he felt something dark surge up inside him. Struggling to focus as his heart hammered in his chest with the desire to *move. Yet to *not. An almost twisted feeling of the Reunion from his own world. But completely different. It wasn't trying to control him, just asking him to stay still, oh so nicely. Not to react at all.

Cloud struggled against this alien feeling inside him as his breath became uneven. Arm trembling against Kadaj's hand slightly as he stared forward, unable to move for the moment at this new version of Reunion. And boy, wasn't that something. Forget the fact his body still responded to a different Sephiroth's cells. Because now they knew too. The Remnant from the Church new, and by proxy, perhaps even this worlds Sephiroth himself. He was so fucked.

Thoroughly panicking now with the absolute need to fight, Cloud tried to hold his breath and make fighting the call easier. Kadaj continuing to smile at him up close like that. Shadows dancing as he seemed to look behind him now, as if smiling to someone else while speaking.

"Hey Cloud." His fingers wrapped around his forearm now as Cloud's brows managed to furrow. "You want help, don't you? For your... situation?"

He asked in a purr, making Cloud still of his own violation as he started breathing unevenly again. This time a little faster.

...Oh fuck. Goddess, did the Church of Sephiroth figure out his ability? Did they know he wasn't from this world originally? Cloud didn't want to think that was a possibility, but it certainly sounded that way.

"Not the Church." Kadaj hummed softly in his ear, responding to his racing thoughts. Amused. Still staring at something behind him. "But I do, Cloud."

Something in his voice sounded different, almost layered this time. Disorientating Cloud for a moment before he realized why.

The feeling hit him, so strongly and absolute that Cloud actually managed to jerk a little away from him. Body being consumed with the overwhelming desire to move. To see who, if anyone, Kadaj was staring at behind him. Fear and trepidation beginning to surface as he closed his eyes on a shaky exhale. Finally knowing with a strange certainty why the look in his eyes was off, the way he was talking now, even.

Kadaj was a Remnant, made by Sephiroth even beyond the Lifestream. A direct line to Sephiroth for the Church's followers in this world, based on what Tseng had said. Which meant... Cloud shivered. Though not from Kadaj's cool hand still on his arm.

"...Sephiroth?" He asked, voice barely a confused whisper. Hoping he misread that he was partially able to be inside Kadaj from beyond. Observing this world through his Remnant. Hoping he was wrong. That Sephiroth wasn't currently talking through Kadaj either. Giving him a message. Even knowing his secret of traveling through other parallel dimensions.

"Good to see you, Cloud." Kadaj murmured almost sickly sweet. A twisted echo of the very man from his world as he confirmed it. Reminding Cloud of his own worlds Sephiroth so strongly he felt revolted at Kadaj's touch on his arm even more now. At the distance he was from him.

He chuckled. "Are you willing to receive my message, now?"

His voice light with amusement, yet layered with a darkness that never seemed to change in the man. No matter the version of Sephiroth he was dealing with. Full of underlining promises too sweet to be anything but a lie.

Flinching a bit, Cloud was beginning to think it would be another very bad idea to agree to listen. But then... what was the message? And how did he know he existed? How did he figure out he was jumping around dimensions at random?

"...Yeah." Cloud swallows dryly to wet his throat. "What do you want?"

Kadaj chuckles before letting go of his arm. Glove reforming from shadows as he stepped back. "Good boy."

Cloud shivered at the words, disturbed by them more since he knew it was technically Sephiroth saying them. Even as he was grateful that the twisted Reunion feeling left his body, now that Kadaj wasn't touching him. Silently taking note to never let his bare skin touch his again. Wanting to avoid it in the future as he looked up to meet Kadaj's gaze as he straightened away from him. That smirk really reminding him of Sephiroth since this world's version was essentially talking through him at the moment.

"I want you to do something for me, Cloud. A simple thing, really. So small you won't even feel bad for it. Promise." He says, watching Cloud's reaction closely.

Cloud furrowed his brow, not sure what he was going to ask, but not liking it anyway. "If it's such a small thing, then why not have your followers do it? Isn't that the whole point of making the Church of Sephiroth in the first place? They'd probably enjoy receiving an order from you." He certainly didn't want to do anything close to the man's bidding. An alternate Sephiroth or not.

There was just some things that never changed, no matter the world.

"I'm sure they would, Cloud. But this is a personal favor to you. Not to them. You see? I need to know you'll listen."

Cloud feels his lips pull back in a snarl at the comment. Reminded of being a puppet to his Sephiroth all too easily at the words implying he wanted him to obey him.

"I'm not a puppet, Sephiroth." He states heatedly, struggling to keep his emotions in check. "What kind of task could I possibly do for you, that you can't possibly use your own fanatics to accomplish?"

Even though he asked, Cloud had the sneaking suspicion it had something to do with spying on Shinra, or helping the Remnants out secretly on the side. Something he'd feel conflicted about, even if he said it was a simple thing.

"I want you to find a girl for me."

There was a moment of silence between the two of them that seemed to stretch on forever. "A...girl?" Cloud asked slowly, anger dissipating slightly. Well... That wasn't at all what he expected. He frowns, urging him to continue.

Kadaj nods once, that same smirk still on his face. "Yes, a girl. One who went missing from here in the slums years ago, as I remember it."

Wait... was he talking about Aerith? The Aerith of this world? He couldn't- Cloud almost choked on the rising bile at the thought.

Knowing this Sephiroth couldn't possibly understand why this simple task would be hard for him, since he wasn't aware of the past on his world. But still... if she was similar to his own Aerith, then she was the last living Centra as well. Still in possession of the Meteor Materia. The very Materia this Sephiroth seemed to be wanting.

Dreading the answer Cloud decided to ask.

"This girl... is her name Aerith?" He asks warily, hands clenching together in front of him. "And is she... the last remaining Centra?" Cloud left out the part where she was guarding a very special Materia, hoping this worlds Sephiroth didn't know about that particular detail yet.

He stares back at him for a long while, before nodding. "Yes, one and the same. Now that I think about it, she would be about the same age as you..." He muses to himself out loud, but Cloud isn't listening.

He felt something in his chest clench painfully, and he takes a shuddering breath to try and get a grip on himself. This was not the time for tears, or to lash out.

"...I know her. In my world." He says, huffing an attempt at a laugh dryly. Trying to hide the pained expression on his face as he looked down to his lap. "Figures you'd be after her here too, for whatever reason."

He raised a brow at Cloud's bitter tone. Watching him battle his emotions with interest.

"Oh? Then it should be easier for you to find her, then." He says simply, smiling again. "Find her for me Cloud, and when you do, I'll summon you to the Church before she has a chance to escape."

Cloud frowns, looking up at that.

"Even if I found Aerith for you, not saying I will," He added hastily. "How exactly would you even know? At the exact time I found her, even."

"The same way I knew about your arrival. I have eyes and ears all over this city, Cloud. I know more than you think."

Figures, Cloud thinks to himself. However he carries on, pressing the issue.

"You expect me to believe I'll be stalked by your fanatics everywhere I go?" He asks, a little dubious at his claim.

"Hm, suppose not." He hums out loud in response to that, before smiling deceptively light.

"Would you prefer I tell you we're connected, Cloud? That I feel the other Sephiroth's cells calling inside you, even now?" He asks, clearly enjoying the interrogation. "If that makes you uncomfortable, then I would suggest you not worry yourself too much about it."

Cloud bites back a retort. Not being one for believing in superstition and such things, but this whole ordeal was beginning to get on his nerves. If he really could sense him, even though the cells inside him belonged to his Sephiroth, not him, then... yeah. Everything was spiraling out of control at this point. He really wanted to leave this world already. Silently wondering to himself if a jump would happen soon so he wouldn't be forced to find Aerith, this worlds version of her, for this Sephiroth. To pretty much herald the end of this world alongside him, as he would be getting the Meteor Materia from her when Cloud did.

It was all so... Cloud sighed, finding this feeling even worse than when he officially joining Shinra earlier.

"If I don't..." Cloud hedged quietly, wanting to know. "What exactly did you plan on doing to ensure I listen to you?" Could he even do anything at all?

"Hm..." He paused, seeming to think for a moment. "Well, you could say I have a way with words. I'm sure you'll find yourself convinced to help me sooner or later." He mused in that deceptive manner of his, looking to the side for a moment in thought before looking back.

"That being said, would you mind if I stayed longer Cloud? It's been so long since I've actually talked with someone that seemed to know me so intimately." Confused by his vague answer Cloud shakes his head, wondering if this Sephiroth had more screws lose than his own for asking such a ridiculous question.

"I don't know you intimately, Sephiroth. I'm only going off what I know of my own Sephiroth back on my world. Talking with me would do you no good." Or him, for that matter. Not wanting to be in Sephiroth's presence longer than necessary as he continued to use his Remnant Kadaj to talk.

"Ah, but that's where you're wrong." He shakes his head at Cloud's words, bemused. "Aren't you curious as well, Cloud? Whether I can help you control this strange ability of yours? I know you're searching for a way, I can see the desperation in your eyes. However you clearly haven't found one." Cloud stiffened in response. "Have you just been unlucky? Or perhaps... You simply aren't looking in the right place. Have you ever asking one of my counterparts, Cloud?"

He smirks as Cloud glared back at him, answer enough that Cloud never considered doing anything but fight. "Ah... There it is. You and I are not so different in some ways, Cloud. Even now. Here, in my world. Let us talk this once, hmm?"

Cloud wanted nothing more than to wrap his hands around Sephiroth's throat and squeeze the life out of the diabolical being that continued to plague his existence as he's jumped. But that was something he couldn't do. His words held truth, in a way. Out of all the different versions of Cloud's friends he had asked, none had answers. None could even offer him a hint to control this strange new power, even though they certainly tried for his sake. And Cloud continued to ignore perhaps the biggest puzzle piece of all. The only consistently powerful being no matter the world. Always strong, no matter how different. The one being always claiming to be a god in one way or another, without fail. Sephiroth.

And this one was offering him something he wanted, the chance to at least try. Even if it meant playing along for now.

...Maybe he could help? Maybe he could use his power to stabilize my own? Always being such strong opposing force against each other, it kind of made since now that Cloud was actually thinking about it. The desire to try at least, there.

Cloud sighed, looking away in shame at what he was about to do. Feeling like just this action was betraying his friends who were killed by a different version of Sephiroth entirely.

"Fine... what would you suggest?" Cloud replied in a defeated tone, wondering what exactly the hell would come next. "I'm not sure... where to start, personally."

Kadaj chuckles, clearly amused by Cloud's situation. "Tell me, Cloud, what do you know of time travel?"

The question catches him off-guard. "Time... travel?"

"Yes. You see, even when gods fight, there are bound to be consequences." He stares at him intently. "The most notable being time itself being wounded."

He moved closer to Cloud again, looking down where he sat on the bed as he continued to explain. "To me, it seems similar to the situation you currently find yourself in. The only difference, is you're being shoved sideways with the energy constantly seeping from your wounded world. Your path not linear, like most would be."

"...How is it still pushing me then? I left my world behind a long time ago." Cloud mutters, feeling a new sense of clarity as he listened to him willingly. It all strangely making sense as he chuckled.

"That's because it's latched onto you, Cloud." He tilted Kadaj's head as if studying something outside Cloud's awareness with those sharp glowing eyes. "I can see it even now, the sickly-hued energy building around your body from a dying world. Desperately clinging to you in the hopes of saving itself."

...What? But didn't that mean... it was using him? Pushing it's corrupted Lifestream inside him, as an outlet from Jenova who was destroying it from within? A sacrifice, without choice?

Something keen to hatred stirred to life inside Cloud, eyes narrowing as knuckles turned white under gloves from the force he was clenching them together with. But it wasn't towards Sephiroth, for once. Or Hojo. No... this was fresh, searing bright at its intensity. Towards his own world, and the goddess Minerva as well. Surely having a hand in this, considering the one to be sacrificed worth it, for the collective good of her child Planet.

Cloud was simply a vessel to them. A puppet. He despised that feeling with a vengeance. His mouth going dry with betrayal crashing through him, barely letting him focus back to the conversation at hand as Kadaj sighs almost in empathy to his situation. A truly pitying look on his face.

"Truly Cloud, how did you manage such a feet? It is unheard of. Even for Chaos."

Cloud blinks at that, finally focusing enough to swallow thickly and shove his feelings on the matter aside until later.

He said Chaos, right? But how does he know- Ah... Did that mean Sephiroth was an agent of Chaos on this world? Since he could talk to him? Or perhaps truly a Demi-god himself, as he claimed to be. Giving him the ability to talk to Chaos, in whatever place the gods resided in when not wrecking havoc on the mortal planes. Explaining why he was currently controlling Kadaj, instead of projecting an image of himself to Cloud instead. Why just his physical presence on this world would herald it's end to come. Just like Chaos.

Thinking about it now... it all strangely made sense. Especially for what was happening in this world, and the powers the Remnant Kadaj had been using. Shifting through the fabric of shadows themselves. Still, the thought wasn't comforting.

"You... talk to Chaos?" Cloud asked. Wanting to know as Kadaj raised a brow. Wondering why he focused on that part, of all things.

"Frequently. Though that's beside the point, Cloud. If even he finds it unusual, your situation is-"

"Unique." Cloud sighs, interrupting him. Running his hand through his hair again in a very Zack like manner as he gave a nod in response.


"Then... you can't help me stop it?" He asks, feeling a little hopeless.

"I can not. Though perhaps other versions of myself will know how." He mused to himself, smiling as Cloud frowned in discomfort at just the thought. "Combine our knowledge, Cloud. Use it to get back to your own world once more, hm? Stop it from controlling you. That is your chance. Take it."

There it was. His choice laid out so simply and obviously that Cloud couldn't say no to the logic. He could get him home, he just had to follow his instructions. Approach the other Sephiroth's, if he could.

It sounded completely rational after he explained everything. Giving Cloud the sense even the Sephiroth from his world held a greater understanding of things than him. Though it was probably false, considering this Sephiroth was far more powerful than his own.

Looking up at him Cloud slowly nods in understanding, and Kadaj smiles. "Good," he states, extending his hand down to him. An offering. As Cloud stared at it.

"Then, would you care to-"

"I'm still not joining your Church." Cloud interrupts. Feeling that is indeed were it was going as he paused. Staring down at him blankly for a moment before laughing.

"Oh Cloud, you do wound me. After explaining so much, you still don't think I'm worthy of your devotion?" He says with amusement as he simply stretched his hand to ruffle his hair instead. Almost with fondness as Cloud ducked backwards and swatted his hand away with a halfhearted glare. Mind still reeling from what he had just learned.

"Should I?" Cloud responds, raising a brow as he leaned down closer in Kadaj's body, smiling at him again.

"Hmm~ I do hope so. Maybe before you jump again?" He muses lightly. "Your devotion alone is worth more than thousands of followers, Cloud. You would make my powers grow substantially, if you became a Remnant for me first." Cloud blinked slowly at him as he stared expectantly.

"Seriously, you're asking me to join the Church again...?" Cloud muttered, brow furrowing.

This time, Kadaj simply chuckled. The sound sending a shiver down Cloud's spine.

"What I am offering is much more than that, Cloud. But, it is true, joining the Church would be a good first step." He mused, looking Cloud up and down as he still didn't quite know how to respond. "Becoming a Remnant in name would mean you are my closest one. As Kadaj and his brothers are, you would be connected to me, always. Joining my body, even if you die." The way he said that sounded almost... Suggestive.

"And?" Cloud responded, ignoring that thought as Kadaj stared into his glowing eyes, so similar to his own, and hums softly. Reaching to muse his hair again in some sort of fascination, even as it irritated him.

"And, you would become my right hand. My everything, Cloud. In all actuality, we would be one. A single being, separate, different, yet together in every sense of the word."

"So... What? You want me to marry you?" Cloud said dryly, absently smacking his arm away again. Stating the first thing that came to mind as he struggled to make sense of this Sephiroth's twisted sense of reality. This world being drastically different from his own even in this, this... marriage of souls, sort of speak.

"Don't make me laugh, Cloud. It's only tempting me to keep you more." He huffed in amusement, teasing Cloud a little. "But you could say that, only you would be equal to me in every way. No marriage could be as powerful as what we would have, Cloud. A bond so strong, nothing could break it. Death itself couldn't rip us apart."

Cloud shivered at his low voice, still not looking away from Kadaj's face as he used it to smile down at him. "You sound sure of yourself." He says, shifting to the side on the bed a little.

"I am." He responded instantly. "In all my years of existence, I have never felt anything as strongly as what I am feeling for you in this moment, Cloud. I want to be with you, as one. In every way possible." He reached his hand out to Cloud again, now less than an inch away from his own. "Join with me, Cloud. Be mine forever."

Cloud tensed, knowing if he touched bare skin the twisted version of Reunion would surge between the two of them again. Leaving his mind open to this version of Sephiroth in a way that made his breath falter a little at the thought. This wasn't how his Sephiroth acted in the least, honestly. Confusing Cloud even further as he wondered whether this Sephiroth was trying to possess his body in a rather different way than he did with the Remnants.

Developing an actual possessive attraction towards Cloud, for some reason.

Several versions had been that way before actually, much to Cloud's chagrin at the time. Still, it didn't happen to often. So he didn't know whether to feel honored or scared.

Probably both, Cloud decided, as he finally pulled his hand hesitantly away from where Kadaj's hovered so close. Careful not to touch skin as he frowned.

"...No. I already said I wouldn't join you Sephiroth, especially like that. Stop trying to change my mind. Also, don't touch me." He says as he leans back. "Reunion may feel good for you, but not me. It's different."

"Hmm, perhaps you haven't experienced it well enough, then." He teased, smirking a little.

Cloud gives him a look at that. "I'm good. Thanks."

Kadaj chuckled at his flat response, pulling back. "Very well, Cloud. For now we'll stop asking. However I'll be sending Kadaj to you later. Keep him appraised of your progress finding Aerith, will you?" He murmurs with a smile, stepping back towards the dark corner.

Giving Cloud no time to reject again as shadows starting whirling around Kadaj's body. Clinging to him in an instant before melting his form into darkness, only the glow of his eyes to be seen for a moment before he disappeared in a whirl of shadows. Presumably going back to the Church as Cloud stared at the spot he once stood. Wondering if he could find a way to block him from doing that again. Not wanting Kadaj to materialize out of the shadows of his room whenever he felt like it.

With a sigh Cloud stood. Wide awake now and deciding he might as well go train as he grabbed Tsuragi, sliding his sword in the harness on his back. Used to sleeping only a few hours at a time, and handling it well, thanks to his SOLDIER enhancements.

Still, Cloud fully intended to ask Tseng about the matter next time he saw him. Who knows, in a world as different as this, maybe there was some kind of charm to block that damn shifting ability of theirs. Enjoying his privacy, especially from a Remnant.

Maybe he could get out of finding this worlds version of Aerith, as well.

Though he planned to sleep on that particular problem. Knowing no good would come at trying to wrack his brain for answers. Pacing himself, especially after messing up so many times already now.

Though Cloud's thoughts still strayed to Sephiroth. Of this worlds version, at least. Remembering his overwhelming words as he struggled to keep his emotions down. Truly, when all this dimension jumping started, he hadn't expected to hear that of all things when he finally received answers. The fact the very world Cloud saved time and time again, had betrayed him so deeply. Used him to contain her Jenova corrupted energy, and casting him aside just as quickly. Without warning, without explanation. Continuing to do so, even. Forcing him further and further along the parallel worlds in the process. Further from home. From his family and friends.

Cloud's hand clenched at his side. A late night patrol of SOLDIER's stepping out of his way as his energy seemed to change. Eyes slitting, glowing a brighter green as he made his way towards the training rooms once more. It was too much. All of it. He needed an outlet. To train until his rage gave way to exhaustion. Which considering his SOLDIER enhanced body, would probably take the remainder of the night.

No matter, Cloud quickly dismissed. He was mentally prepared to do so already. Anything, to push these overwhelming emotions and thoughts to the backburner for awhile. Anything, to keep himself from getting worked up again.