
Cloud Strife: An Alternate Story of New Beginnings

It began one fateful evening, as Cloud stood looking over Edge. The sun casting the world a brilliant golden hue as monsters bayed in the distance. Something beautiful, yet pain was all he could remember whenever he thought back to it. Excruciating pain, so vast and absolute within and around him that he blacked out during the first Jump. And several more Jump's after that before he finally got used to it enough to stay awake through the process. His life depended on it, after all. Cloud's second Jump brought him to the conclusion he was being pulled into alternate versions of his world, for reasons unknown. Around the 5th Jump, he came to realize he couldn't control it, no matter how hard he tried. It didn't stop, didn't go back to his world. Only forward. Continuous, constant. The only rest that he found during the peaceful worlds, if he was lucky enough to Jump to one between the more dangerous versions. Something he never thought possible. The fact an alternate version of his own world could possibly be worse. But he soon learned. The life and death battles he would suddenly be thrust into against alternate Sephiroth's, among other things, showing him such. The way the worlds could alter drastically compared to his own leaving him reeling at the sheer difference among them. Some with nothing in common with his own world at all. It was his 47th Jump when it happened. Another world different from his own, yet promising answers he had started to give up on. A world of ruin, and new dangers. This is where his story truly began once more, after leaving that fated cliffside all those years ago. The story of an Alternate Fate, of Beginnings, where none had traveled before him. The story, of Betrayal. (The pic used for cover isn't mine. All credit to its original creator.)

LunaLexx · Película
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5 Chs

A Different Kind of Night, and New Meetings

Cloud rented a room easily enough, though he couldn't help feeling mournful of the lighter pouch as it took almost all of his saved-up Gil to rent it for a week. Sure, it was clean with quality furniture and sound proofing in the walls, but it still felt a bit wasteful. Making him wonder if he should've just risked the slums below the Plate as he went to the room on the twelfth floor. Stripping and leaning Tsuragi by the bed in preparation for later as he went for a shower.

Enjoying the hot spray, he quickly admitted it was actually worth the Gil as he smiled. Finally relaxing after weeks of sneaking around Midgar on bare minimum comforts.

Running his hand through his hair in an effort to get the water out he turned off the shower and dried himself off. Not bothering with any fancy cologne or after-bath products by the sink, just a clean towel as he threw his own outfit in the wash for morning. Feeling content now after the shower, he headed for bed. The way Tsuragi shined in the green light from the reactor coming through the window a little reassuring as he got under the cover. Keeping the towel on as he sunk into the blissful thickness of the mattress.

It was only as Cloud was starting to fall asleep that it happened. He didn't notice the shadow shifting in the corner, coming to life as it pulled itself from the wall to form a man in black attire. Still blissfully unaware of the powers the Church actually possessed as the man stepped towards the bed with silent steps.

Had he been looking he would've noticed it was a remnant, of all people. A rigorous follower of resurrecting Sephiroth even on this world, as he smirked down at Cloud's quiet form.

"Strife..." His voice sounded low and smooth, but still had the intimidating effect that most high-ranking members of the Church had. Standing beside the bed now with green glowing eyes of his own.

At the familiar sound Cloud's eyes flew open as he tensed. Adrenaline surging as he sat up with SOLDIER speed, processing it was Kadaj at the same time he grabbed Tsuragi's hilt. Fully intending to use it against him in nothing but his towel.

"Don't even think about it."

The Remnant said coldly, making Cloud hesitate for a moment. Just long enough for his own hand to snake out in a blur. Grasping his wrist firmly and preventing him from pulling Tsuragi away from the wall. Leaving Cloud's arm at an awkward angle as he refused to let go of the hilt. The relaxed feeling he had from sleep only moments prior gone now as he glared at Kadaj, hating how he got the drop on him, and now stood with a familiar smirk.

"So, you *are the infamous Strife." He said, amused. Studying Cloud with a tilt of his head. "Hm... you're shorter than I thought, though."

...Wait. Strife. Cloud realized. He called him Strife.

Ignoring the remnants comment his mind raced. He only knew him by Strife too, a name he gave Shinra only hours prior. Did that mean the Church had a spy in Shinra? They had to. How else could they have possibly known Shinra had approached him first, and called him that, of all things.

Whatever the case, this wasn't good. At all.

Clearly Tseng had forgotten to mention the followers of the Church seemed to have special abilities. It was no wonder they were holding their own against SOLDIER's, with an ability to just appear like that.

But then again that was probably common knowledge on this world. Knowledge, he ignored in place of disinterest.

That habit of ignoring details about the world's he visited was going to bite him in the ass now, it seemed.

Cloud shifted, watching Kadaj wearily.

Just what was he doing here? Why wasn't he trying to kill him? Did the Church of Sephiroth want something?

It was a foreboding thought, but a thought none the less. He hadn't killed him immediately upon seeing him, that had to be a good sign. Sort of. Maybe.

"You can let go of the handle now." Kadaj says, still smiling down at Cloud.

"...Yeah. Not happening." Cloud said flatly back. Making him lose the smile and narrow his eyes at him. Clearly displeased and not used to not being obeyed.

This version of Kadaj was definitely different from the one he killed back on his world. Then again, he had been fighting to survive. Here? He had an entire religion behind him, with powerful followers and access to god knows what. And he was more than happy to use it to his advantage, it seemed. Regardless, Cloud saw no reason to just drop his guard and get killed. He still wanted to get back to his own world somehow. And dying wouldn't help that.


He wasn't taking the chance, at any rate.

"What do you want?" he asks instead, keeping his eyes on Kadaj. Watching as he raised an eyebrow before smirking.

"Oh? Straight to the point, is it?" He mused lightly. Voice still setting Cloud on edge, but he simply frowned, waiting. Finally, the remnant sighed a bit, shaking his head. "A name would've been nice."

He pouts before glaring at him. "Tell me your name, Strife."

Cloud blinks in surprise, not expecting him to ask a personal question like that, of all things. Even in this world.

Why did it matter so much what it was? Was there a reason he wanted to have it? Again, he realized just how clueless he was about everything here. His own plan to ignore the damn details making him practically blind to this world's workings. He sighs in frustration at himself.

"Does it matter?" Cloud mutters, knowing it'd probably anger Kadaj since he clearly wasn't used to defiance here but stubbornly doing it anyway. "Why do you want to know?"

He watched as his eyes narrowed in annoyance. Hand tightening around his wrist. "I asked, didn't I? Of course it matters. Tell me."

He wasn't raising his voice, but it still felt like a threat of some sort. Maybe it was just the aura he gave off, or the fact that he could break his wrist if he wanted to with his hold like that. Either way Cloud hesitated. The entire situation was confusing, honestly. But he still had the strange feeling giving him his name meant something different in this world. Even if it didn't in his.

But he didn't seem to be leaving anytime soon and he didn't know what other strange abilities this version of Kadaj had, making him reluctantly answer.

"... It's Cloud." He finally says, feeling exposed just saying it for some reason. Something about the way his eyes lit up when he said it making him upset.

But not for long, since Kadaj then proceeded to laugh as if he had just told him the funniest joke in the world.

"Cloud?" He chuckles a bit more, before shaking his head. "Beautiful name. Beautiful sound. Hmm. I think... I like it."

Okay... That wasn't what he expected, honestly. But it still made him feel weird. His name being called beautiful by someone who was an enemy in his world, and in this version, even. It surprised him. How different his personality seemed to be from Cloud's own version. Making him feel a sense of loss and confusion just talking to him. Like the action enough wasn't confusing.

"I- that's..." Cloud frowned, trying to get his words together. "I don't understand. Why are we even talking. Does the Church of Sephiroth have some sort of business with me?"

He asks, wanting answers. Even though he felt he knew the answer to that already.

That yes, as per the usual, anything pertaining to Sephiroth found its way to him and dragged him in. No matter the parallel world.

"Well... You could say that we have business with you. A proposal, so to speak." Kadaj agreed lightly in turn, looking at him with an expectant gaze. As if he wanted him to accept whatever proposal it was right then and there. Without even hearing the details.

Though something about that gaze felt... more. To Cloud. Like someone else was staring down at him too as Kadaj waited. Sending a chill down his spine as he felt strangely vulnerable now being partially in bed with nothing but a towel on his lower half. Regardless if he could actually see it.

He should've just slept with his clothes on.

"...what do you mean?" He mutters, wanting clarification. Finding it strange both Shinra and the Church was saying they wanted to make him offers.

Offers that could be to his benefit, sure, but it seemed... Weird. Like they could be setting him up for something. As it was apparent there was bad blood between the Church and the Company.

"It's a simple thing really." Kadaj responded, still giving off that eerie sense of someone else staring at him as well as Cloud shifted uncomfortably. "Are you interested?"

Cloud frowns at Kadaj's feigned disinterest, feeling like he shouldn't even ask but pushing forward anyway.

"Just tell me." He says. Hating cat and mouse games the most.

"Well, you see..." Kadaj started, pausing for dramatic effect as if he was about to say the cheesiest pick-up line in history. "We want you to join us."

...So, it was as he thought. Question was, why? What possible benefit did that serve? Did they just want to take him for their side before Shinra could?

Honestly it was all rather confusing for his sleep deprived mind, so he settled for being blunt. Too tired to care.

"Join you? As in join the Church, or join you?"

"We're one in the same, Cloud. To join the Church is to join me." He snorts with amusement in response. Finding his strange innocence and lack of knowledge on the matter endearing, as much as his stubbornness was irritating.

"Where did you live growing up? You're quite ignorant." Kadaj bluntly stated himself, tilting his head curiously.

Cloud's eye twitched at the insult, even though he technically was, just for reasons outside his control. Jumping through dimensions didn't necessarily make him spontaneously aware of them at the same time.

"...Are you sure there isn't a reason you asked for my name?" He asked dryly instead, choosing not to answer Kadaj for obvious reasons.

"You're smarter than you look, Cloud." He says with a smirk. "After what you just said though, I'm not surprised you don't know such simple things."

His vague answer left Cloud to sigh in irritation over the whole matter. He truly just wanted to sleep right now and forget about this. Why couldn't they approach him during the day, instead of materializing into his room so late at night? If he ever ran into this world's version of Sephiroth, he planned on asking, honestly. He was just thoroughly confused at this point.

"Shinra already asked me to join." Not that he'd ever join the Church of Sephiroth anyway, he mused to himself. "I have a feeling you already knew that, so why are you still asking? I'm not special."

"Not special?" Kadaj laughs rather loudly at that, Cloud cringing at how loud it was in the dead silence of the night. "Even if you haven't noticed yet, Cloud, you stand out from everyone around you. You shine."

Cloud doesn't even bother asking how he means that, metaphorically or literally. Just frowned at him.

Could the Church of Sephiroth somehow see he had some sort of special ability? He doubted they knew he could travel through parallel dimensions specifically, but clearly, they could tell he was in fact special. Something that made him more than just another Shinra SOLDIER to them at this point.

Tensing in building unease he tightens his hold on Tsuragi's hilt, even as Kadaj's hand stayed on his wrist.

If they could feel something different about him from anyone else, then how was he going to refuse Kadaj and make him leave? This... Might be a fight after all.

"I'll say it again. I'm not joining your Church. I don't know anything about it. And I don't care to." Cloud argued back, his voice hard as steel.

Seeing his hard expression Kadaj narrowed his eyes, wondering if he should just forcibly take him back to the Church and convince him there, before hesitating. After a thoughtful hum he relents, deciding not to.

"Hmm... I see. Just think about it for now, Cloud. I'll come back later." Kadaj finally concedes, smiling as he let go of his wrist without warning and stepped back. Catching Cloud by surprise as his eyes widened for a second, before seeing his chance.

Realizing he was no longer holding Tsuragi in place against the wall.

Quicker than the normal human could follow Cloud burst forward off the bed with SOLDIER speed, swinging at Kadaj's side in an arch as he did so.

Kadaj smirked, amused. Knowing he'd take the chance as his form literally dissolved into shadow through the floor before the blade could even make contact.

His laughter echoing back through the room from nothingness.

"See you soon, Cloud." He mused, voice fading out as Cloud grimaced at the lost opportunity to end him. Sighing after a few minutes when he didn't return.

Grumbling, He sit back on the bed and propped Tsuragi back against the wall, irritated as he ruffled his blond spikes and stared down at his toweled form.

Honestly, he probably looked pretty funny attacking with a towel snug around his waist, but even so. The fact a crazy cult calling itself a church and worshipping Sephiroth, had the ability to notice something special about him was disturbing. A part of him starting to worry and hope he didn't ever meet the actual Sephiroth of this world.

If he could influence his followers so greatly even from the livestream and give them power equal to that of SOLDIER's, then how powerful was he? How much stronger than his own Sephiroth was this one?

Just thinking about it sent a shiver down Cloud's spine. Dreading that he was stuck here for a while until he could jump out of this world, and hopefully to one less crazy.

Grumbling and feeling exposed in only the towel he get back up, heading into the bathroom to change. He was hungry and needed some food after all of that. Heading to the kitchen after changing back into his modified clothes, he shoveled most of the food there down.

Calling it good enough afterwards and heading back to the bedroom to flop back into bed. Finally feeling calm enough to fall asleep soundly as his body went heavy. The darkness pressing down welcomed eagerly as everything from the day drifted away. Worries gone for now, and he was grateful for that as he drifted. Breath light as he succumbed to sleep.


Cloud woke the next morning and took another shower as his clothes were washed and dried by the maid who came to clean his room, just to enjoy the limited time luxury. Combing through his hair a bit with his hand haphazardly afterward as he sighed and dressed again in the now cleaned clothes.

Putting Tsuragi on his back he left the room and locked it once the maid was done. Ignoring the awkward stares of the few residents that passed by through the halls. Most of them attempting to avoid looking at him, but a few seemed to be sizing him up with an odd curiosity. Much to Cloud's discomfort.

Most likely followers of the Church of Sephiroth, if he had to bet.

Leaving the hotel, he joined the morning rush as people crowded the streets. Shinra personnel as far as the eye could see as they made their way to their jobs. He stood out only a little bit, as there were plenty of SOLDIERs around too. Coming and going as he made his way to the nearest job board.

He figured it would be a while before Shinra got back in touch with him, so he planned on doing what he always had as he waited. Taking up small jobs and monster extermination tasks around Midgar and the outskirts for extra Gil. Just in case he jumped sooner than expected and couldn't collect on a hefty Shinra paycheck for his troubles in this world. Though it would've certainly been nice.

Several days past like that as Cloud waited, before Tseng finally sent an unfamiliar Turk to inform him of the agreement to his terms. Leading him to Shinra tower to sign the pending contract with the company. Just the sight of it again gave his stomach butterflies in uneasy weariness. Memories surging despite the reassurance this wasn't his world to begin with.

But it didn't seem to matter.

His emotions never were prepared for the curveballs these other worlds threw at him, regardless of the differences compared to his own version.

Unaware of Cloud's inner turmoil the Turk guided him up to a larger conference room on a higher floor this time, much to his surprise. It wasn't until he entered that he understood the change of location though.

Tseng wasn't alone this time.

Rufus Shinra was there. The Director of SOLDIER too, seated at the conference table with Commander Genesis and Commander Angeal -Zack's mentor, Cloud painfully remembered- sitting by his side respectively. The Red Commander known for his Loveless quotes even in his world looking bored and irritated having to be there. Leaving Angeal the calm assertive one of the two, as he looked Cloud's way, observing him as he entered.

The nameless Turk escorting Cloud left quickly, shutting the door behind him and effectively leaving Cloud the center of attention as he shifted. Uncomfortable for a different reason now as he frowned. Social anxiety doing its thing marvelously in front of all these higher ups of Shinra.

Seriously, what was Director Lazard and Rufus Shinra doing here? The feared and respected Commanders of SOLDIER, even?

Ah, wait. That made sense, actually. He was about to be essentially given a position equal to that of a First Class SOLDIER thanks to the president wanting to recruit him. Naturally, those at the table aside from Tseng would be irritated at his easy induction, wondering what kind of mercenary could possibly gain such favor in such a short amount of time and be brought into Shinra under their noses like that. Completely skipping due process and their approval to boot.

Internally Cloud sighed at the obviousness of it all. He hadn't planned on it, but he apparently just gained some enemies without even trying in this world.

Like any version of Sephiroth wasn't enough. He wouldn't be staying for long, but still, it was an inconvenience. Having them study him as a potential threat before official introductions had even been had.

Not that he needed them, having known their counterparts in his world already. Still. He was reminded yet again how everyone and thing was drastically different here compared to his own.

In his world, the Commander's used to be Sephiroth's friends. But here, the two were clearly against the man and his fanatical cult of a Church. Having never known the semi-god who seemingly appeared out of nowhere, harboring the intent to end their world in his wake.

No, in fact, they had never even seen the Sephiroth of their own world. Gotten to know him, as in Cloud's world. They only ever fought his Remnants, and the other higher members of the Church of Sephiroth. Considering Sephiroth a simple power-crazed madman that could influence lives, even beyond the Lifestream.

It was all rather bizarre. Something that surely would've surprised Cloud, had he known the history of this world in the first place.

As it was their presence only confused him further with everything in general, wondering why they even bothered with petty company politics in face of a war, leaving him to frown as he looked to Tseng as the Turk stood. Gesturing to the chair at the end of the table closest to Cloud, giving a professional polite nod in greeting.

"Welcome back, Strife. Please, have a seat. We'd like to go over the details one final time as we get your signature for the contract." He looks to Lazard then. "Introductions will be in order as well, of course. Since you'll be working closely with the SOLDIER department from here on out."

Cloud stood for a moment longer before reluctantly nodding. Still a man of few words in front of tense situations as he shrugged First Tsuragi off to prop against the table, sitting down to join everyone else. Keen of the gazes taking in his massive intricately designed sword as it gleamed imposingly beside him. Getting an appreciative look from Angeal in the process. And an eye roll from Genesis. No doubt scoffing internally at how everyone predictably went for a big sword, thinking of his own friend Angeal's buster sword in the process.

With a small smile Tseng pushed the document over for him to read and sign, sitting back down as Lazard took the cue to introduce himself and his SOLDIER commanders. Rufus watching silently in that way of his as he studied Cloud closely. Finding him an enigma of his father's as he watched him pick up the documents with a light grimace and start browsing over them quickly, confirming the conditions he set earlier were written inside them himself. Lazard clearing his throat only gaining part of his attention as he began the introductions, eyes firmly on the words before him.

"Strife, was it? I'm Director Lazard, of SOLDIER." He began, a little annoyed but trying not to show it as Cloud refused to look up as he was addressing him. "President Shinra told me of his decision to let you join, and I must say I have high expectations of you. He's given you quite the high praises for a mercenary, thanks to Tseng's observations." He glanced at Tseng momentarily at that, his look saying it all how the Turk hadn't shared the information with him in the slightest. Leaving him to resort to fishing information out of the man himself now instead as his Commanders stayed silent at his side.

"Would you perhaps be willing to share your first name now, Mr. Strife? You're about to join our company with the rank equal of a First's. I'd like to know the man I'm expected to trust with my Commanders' and fellow SOLDIERs from this point on." He raised his brow at that, an obvious challenge for rebuttal as he waited for his reply.

Cloud sighed openly this time, finally looking up to glower at his stare.

"Cloud." He said simply, pushing the sheets of paper back across the table. His conditions confirmed on them. "Also, I suspect I've earned the right to be trusted. Since Shinra approached me first. Unless you disagree?"

He added, a little insulted that this man, though warranted, was basically insinuating he was the untrustworthy one. Shinra's lies be damned, even though they didn't know he knew about them from his own world.

The director looked at Cloud's eyes, seeing something there as he frowned.

"...Yes, perhaps I overstepped. My apologies, Cloud. I just want to be sure my SOLDIER's will be safe with you guarding their backs." He continued smoothly, still not backing down. Cloud could respect that stubbornness, if it wasn't currently directed at him.

"If you're to be given the status of First, do you possibly have the skills to back it up? Carrying a big sword is one thing. Knowing how to use it effectively, another. Can you reassure me you are as talented as my Commanders', on the matter?" He asks, tone professional even as it was hard. The other two men at his side, still silent, were watching with interest. Wanting to know as well as Cloud sighed, looking back to Tseng.

"Should I have added something against harassment as well? This isn't what I had in mind when you approached me for recruitment." He says bluntly, earning a snort of laughter from Genesis, surprisingly. Always one to enjoy someone who could have a good verbal spout.

"I apologize." Tseng responds. "However, I must agree his questions are valid. You could spar with the Commanders to set aside the unease for his men, just this once. Their skills are certainly no joking matter. They've held their own well against high members of the Church of Sephiroth."

"I'm sure." Cloud said, just as blunt. "But unless I've seen them personally fighting off suicidal cultists, I can't judge their skills fairly compared to mine. I don't fight those I could hurt if I go all out."

At Cloud's finishing remark Genesis glared at him, actually glared haughtily, taking him aback a little as he stood swiftly with deadly grace. Shoving the conference table chair back to fall on the floor with a clatter. Angeal standing as well just as quickly to place his hand on his friends' shoulder wearily in warning, squeezing it to keep him still as Genesis sneered down at Cloud with his newfound height advantage.

"Oh? Are you saying I'm weak, little Cloud?" He said menacingly. "I doubt my skills are lacking compared to yours, an untrained mercenary. Enhanced as you may be."

At his sniff of disdain Cloud frowned up at him, knowing he was underestimating him. But also getting the feeling maybe he shouldn't be underestimating Genesis as well, and assuming their power levels compared to his.

Every version of his world had familiar people that differed in strength compared to his own, after all. He could be one of them. Stronger than the version of Genesis he was used to, just as their Sephiroth sounded stronger than his own as well.

"I never said your strength wasn't impressive, I just don't know how it compares as I've never seen you fight. That's all." Cloud answers humbly, keeping calm and trying to diffuse the situation. At this Genesis' glare lessened a bit but was still far from happy.

"Then fight us. Prove to us in SOLDIER you're able to watch our back, mercenary. We can't have someone unskilled fighting beside us against Sephiroth's followers. You'd only get people killed." He said back tightly. Stating a fact Cloud could respect as he sighed, glancing to the other Commander beside him.

"...And you'd be fine with this?" He asked, seeing if Angeal wanted to spar alongside Genesis too to judge his skill. Surprisingly he nods, giving a weary smile.

"I do, actually. I want to see your skills for myself. We'd be the best to analyze your abilities as we fought anyway, being Firsts'." He says easily, making it hard to argue with his calmer logic compared to his friend's fiery temper.

"...Fine then." Cloud concedes, unsure if this was a smart idea but feeling like they wouldn't drop the matter until he sparred. "I'll prove my skill to your satisfaction, then."

At this response he stands, signing the contract quickly before straightening back up to take Tsuragi's hilt grimly. Reattaching it as he glanced back to the slightly surprised Commanders'. Lazard being the most so as his eyes widened. Clearly expecting him to argue more on the matter before agreeing so easily.

Cloud smirked, lips twisting a little in resignation as he shifted back towards the door. Every bit the imposing figure even for his shorter stature compared to the bulkier Commander Angeal.

"I don't know where the sparring rooms are, so lead the way." He says, watching as Genesis finally straightened himself with a haughty smirk. Turning to head towards the door with that very intent.

"Hmph. Cocky, aren't you? Well right this way, little Cloud~ I hope you don't regret it." He sing-songed, pleased to fight all out against him as Angeal followed close behind. The entire room standing to do the same, much to Cloud's surprise. Rufus with his signature smirk as everyone made their way through the halls alongside him.

An imposing sight that stopped many Shinra workers as they gaped at the group entirely.

Cloud made a point not to look at their uncomfortable stares as Genesis lead him to the floor with the training simulator rooms. Heading straight for the one exclusively used by the Commanders'. It was just one of the many perks of their position in the company, and Cloud had to admit, he was interested in this room long before he even got there. He never personally got to see a simulation room for SOLDIER's before, in his own world. Having never become one in the first place.

Not that the memories were particularly pleasant as he shoved them aside, not wanting to lose focus on the task at hand. He was confident in his own fighting abilities. Their own unknown skill being the problem. Even in his own world he was too obsessed with Sephiroth to pay attention to what the other two Commanders had been like. Their power, even. Having known would've certainly given him an idea of what to expect against them at least. Even if this Genesis and Angeal were stronger versions compared to his own.

But Tsuragi being able to break into seven separate swords during a fight was going to be one of his many elements of surprise during this spare. And he fully planned to take advantage of that. He was going to go all out. Hopefully they were prepared for that when the time came.

Entering the room with only the two Commander's, it was filled with a large fighting stage that could easily be manipulated into various layouts for many types of fighting. The materials it was made of allowing the user to easily replicate a virtual reality over the surface for a more realistic fighting environment. Something Cloud felt himself looking forward to. Getting eager to see it as he went to stand to the side as Genesis went to the terminal to enter settings and activate the room. Angeal starting to do squats and stretching in a very familiar Zack like manner as he warmed up.

Cloud smiled wistfully at the sight. Trying to squash the comparisons as the room booted up for the coming spar.

A part of him wanted to try reaching out and connecting with the other two, but he wasn't sure if that would be wise. He could almost hear the Zack like voice warning him not to get attached since he was bound to leave their world eventually, making him crush the longing viciously. He knew it wasn't smart. So best not even try. In fact, it would be best to address some things before they started.

"Alright gentlemen, I understand the need to fight me, but let us be clear about a few things before we begin." Cloud says, drawing their attention as the room shifted. Vibrantly changing into Junon as the three suddenly found themselves standing on the Junon Canon. Realistic sun glaring harshly over the sea as it set into the horizon. Taking his breath away slightly at the sight as it painted the surroundings in hues of crimson, as they turned to face him. Genesis raising his brow as Angeal unsheathed the familiar buster sword.

Cloud pointedly tried not to look at it. Mind picturing Zack holding it instead distracting.

"Oh? And what would that be?" Genesis inquired lightly, ready to start the spar already.

"First and foremost. I'm not good at holding back. So come at me with everything you got from the start, otherwise I can't promise you'll go uninjured." Cloud states bluntly, deadly serious as he pulled Tsuragi from its harness on his back smoothly. Holding it to his side in a deceptively light manner with the coming spar.

"I see." Genesis says, frowning ever so slightly as he seemed to size him up. Seeing the battle readiness that came with experience tense his muscles ever so slightly. "And why do you think we would need to do that?"

Cloud's glowing eyes narrowed in the harsh evening sun at Genesis' confidence. Angeal the only one seeming to take the remark seriously as wind whipped at his hair and pulled the blonde spikes lightly.

"...No particular reason." He returned blankly. Giving a small sigh as he started to relax his stance. "Just thought I'd warn ya."

Genesis seemed to accept that response and turned his attention to the sea with a small frown before turning back.

"Well then, shall we get started? I'm sure you're quite eager to try the skills of a SOLDIER Commander." He says, readying his rapier with a smile.

Cloud watched as Angeal takes that as a silent que, moving out from beside Genesis with practiced movements. Clearly used to fighting together as his adrenaline surged at the sight. Both in weariness and anticipation, actually wanting to test himself against this world's versions of the Commanders'. He gripped Tsuragi's hilt tightly as they leaped forward together with speed fitting of their namesake. A First Class SOLDIER not to be taken lightly.

Their attacks came fast and strong. Making the smallest mistake could lead to serious injury, or even death with how they fought. Forced Cloud to use techniques and abilities he hadn't anticipated just to keep up. Parrying, blocking, evading, and attacking. But it was during his attack that the primary difference between Cloud and them became readily apparent. Experience. Even with his strength and speed as a result of his modifications, they quickly learned how he fought and adapted. Their skill earned from fighting Sephiroth's followers constantly apparent. Their attacks beautifully in sync with one another as Cloud evaded and parried their swords with detached admiration. Feeling they certainly made a force to be reckoned with on this world.

Cloud smirked a little to himself at the thought, not losing focus for even a moment as his speed kept up with theirs. Certainly, they had to be giving this worlds Sephiroth much irritation with skills like that. Thwarting his followers plans to resurrect him time and time again, he was sure. Like Cloud himself had done to the man on his world.

It was certainly different. Being pushed to the limit by someone other than his own Sephiroth. But a refreshing one, taking the chance of a challenge as the two of them continued to press their attacks mercilessly. The Junon Canon beneath the three of them already breaking apart with the sheer force of their swings. Taking the damage intended for one another and groaning in protest.

Genesis smirked down at Cloud as he came down from above with one of his swings, sword flashing with crimson flames that flared out hotly as it came into contact with Tsuragi's blade once more. Enjoying himself immensely, judging by his expression.

"Is that all you have, mercenary? Or are we going to see something else?" He sassed.

"I thought you'd never ask." Cloud huffs, a little amused himself as he kicked off of the canon a bit away from the two before flying towards him. Genesis' eyes hardening with a sudden seriousness as he raised his blade to deflect his oncoming attack.

"Some effort now, is it?" He complimented as the two separated again. "Well, I think I'll enjoy this more than I thought."

Cloud quickly parried as Angeal suddenly dashed in from behind, pulling his attention for only a second as he came down with force. Cloud's smaller body focusing on bracing for a moment as swords locked. But that was all he needed. Genesis smirked at the new opening, casting haste and closing the distance fast.

Sensing him, Cloud realized he wouldn't be able to shove Angeal's blade away in time and catch Genesis' before he reached him. Time seemed to slow down as Cloud glanced over his shoulder, blades still locked. The flare of magic along Genesis red rapier promising pain if it hit. In one smooth motion with speed quicker than before he unlatched Tsuragi's lock, sliding a smaller blade free and catching Genesis' own as magic exploded out from the contact. Red strands sizzling in the air around the three of them as their eyes widened. Shocked to see another blade suddenly appear.

Cloud smiles a little up at Genesis, time still slowed as his foot shifted with the slack now on Angeal's side. Bracing as time suddenly came crashing down again and resumed. Sending Genesis flying back harshly as he shoved against his rapier blade hard.

Genesis flipped in the air and skidded to a stop along the Junon Canon with a look of outrage. Standing near the end now as he glared at Cloud duel welding a second blade now. Angeal jumping back as well wearily as he began assessing this new skill set, wondering what kind of moves he would use now as the spar saw a moment of reprieve. A stillness coming down with the new tension as they analyzed his stance.

Shifting into a comfortable position that spoke of familiarity with dual welding Cloud raised a brow back at Angeal. Seeing if he'd be the first to leap back into action in this spar, to test whether his skills decreased with handling two swords at once. Not that it would. His skills were versatile in nature. Dual welding his specialty. They had to be, to win against his own version of Sephiroth. But he'd let the two Commanders of this world learn that for themselves, hand tightening around the main sword of Tsuragi in silent challenge towards the larger man.

Eyes narrowing, he did as expected and went in first. Thinking to give Genesis another opportunity as the two worked in tandem. Cloud turned quickly as he rushed him, catching his swing towards his side again before swinging his own second blade for Angeal's middle. His instincts letting loose as he knew they could be healed afterwards.

As long as the wound wasn't fatal, Cloud could enjoy the moment of a spar between capable opponents and go all out. Knowing his body didn't know how to hold back well after all the near-death experiences given to it by his own world. His own Sephiroth, especially.

Angeal blocked the hit as he expected, twisting his wrist just right for more power as he sent his own sword flying sideways at an angle. Blocking both of Cloud's at the same time as he aimed to hit his side and let Genesis have a clear shot. Cloud shifted as they hit with a loud clang, wincing slightly at the strong force, before head butted him. Earning a grunt in surprise from Angeal at the dirty tactic as he stumbled back, stunned for a moment as Cloud felt Genesis come in close for another attack. The heat of a Firaga flaring hotly to life behind him making his sweat sizzle.

"So much for only using swords." Cloud muttered, pulling on his Materia hard. Only having seconds to act as he spun and sliced through the Firaga with Aerial Blade. With a grunt he quickly jumped up and back, twisting just in time to catch Genesis' blade as he rushed through the disintegrating ball of fire. Using its bright light to help hide his movements for a moment and get close as he smirked over their locked blades.

"Thanks for the opening Cloud, much obliged." He purrs with a wink before laying into him with a flurry of blows. Cloud cast Haste, eyes narrowing as he blocked and parried with both of Tsuragi's blades, being pushed back slightly as Angeal darted in once more from the side.

Their skills were impressive, Cloud admitted. Definitely refined and stronger from his version of the Commander's, this worlds fight against the Church of Sephiroth certainly raising them to new heights as Angeal reached him and swung the buster sword for his exposed side. Levelling a cut into his ribs by twisting and lifting the sword.

Cloud felt the Materia in his bracer tingle at the abuse, crying out in rage to be used against his foe. But he ignored it, knowing to keep his Materia usage to a minimum in this spar as he twisted with the blow, throwing his shorter sword into the air with SOLDIER speed and grabbing Angeal's wrist, letting momentum carry him forward as he threw Angeal over his shoulder towards Genesis. Forcing the advancing Red Commander back. Angeal grunted in pain, but landed well, rolling back up to his feet to stand with his friend once more.

Taking a calming breath as the cut against his ribs tugged and burned with every movement Cloud raised his empty hand, catching Tsuragi's shorter sword with ease as Angeal frowned at the sight. Concerned he hurt him, but also concerned by how Cloud was ignoring it like a veteran SOLDIER, continuing the spar without even bothering to cast a Heal on himself. Not that he'd waste his mana for such an artificial wound. Cloud had far worse before, not that they'd know that. Ignoring it easily instead with single minded focus on the task at hand. The task of proving to the Commander's, to Shinra even, that he wasn't weak. That he was a force to be reckoned with, no matter the version of his world he came to.

The two SOLDIER's exchanged a look, before readying themselves once more. Cloud letting them flank him as he palmed the shorter blade, giving a small smile.

"That was a good one earlier." He commented to Angeal, glancing to Genesis in the process. "Let's see what else you've got."

Cloud taunted, dashing forward as he finally went on the offensive. Adrenaline a high coursing through his enhanced body as it dulled his reception to the pain of his wound. Both of them darted forward to engage as well, but Genesis reached him first. Locking against his shorter blade swiftly as both swung. He fought flawlessly, but Cloud had his tricks. Tricks Genesis had never seen before, leaving him confused when he managed to land a hit on his cheek, creating a red line.

He didn't seem too perturbed by the blood that came from the fresh wound however, merely stopping it with a finger as it began to heal rapidly. Giving Cloud a look once more, this time one of genuine intrigue. They could see he was stepping it up now. Having used the beginning of the spar to observe their tactics and skills as well before going on the offensive himself. Showing a talent for observation under pressure as Cloud met Angeal's blade again, shoving it aside hard as he took the opportunity to shift his attack to Genesis. Always the type to move between targets fluidly during a fight, creating his own opportunities in any battle or spar he engaged in as the blue-green of his eyes glowed a little brighter. Unknowingly slitting in the process.

It felt good. This spar with the alternate Commander's.

It may have been their idea for him to prove his worth as a simple mercenary to them, but he found himself amused. Having fun even as he let himself go. Confident they had the strength now to handle it as he became faster. Swings of his blades becoming harder as he pressed them both. Neither of them letting up either as the three of them became absorbed in the fight, both of them smooth in their movements as they continued to attack Cloud together. The Junon Canon starting to snap and crack under their feet at the combined assault. They barely payed any mind though, focused entirely on winning at this point as all of them got even faster. Surely blurring to anyone watching the simulator from the outside as the fight raged on. Genesis' face lighting up in absolute delight as his sneer turned feral. His Materia straining at the speed he was casting spells at Cloud in absolute tandem with Angeal's stronger physical attacks.

Cloud reveled in the use of his weapons as he spun with the two of them, attacking, slashing and bashing them both. All three of them pretty much becoming a red, blue, and black whirlwind of death as Cloud continued to push them back towards the end of the Junon Canon. They themselves seemingly unaware of that at the moment at the intensity they were focused on him with.

This was it. He decided. A feeling of contentment he hadn't felt in a long-time pulsing through him, even as he slashed through another Firaga. Fighting with his Sephiroth had always been about life and death, nothing but a constant battle of desperation and wills. But this? With these two... it was something else entirely. A feeling he never thought he'd feel before. Of sheer need to keep going. The desire to push harder and push them harder in turn.

It was a single-minded drive that all three of them seemed to feel. Managing to land blow after blow on one another, but knowing they were still shallow. Edging each other on even more.

Making it more fun.

Making it more exciting.

And then suddenly, things changed. Something in the air shifted as the Junon canon finally buckled and crumbled underneath their feet. Unable to stand up to the strain and pressure any longer as the three of them stumbled. Barely managing to stand on their respective pieces as they started to drop to the ground below. The sound loud and deafening as Cloud looked up into the glare of the sun, eyes narrowing as he sees them on a piece above him.

Paying the larger falling pieces around him no mind Cloud leapt away from the falling metal he stood on. Aiming for them as he jumped between pieces before launching himself high in the air, spinning and landing before them without warning. Intent on finishing this spar before the pieces of the Junon canon even reached the ground as he readied both of Tsuragi's blades. Straightening as they went into a battle-ready stance as well. Genesis surged towards him first this time with his rapier flaring with crimson fire along its length. Showcasing a burst of speed even Cloud wasn't expecting as he crossed the gap between them and swung for his head.

This is it. This is what he wanted. No going back now, Cloud. He told himself while time seemed to slow again. Time to finish this, as it sped up again a second later.

With that, he met his blade.

The sound of clashing metal resonating out as sparks flew between them. The glow from both Genesis' and Cloud's eyes flaring even brighter as both of them pulled heavily on their enhancements. The sheer force of the impact causing Genesis to grunt before twisted his wrist and sliced at Cloud's legs. Cloud swiftly pulled out of range, throwing himself forward again just as quickly with the intent to take them out with one blow as Angeal entered the fray. Feeling his Limit Break reach its peak as swirls of color rose around him and First Tsuragi, Cloud slotted the blades back together. Leaping into the air and swinging down towards them both as it activated.

He felt the surge of energy as both of them noticed and tried to jump out of the way, flipping and twisting in the air to avoid the attack. But it was no use. They didn't know what his Limit Break was, after all. That distance meant nothing.

The energy tore heavy slashes into the metal around him as it hit them hard. The force of it literally sending the whole simulation room shuddering as the scene around them shifted erratically and disappeared with a high-pitched whine completely. Cloud only realizing he had literally torn through the floor and walls as it ended suddenly.

Blinking hard at the sudden change Cloud stumbled slightly as he landed, the door to the room opening as Lazard rushed in to check on Genesis and Angeal where they were clutching at their chests. The wounds from Cloud's Limit Break deep as blood splattered the floor below them as they panted. Expressions strained as Genesis began casting Cura on them both.

Seeing they were technically okay Director Lazard whirled on him with a look of fury, making Cloud flinch a little as Tseng and Rufus finally entered the battered simulation room as well.

"The hell are you doing, Strife?!" Lazard shouted angrily, Genesis a little pale but standing up behind him now as Angeal stood as well. "This was supposed to be a spar only! You may have the strength to be hired in our fight against the Church of Sephiroth, but you clearly lack control! You could've seriously injured one of them with that last attack of yours! Are you trying to help the Sephranites kill our strongest SOLDIER's?! Because it certainly looked like it!"

Cloud looked away at his rant, the words hitting deeper than he thought they would at his implications that he would actually help Sephiroth out, another worlds version or not. Sheathing Tsuragi on his back again with a grimace.

"...I told you. I don't hold back very well." He responded. Angering Lazard more. "Shinra wants my help against the Church of Sephiroth, and I fully intended on only using my strength on them. You were the one who insisted I show you my worth against your Generals."

"He's got a point, Lazard." Rufus inserted calmly before Lazard could say anything more, causing Cloud to blink in surprise as Rufus pulled the director's attention away from him. The man was usually so quiet, simply observing interesting situations even in his world. He hadn't expected him to interrupt, to take his side, even. Clearly seeing him as a valuable chest piece now against the Church as he smiled. Pleasantly, to those who didn't know him.

"It's clear a lot of his strength is pure instinct, and not even something he can control. Honestly, it's admirable that he managed to keep the power in check as much as he did during the spar. He'll certainly be of great use to Shinra against Sephiroth's followers." His tone and words left no room for argument, a statement more than anything as he looked to Cloud next.

"Cloud, was it?" Cloud shifted wearily at that smile directed at him now, knowing from his own version of Rufus that something more was definitely lurking beneath its surface as he gave a curt nod. "You should leave for now; I have something to discuss with these SOLDIER gentlemen here in private. Tseng will show you to your new penthouse further up in the tower so you may rest before your official announcement to the company tomorrow."

Rufus gestured to Tseng as he finishes, an order hidden in pleasant words as Cloud nodded tightly, turning to follow Tseng out.

He was still tense even as he made his way to the elevator. Tseng glancing at him with an edge of genuine interest as the door closed and it began moving upwards.

"That was... interesting." He stated calmly after a few moments of silence. Making Cloud snort lightly. Of course, the only one who had really seemed to see through Rufus words was him.

"Interesting is one word for it." He replied shortly, ignoring his healing wounds that twinge in protest as he leaned back against the rear wall of the elevator.

"I didn't expect that either." He admits, closing his eyes as he remembered how he felt during it. "I was... more aggressive, than usual. For some reason. Enjoying it."

Tseng hums in thought, looking back to the door.

"Pent up emotions, perhaps." Cloud smiles a little bitterly at that. Oh, Tseng had no idea. "Did something happen to you the last couple days? Something strange?"

It felt like he was hinting at something specifically with the way he worded the question, even though his tone stayed neutral. Making Cloud give it thought.

"...En. Yeah, actually. Right after you first approached me." He says with disinterest. Remembering Kadaj's visit to his room that night.


Cloud sighed, his mind already drifting off as he thought about the warm penthouse bed that was waiting for him. "Forget it. It's nothing important. Someone just came to see me, that's all."

The elevator dinged, drawing Cloud's attention as he missed the way Tseng's eyes narrowed and shadowed at his words. Stepping out to follow him as he stepped lightly through the doors to the floor beyond. The entire place screaming of money down to the details in the halls design as Cloud took it in with a raised brow. Ah, decadence. The Shinra motto, it seemed.

"Would I be correct in assuming it was someone from the Church?" Tseng suddenly asks, drawing his gaze over to him. Not sure if he should answer truthfully or not, but knowing a Turk of his skill would eventually find out anyway. Cloud looked away, settling for honesty.

"...Yeah. He was..." Familiar. "Strong."

Tseng hummed in thought, the slight furrow of his brow the only thing betraying his concern at those words.

"I see. I was afraid of that. Seems my suspicions are correct about them having a mole in the company."

"Probably. I thought so too." Cloud agreed with little thought, continuing to walk slightly behind him.

Tseng glanced back, raising his brow. "Did you? Hmm. You seem to be qualified for a Turk position as well. A man of many talents."

He mused, making Cloud snort. "No, thank you. That isn't my skillset. Trust me."

Tseng stopped, hesitating for a moment about something before he turned towards Cloud. "...Did he perhaps tell you his name? Most don't, but if he perhaps gave you a clue-"

He hadn't honestly. But he knew his name well. Kadaj forever burned inside his memory from his own world as he shifted. Interrupting Tseng.


He stilled at Cloud's words. Expression betraying nothing. "Are you... sure?"

"Hard to forget a name like that." He responds back, brow raising. Silencing him for a few moments once more.

"That's... troubling. Cloud, he's one of the higher members of the Church. A Remnant personally crafted by Sephiroth." Cloud already knew that, but wisely stayed silent as Tseng continued. "The fact someone of his status came to see you personally is concerning. They usually only send lackeys to recruit others. Never a Remnant. What did he say to you, exactly?"

"Just some random stuff." Cloud shrugs dismissively, earning a frown. "He was pretty vague. I only understood the part where he asked me to join them."

Tseng stared. Unsure whether Cloud was just that dense to Kadaj's visit or sincerely uninterested in remembering it.

"Did he ask you for anything?"

Again he seemed to be asking with a specific reason in mind, but he ignored it as Tseng turned and resumed leading him.

"He wanted to know my first name." Cloud grunted lightly, still confused by it himself.

"Ah, I see. Naturally you-"

"I told him." Cloud finished, wanting to stop talking about Sephiroth's Remnant already. The memory of it leaving him uncomfortable enough.

Tseng actually stopped and looked at him almost incredulously, making Cloud's steps falter beside him at the sight. For Tseng showing that much emotion was something in and of itself. Definitely not a good sign.

"You what?" He strained, uncharacteristically fighting to stay professional from the usual version of his Tseng.

...Had he really fucked up that bad? Cloud frowned at Tseng's face visibly losing a shade.

"I..." He shifts, uncomfortable for a different reason now. "Yeah."

Was it a sin to tell people your first name out loud here? That would be weird. But then again this whole parallel world was compared to his, so that probably wasn't too strange to them, he guessed. Just... Hard to get used too. Still, at this rate judging by Tseng's reaction he was definitely going about this world the wrong way. He could only hope he hadn't royally messed up in the process already.

"...Would I also be correct to assume you don't know the dangers of telling a member of the Church your full name? Especially someone as high ranking as a Remnant?"

He would, actually. And Cloud's look said as much as Tseng sighed.

"Giving your name to the Church of Sephiroth is a bad idea, Cloud. There are those within their ranks who carry the ability to use their own twisted version of a summoning circle to summon you wherever they please, if they desired. It is basically suicide for Shinra personnel."

Now it was his turn to stare at him incredulously. Was Tseng joking? He wasn't the type to do so, but still... from the sounds of it he had already fucked up in this world. Practically giving the Church power over him willingly like an idiot. Cloud groaned, earning a look a sympathy from Tseng of all people. The Turk usually never this expressive.

"Shit. I fucked up." He muttered.

Tseng nods slowly, looking back down the hallway to the door at the end. Presumably the entrance to Cloud's penthouse. "You did."

"Great." He muttered sarcastically.

"...If you're worried about the Remnant, I could ask President Shinra to approve a special mission on your behalf. With Genesis and Angeal at your side, you could hunt him down and eliminate him before he uses it against you."

Cloud sighs. "What if he's already told the other high members? Could they still use my name against me?"

He shakes his head. "No. Only the one you tell your name to directly will be able to summon you. Killing the Remnant Kadaj would effectively prevent you from falling into a trap with it."

"Good." Cloud nods, turning to head back to the elevator. "Then I'll settle this myself."

He stops as Tseng grabs his arm, stilling his steps. "That would be unwise, Cloud. Facing a Remnant head on without backup could get even you killed. Do not underestimate the powers Sephiroth has given them. The Church has eliminated many First Class SOLDIER's that way."

His warning makes Cloud hesitate. He didn't want to believe that, considering he killed all three Remnants before in his world. But that was just the thing, wasn't it? This wasn't his world, the versions of people here seemed stronger, and certainly in possession of strange new powers, in the Remnants case. Judging by how Kadaj literally formed and dissolved from shadows alone. A power similar to Vincent's in his own world, from what he could tell.

"...Fine. I'll wait." He sighed. Hating having to sit back instead of trying to correct his mistake, but deciding to trust Tseng on the matter as he let go of his arm. Cloud gesturing to the door further down with a nod of his head.

"Is that my place?"

"It is." He smiles, handing him a keycard. "I trust you can find your way from here. A report is needed to be filed on this incident so I can put in an official request for you, so I'll be on my way."

Honestly he didn't know why this Tseng was being so helpful, but it made Cloud feel a little better about agreeing to help this world against the Church of Sephiroth. So he smiled back, grateful.

"Yeah, I got it. Thanks Tseng."

Cloud heads to the penthouse door as Tseng leaves. A part of him eager to check it out as the door opened with a beep. Eager to be able to sleep in a mountainous bed, really. Before the next jump happened and whisked him off Goddess knows where. A world probably equally as bad as this one, though he silently hoped not as he stepped in and shut the door.

I'm bad at writing conversations, but Kadaj is just weird. Don't feel bad if you're confused by his words. Even I can be, and I know why he's like that. xD

They made sense but at the same time didn't, ya know? ;P

Gosh this was a long one, edited at 2 a.m. lol, so I hope you guys enjoyed it. ^-^

LunaLexxcreators' thoughts