

It's been four months since she last saw her room. She stayed in America for a vacation with her sister Toni. She took the advice of her Alex that instead of crying over Zander, she should make him, and the bitch feel the pain she felt when they cheated on her. She will have her revenge, and she will make sure that Jeannie will have a dose of her medicine.

Gabbie changed her clothes into a more casual one. She wanted to wear something more comfortable. She chooses the sleeveless white and brown shorts with a pink belt.

Gabbie went down to join her sister in lunch since her parents are still in Milan for a vacation. Gabbie smiled when she saw her sister's reaction.

" Oh my God! If I didn't know you, I would think that you are a model. Your clothes are so simple, but they look good on you. Don't tell Toni, but you will be more famous if you are a model than her. You are so beautiful, Gabbie, and I can't believe that you are my little dollie." Alex said

" I'm still your little dollie."

" I know, let's eat,"

The two eat and chat with each other for hours before Alex.

" Gabbie, why don't you rest? I know you are still tired from your trip. Don't forget tomorrow is your first day in your new school, so have some beauty rest. I'll wake you up for dinner," she reminded her .

" No, sis, don't wake me up for dinner. I want to sleep ."

" Okay, but I will ask Nana to put your dinner in the fridge in case you got hungry,"

" Thanks," Gabbie said and kissed Alex before going to her room.

It is the first day of another school year for the students of Standford University. They are happy to see their schoolmates again and crushes. Male students are eager to see the school belle Jeannie Milton, and the girls are giddy, waiting for two famous princes. First, Trevor Clinton, the boyfriend of Jeannie, and the other one is the new student in Standford Zander Morris. He transferred to Standford last semester, but he is already widespread. He is the rival of Trevor in Standford when it comes to the number of fangirls.

The students were in the lobby of the school building when Zander came in with his new friends, Drew, Brian, and Peter. The girls smile at him, and Zander wave at them, which makes the girls shrieked. Then his group sits on the bench in the lobby, waiting for someone. Then after a few minutes, they heard the comments of some male students.

Jeannie sees Zander and his friends she waves and greets them. Jeannie is with her little minions Britanny and Zia.

" Hi Zander" Jeannie said

" Hi beautiful, how's your vacation?" Zander asked

"Well, fine, had fun with the girls in Korea," she smiled.

" Too bad, how I wish we could join you, " Zander disappointedly said.

"Yeah, that would have been more fun," Jeannie smiled at him seductively. Jeannie's friends giggle when they saw her flirting with Zander. They know Jeannie very well, and they know that she also likes Zander.

But before Jeannie could continue flirting with Zander, Trevor and his friends came in.

"Damn, so handsome! Look at Trevor and his friends. ".

"Oh my God, Trevor is more handsome than the last time I saw him. "

"aahhh, I wish he would smile and wave at us like Zander."

" Zander is more approachable," one of Zander fans said

"But for me, I still prefer Trevor, and I love how he looks. He looks so mysterious to me. There is something in the way he looks at people that makes him look mysterious."

"Yeah, I agree.


Trevor is used to those comments from the other students; he is not a very friendly person compare to his other friends. But even though he is kind of aloof, he still manages to be known as the prince of this school. But a new student is trying to snatch the title from him. His eyebrows frown when he saw his girlfriend with the man trying to replace him as the school's prince.

"Hi, babe, "Jeannie said and kissed him in front of other students. Trevor returned the kiss passionately, making sure that Zander knows where he stands.

"Hi, are you waiting for me ?" Trevor asked

Jeannie smiled and said, "Yes, babe, so let's go to our classroom? I don't want to be late on our first subject ."

"Okay "

"We'll go ahead, guys," Jeannie said to Zander's group while Trevor just nodded at them.

After a few minutes, Zander followed them since they are in the same class. He is a little pissed with what Trevor did in front of him. In his mind, he is thinking of ways to steal Jeannie from him.

A beautiful lady is wearing a white elegant lace mini dress walk into the lobby when they. The male students whistle as they saw her walk gracefully. The female students who are in the hall are looking at her with so much admiration.

"Who is that? "

"Is she a new student? She is so beautiful, and I think she is more beautiful than Jeannie "one of the female students said

"Hmmph, she is so beautiful, but I think she is like her. She wants the attention of male students like Jeannie, and she will treat us like trash. "One of the girls commented.

Gabbie smiled at the girls; she already knows that most female students hate Jeannie because she and her friends are mean. They are only sweet when there are male students around; in short, they are plastics. So she will start with that; she will not be known as the most friendly student in SMU if she is like Yoona.

"Excuse me," she interrupted them.

"ahh.. yes?"

"I'm a new student here in Standford. I want to ask, where can I find the principal's office?" Gabbie asked politely.

"Ahh… Just go straight and then turn left. The only room on that wing is the principal's office." The girl answered and reluctantly smiled at her.

"Thank you, I'm Gabriella Collins, and you are ?" Gabbie asked and offered her hand to the girl's amazement.

"I'm Eunice; this is Yzabella and Sunny" Eunice introduce her friends as she accepted Gabriella's hand.

The girl smiled at Gabriella. "Nice to meet you; hope we can be friends."

"Yes, why not .." Yzabella said.

"Do you want us to accompany you to the principal's office?" Sunny asked

"Oh no, you don't have to. I will go there by myself. See you later, "

"Yeah, see you, Gabriella," said

"Wow, isn't she sweet ?" Sunny asked

"yes, she is. I want to be her friend," Eunice said

"Me too.."

Gabriella is aware of the stare the Standford students are giving her; if her sister didn't teach her, she would be conscious of how they look at her. But she had learned to have a thick skin. She smiles at them and walks regally on the school corridor.

She was walking when someone bumped into her. She almost lost her balance if the man was not able to hold her on her waist. When she looks at the man's face, she was speechless. He is so handsome in person; the picture didn't give him justice.

"Sorry …" Gabriella said and composed herself.

"No, it's my fault I was in a hurry," he said with a slight blush on his face.

"Thanks again, you have a good reflex though. "

"You're welcome," he said

"Thanks again, I have to go ." Gabbie said and left him. Gabrielle smiled; at last, she met her target number one.

As she walks to the Principal's Office, she remembers her first target. Based on the information, her sister gave her the report of the guys who love Jeannie. One of them and the most loyal is Zachary Evans. Though he knows that Jeannie has a boyfriend, he still expresses his admiration for the Queen of the School. Trevor thought that he was harmless and didn't mind Zachary following his girlfriend like a bodyguard. He knows that Zachary knows where he stands and that he will not do anything to make the King mad.

She smirked, "What a beautiful day to finally meet one of the knights of the Queen. Soon, all her knights will fall on me. Soon they will all be mine, and she will be left with nothing. I will be your sweetest bitch my dear Jeannie".

Fifteen minutes ago inside the classroom of CLASS 2A…

When Trevor and Jeannie's group came inside the classroom, they went to their respective seats. One of them stood to greet Jeannie.

"Good morning Jeannie, I'm glad to see my beautiful Queen again," Zachary said as he smiles at her.

Brittany and Zia giggle at what Zachary said while Jeannie seductively smiled at her number one fan.

"Good Morning Zach, it's nice to see you. "

"Oh, I forgot, I bought you a necklace on my last trip to Thailand. "Zachary said

"Really, where is it?"

Jeannie excitedly asked Zachary, although she was used to it. Her fanboys often give her gifts, especially Zachary.

"Aishht I forgot it in the car, you wait for me I will just get it, "he said and left the room in a flash.

"Hey, Trev, are you not jealous of Zach?"Cedrick asked

"No, why should I . "

"But isn't he close to Jeannie? What if she falls for him?" Macky said

"Well, as of now, I don't think he is a treat. Besides, I find it amusing the way he expresses his love for Jeannie,"

Jeannie sits beside Trevor while her friends sit behind her. She pouted as she heard Trevor's answer.

"You mean you are not jealous of him? "

"I'm not, but do you want me to?"

"No, "she pouted
