

Zachary runs to the parking lot to get his present for Jeannie. He bought a necklace for her on his Thailand trip. He knows that Jeannie will love it.

"Aisssht! I'm so stupid! How could I forget my gift for her? I must hurry now, I don't want to be late for our next subject."

He is running so fast that he bumped into someone. The girl almost fell because of the impact if he hadn't held her on her waist. He cursed himself for being careless.

"Aissht! Just when I'm in a hurry, I will bump on someone, and for Christ's sake, it is a lady."

His jaw dropped when he saw the face of the lady he is holding. She looks like a Goddess, like an angel.

""Sorry …" the angel said

" Oh MY GOD! How could I bump into an angel? Did she fall from heaven? She is the most beautiful girl I have ever seen, her skin is so white. Wait, did she just say sorry? OMO, we bumped into each other."

"No, it's my fault I was in a hurry," Zachary said with a slight blush on his face.

"Thanks again; you have a good reflex, though. "

" Oh my God, she praises and praises at me. Waaahhh … I can die now.. I have to say something.."

"You're welcome," I said

"Thanks again, I have to go .." she smiled again and left him in the corridor.

She left, Aishht! I'm so stupid I should have asked her name. I hope I could see her again.


Zachary went back to the classroom with the necklace in his hand.

"OMO, is this your gift to me, Zach?" Jeannie sweetly asked

"Ah…yes," he said and give it to her.

"Thanks, Zach, it is beautiful,"

He just nodded to their classmate's amazement. Usually, he will smile like a retard when he makes Jeannie smiled. He will boast that he is the closest to her among the other students, But now, he just nodded.

"Are you okay?" Dylan asked

"Ha?" Zachary asked, still dreaming about the Angel he met in the corridor.

"Yah ! I knew something is wrong, what happened to you? " Dylan asked

"You won't believe me, but I met an angel in the corridor."

"What?" Dylan asked.

"Angel," Marcus frowned.

"Yes, I bumped into an angel," he insisted.

"Now, he is the living proof that too much love can make a person crazy, "Cedrick said, which makes everyone laughed.

"Hey, Will, you make yourself clear?"Dylan said

"I bumped into a lady in the corridor. She is so beautiful that she looks like an angel. She is so beautiful, and her smile , God, I think I just die when she smiled at me."

Jeannie frowned when he heard Zach, everyone in the classroom, wonder who is he referring to.

""Are you saying that we have a new student? A beautiful female student?" Trace asked

" Yes, she went to the principal's office" Zachary nodded to Trace's question.

" She may be beautiful, but I don't think someone is more beautiful than Jeannie. She is the most beautiful student here at Standford University." Brittany frowned when she heard someone saying that there is someone more beautiful than Jeannie.

Zach is about to answer when their professor came in.

" Good morning, Class."

" Good morning, sir," they said.

" Before we start, I would like to introduce you to a new student. Ms. Gabriella Collins, please come in."

Trevor's eyes widened when he heard the name, and his jaw drops when he saw a beautiful, elegant, sexy woman came in. The other male students have the same reaction, while female students, particularly Jeannie's group, frowned when they saw her. Trevor is looking at her with an unreadable face, while his friends can't hide the admiration on their faces.

" Angel…" Zach said

" Is she the girl you are referring to?" Dylan nudged Zach.

" Yes, isn't she the most beautiful girl in this school?"

" I have to agree she is. She really looks like an angel," Marcus agreed, which makes Jeannie mad at the new girl.

" Ms. Collins, please introduce yourself," the professor said.

" Good morning, I'm Gabriella Collins, your new classmate, but you can call me Gabbie for short. I hope we could all be friends." Gabbie smiled sweetly at them.

The students clapped their hands. " Welcome to Standford University, Gabbie!"

" Ms. Collins, you may sit on the vacant chair between Mr. Zachary Smith and Trevor Clinton."

" Angel here,"

" Mr. Smith, are you not listening to Ms. Collins. Her name is Gabriella and not angel."

" Ah yes, sir, I know, but she looks like an angel," he answered while scratching the back of his head.

Gabbie just shook her head seductively, which makes the male students look at her. She walks towards Zach and Trevor.

" Hi, Angel"

" Hi, Mr. good reflex," Gabriella said and laughed softly, sounding like music to their ears.

" Oh… I think I like her. She is so beautiful."Macky said

" Really, but what is the use of beauty if one doesn't have a brain," Jeannie smirked. Gabbie ignored her because she can show her that she is intelligent enough to outrank her, but she knows that this is not the right time for that.


"At the right time, you will soon find out that I am better than you. I will make sure that I will beat you in everything. I've been here for just an hour, and I was able to win your number one knight. So what do you think will happen to you if I stay here for a semester.

She looks around and saw her classmate looking at her, especially Zander. She just smiled at him like nothing happened to them, but deep inside her, she wanted to shout at him.

Zander POV

Gabbie? Are you my Gabbie? I can't believe that she is my ex-girlfriend, who I hurt so much. I can't see any of the Gabriella Collins that I know in Yale University. Her looks are different from the last time I saw her. I know she is beautiful, but I can't believe that she is that stunning. Zach is right, she is more beautiful than Jeannie. She is oozing so much elegance, beauty, and sexiness at the same time. Damn, if I had known that she could be like this, I would not cheat on her. Damn, I made the mistake of breaking up with her. Maybe she was here to follow me and get my attention; perhaps she still loves me. Sorry for you guys, but the beautiful woman used to be mine, and I intend to claim her again.

I saw her look at me, and she smiled as if nothing happened. Wow! Does it mean that she is here for me? I mean, she wants to get my attention. Come back to me, baby girl.

Gabriella is happy with the attention the male students are giving her in her first and second subjects. She knows that it will be easy for her to steal the title of Jeannie as the Queen of the school. Zach follows her like her personal bodyguard, and Gabbie doesn't mind it, mainly because she can see Jeannie's reaction. She is angry knowing that her number one fan is already stalking me.

In the cafeteria, the students are talking about the new students. Most of them think that she is more beautiful than Jeannie.

" The new student is beautiful," one of the female students.

" Yeah, I saw her in the corridor, and she seems friendly, " the other one said

" Well, Gabriella Collins is amiable, and I think she is a sweet girl," Eunice said thinking of their encounter.

" Yeah, I wish we could see her again. I heard she is in the same class as the Queen and her duchesses ." Sunny said

" Too bad. I hope we can be her classmate in the other subjects." Yzabella said

" Yeah, that is what I'm hoping for," Sunny said

" Who do you think is more beautiful Jeannie or Gabriella?" one of the students asked.

" Well, for me, Gabriella is more beautiful than Jeannie. Her face is so beautiful, and she looks like a Goddess." Yzabella said when someone poured juice on her head.

" What the…" Yzabella look at her back and saw Britanny smirking at her.

" Yah! Why did you do that ?" Sunny asked

" Sorry it slipped in my hands," Britanny said, which makes Jeannie laughed.

The cafeteria suddenly felt quiet, they know the Queen and her duchess could be mean. But they can't believe that they will do that on the first day of the School year.

" You are so bad," Eunice said while looking at Yzabella, who is close to crying.

Trevor and his friends shook their heads, and if Jeannie is not Trevor's girlfriend, they will get rid of those girls. They don't like how they bully other students.

" Damn Trevor, can't you tell your girlfriend to stop her friends from bullying other students," Cedrick asked Trevor, who is looking at Jeannie with disappointment in his eyes.

" Sorry, Britanny, want to make sure that you are in the right mind. You see, comparing the Queen to a nobody is a no no in Standford," Zia sarcastically said.

" Really? Why can't you accept that someone is better than her?" Eunice asked

" Why you …" Jeannie is about to say something when Britanny shouted.

"AAahahhh" Britanny shouted.

The students look at Britanny, who is soaking with strawberry juice that almost makes her white blouse pink.

" Ooopppsss. Sorry, the glass slipped in my hand," Gabriella said, which makes the students in the cafeteria laugh at her.

" How could you! Yah! " Britanny snarled.

"Oh? How does it feel to have some juice poured into your head? Did you enjoy it the way you enjoy pouring it down to someone else? If you want it, try to yourself." Dara said

" You F8c#ing …." Britanny is about to say something to Gabriella when she raises her index finger.

" Sssshhh.. Don't you dare curse … Cause I can speak bitch too darling, " Gabriella said.

"Gabriella" Yzabella looks at her teary-eyed because a new student defended her.

" Come with me, I have extra clothes in my car. It would be best if you changed before your next subject. Come on," Gabriella said and assisted Yzabella. Eunice and Sunny followed them to the washroom.

Britanny shouted, " Aaaaaaah! She will regret this. I hate you, Gabriella Collins"

The students admire Gabriella for defending Yzabella from the evil duchess of Jeannie. At that moment, Gabriella earned the respect of the female students and some male students, especially Trevor's friend.

" At last….." Macky said, and he grinned, looking at Britanny.