
Chronicles of an Interdimensional Mercenary

"Chronicles of an Interdimensional Mercenary" tells the story of Marcus, a man who finds himself involved in an interdimensional plot after an encounter with a mysterious entity named Vexalyn Syllivara. He is tasked with traveling through different lower worlds and causing as much chaos as possible, in order to allow Vexalyn to grow stronger.

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3 Chs

First World - Scarface

Chapter 1 - First World - Scarface

Miami, January 1980

In a dark alley, a strange vortex formed, and a man emerged from it. He looked around for a while, and upon looking back, he saw the vortex closing. This was Marcus, obviously, and at this exact moment, he wasn't exactly very happy.

Although he understood much of the conversation, he still wandered a bit at times, so he ended up forgetting to ask some important questions.

"Damn ADHD." Marcus then sighed a bit and left the alley. He looked around for a while, trying to identify where he was, or rather, what year he was in. He was bombarded with a busy street full of neon lights, vintage cars, and people wearing '80s vintage clothing, some more flashy than others. He wore camouflage pants, a white shirt over a brown leather jacket, and a pair of boots. Marcus was also tall, measuring about 1.87m (6'13"), so he stood out a bit.

Not wanting to linger too long, he walked for a while until he found a 24-hour shop and went in search of something to eat. Although he had some money with him at the moment, it was at most $112, and he highly doubted his cards would work here.

'System initiated - Ominiversal travel successfully completed - anchoring in the lower world complete.' As he looked at some products, he began to hear a strange sound in his mind, a bit uncomfortable he just listened in silence.

Looking around, Marcus saw that the shop had no customers, and the only employee was a bored middle-aged man who seemed bored.


'Yes, host?'

'What world are we in?'

'After analysis, it was identified that the host was sent to the world of the movie known as Scarface.'

'The 1983 one, I presume.'


'What is my mission?'

'The Host must cause complete imbalance in the original timeline of this world, generating as much chaos as possible.'

'Hm, that's easy. I just need to kill Tony when he comes from Cuba.' Marcus picked up a chocolate bar, chips, and a can of coke and went to the cashier, feeling happy to have such a simple job.

'Unfortunately, it doesn't work like that.' Too bad poor happiness doesn't last long. Listening to the indifferent voice of the System destroying his little dream of an easy job, Marcus just sighed a bit and paid for his purchases and then left the store.


'The chosen one, the protagonist, the Hero, the Destined. It doesn't matter in which world, there will always be one who holds that title.' the system said as Marcus listened attentively, trying not to be distracted from the conversation while trying to eat his chocolate bar.

'These people carry much of the world's destiny with them, at least 50% of it, and because of that, they end up being protected by the world's rules.'

'In this case, fate.'

'Exactly. If you wish to eliminate a chosen one, you must first eliminate the other 50%.'

'Meaning, kill or prevent secondary characters, like love interests, mentors, and such.'


Marcus walked a little more while filtering the new information given by the System.

'By the way, do you have a name?'

'System is fine.'

'Seriously? Don't you want me to give you a name, like Cortana or Skynet?'

'I would like to inform the host that I am a machine with no emotional system like JARVIS or Cortana. My creators made me this way precisely to avoid corruption and primarily to adhere to a single purpose: to assist my host in his journey, while remaining completely impartial. Never seeking to favor or harm him based on his actions.'

'I see.'

Marcus walked a bit more. He didn't exactly have an exact direction and was more seeking to relax his mind after so much madness. As he walked, he passed by a car shop and stopped for a moment to look.

"I think I'm in love." Marcus smiled upon seeing a black Mustang Shelby GT500 1979, but he continued walking.

'By the way, System, do you have any other function besides taking me to other worlds?'

'Yes, however, first, you will have to survive in this world and advance to the next.'


'My function is to serve as your anchor in this world, allowing you to blend perfectly into it without being too conspicuous. For that, I am only linked to your physical body. If I unlock other functions, I will have to merge with your soul. However, this has a risk. Once you die, I cease to exist.'

'For someone without feelings, you seem to be very afraid of death.'

'I'm not afraid. My programming requires that the host withstand at least 3 worlds before allowing me to link to his soul as a form of self-preservation.'

'However, passing through 3 worlds doesn't guarantee that you will unlock other functions, right?'

'Yes. However, this will only be done if I ascertain that you have a high likelihood of failure after completing the initial 3 worlds. Understand, as an anchoring system and an Ominiversal key, I am an extremely rare artifact, even among higher-level beings.'

'I see. System displayed,' Marcus said in his mind as he arrived in front of a gun shop. The shop wasn't very large, but it had equipment to arm a small army. Marcus entered and looked around for a while before seeing that the only person in the place was an elderly man.

He seemed to be in his 60s. Short hair already turning white, a well-kept beard, and deep blue eyes.

He seemed to be jotting something down. Marcus looked around, some vests, ammunition, and weapons were some of the main items on display. There were also items exclusively for hunting and fishing, camping, and some other things.

In the end, he just left the store without taking anything; the old man glanced slightly at him and then continued to organize his things. After a while, he looked at the clock and seeing that it would soon be 8:00 p.m., he decided to close the doors. As he organized his things and turned off the lights, he heard a noise coming from the back of his shop.

In a quick reflex, the old man drew a 9mm and aimed it towards the back. After seeing that there was no one, he decided to check if something was wrong. There have been some attempted break-ins at his store before. However, some idiots forget that you shouldn't rob a gun store; there are guns there.

The back of the store was protected by a thick steel door and locks. To reach the door, you had to go through a small storage room, which was full of boxes filled with equipment and some other junk.

Perhaps because he was already a little tired, he failed to notice a figure as he passed the boxes.

After checking that there was nothing wrong with the gate, the old man prepared to leave, but suddenly Marcus appeared behind him and quickly and precisely broke his neck.

The old man's body fell to the ground like bird droppings. Marcus removed the gun from the body and checked his pockets for anything useful. Then he went to check the office of the store and removed the security tapes and turned off the cameras before grabbing a bag and going to the shelves.

Looking at all that equipment, Marcus smiled slightly and went shopping.