
New Members Cont.

<Guts POV>

'As soon as he reaches for me, I'll cut his throat.'

I held on tight to my knife waiting for the perfect moment to strike. At that moment I heard the footsteps stop in front of my tent and the person at the entrance cast a looming shadow over me.

I took a deep breath and tensed my muscles as the footsteps approached me. A shadow of a hand approached me and was about to reach me when I knew it was time to strike.


I looked at the man's wide eyes, surprise clearly written on his face. He never thought I would be able to resist or do anything to stop him. And he would be right if Matt didn't warn me. Looking closer at who the man was, it turned out to be Donovan. It surprised me that it was someone I knew. Someone I've known for a while. I guess that is the reality of this world. You're either strong enough to live or weak enough to die. After being lost in thought for a minute, I decided on what to do next.

'Now I need to move the body. I don't really care if anyone knows I killed him, but it's better to be safe than sorry.'


After dragging the body away from the camp while making sure no one had seen me, I returned to my tent to continue talking to the others.


<MC POV> <15 minutes before>

Ciri: How do you know what's going to happen to him? Are you a seer?

Yoruichi: Yes, how do you know his future?

Amelia: Wait, why do these names sound familiar? Ciri, Yoruichi, Uzui, and Guts? I know I've heard them somewhere before but where?

Uzui: Huh? You've heard my name from somewhere before? Well, that makes sense I am amazing. But for you to have heard of my name in another world is awesome! Hahaha!

Amelia: ?

Yoruichi: ?

Ciri: ?

Matt: Hahaha. Okay, let me explain. As I said earlier, we are all from different worlds. In my world, and Amelia's world, you are all from different stories.

Everyone: What?!

Amelia: Aha, I knew the names sounded familiar!

Matt: Yes, everyone is from a story including the body I transmigrated to. My old world was a normal world where everyone was from a fictional world.

Ciri: Wait, so none of us are real? We're all a story? That's impossible!

Uzui: How could my awesomeness be fake! It's real!

Yoruichi: Interesting.

Matt: Very interesting. But to put everyone's mind at ease, let me tell you this. We are real. We think, therefore we are. End of story.

Ciri: Yes. Thank you. It's quite a harrowing experience finding out you may naught be anything but a character in a fictional world.

Yoruichi: So, that's how you know what happens to the kid.

Uzui: Does that mean you know what happens to me?

Matt: Yes and yes. I'll try to send over as much as I can because the new world I'm in is a few years behind my old world so some of your stories may not be written yet.

Amelia: I can help with that. But what's my story about?

Matt: Fantastic, thank you. And the answer to your question is a little complicated.

Amelia: How?

Matt: Well, it's because you were both a character and not at the same time.

Everyone: ?

Matt: You were a v-tuber.

Amelia: I know, I'm about to debut soon.

Matt: Yes, but someone else was you.

Everyone: ?

Matt: How do I explain? Someone created your character and became that character. But you are also part of a bigger story. So you are both a character and not at the same time.

Amelia: Uhh, okay. I guess. So, a person was me, the character, as an actor of sorts.

Matt: Yes, but without the person, you wouldn't be the character. So more like split personality?

Amelia: Cool.

Ciri: What is a v-tuber?

Matt: Oh right sorry. In our worlds, there is something called the internet. Which is like an invisible web that covers the world and is accessible through certain devices. On the internet, you can do pretty much anything and find pretty much any information. One of the things you can do is be a v-tuber. In simple terms, you create an avatar to look and be however you like and become that avatar. You act as that avatar and people can see you do different things for entertainment.

Ciri, Yoruichi, Uzui, Guts: ...

Matt: Oh Guts, you're back. Good. Did it go okay?

Guts: You were right. Thank you for your help.

Matt: Of course, I've seen what happens to you and no one should experience that. I'm glad you're okay.

Yoruichi: Okay now that the kid is back, can you tell us what happens in our worlds?

Amelia: Yeah, I'm sending it over now.

[Amelia has sent 'Demon Slayer']

[Amelia has sent 'Bleach']

[Amelia has sent 'The Witcher 3']

[Amelia has sent 'Berserk']

Matt: A little warning to everyone, the future is not set in stone. These are stories and you are real. You can change the future.

Amelia: Ain't that the truth.

[Reminder to all new members, a starting package is available to open]

Ciri: Starting package?

Matt: Ah, I knew I was forgetting something. The starting package is a gift from the DGC for new members that comes with random things. It could be a new ability or item or something like a stick.

Everyone: Cool!

Ciri: Have you opened yours?

Uzui: Yeah, what did you get? Did you get the ability to transform into a dragon? Or a cool headband?

Matt: Hahaha, no I didn't get that. I got a Character Token.

Yoruichi: What's that?

Matt: A Character Token gives you all the abilities and knowledge of a random character from the infinite worlds that exist.

Everyone: ...

Fifteenth chapter done and as always let me know what you think.

I've taken some liberties with Uzui's temperament because, to be honest, I can't remember what he's like in the manga. I do remember he's a little loud and boisterous so I just decided to roll with it.

RubberPeencreators' thoughts