
Chronicles of a revenant

The destiny tends to repeat itself over and over again, but with just the flap of a butterfly's wings, it can change the fate of everything. A new life, a new beginning for me, was a curse disguised as a blessing. I won't let the idiot hero lead us to Ragnarök. Although it will be a difficult journey, I will change the fate of this world, the fate of my family, my destiny.

Ryuck · Fantasía
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15 Chs

Why? - chapter 6

The debut ended with the Leone toast. The lights of the mansion went out little by little, one after another, while the servants silently walked through the corridors. Before turning off the light in the main room, a servant noticed the presence of two drunk figures, collapsed on the tables.

They were the previous patriarch and Caesar, who had drunk until the end of the party. The servant who found them put his fingers in his mouth, releasing a high-pitched whistle that echoed in the silent hall. Instantly, a group of servants appeared, responding to the call. With a quick snap of their fingers, they prepared to carry the drunks to their rooms.

Moving Caesar was relatively easy, but the muscular and burly Lydo presented a considerable challenge. The servants struggled to lift him, his muscles tensing and veins bulging with the effort. Finally, they had no choice but to tie him up and drag him down the hallway.

- Pull, pull! - they shouted, their voices full of determination as they slowly advanced. Lydo, unconscious and oblivious to everything, slept peacefully like a baby.

As they pulled the heavy body down the hallway, Annet appeared, carrying little Neo in her arms. Seeing the scene, she couldn't help but laugh. The sight of her powerful father in that state was both comical and humiliating. With an encouraging smile, she directed a knowing look at the servants, whose red and sweaty faces reflected the titanic effort they were making.

[Annet] - Cheer up, guys! said Annet, his voice echoing with a playful tone as he continued on his way, leaving the scene behind with a suppressed laugh.

Upon reaching her room, Annet could no longer contain her laughter and burst into laughter, waking up Lucius, who was lying in bed and almost jumped out of it.

[Lucius] - Hey, hey, what's up? he asked, still stunned by the sudden noise.

Annet, with tears of laughter in her eyes, could barely respond as she placed Neo in his crib. The image of the servants struggling to move her father was still vivid in her mind, and her laughter echoed through the room, spreading a feeling of lightness and joy.

[Annet] - Oh, Lu, you should have seen it - she said finally catching her breath. She sat on the edge of the bed and looked at her husband with a mischievous smile.

Lucius smiled, still not fully understanding, but happy to see his wife so cheerful. He approached her, sitting next to her and putting an arm around her shoulders.

[Lucius] - What happened? -she asked, stroking his hair.

Annet settled into his arms and began to relate the scene she had just witnessed, imitating the voices and gestures of the servants as they pulled her father. She exaggerated movements and emphasized comical details, painting a vivid and hilarious picture.

Lucius couldn't help but laugh, infected by Annet's enthusiasm and energy. Their laughter filled the room, a melody of shared happiness. Every time Annet paused, Lucius encouraged her to continue, delighting in the story and the joy of her wife.

[Lucius] - The warlord being dragged away, hahaha - he said between laughs, leaning down to kiss her on the forehead.

[Annet] - It was so much fun - she responded, her eyes shining with joy. - Seeing those servants fighting and dad sleeping like a baby... I couldn't stop laughing!

Lucius held Annet close to him, both still laughing. Their gazes met, full of love and complicity. At that moment, everything else disappeared; there were only the two of them, laughing together, enjoying each other's company.

That shared laughter, mutual support, and ability to find joy in the everyday showed the strength of their relationship. They were not only husbands; They were friends, companions and accomplices in every little adventure of life.

After a while, the laughter subsided, and the room fell into a comfortable silence, broken only by the soft sigh of Neo sleeping in her crib. Lucius looked at Annet tenderly.

[Lucius] - I love you - he said softly.

[Annet] - And I to you - she answered, resting her head on his shoulder.

They got up and approached Neo's crib, watching the little one sleep peacefully. Their slow, rhythmic breaths were a constant reminder of the life they had created together.

[Lucius] - Look at it, Annet. "He's perfect," she said, his voice barely a whisper.

Annet nodded, her heart full of love for her son and her husband.

[Annet] - Every day I am surprised by how much I love him - she responded, her eyes fixed on Neo's calm face.

They stayed like that for a while, curled up together, watching their son sleep. The peace and love they felt in that moment was almost tangible, enveloping them in a bubble of happiness and serenity.

[Lucius] - We will be the best parents for him - he promised, squeezing Annet's hand.

[Annet] - Yes, we will be - she agreed, whispering.

Finally, they returned to bed, keeping Neo close to them. They lay down together, with Neo between them, and snuggled together, feeling the warmth and love of their little family. Annet and Lucius looked at each other one last time before closing their eyes, their hearts filled with gratitude and happiness.

The night continued, calm and serene, with the Leone family sleeping peacefully, united by the love and closeness they shared.


Annet and Lucius were sleeping peacefully, while Neo, who seemed to be sleeping too, opened his eyes cold as snow and as empty as the darkness itself.

[Neo's Perspective]

Every time I see them, the less I understand them. Their actions, their way of being, their expressions, their looks... why do they do it? What drives them to act like this with me? Why do they smile at me or why do they hug me? What moves your emotions?

"Because?" It's the same question I've been asking myself since my previous life. What is the reason why people move, act and behave in certain ways? After reflecting, I came to the conclusion that it is emotions.

Emotions are the invisible forces that direct human beings, like hidden tides that guide our ships in the darkness of the sea. Anger, love, hate... are powerful currents that shape our being, taking us to unexpected places and propelling us towards actions that we often do not fully understand.

When I was born in my previous life, I remember every detail from the moment I opened my eyes. I saw who would be my parents in that life and I still remember their initial expressions. In those first moments, I did not understand the meaning of their empty and disgusted looks, but over time I understood their true meaning.

My previous life can be summed up in one word: miserable. I never experienced love nor was I treated like a human being. From the beginning, I lacked any form of affection or emotional connection with others. I thought my lack of understanding of emotions was due to my lack of experience, but after studying them, I came to a different conclusion.

It's not that I don't understand emotions, it's that I just don't feel anything. I am incapable of experiencing what others consider love, joy or sadness. My mind works with logic and rationality, guided by the need to survive.

That's why I'm indifferent when I'm with them, when they talk to me, when they hug me, when they smile at me. The same thing happened to me today with Adam, although he doesn't feel it or understand it, that doesn't take away from the fact of rationality, analyzing and knowing what they will do. If someone feels hatred, he is more likely to act on that feeling; The same goes for other emotions.

I regard Adam with a cold, but calculating distance. I know that his attachment to his family is a weakness that I can use to my advantage. His expressions of affection towards me are simple responses conditioned by his emotional nature, but useful for my purposes. When he hugs me, aware that this interaction strengthens our facade of a united family.

I learned to manipulate these human interactions based on the logical analysis of emotions. Although I lack genuine emotional connection, I can anticipate and control the responses of others. But... in this stillness of the night, while my parents sleep peacefully next to me, a shadow of doubt looms over me.

What will it feel like to experience a true emotion? I ask myself this silently, like an echo in the emptiness of my being. It's a question that has taken root in my mind, challenging my rational understanding of the world. I sigh softly just considering it, having a strange restlessness inside me.

Maybe I'm overstepping things, but this seed of curiosity continues to germinate in my mind, growing among my meticulous thoughts and strategic plans. However, be that as it may, my path is clear: I must depart from this place before the chaos I have foreseen breaks loose. Until then, I will use these family relationships for my own benefit.

[End of Neo's perspective]

Neo closed his eyes again. Despite now having a baby body that limited his energy, she gave in to sleep. He fell asleep between the sheets of the bed, next to his parents, who were resting next to him. Annet opened her eyes for a moment and noticed that Neo was uncovered by the sheets. With a gentle gesture, she reached out and carefully covered him, moving closer to kiss his forehead as she tucked him in.

A tender smile appeared on Annet's lips as she watched her son sleep peacefully. She felt a deep and protective love that flowed from her mother's heart. Every caress, every gesture was an expression of that indescribable bond that united them. As she gently stroked her hair, she whispered words of endearment that only he could hear deep within her being.

What the reason was, there was none, but for a moment Neo, in his sleep, felt comfortable and experienced a warmth that gently covered him that managed to calm his mind. That night was the first in which he could really rest after all the mental fatigue that he has.