
Chronicles of a revenant

The destiny tends to repeat itself over and over again, but with just the flap of a butterfly's wings, it can change the fate of everything. A new life, a new beginning for me, was a curse disguised as a blessing. I won't let the idiot hero lead us to Ragnarök. Although it will be a difficult journey, I will change the fate of this world, the fate of my family, my destiny.

Ryuck · Fantasy
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16 Chs

End of the party - chapter 5

Everyone at the party fell silent as they witnessed the spectacle Annet and Lucius had created. Guests whispered among themselves, creating a palpable atmosphere of discomfort. Lydo, noticing the tension in the air, decided to intervene with his usual good humor.

[Lydo] - I would've jumped out the window too if I hadn't had a drink, right? Haha.

There was a brief moment of silence, followed by timid laughter that quickly turned into full-blown laughter. Guests began to relax, grateful for Lydo's intervention. The tension dissipated, and the party regained its lively atmosphere.

Seeing an opportunity, Lydo approached Annet and Lucius, who were still by the window.

[Lydo] - What the hell were you two doing there?

Annet and Lucius glanced at each other, still a bit bewildered by the situation.

[Annet and Lucius] - Well, you see...

Annet tried to find the right words, while Lucius scratched his neck, uncomfortable. Lydo listened attentively, swallowing hard as they explained the momentary frustration they felt about Neo's first word. Annet and Lucius began to calm down, their gazes softened as they found solace in each other's understanding.

However, as they turned back to Lydo, they realized he had disappeared. A murmur of confusion swept through the nearby guests. Suddenly, there was a loud noise.

Lydo had quickly opened a window on the opposite side of the room and was peering out with a determined expression. Before he could jump, a shout echoed in the room.

[César] - Sir, what are you doing?!

Upon hearing César's voice, Lydo felt a chill run down his spine. He vividly remembered César's past anger, an anger he never wanted to face again. It was as if a shadow from the past enveloped him, causing him to stop in his tracks.

[César] - Wait, don't jump!

Lydo teetered precariously on the window ledge, his face momentarily paling. With a wide grin, he turned to César, trying to mask his nervousness.

[Lydo] - I was just kidding, César. Just kidding.

César grabbed him by the arm and helped him down from the window, visibly relieved. Guests, seeing the scene, burst into laughter. The tension of the night was left behind, replaced by an atmosphere of camaraderie and good humor. Even Annet and Lucius couldn't help but laugh, feeling the warmth of the party envelop them again.

The garden glowed under the lantern light, and the gentle breeze caressed those present, as if nature itself joined in the celebration. The party continued, livelier than ever, with everyone enjoying the moment.

César, still trying to understand the situation, approached Annet, Lucius, and Lydo.

[César] - What were you trying to do?

Annet, Lucius, and Lydo looked at each other, still laughing at Lydo's intervention.

[Annet] - Well, you see...

Lucius intervened, trying to explain what had happened. However, before they could say more, the sound of a monocle hitting the floor was heard. Guests fell silent again, watching the scene unfold, this time with César.

[César] - His first word, and it wasn't me! - César exclaimed, his voice filled with a mixture of disbelief and resignation.

Guests, seeing César's reaction, burst into new laughter. Annet and Lucius exchanged amused looks, while Lydo couldn't help but wear a mischievous smile.

[Lydo] - Don't worry, César, we can always try with the next baby.

César looked at him, half-serious, half-joking, as the guests laughed even louder. Annet and Lucius could barely contain their laughter.

[Annet] - Yes, César, you'll have another chance... just like us... - she said resignedly beside Lucius, who laughed to hide his misery.

After everyone calmed down, the party resumed its natural course. Lydo and César headed to the bar, where they began to share stories of their youth between drinks, laughing and reminiscing.

Meanwhile, Annet and Lucius approached Adam, still smiling.

[Annet] - Sorry about earlier, Adam. We got carried away.

Adam laughed, his laughter genuine, like that of a carefree child. Lucius and Annet looked at each other, infected by Adam's joy, and started laughing too.

[Adam] - Haha, don't worry. I would've done the same in your shoes. "I better not tell them that Neo smiled at me, just thinking about it makes me shiver at what they'd do to me."

Annet, still smiling, became serious for a moment.

[Annet] - Right... um, about earlier... what do you say?

Lucius approached Adam, putting a hand on his shoulder.

[Lucius] - Adam, I know it's a big and perhaps unexpected decision. But we believe you would be the perfect godfather for Neo. You have a special connection with him.

Adam looked at Neo, who watched him with those big curious eyes. He felt a bond, something beyond explanation, a kind of intertwined destiny.

[Adam] - I've been thinking about it, and... yes, I accept. I'll be Neo's godfather.

Annet and Lucius lit up, joy evident on their faces. The garden atmosphere seemed brighter, with the hanging lights reflecting in the happy eyes of the guests.

[Annet] - Thank you, Adam! It means a lot to us.

Neo, in Adam's arms, made a baby noise, as if understanding the importance of the moment. But inside, his thoughts were calculating and cold.

[Neo] - "Perfect, with this I secure my bond with him. Now I'll be seen as someone special, essential for his future."

Adam held him tighter, feeling a responsibility and connection he had never felt before.

The party continued with renewed energy. Guests returned to the dance floor, laughter and conversations filling the night air. The garden's flowers, illuminated by the soft lights, seemed to dance to the music.

César and Lydo, after several drinks, found themselves in a corner of the garden, recalling anecdotes from their youth.

[César] - Remember that time we almost got caught for...?

[Lydo] - Oh, sure! And you hid in the beer barrel! Haha.

Their laughter echoed in the garden, attracting the attention of some guests who joined them, creating a small circle of stories and laughter.

The party music continued, soft and melodious, accompanying the guests' murmurs and the stars' glow in the clear sky. The night progressed, but the warmth and camaraderie remained, creating memories that everyone would carry in their hearts.

Once everyone gathered in the hall, Annet and Lucius stepped forward to toast to their son with the guests. They raised their glasses, the lights of the hall reflecting in the crystal, creating an atmosphere of anticipation. Upon revealing the chosen godfather for their son, surprise took over the room. Adam, the young man who until recently was seen as just a guest, was now at the center of attention.

[Annet] - We're pleased to announce that Adam has been chosen as Neo's godfather.

The announcement hit like a bombshell. Many faces turned into a mix of disbelief and frustration. Those who hoped to be chosen, seeing this as an opportunity to gain influence with the powerful Leone family, felt their hope crumble.

The nobles who were not selected murmured among themselves, their whispers filled with resentment and disappointment. The close friends of the Leones, on the other hand, expressed their surprise with smiles and slight nods.

[Lucius] - We thank you all for joining us on this important event for our family. With your presence, you have made this night a memorable one.

With those thanks, the party came to an end. The nobles approached to bid farewell, some with genuine gratitude, others with forced smiles. The close friends stayed a little longer, exchanging final words and sincere congratulations. Adam approached the Leones before leaving.

[Adam] - I deeply appreciate being considered as Neo's godfather. I promise to always be there for him, to care for him and support him as if he were my own younger brother.

Annet and Lucius nodded in gratitude, while Neo, in Annet's arms, watched Adam with curiosity.

[Annet] - Thank you, Adam. It means a lot to us.

Adam smiled, looking at Neo tenderly before saying goodbye.

[Adam] - Take care, little Neo. We'll see each other soon.

With Adam's farewell, the party came to an end. The guests departed, carrying with them the murmurs and intrigues of the night. The hall fell silent, illuminated only by the last flickering lights, as Annet and Lucius watched their son with love and hope, aware of the new bonds formed that night.

The garden and the hall began to empty, the lights dimming slowly, marking the end of a night full of revelations and strategic moves. The moon, high in the sky, was a silent witness to the new bonds formed and the tensions brewing in the shadows.