
Chronicles of a revenant

The destiny tends to repeat itself over and over again, but with just the flap of a butterfly's wings, it can change the fate of everything. A new life, a new beginning for me, was a curse disguised as a blessing. I won't let the idiot hero lead us to Ragnarök. Although it will be a difficult journey, I will change the fate of this world, the fate of my family, my destiny.

Ryuck · Fantasía
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15 Chs

Preparations - Chapter 7

After several months since Neo was reborn into this world, he managed to unravel several mysteries, the most crucial being understanding the exact time of his rebirth and the remaining interval before the events prophesied in the story.

Listening to his parents talk, they mentioned an upcoming date: the Festival of Lights, an event that occurs every 20 years. The main story related that the last time it was celebrated was 16 years before the beginning of the events narrated in the novel.

With this information, Neo began to weave together the details with meticulous precision. He knew that the clock of destiny was ticking inexorably.

[Neo] - «The event of Lights is celebrated every 20 years in the month of Elyssium. Looking at the secondary characters, I see that they are still young. The main story mentions that the last Enlightenment event occurred 16 years before the important events began. If it hasn't taken place yet, it means that I have been reborn 16 years before the beginning of the story. Exactly, 16 years and 5 months before chaos breaks loose... »-Neo thought, his thoughts cold and calculating, as he deduced precisely how much time he had left.

Knowledge was power. Neo understood that every piece of information, every piece of information, was a piece of the puzzle that would allow him to survive and thrive in this new world.

With all this, Neo understood that he had enough time to execute his plan. Until then, he would take advantage of this family and this world to ensure a quiet life, far from the reach of the chaos of the main story.

[Neo] - "Sixteen years are more than enough to get ready and prepare for when the story begins and, above all, when that moment comes... when this place is destroyed" - he thought, while his mother held him with a loving smile , as every mother would see her child.

Neo was already laying the foundations for his escape plan. His objective was to leave before the disaster of the main story occurred, escaping a family destined for extinction.

Neo didn't care in the slightest what happened to this world or its inhabitants. His only wish was to live in peace, away from the inevitable chaos that was destined to occur, caused by a stupid hero and fate. Logic and rationality were his guides.

In his mother's arms, Neo felt no love or attachment, he only saw an opportunity. His cold, calculating mind had already laid out the first steps of his plan. He observed his surroundings with the empty gaze of someone who finds no meaning in human emotions, but with the implacable determination of someone who controls his own destiny.

Knowledge of future events was his advantage. Neo wouldn't let nostalgia or affection weaken his resolve. While the others were carried away by his feelings, he prepared to manipulate them, use them and, finally, leave them behind when the time came.

The serenity in his expression contradicted the whirlwind of strategic thoughts passing through his mind. Every smile from his mother, every gesture of affection, was nothing to him.

The future looked uncertain for everyone, except for Neo, who with coldness and precision had already begun to write his own story, independent of the destiny that governed others.


Could I really do it? Could she continue with his plan or, instead of escaping history, would she be sucked into it? Would it remain that way, would his being change, or would something change his set destiny?

While Neo was held by his mother, Annet wrapped him in her arms with infinite tenderness. His white hair fell in soft waves, framing his face with blue eyes that looked at Neo with a warmth unknown to him. Neo felt the soft touch of his skin, the warmth of his body enveloping him, and for a brief moment, a feeling of comfort and warmth seeped into his being, something Neo was not yet aware of.


Thus six years passed since Neo was reborn into this world.

Current date: 3rd of the month of Drakoria, year 3473. In the Leone Mansion, the fifth birthday of the young master Neo was being celebrated. The lights shone brightly, illuminating every corner of the mansion with a festive warmth. The family and servants gathered in the main hall, decorated with ribbons and flowers, while a large table was overflowing with delicacies and an imposing cake.

[Neo's Perspective]

I'm in the garden, sitting while eating dessert, away from the hustle and bustle. I look at the garden and let the memories of these years flow. Although my actions have been limited by the restrictions of this child's body, I have taken every opportunity to learn. The language of this world was known to me since my rebirth, but writing and other knowledge were not.

Learning to write and read was a simple challenge. Since then, I've immersed myself in books on history, magic, and any topic that might expand my understanding. The story, in particular, I always read. Although he had some prior knowledge about this world, they are limited. Learning about the past and discovering details not mentioned in the novel can be crucial.

As for the mana and control of these powers, I couldn't do anything for different reasons. The first would be that, according to the laws of this kingdom, no child can train with mana until they are five years old, except for the royal family. This law, designed to maintain centralized power and prevent geniuses born in noble families or talented commoners from developing fully, results in tight control over the potential growth of individuals.

The second is because the Leone family, being warriors, has their own regime. Their training begins at the age of five, much earlier than the average person, who usually begins around the age of ten.

And as for the cheats I can do with training, knowing different types of training better due to my information from the novel, I have not done them yet because this child's body is not yet prepared to withstand the rigor of the training described in the novel. Furthermore, any display of unusual skill could raise dangerous suspicions.

Maintaining the appearance of a normal child has been a challenge. Despite my efforts, the facade is not always perfect. If someone noticed my advanced abilities or my atypical behavior for a child my age, it could raise suspicions such as being possessed by a demon or something similar, which would put my life in danger.

In any case, I will be able to continue with my plan after this day since today I turn 5 years old, being able to train with mana. Furthermore, on every 5th birthday of each child of any family there is a tradition that is to choose what his or her path will be: to be a magician, warrior, alchemist, etc.

In the case of the family, it is limited to being a warrior, but it will differ depending on the weapon you choose. However, my father comes from a family of magicians, so I will be given the opportunity to also choose to be a magician or a warrior.

But I already have a choice that suits my plan. My thoughts were interrupted by my father's voice, who called me to my mother.

[End of Neo's perspective]

Neo walked towards his parents, who were waiting for him with a wide smile and open arms. Annet and Cesar were caring and loving parents, especially her, with her family known for her deep affection for the family.

Neo looked visibly tired, as if he had spent the night awake. In fact, as soon as dawn broke, he was abruptly awakened by his parents and the servants. The commotion began with festive songs for his birthday and intensified with hugs and caresses from both his mother and the servants. But no display of affection could compare with the stellar entrance of Cesar, who suddenly appeared at the window with a chocolate cake in his hands, unleashing his voice in a serenade worthy of an opera tenor.

[Cesar] - Congratulations, young master! "he" he sang with a resonant voice, receiving applause from everyone present, although Neo was still half asleep, with his eyes half open and his mind still in the clouds.