
Chronicles of a revenant

The destiny tends to repeat itself over and over again, but with just the flap of a butterfly's wings, it can change the fate of everything. A new life, a new beginning for me, was a curse disguised as a blessing. I won't let the idiot hero lead us to Ragnarök. Although it will be a difficult journey, I will change the fate of this world, the fate of my family, my destiny.

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16 Chs

Pride and competitiveness - chapter 8

Being the great choice of the young heir of the clan, all branches of the clan would gather to witness what his decision would be. The captains of the orders were the most interested, eager to have the patriarch's son as a member of their order.

Despite being a warrior clan, their pacifist nature and deep affection towards family seemed contradictory. However, these qualities did not diminish his competitiveness and pride. The desire to be stronger than others was something innate in them from their origins, and any opportunity that placed them above others was taken advantage of without hesitation. Having the young heir in his order not only filled them with prestige, but also aroused envy among the other orders.

The competition was not limited to prestige alone. Whoever managed to have the young heir in his order would get the opportunity to be his teacher. This privilege was crucial, since when the time came for the selection of the next patriarch, an event in which the young men of the next generation would compete for the position, the strongest would become the new leader of the clan. Being the teacher of the temporary heir gave them great prestige if he won by showing the skill that he has as the teacher of the next patriarch.

The main and secondary branches of the clan entered the Leone mansion to witness the ceremony of choosing the young heir.

Among those present was a group where the captains of the clan orders were. Each one wore a similar uniform, but with distinctive features that differentiated them. Among them, a young-looking man with silver-gold hair wore a military uniform in the family's gold and black colors, with shoulder pads and the clan symbol on his back: a lion roaring in front of a moon. He is the captain of the order of "Moon Spears", he stepped forward and spoke with a firm and authoritative voice.

The main and secondary branches of the clan entered the Leone mansion to witness the ceremony of choosing the young heir. Among those present was a group where the captains of the clan orders were. Each one wore a similar uniform, but with distinctive features that differentiated them.

The captain of the Moonspears order, Paul, wore a gold and black military uniform, with decorated shoulder pads and the clan symbol on his back: a roaring lion in front of a moon. He was a tall, robust man, with a well-groomed beard and a stern expression on his face.

[Paul] - I wonder what the young heir's choice will be. It would be an honor for any order to have him. "Although, of course, our spears have the tradition and discipline that would come in handy," Paul said with a confident smile, while he adjusted his shoulder pad as if he were on a military catwalk.

The captain of the "Swords of Dawn" order, Victor, wore a white uniform with gold details, and on his back, the symbol of Leon with a rising sun behind a sword. He was a man of medium height, with blonde hair and blue eyes, with an always optimistic attitude.

[Victor] - Paul, do not underestimate the value of the order of Swords of Dawn. Our swordsmanship and speed are unmatched. "I'm sure the young heir would benefit greatly under our tutelage," Victor replied, as he feinted with an imaginary sword, almost tripping in the process.

[Paul] - Oh, please, Victor. A little speed won't save anyone in a real battle. Also, if you're so fast, how come you're always late to meetings? - Paul responded with a laugh.

The captain of the "Shields of the Dawn" order, Kim, wore a blue and silver uniform, with wide shoulder pads and the symbol of a shield in front of a Lion on his back. She was a tall woman, with black hair tied in a braid, and a firm and determined look.

[Kim] - You both have valid points, but don't forget that defense is just as crucial as offense. In the order of Shields of Dawn, the young heir would learn the importance of protecting and leading from the front. "Our resistance and defensive tactics are incomparable," Kim said with a challenging look at her companions, while he placed an imaginary shield in front of her and made a heroic pose.

[Victor] - Sure, Kim. Because nothing says "leader" like hiding behind a shield all the time. Or do you prefer to stay in the rear? - Victor said with a mocking smile.

The captain of the "Twilight Archers" order, Marcus, wore a dark green uniform with silver details, and on his back, the symbol of a bow drawn in front of a lion. He was a thin and agile man, with piercing green eyes and a sly smile.

[Marcus] - Don't underestimate the power of distance. In the Twilight Archers, the young heir would learn the importance of precision and strategy from afar. "Our ability to attack without being seen is an advantage that should not be overlooked," Marcus commented, raising an eyebrow as he pretended to shoot an arrow into the air, then smiled satisfied.

[Kim] - Yes, Marcus, because hiding in the bushes all day is exactly what defines a true warrior - Kim responded, with a sarcastic tone and a crooked smile.

[Marcus] - Better that than standing, waiting for someone to hit you in the head with a hammer - Marcus replied, making a dramatic gesture of someone being hit.

Just then, everyone was interrupted by another individual who came from the Lucius family, known for being magicians and not warriors. He was a tall, thin man, wearing a dark blue robe adorned with arcane symbols. He had a teasing smile on his face as he approached the group.

[Libyo] - Oh, please, warriors. We all know that the young heir will be a mage, not a simple warrior. "It is obvious that he inherited his magical potential from his father and that he surpasses any martial training they can offer," he said with a voice full of arrogance, while waving his hands in the air as if he were casting imaginary spells.

All the captains stopped at this and turned in unison to Libio, their faces showing a mixture of disbelief and offence.

[Paul] - A magician? Oh really? - Paul crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow. -Have you hit your head on one of your spell books?

[Victor] - Oh, of course, because we all know that throwing sparks is much more useful than a well-placed sword - Victor added, his tone sarcastic, as he pretended to cast a spell with one hand.

[Kim] - You may prefer to hide behind your illusions, but true leadership is demonstrated on the battlefield, not in an ivory tower - Kim commented, raising his imaginary shield once again.

[Marcus] - Yes, because when danger comes, surely an invisibility spell will save us all. Isn't that right, sorcerer? - Marcus said, casting a challenging look at Libio.

[Libio] - Well, it seems I have struck a chord. "Perhaps I should prepare for an ambush of wounded warriors on his pride," Libius said with an amused smile, as he slowly walked away, leaving the captains exchanging glances of complicity and shared disdain for the sorcerer's comment.

Although competitive with each other, the captains united against the wizard in a common front. Their clan pride prevented them from tolerating being belittled by someone who did not share their value for hand-to-hand combat.

The discussion continued with more intensity and camaraderie, the captains united by their pride and determination to prove that a true clan leader must be forged in the crucible of combat.

Libyan stepped forward to the reception area where Lucius and Annet were standing to greet their guests. He came up to them both with a respectful bow, bowing slightly in a formal greeting.

[Libyo] - Matriarch Annet, Patriarch Lucius, it is an honor to be present at this most significant ceremony - Libius said with a smile, his tone softened by the respect he showed in his words.

Lucius, with a warm smile, quickly insisted that type of greeting was not necessary for them.

[Lucius] - Come on, Uncle Libio, you don't need formalities with us. After all, we are family - said Lucius, patting Libio on the shoulder.

[Libio] - Okay, nephew Lucius. But, I must say, I regret that I couldn't come when little Neo's debut was. "He was on a pilgrimage," Libius explained, his tone a little more serious than him.

[Lucius] - Don't worry, man. The important thing is that you are here now. Although... - Lucius added with a mischievous smile - I hope you brought a gift for Neo as an apology, right?

Libio instantly became flustered, laughing uncomfortably.

[Libyan] - Hehe, of course I brought one. Don't look at me like that - he replied, scratching his head - By the way, where is the little one?

Annet called to her son, who was behind her, a little shy but curious, obviously an act. Libio approached the young man, a friendly smile on his face.

[Libio] - Ah, here you are! Happy birthday, young Neo. "I'm your great-uncle Libio," he said, bending slightly to be at his height and introducing himself with a warm tone.

Libio extended a package wrapped in bright, colorful paper toward Neo.

[Libyo] - This is a gift for you. I hope you like it-Without them realizing it, Libio approached Neo's ear saying-Listen, you must choose to be a magician, it's better than being a warrior hehehe-winking his eye at Neo.

Libio, after whispering to Neo, stood up straight and with a cordial smile, said goodbye to Lucius and Annet.

[Libio] - Well, I have to go greet other guests. "A and Lucius I hope that little Neo joins the order of our family hahaha," he said, bowing slightly before leaving elegantly due to the bloodlust he felt from Annet upon hearing his last words before disappearing.

As Libius walked away, the captains arrived and presented themselves before Lucius and Annet with impeccable formality. Paul, the captain of the "Moon Spears" order, was the first to speak, bowing his head in respect.

[Paul] - Patriarch Lucius, Matriarch Annet, it is an honor to be present at this very significant ceremony - he said seriously, while Victor, Kim and Marcus nodded solemnly.

[Victor] - We are committed to guiding and strengthening the young heir in any decision he makes. The order of "Swords of Dawn" is prepared to honor his legacy," Victor added with a confident smile.

[Kim] - The order of "Dawn Shields" will protect and lead with determination, offering our expertise in defense and strategy - Kim said firmly, looking directly at Lucius.

[Marcus] - The "Twilight Archers" guarantee precision and strategic vision. It will be a privilege to train the young heir in our methods - Marcus concluded with a shrewd look.

Lucius looked at the captains with an approving expression, impressed by their commitment and dedication. However, Annet momentarily broke the formality with a soft, mocking laugh.

[Annet] - Haha, I almost believe it. I know very well that each of you crazy people wants to have my son in his order, right? -he said, looking at the captains with complicity. The captains, surprised, exchanged knowing glances, trying to maintain their composure in the face of Annet's insightful observation.

Paul, trying to regain his seriousness, adjusted his shoulder pad with an exaggerated gesture, while Victor gave a slight dramatic bow.

[Paul] - Of course, Matriarch Annet. The order of "Moon Spears" would be delighted to have the young heir - said Paul, trying to maintain his composure but with a nervous smile.

[Victor] - We at "Swords of Dawn" assured that it would be an honor and a privilege to teach you our methods, right, guys? -Victor added, with a knowing wink at his colleagues.

Kim, with a mix of laughter and determination, symbolically raised an invisible shield.

[Kim] - And the "Dawn Shields" can't wait to show you the importance of strategic defense, even with a little humor - said Kim, looking at Annet with a mischievous smile.

Marcus, taking advantage of the relaxed atmosphere, pretended to shoot an imaginary arrow with a funny face.

[Marcus] - And the "Twilight Archers" will make sure that not a single target is missed - Marcus commented, making an exaggerated pointing gesture.

The momentary tension dissipated into shared laughter and a more relaxed atmosphere between Lucius, Annet and the captains, who demonstrated both their dedication and their ability to adapt to unexpected situations with a touch of humor.

[Annet] - Yes, yes, whatever they say, but they won't fool me... - said Annet, extending her hand towards them. - So, what about the presents?

Each captain fumbled awkwardly through their clothing due to the pressure they felt for Annet, extending their gifts toward the young heir. They tried to win it, but Neo, with an unfazed expression, simply nodded as he received the gifts, giving the captains the false illusion that they had already won it.

[Neo] - "Without analyzing them, I can see what they really want, mother even noticed it. But hey, at least I hope that their gifts are expensive or useful for me. I don't plan to join you, since my choice is made "- Neo thought coldly, watching how the captains tried to attract him to their ranks.