
Chronicles of a revenant

The destiny tends to repeat itself over and over again, but with just the flap of a butterfly's wings, it can change the fate of everything. A new life, a new beginning for me, was a curse disguised as a blessing. I won't let the idiot hero lead us to Ragnarök. Although it will be a difficult journey, I will change the fate of this world, the fate of my family, my destiny.

Ryuck · Fantasía
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15 Chs

Connection - chapter 4

[Neo's Perspective]

The reason I do this is simple: I want to use him and then discard him. To fulfill my plan, I need useful and trustworthy contacts. Adam, who will one day take the rank of duke and control his family, will be key. His family has a monopoly on marine transport.

I must leave here before this place descends into chaos with the start of the main story of the novel. Seeing Adam, I realized something: he is still a child, about 14 or 15 years old. According to the novel's information, the story begins when Adam is around 28, already an adult. This leads me to one conclusion: the story and events have not yet occurred. I have several years before everything begins, enough time to prepare and escape.

It benefits me to have a good relationship with him to take advantage of him in the future. Adam will see me as a younger brother. His current behavior, after the death of his older brother, gives him away. That brother was his only source of emotional support, and his loss left him empty. Now, he uses memories of his happy past as a refuge.

I am going to recreate that bond. Adam sought in his brother the joy of a shared game, understanding, and happiness. I can be the reflection of that past, the substitute for his brother. My goal is clear: to make him cling to me as he did to his brother, recreate that bond he had and use it to my advantage.

The loss of a loved one creates an inevitable desire to be with that person again, to feel their presence once more. For those who feel emotions, this is inescapable, at least that's what I think, since I don't understand human emotions... no, that's not it, the truth is I don't feel any emotion. I am alone in this world, surrounded by feelings I don't experience and will never be able to share.

But what does that matter now? The only thing I need is a way to escape the future that will come...

My thoughts were interrupted by the voices of my parents, who had returned. Although it seems they went through something, my father's eyes look like he had been crying.

[End of Neo's Perspective]

The garden was softly illuminated by hanging lanterns, whose warm light reflected on the surrounding leaves and flowers. The night was calm, with a light breeze making the trees whisper. Annet and Lucius returned from their walk and headed towards where Neo and Adam were, in the garden in front of the party. Annet called out to Adam, who was holding Neo in his arms.

[Annet] - Adam, we are back!

Adam, noticing the tense expression on Lucius's face, responded with concern.

[Adam] - Did something happen, Mr. Lucius? You seem... worried.

Annet, trying to ease the situation with a reassuring smile, quickly intervened.

[Annet] - Oh, don't worry about that, Adam. He just fell asleep from exhaustion.

Lucius nodded, trying to muster a smile. Although his eyes were slightly red, his tone was calm.

[Lucius] - Yes, everything is fine. It was just a long day.

Adam looked at Annet and Lucius, feeling a mix of relief and curiosity. The festive atmosphere of the garden seemed to contrast with the momentary seriousness of the adults, but the warmth in Annet and Lucius's voices soon dispelled any tension.

[Annet] - I see, thank you for taking care of Neo.

Annet smiled warmly, her face relaxed under the soft garden lighting.

[Adam] - Don't worry about it, I enjoyed the time I spent with Neo.

Adam said with a sincere smile on his face, his eyes shining under the lantern light. The image of the cold and distant boy seemed to fade completely at that moment.

Lucius observed this scene with relief. Seeing Adam smile like that was something that hadn't happened in a long time.

[Lucius] - "After a long time, I see Adam smiling like that since Edmund died."

Lucius sighed, calm, remembering his friend from the past and noticing that the scars he left seemed to begin to heal.

[Annet] - I think he likes you, dear. Just as you like him.

Annet leaned down a bit, pointing to Neo who was clinging to Adam tightly, his expression one of genuine satisfaction.

Due to her motherly love, Annet couldn't distinguish the expressions Neo made and always confused them.

[Adam] - I don't think it's that much, we just spent a little time together.

Adam tried to downplay it, though his smile didn't fade. There was a warmth in his voice that contrasted with his usual coldness.

[Annet] - Do you think so? Look, he's hugging you tightly, he doesn't want to let go. He did the same with us, my father, and Cesar and with no one else. Apparently, he only behaves like this with people he takes a liking to.

That's a misunderstanding, Neo just couldn't move.

Adam's eyes shone again as he felt Neo's embrace and understood the meaning behind it. He looked at the little one in his arms with a mix of amazement and affection.

[Adam] - Do you really think so? - he said, looking at little Neo, his voice softening.

Lucius interrupted the conversation, whispering something in Annet's ear. Her eyes lit up with emotion as a smile spread across her face.

[Annet] - Yes! You don't need to remind me, it was my idea.

Annet exclaimed, her eyes shining with enthusiasm. Lucius took a breath before speaking, trying not to let his excitement show.

[Lucius] - Adam, I don't know if it's too much to ask, but...

Lucius hesitated for a moment, his gaze fixed on Adam, as if searching for some sign of acceptance.

[Adam] - Tell me, Mr. Lucius - Adam's voice was firm, but there was a note of curiosity and anticipation.

[Lucius] - Would you like to be Neo's godfather? - Lucius spoke with a mix of hope and nervousness, watching Adam's reaction closely.

[Adam] - Me? Be a godfather? - Adam was surprised, looking at Neo and then at his parents. His heart was pounding, feeling the weight of the request.

At a debut function, aside from being recognized and making friends/contacts, the debut serves as a way to find a godfather for the young debuting noble. The godfather's role is to be the first to form a connection with the new noble and form an alliance between the godfather's family and the debutant's, as well as having more benefits for both. Additionally, the godfather has some responsibility for the care and guidance of the debutant.

Of course, this is just so that nobles can gain more power by using other families when naming godfathers for their children or maintaining power over others with the help of others. But in this case, Annet and Lucius chose Adam from their hearts without any ulterior motives like other nobles at debuts.

[Adam] - I don't know if...

Before he could finish, Neo, from his arms, decided to take the initiative. It was his chance to establish a bond.

[Neo] - "This is my opportunity, quickly do something to seal the deal."

[Neo] - A..am, da.. Adam.

Neo's small hands clung more tightly to Adam as he murmured his name. Lucius and Annet exchanged surprised looks.

[Lucius] - He said your name!

Lucius exclaimed, a mix of astonishment and joy on his face. Adam took it as a sign, the surprise on his face transforming into a warm smile that would soon disappear after realizing something.

[Annet] - He said his first word! - though her tone soon changed to frustration - but it wasn't 'mom'...

Annet crossed her arms, puffing her cheeks in a slightly frustrated expression. Lucius added, with an equally frustrated tone.

[Lucius] - ...or 'dad'.

Lucius frowned, but couldn't help but smile at the irony of the situation. Adam looked at the two, feeling a mix of responsibility.

Both turned their gazes empty and downcast as if they no longer cared to live.

[Adam] - Sir, madam, I think I will accept being the godfather of...

Adam stopped, confused, seeing Annet and Lucius ready for something unusual. They were peering out the window with a vacant expression.

[Adam] - Sir! Madam! What are you doing?! - Panicking, he said as the guests felt a déjà vu.

Annet and Lucius, in a melodramatic tone, responded in unison.

[Annet and Lucius] - What does it matter now? Our only son said his first word and it wasn't 'mom' or 'dad'.

Lydo, who was returning from the bathroom, drying his hands, came back to the party to be with his grandson.

[Lydo] - "Ah, finally, I'm fine, although it took me a while to find the bathroom" - His relaxed expression disappeared when he saw Annet and Lucius, his eyes nearly popping out, and he went straight to them.

[Lydo] - What are you trying to do, you pair of idiots! - hitting their heads.

[Annet and Lucius] - Ouch!