
and reincarnation

My head, ached and I felt dizzy.I looked around and all I could see was white.

"Where am i"

[System Initiating]

A text came into my eyes view.


[System Initiatiation Complete]

[Hello host]

[I am your system,here to guide you in your life as a god]

"Wait,did you say god"

[Yes host, you died and you were reincarnated as a god]

"That is so cool"

"It is like one of those light novels I spent most of my time reading"

"System, do i have an interface"

[Yes host, but first you need to absorb the energy of a god who recently died.]

"What do you mean by absorb the energy?

[A god was recently slain near here and all void beings posses the ability to absorb the energy.]

"Is this energy ever lost?"

[No,master ,in the Void energy is neither lost or made]

"Wow,so amazing!"

[Yes master,I agree' so amazing,but this power is greatly seeked by Void beings,so i say that master must go and absorb it]

"Of course,ermmmmm"

"I fell uncomfortable caling you system,can i give you a name?"

[Of course master,what is it?]

"I shall call you Yuris because your voice is like a girls."

[Of course master,from now on my name is Yuris]

"Now then,lead me to this fallen being"

A map appears in my head and Yuris leads me to a medium sized pool of light.I feel a powerful force permeating the void around me.Simply being in front of the pool makes me feel stronger.

[Hurry master,concentrate on harvesting the pool around you and lead it into your body.We cannot stay here so long,the power may attract Diymons or gods of great power]

Shutting my eyes ,i concentrate deeply on my surroundings. My body starts to float and i feel the energy entering my body.


[Alright master, I am sure that is enough,now let us get out of here]

"No, I need more power"

I concentrate harder consuming as much energy in a matter of seconds.


Suddenly, I felt a force hitting my body and I am sent flying.

"Thanks Yuris,It was hard to pull myself away"

"It is alright master,the energy of the gods is entrancing and appetizing.

Looking back,I see a swarm of void beings going for the pool of energy.

I go back to my domain .

"Can I see my stats now"

[Sure, master]

[Name: ???

Race: God of Creation and Destruction


STR: 70000




[Skills: Creation,Destruction,God's Blessing(Locked),Peer]