

[Name: ???

Race: God of Creation and Destruction


STR: 70000




[Skills: Creation,Destruction,God's Blessing(Locked),Peer]

"WOW, my stats are kind of op"

[Yes master,your stats are higher than an average newborn god]

"That is nice to hear,.....Yuris,can I see the info of my skills"


[Creation:Allows holder to create anything from his or her imagination as long as he/she has energy.

[Destruction: Allows holder to destroy anything created by him or anyone else though the destruction of another god's creation is slow.

[God's blessing(Locked): Allows user to bestow Bleesings unto his creation.

[Peer:Allows holder to see the stats and info of beings]

"I guess the info is all said in the name of the skills"

[Yes,master,the names of the skill were made for understanding]

[Master,now that you have a bit of energy to your name,I think it is time to register in The League]

"What is The League'

[The League of Gods is the powerhouse of the Void. It is where gods gather to discuss matters ,get to know each other and obtain power]

"What are we waiting for then, let us go"

A map appears in my head and I will for wings to help me fly.

Energy: -10

Energy seeps out of my body,forming white with gold-speckled wings on my back.

[Relentless Wings acquired]

I follow the map in my head and travel through the void,dodging debris and finally I appear before a tall golden gate. In front of the gate stood two beings wearing light armor and holding swords.

"Stop" one of the gatekeeper shouts with force and resounding authority.

"What business do you have in the League of gods"

"I have come to register in the League"

The guards take one more look at me and opens the magnificent gate revealing an even more magnificent hallway. As i stare in awe I see other gods,some walking alone and others huddled in groups conversing.

"You are a weakling Haiz" one of them says to another god.

"Says the god who cannot control his power"

"Stop it" a third voice says"arguing like worthless diymons.....

Suddenly,the hall distorts around me and i am teleported into another room.

A creature much like a god but with hoofs for feet and horns on his head.

"I am here to register" I say

The being looks at me blankly and then hands me a piece of paper with inscriptions. It takes me a but i finally understand.


God Race:


It took me a while to try to find out which name to insert.I settled on my name back on earth, Kylian.

[Kylian has been recognized as your god name]

I then put in my race and signed. All this I did with my energy.

I handed my form to the creature. He barely glanced at it and tossed it into a menacing looking portal. The space then distorts again and I find myself back to the place i awakened.