

When former military officer David vows to protect Ally, a woman haunted by a traumatic past, their budding romance becomes a perilous quest for vengeance and redemption. As David's relentless pursuit of Ally's captors threatens to tear the military camp apart, a glimmer of hope arrives in the form of a mysterious informant. But the trail leads them into enemy territory, where they fall into a cunning trap. Now, David faces an agonizing choice, abandon Ally to save himself or risk everything to shield her from further harm. In a heart wrenching climax, the two must overcome their captors and confront the depths of their own fears to emerge triumphant, their bond forged in the crucible of adversity.

_Cherish_ · Fantasía
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14 Chs

Chapter 5

"She stood up from her position and rushed to him, chatting happily.

"See," she sang.

"You were really hungry. She would have prepared more, but your fridge was empty."

"How on earth do you survive without food?"

"Do you even eat at all?"

"Why don't you have food?"

"Don't you have money?"

"But the academy pays well," she asked in confusion and curiosity.

"Oh my," she exclaimed.

"She needs to go grocery shopping. She will have to just buy everything since you are short of everything. That rhymed," she laughed.

"Oh, wait," she turned to him and asked.

"Are you allergic to anything? Because she doesn't want you getting sick," she said, with a frown on her face.

"What kind of drink do you like?" she asked again.

She kept on talking. She didn't even notice that he was done with eating until he stood up with his plates, walking away from her.

She jumped up from her seat and grabbed the plates from his hands, telling him to rest, that she was going to take care of it.

He dragged the plates back from her hands and pushed her towards the door, telling her to leave, but she ran away from him, putting as much distance as she could.

He growled and came after her, but she ran away from him, laughing.

To her, it was fun, but she could tell by the look on his face and the ticking of the muscles at his jaw that he was very angry.

But she couldn't help herself. He was now paying attention to her, even though it was not the way she envisioned it to be.

She kept on jumping through sofas and tables. She knew he could not get her unless she wanted him to.

When he lunged for her and mistakenly brushed his injured shoulder on the wall, he hissed in pain.

She immediately ran to him to check for any damage, but he seized that opportunity to push her out the door and closed his door in her face.

She knocked, but he didn't open the door. So she decided to use the opportunity to go to her room to bathe and retrieve her nightie.

When she was done, she made her way back to his apartment and knocked on his door.

He opened the door, but the moment he noticed she was the one knocking, he cursed and banged the door on her face again.

She waited patiently for exactly 120 seconds before she picked the locks and made her way into his apartment. At least, she notified him before she entered, right?

She looked for him in the sitting room, but he wasn't there. So she made her way to his bedroom, where she found him getting ready for bed.

She stood at the door, and he immediately turned to where she stood, pulling a nine-millimeter pistol at her.

"Wow, that was pretty impressive.

"What in the world is going on?" he shouted.

He pointed the pistol towards her.

"How on earth did you get in here?" he questioned in a very deadly but sexy manner.

"Through the door," was her great reply.

"Bullshit, the door was locked," he said calmly, but his stance was deadly.

"Now, I will ask you one more time, and I need a wonderful and truthful answer or I blow out your brains.

"Now answer."

"How on earth did you get in here?"

"I picked the locks," she answered.

She was not at all scared of the gun because a gun wouldn't kill her anyway, unless she's hit in the wrong place, of course.

That's because the location of her heart is quite different from everyone else's. Just in case you've forgotten, she's a lab guinea pig.

Well, back to Mr. Yummy, she is a cute, hot, and sexy dude. "Great name right?". She knows she's awesome. You don't have to tell her, but do tell her because she always loves praises. Lol.

She looked up to him and tried explaining.

"I know you would not open the door for me. When I knocked, you closed the door on me, which was not polite at all. And you are meant to be lying down, not shouting at me. You are so infuriating. Don't you care about your health at all?" she rambled.

"You are so weak and tired, but here you are shouting at me, and I don't even know why. You are the one being extremely rude and stubborn, and I'm the one trying to help."

She paused to look up at him, to know why he was not saying anything, but she caught him staring at her, and she realized he was still pointing the damn gun at her, so she pushed it away.

She told him sincerely, "You can't kill me with that gun, so just put it away."

"I can't kill you with a gun?"

She nodded her head in affirmation.

"Why can't I kill you with a gun?" he questioned.

"Because you just can't," she told him.

"That's it. You are definitely not real or you are a ghost," he paused, turned to her, and asked.

"Are you a ghost?"

She shook her head and told him no.

"So what the hell are you?" he shouted.

"I am me," she said, pointing at herself to make him understand better.

"Jeez, you are you what?

"I'm me, ALLY," she replied.

"Was he alright? Has he really forgotten my name?" she wondered.

"You are you who, what, which, or whatever you are."

"Can you just explain what you want from me? Why are you here in my damn apartment, hmm?" he asked impatiently.

"I am me, ALLY," she repeated. That was the only thing she could say because he was really confusing her.

He looked at her, sighed, and said, "Just forget it, I give up. I really, really give up."

"No," she screamed, "you can't give up. You need to keep fighting. I promise to take care of you. No one will hurt you. Everything will be just fine. You can't give up; you just can't give up."

He looked at her, shook his head, and said, "You're one weird creature, which appears to be realistically real, but then seems to be an hallucination".

"I must be really tired to be having such weird vivid imagination. I think I've lost a lot of blood, and I definitely need a lot of rest. So, I'll be ignoring you. You're free to do as you like, but don't you dare disturb my rest." Saying that, he turned and disappeared into his bedroom.

She really don't get him, she huffed in disappointment.

"What did she do again?"

She was just giving him good advice on not giving up, and she was really going to protect him.

"What's with all the imagination thoughts and not

"Do I look fake?" she wondered.

Feeling angry, she marched to his bedroom to confront him.

On getting to his room, he was in the process of making his bed. He totally ignored her presence.

She walked straight up to him and poked his shoulder wound for him to feel pain.

He hissed in pain and turned to glare at her.

"What was that for?" he asked.

"I'm real. Don't you see?"

"I can walk, and talk, and jump," she said, performing all actions as she listed.

He growled. "Fine, we've established that you're real. What next?" he questioned.

Short of words, he had agreed faster than she had anticipated.

She stood, staring at him in confusion.

"Anything else," he asked.

"Aren't you scared of me?" she asked.

"Before you can make any nasty move on me, I will be on your next faster than you can imagine. Do I make myself clear?

Grinning from ear to ear, she nodded in glee. She made a move to hug him, but he quickly grabbed her by her shoulders and threw her on the bed, squeezing and turning her arms in a painful position.

He had been real quick, and the spring in the bed had bounced her up, creating a rather funny outcome.

She was sure it hadn't been his intent to toss her on the bed, but that had been the only possible angle at that moment.

He pressed her neck to the bed, pulled out his favorite pistol, and pointed it right at her face.

"I'm sure I warned you about any funny business you had. If by the count of three, you don't give me names and details of who put you to this, I'm going to blow your brains off."

Before he could start his countdown, she successfully disarmed him and released her from his hold.

Seeing that she was now in possession of the gun, he immediately raised his hands in surrender.

He cursed in anger, shocked by the situation; his face only bore confusion.

"Calm down," he patronized, with his hands still up. His gaze was solely focused on her.

She smiled in glee, stretched her hands to hand him his beloved pistol.

She wasn't interested in his damn gun. She was more interested in the sensation she had felt from being thrown on a bouncy bed. She had loved it.

He stared at her outstretched hand for a while before he cautiously collected the gun from her hand.

His stance relaxed, but his expression grew more pronounced in confusion.

He surveyed her every move with his eyes still in disbelief at what had just occurred.

"How'd you do that?" he asked.

"Do what?"

"I pinned you down, and you just effortlessly removed yourself from my grip. I've never had someone easily do that."

"You're really good," he praised.

She could only giggle at the compliment. 'He thought she was good?'.


He kept staring at her in amazement.

"And to think you're miniature," he said, making small shapes with his hands, still looking bewildered.

She frowned at that.

"I'm not small. I'm a perfectly built person, with slender, agile, athletic, and incredible proportions," she argued.

He raised his brows at her. She didn't know why he was doing that, but she just had to justify herself. Besides, that's what she was told.

He shook his head to clear his thoughts, she thinks. Then he asked.

"Why did you come looking for me?"

"Who sent you?"

"Or more accurately, what do you want with me?" he questioned.

"Firstly," she said. "You went on an assignment, I came to check up on you. Secondly, nobody sent me, I came all by myself." She giggled at that.

"And lastly, I want you to be my bestest of the bestest friend," she grinned at him.

He stood just staring at her for some minutes without saying a word.

"So wait," he growled.

"You mean to tell me that you did all this just to get my attention?"

"Yeah….", she giggled.

Feeling angry and frustrated. He literally growled and pushed her out of his way.

"Alright chingu. No need to be all growly," she thought.

"At least, he was not still pushing me out." She smiled at that thought.

He totally ignored her and made his way to his bed to dress it. Acting like the good girl she was, she moved to give him a helping hand, but he just glared at her.

She scoffed right back at him, flipping her head to the right to show him she could totally ignore him too, duhhh.

He stared at her, signed, and moved on with his work. 'Well, that didn't work as expected.'

When he was done, he made his way to the bathroom to wash his mouth, and she followed, of course.

After brushing, he headed to his bed to sleep, and she of course trailed his movement.

He paused in his actions and turned to stare at her.

"What do you think you're doing?", he asked.

She shrugged and replied. "Same thing you're doing".

They both stood staring at each other.