

When former military officer David vows to protect Ally, a woman haunted by a traumatic past, their budding romance becomes a perilous quest for vengeance and redemption. As David's relentless pursuit of Ally's captors threatens to tear the military camp apart, a glimmer of hope arrives in the form of a mysterious informant. But the trail leads them into enemy territory, where they fall into a cunning trap. Now, David faces an agonizing choice, abandon Ally to save himself or risk everything to shield her from further harm. In a heart wrenching climax, the two must overcome their captors and confront the depths of their own fears to emerge triumphant, their bond forged in the crucible of adversity.

_Cherish_ · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Chapter 6

"The girl is really crazy. I don't understand myself either," David thought.

"Why couldn't I just kick her out of my apartment?" David thought. He just felt like he shouldn't, which didn't make any sense.

She looked innocent and cute, which could also be a disguise just to get him, but yet the thought of causing her pain did not appeal to him.

He looked at her, standing at the corner of the room. She looked so small standing there. He sighed, turned, and walked away from her.

He laid down on his bed because he didn't know what to do with her. He closed his eyes but was still alert to her movements in the room.

She walked towards his bed and he tensed. "What was she planning on doing?"

'Was she planning on killing him in his sleep?'

Well, if she was going to murder him, he sure didn't care at all. He was damn tired of this whole repeated daily routine.

All those thoughts ran through his head. So, he waited patiently to see her moves. Her hands were hovering over his face to see if he was already asleep.

Then she lifted her hands to his head, and he reflexively grabbed her hands and twisted them.

'Oh well,' he thought. He wasn't that ready to die after all.

"What the hell do you think you are doing?" he asked in anger.

"Are you planning on killing me in my sleep?"

"Is that why you are here, to kill me?"

"Who sent you?"

"Who the hell sent you?" He angrily questioned.

"I was just trying to stroke your hair and read you a bedtime story, just like that girl on TV," Ally answered.

"I know it's really effective. She read to the boy, and he slept off within a minute and thirty-six seconds. So I wanted you to sleep for you to regain your strength," she whispered, which he was able to hear.

"And what the hell was she going on about?"

"A bedtime story?"

"And a boy?"

"Do I look like a boy to you, hmmmm?" David asked.

"Well yes," she said.

"You're much bigger and taller, much heavier, and certainly prettier."

He quirked his brows at her. "Prettier?" You don't say!

'What man wants to be classified or modified as being in the pretty category?' he thought.

"You are also more manly," she added. Then she smiled and winked at him.

Seriously this girl was something else, she was weird but in a cute way.

"Whatever," he said.

"You can sleep on the sofa over there," he pointed to the sofa at the corner of the room. He wanted her close so as to keep an eye on her.

He closed his eyes to rest. The strain and stress were already wearing him down, but sleep was hard to find.

It was like sleep had a grudge on him and decided to take a vacation.

'Funny right? But David could swear that it was happening exactly that way.

He really wished to get some sleep that night, and resolve the girl's problem the next day.

David closed his eyes and thought about what had happened in the early hours of the day.

The day had really been hectic.

At first, they had planned out the scenario of the whole operation, even having a backup plan as usual in case things went south.

To think that both plans had backfired on their faces.

Reflecting on the events that had happened in the early hours of the day. The room was tense, illuminated only by the glow of monitors and the dim light of tactical maps. General Wilson and General Steve stood at the head of the table, surrounded by top officers. They were finalizing plans for Operation Phoenix, a critical strike against their enemy's forces.

"Gentlemen, this is it," General Steve gravely addressed the troop.

"Our window of opportunity is narrow, but the intelligence suggests this is our best shot at crippling the enemy's stronghold."

The room nodded in silent agreement, knowing the risks but understanding the necessity of the mission.

The strike team, led by David, moved swiftly and silently through the darkness. Their mission was to infiltrate the enemy's compound, neutralize key targets, and extract valuable intelligence.

Whispering, David said to his team, being one of the leading Captains, "Eyes sharp, everyone. We're in hostile territory. One wrong move could cost us everything."

The team moved with practiced precision until they reached the perimeter of the compound. But as they prepared to breach the defenses, a rookie soldier, Private Jenkins, stumbled, alerting the enemy to their presence.

Panicking, he fearfully said, "Sorry, sir! I tripped on a wire!"

David hissed. "Fall back! We've been compromised!"

Alarms blared as the enemy soldiers swarmed the area, trapping the strike team inside. Bullets whizzed past as David and his comrades fought for their lives.

Shouting, David ordered, "We need an exit strategy, now!"

Thinking quickly, David and his team improvised, using the chaotic environment to their advantage. They lured the enemy into a narrow corridor, setting up an ambush.

Lieutenant Ramirez, one of the soldiers noticing their enemies' quick and quiet approach quickly announced, "They're coming. Get ready!"

The corridor erupted into a fierce firefight as bullets flew from both sides. But David and his team proved their mettle, outmaneuvering and outgunning them at every turn.

"Push forward! We're not leaving without a victory," David encouraged.

With relentless determination, the strike team advanced, inch by inch, until they finally gained the upper hand. Their enemies' forces faltered, overwhelmed by David and his team's unwavering resolve.

Over the comms, General Steve asked, "Captain David, do you copy?"

"Loud and clear, sir," David replied breathlessly.

Relieved, the general announced, "Mission accomplished, Captain. You and your team have turned the tide."

After the whole struggle, David and his team emerged victorious, their mission a success. They stood triumphantly amidst the wreckage, having captured several enemy soldiers who now kneeled, defeated, their hands bound.

David looked at his team members and said, "This victory belongs to all of us. We faced adversity head-on and emerged stronger because of it."

They secured their prisoners and returned home.

David reflected on the harrowing ordeal. Though the mission had nearly gone awry, quick thinking and the unwavering courage of his team had ensured that Operation Phoenix would be remembered as a resounding success.


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