
Chosen By The System: The Avatar's Journey

In the veiled embrace of an everlasting darkness, a fateful encounter unravels, where destinies converge in a celestial choreography of cosmic design. James, a man devoid of memory and senses, stumbles upon a profound purpose – to guide the unassuming Miller, a vessel teeming with uncharted power. Empowered by the enigmatic SYSTEM, Miller becomes a harbinger of salvation, though the shroud of secrecy obscures his true mission. With the hour of reckoning approaching, an epic clash between light and shadow looms. James shoulders the responsibility of mentoring Miller, traversing a treacherous path to prepare him for the impending collision. Their fates entwine, leaving the lingering question: will Miller's strength surge to vanquish the malevolent forces, or will darkness prevail, leaving hope shattered and the realm in eternal despair? Simultaneously, Miller embarks on an unending journey, fulfilling SYSTEM-assigned Quests, until a foreboding juncture emerges: "Your life force dwindles with each passing moment, unless you take a life." "Waste no time, for a dormant Killer Mode awakens if life reaches the precipice of nil." Venture through a captivating tapestry of destiny, as a narrative of bravery, sacrifice, and impending fate unfolds in this mesmerizing saga. ............................. Tags: Male MC, System, Supernatural, Action, Adventure, Werewolf, Vampires, Dhampir, Magic, Sci-fi, Fantasy, Thriller, Mystery Academy, Weak to Strong e.t.c. Exclusion Clause: Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is purely coincidental. The author, AbalandeFK, shall not be held liable for any coincidental similarities or unintentional defamation that may arise from the portrayal of characters, events, or circumstances in this work of fiction. The characters, names, places, and incidents are products of the author's imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. THE COVER FOR THIS BOOK IS NOT MINE. PLEASE DM IF YOU WANT IT REMOVED. NOTE: THE STORY OF MILLER STARTS FROM CHAPTER 10. CHAPTER 1 TO 10 TALKS ABOUT JAMES THEODORE AND A LITTLE HINT OF EARTH-16

AbalandeFK · Fantasía
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424 Chs

It's All My Fault

Miller wanted Catherine to do the Soul Search right there. But she wasn't going to do it in the Martial Arts Hall.

"What if someone opens the door." She said, 'Besides, I would need one of her belongings to be able to do that, and the best place for that would be inside my room."

"It takes time Miller. So i would need focus." Catherine said again. "But don't worry. I am also worried about her as you are too. I am hundred percent certain that we would be able to find out where she is."

"If I find her. I would send you a message on your watch." Catherine said.

"I understand," Miller said, trying to mask his frustration. "I just want to find her as soon as possible. I'm worried about her."

Catherine's expression softened, and she placed a hand on his shoulder. "I know you're worried. But we'll find her, I promise. And when we do, I'll let you know immediately. You have my word."

Miller nodded, trying to calm his nerves. He knew that Catherine was right, but he couldn't help but feel anxious. He just wanted to find Emily and make sure she was safe.

As they left the Martial Arts Hall, Catherine couldn't help but notice how handsome Miller was. He had a strong, rugged look about him, and she found herself wondering what it would be like to be close to him. But she quickly pushed those thoughts away, focusing instead on finding Emily. After all, that was the most important thing right now. But still, she couldn't help but feel a spark of attraction.

She cleared her throat and said, "So, where do you want to go next?"

"Let's go to the School Hall," Miller replied, his eyes scanning the hallways. "After checking their, you can do your soul search stuff."

On their way to the school hall. Catherine wanted to ask Miller something.

"Miller, at first i thought you were a Vampire." Catherine Whispered. She knew by now that Miller had super hearing and could pick up what she had just said.

Miller chuckled a bit.

"Do you know anything about Vampires. Or what Vampires are like?." She asked.

"No. I don't....." Miller paused. For a second if he hadn't stopped he would have asked her to go and meet Alex; his roomate that he was a Vampire.

Little did Miller know that Alex already knew due to her having a super sense of smell.

"Do you know anything about vampires? Or what vampires are like?" Catherine asked, her eyes curious.

Miller hesitated for a moment, considering his response. He knew he couldn't tell her the truth - that he knew Alex was a vampire - so he chose his words carefully.

"I've only heard the usual stories," he said. "You know, they drink blood, they're undead, and all that. But I don't know how much of it is true."

He hoped that she wouldn't pry any further. But to his surprise, she just nodded and didn't ask any more questions.

Miller started to wonder. Alex had told him earlier that Dhampir's are a result of a Vampire and human union or an Initiation gone wrong and that they were the Natural enemies of the Vampires. They all had the Instincts and desire to kill Vampires. Miller wondered if Catherine also had that desire.

"Catherine, I wanted to ask you, please don't get offended." Miller chose his words carefully. "Do you sometimes have the desire to kill Vampires."

Catherine stood still for a while and looked at Miller frowning. 'Kill.' She thought. 'Does he think i killed because i attacked him the other day in the library.'

Catherine's eyes flashed with anger. "How dare you ask me that?" she said, her voice cold. "Do you really think so little of me? Do you think I'm some sort of mindless killer, driven only by bloodlust?"

She glared at Miller, her fists clenched at her sides. "I'll have you know that I'm more than that. I'm a person with hopes and dreams, just like you. I don't want to kill vampires. I just want to live my life in peace."

Her words hung in the air, and for a moment there was an uncomfortable silence.

Miller couldn't say anything. He was just quiet. Catherine increased her pace.

"I shouldn't have asked that." Miller said to himself.


Moments later, the two had now entered the School Hall. The School Hall wasn't empty. One person was there sitting at a seat. Miller recognized that person instantly. It was Jason Turner.

"That's Jason; Emily's boyfriend." Miller said. "Let's ask him, if he knows anything about Emily's whereabout."

Jason bent his head towards his knees and used the palm of his hands to cover his face. Jason also didn't attend class Today.

"Jason." Miller said as he touched Jason on the shoulders.

Jason raised his head and looked at them. The two of them were shocked, especially Miller. Jason had been crying as tears could still be seen leaving his eyes.

"Jason. Do you know where we can find Emily." Catherine said.

Miller was too surprised to say anything.

"Emily..." Jason said as more tears fell. "It's all my fault... She's gone because of me... It's all my fault...I wasn't strong enough."



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