
Chosen By The System: The Avatar's Journey

In the veiled embrace of an everlasting darkness, a fateful encounter unravels, where destinies converge in a celestial choreography of cosmic design. James, a man devoid of memory and senses, stumbles upon a profound purpose – to guide the unassuming Miller, a vessel teeming with uncharted power. Empowered by the enigmatic SYSTEM, Miller becomes a harbinger of salvation, though the shroud of secrecy obscures his true mission. With the hour of reckoning approaching, an epic clash between light and shadow looms. James shoulders the responsibility of mentoring Miller, traversing a treacherous path to prepare him for the impending collision. Their fates entwine, leaving the lingering question: will Miller's strength surge to vanquish the malevolent forces, or will darkness prevail, leaving hope shattered and the realm in eternal despair? Simultaneously, Miller embarks on an unending journey, fulfilling SYSTEM-assigned Quests, until a foreboding juncture emerges: "Your life force dwindles with each passing moment, unless you take a life." "Waste no time, for a dormant Killer Mode awakens if life reaches the precipice of nil." Venture through a captivating tapestry of destiny, as a narrative of bravery, sacrifice, and impending fate unfolds in this mesmerizing saga. ............................. Tags: Male MC, System, Supernatural, Action, Adventure, Werewolf, Vampires, Dhampir, Magic, Sci-fi, Fantasy, Thriller, Mystery Academy, Weak to Strong e.t.c. Exclusion Clause: Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is purely coincidental. The author, AbalandeFK, shall not be held liable for any coincidental similarities or unintentional defamation that may arise from the portrayal of characters, events, or circumstances in this work of fiction. The characters, names, places, and incidents are products of the author's imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. THE COVER FOR THIS BOOK IS NOT MINE. PLEASE DM IF YOU WANT IT REMOVED. NOTE: THE STORY OF MILLER STARTS FROM CHAPTER 10. CHAPTER 1 TO 10 TALKS ABOUT JAMES THEODORE AND A LITTLE HINT OF EARTH-16

AbalandeFK · Fantasía
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424 Chs

Bloody Burst Ability Unlocked

Looking at Alex, both Miller and Watson couldn't help but feel in awe.

"What do I do next?" Alex said to Miller.

Alex's hands were still covered in that red aura.

"You would have to learn how to redirect them to your opponent." Miller said. "Let's take; for instance. This is your opponent." Miller said as he brought a pillow.

The pillow was a soft, plushy mound of cotton, stuffed with feathers, and covered in a faded pink fabric. It had been well-loved, with a few small rips and faded patches here and there. It looked comfortable and cozy, like the perfect thing to rest your head on after a long day.

Alex looked at Miller a little confused. He could remember that he had accidentally used this blood burst Ability to kill three individuals in a single go. So what was this pillow for.

Watson was also confused as he looked at Miller. Even Miller carrying the pillow had a confused look on his face. The real reason why he carried the pillow was because of the System's instructions.

The System was the one informing him of what to say and what to do.

"So what do i do with this pillow." Miller said to the System.

"Now say after me," the System said to Miller.

Miller said every word the System had told him accurately:

"You have to learn how to maximize your power output," Miller said repeating the words of the System. "This would help you in the battle field. You should learn how to manipulate the density of your attack. The more the density. The more your blood burst would use more blood and ultimately the more you would need more blood."

"Firstly, I want you to try to make just a scratch on this pillow." Miller said.

"Eh." Alex said. "How do I do that?"

Alex could feel the power coursing through his veins and he didn't know he was going to reduce the density of his attack.

"There is only one way to manage the density of your attacks," Miller explained. "You have to learn to control the amount of blood that you release with each attack. The more blood you release, the more dense your attack will be. But the trade-off is that you will also use up more of your blood supply. You need to strike a balance between power and efficiency. Too much power and you will exhaust yourself. Too little power and you won't be able to defeat your opponent."

"I understand," Alex said, nodding. "But how do I know how much blood to use?

"That's the tricky part," Miller replied. "It will take some practice and experimentation to find the sweet spot for each attack. But the first step is to try to connect with the power inside you and learn to feel how it moves through your body. Once you can do that, you can start to learn how to manipulate it."

"How do I connect with my power?" Alex asked, feeling a little overwhelmed by all of this new information.

"Close your eyes," Miller said. "Focus on your breath. Feel the air moving in and out of your body. Now, shift your focus to your heart.

Alex did it. As Miller was saying this. Watson couldn't help but see Miller as a great teacher. Every word Miller was saying was coming from The System. Even Miller could feel like the System was a great teacher.

Alex followed Miller's instructions. He listened to his heartbeat and then felt like the blood was a part of him. He felt like it was an extension of his body and then finally the red aura on his forearm entirely vanished. He could feel the power, but this time was faint.

Alex moved his hands towards the pillow and went for a slash.

With a deep breath, Alex tried to make a cut on the pillow. At first, nothing happened. But then, he felt a small tingle in his fingertips and saw a tiny scratch appear on the pillow.

"I did it!" Alex exclaimed, his eyes lighting up with excitement. "I can't believe it!"

Miller smiled. "You did great. It's not much, but it's a start. Now, let's try to increase the power, little by little."

Watson who was sitting left the bed to come and see it clearly for himself. It wasn't like he couldn't see from where he was sitting down. He just wanted to get close enough.

"Wow. With this you would be the Strongest Vampire Someday." Watson said.

Alex just replied with a smile. It was true. He is know a mutated Vampire and thus different than an average Vampire. Based on what Miller had told him. He hasn't finished his evolution yet. Who knows whether or not the new abilities that were coming could be stronger.

'If I get very, very strong. I would be able to save my Family. I would not need the King's help.' Alex thought.

Watson went to sit back on his seat and continued watching.

"Now it's time for you to learn how to increase it." Miller repeated the words of the System.

"You have to learn how to control the density," Miller said. "Think of it like turning a knob - the more you turn it, the denser your power will become. The key is to increase it slowly and carefully. If you go too fast, you'll lose control."

"I understand," Alex said, nodding seriously. "I'll take it slow."

"Good," Miller said, a note of pride in his voice. "Now, try to make another cut on the pillow, but this time, increase the density by a small amount."

Alex followed Miller's instructions and, to his surprise, the cut on the pillow was deeper this time, almost slicing the pillow in half. Alex was stunned. He had never felt so much power before, and it was almost overwhelming.

"Amazing!" Miller exclaimed, his eyes shining with excitement. "I think you're starting to get the hang of it! Just remember to take it slow and stay focused."

"I will," Alex said, feeling a surge of confidence and pride. "Let's keep going."

"Wait." Miller said instantly. His face was serious. He dropped the pillow on the floor. Miller had been holding the pillow this entire time.

"Why wait?" Alex asked.

This was the time for Miller to spill the beans. It was the time for him to tell Alex the truth. Why he was so Interested in training him. He needed Alex to get stronger.

"Alex I want you to fight me." Miller said. "Try your best to defeat me."



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