

Story successfully shifted to Goodnovel platform. PLease follow the author there. If you want to talk to me or chat with me regarding the story- follow me on my discord Discord- https://discord.gg/mkgRky6

Why the story is shifted- Because the author was offered a contract and she can earn a little from it. I would really appreciate if you all can follow me on my new platform.

Lets see how Ming explains Tofu.

This is the last plot and then they will be growing up. When I started this novel, I laready had in my mind that the teenage story should start by chapter 100.

Currently I am going by the plot and I hope the story won't disappoint you all.

Keep voting and supporting me.

Thankyou everyone for staying along with me throughout the journey. I know childhood romance has less mysteries and adventures but I will try my best to fill it with sweetness and fill up the void.

Sally112425creators' thoughts