
Setting up the Thief

Setting up the Thief

Soon, everyone came back. Red then announced to them that the thief might be in another class so they needed to check the CCTV footage to confirm their suspicions so, Red and his squad left the place.

"What do you mean that the thief is in another classroom?" Leo asked, curious.

"Yeah, if it's true, which classroom?" James asked.

Dream Academy is a 10 storey building. Just the floor they are at, which is 7th floor has already 11 rooms on it. So it's really a question for James on which room they need to search or are they going to search all the rooms? If that was the case, they better stop this case as soon as possible, because it's impossible to solve it with just their manpower alone.

"I already checked the CCTV footage. Aside from everyone inside that classroom, there was no other people who got inside or left that classroom." Vanessa said.

Vanessa had only done it to help Red a little bit. She knows that she might not be good at investigating without using any technology, but she'll still try to help something she's good at since she's also a part of the detective squad.

"That was just an excuse. We know that the thief is inside that classroom. "Red said before he looked at Marvin.

"Huh? We don't get anything what you guys just said?" Vladimir asked with a confuse look.

Leo, James and Vanessa nodded as a reply. They also don't understand what this two meant, and they were curious about it. Curiosity is a really hard thing. Once you're curious, it will be hard to make yourself not curious anymore. Just like the saying, Curiosity kills the cat!

"Marvin will go back in that room before dismissal. Vanessa, have you hacked every CCTV camera of Dream Academy?" Red asked.

"I only hacked 60% of it, why?" Vanessa replied, she's curious again. Why is he acting so mysterious? Is he up to something? Maybe something perverted, does he want to watch the girls comfort room? Ohh, there are no CCTV there, maybe he wants to--. Vanessa's thoughts run wild again.

"Then you better make it 100%. Because this is what we're going to do--" Red signaled everyone to come closer.


Last class of the day arrived. On the side of the Dream Academy building, Marvin was looking up while preparing his tools for climbing.

Marvin was going to climb the building to reach the 7th floor. He was planning to sneak inside. What Red meant of him going back was not in simple way, but through sneaking.


Marvin throws his grappling hook to the 7th floor. This time, it was not the mini grappling hook, but the big grappling hook. Since he was climbing straight to the 7th floor, so using the big one is more convenient than the small one.

Although it's the big one, Marvin still needs to be aware whether it's safe or not. So, after throwing the grappling hook, he pulls it to check whether it's safe or not. Afterwards, he slowly climb up.

Soon, he reached a pillar just near the window of Miya and Adrian's classroom.

"This is really troublesome, but it's exciting!" Marvin said before he slowly removed one glass on the window. Now, he can observe what's happening inside the classroom without anyone noticing. After that, Marvin installed a wireless CCTV camera on the window to record everything inside the classroom.

In case the thief has a partner, they can use the video recorded in the wireless CCTV camera to prove that that person is the thief.

"Testing, testing, one, two, three." Marvin said, trying to test the communicators in his ears. The communicators are connected to Red which is inside there club room with Vanessa.

Red and Vanessa are responsible to check the CCTV cameras, which was already under their full control. Also, they were responsible for guiding and informing James, Leo and Vladimir about the thief.

"The Mini-cute Vanessa love Red 01 is installed!" Marvin said through the communicator.

"What's with that name?" Red asked through the communicator. Who the he'll will make a codename that way?

"It's what written in here." Marvin helplessly said, he was looking helplessly at the capital and bold letter 'Mini-cute Vanessa love Red 01' on the wireless CCTV camera.

Girls, creatures that are really hard to understand.

Red on the other side looked at Vanessa who's acting cute in front of him at this moment. This girl--.

Meanwhile, Leo was stationed at the right exit, and James was stationed at the left exit of the 7th floor. They were to guard it in case the thief tries to slip away, and they're also responsible for taking the thief away, and bringing it to there HQ, the clubroom.

"I hope this will succeed. " Leo said through the communicator.

"Don't worry, it will!" Red said through the communicator confidently. His plan was 100% full proof. Only if there's a problem within his team will his plan not become a 100% full proof.

Soon, the bell rang, which marked every class dismissal. Marvin watching the happenings inside the classroom was fully focus on the back of the whiteboard. Come out come out little thief, Marvin thought.

Marvin suddenly noticed a girl wearing eye glasses. The girl was slowly approaching the back of the whiteboard. Next, she slip her hands behind the white board, and grabbed the 1000$ bill. Afterwards, she sneakily put the 1000$ in her pocket. She then slowly walked outside the room.

"The thief is a girl. She's wearing a black framed eyeglass with one pony tail. "Marvin said through the communicator with a smile.

"Which side of her hair has the pony tail?" James asked through the communicator.

"The left." Marvin immediately replied.

"How cute, maybe I can play with her a little, if she comes to my direction." James said through the communicator. James was actually not joking, he was really going to play with that girl if she chooses his direction.

"Fucking playboy!" Leo cursed through the communicator.

"You're just jealous that you don't have any girlfriend yet!" James replied. Heading that, Leo was provoked.

"You also don't have any!" Leo

"At least I experienced having one." James

"I also experienced having one!" Leo

"Who are you joking with, you're even having a hard time talking to girls!" James

"No I'm not!" Leo

"Yes you are!" James

"Stop arguing! I already found her!" Red said through the communicator. Red and Vanessa has immediately looked for that girl once they received Marvin's description.

"How about this, if the girl choose your direction. Prove it that it's not hard for you to talk to girls!" James provoked.

"Deal! But if I really achieve it, I want you to do something for me!" Leo proposes.

"Deal!" James proudly accepted the deal. He was sure that Leo will lose on this deal.

"Red, which direction did she choose?" Leo excitingly said.

"To your direction!" Red said, he can't help but to shake his head. Now, Red isn't sure anymore whether his plan is 100% full proof.

Just like what Red said before, his plan will only decrease its success rate if one of his squad is the problem. And this is the problem there experiencing right now!

"Watch me!" Leo said through the communicator. Red only shook his head in helplessness.

-Right 7th floor exit-

Leo was looking around for the girl in black framed eye glasses with a pony tail on the left side of her hair in his side.

"Where is she?" Leo said through the communicator.

"She's in front of you." Red said through the communicator.

Hearing that, Leo smiled. Just you wait, you playboy. Do you think I don't know how to communicate with girls?!!

Author's thoughts:

What a long chapter! Thanks for reading chapter 19 of The Chess of Mystery. What are your thoughts about the chapter? Please write a comment or a review. I will really appreciate it.

Anyone has an idea of what will happened to Leo? Well, fell free to comment. If you're correct I'll make your name a character in the story.

M_Wcreators' thoughts