
ROT-K Mystery Club First Case!

Volume 2

Chapter 17: ROT-K Mystery Club First Case!

Everything a beginner detective squad needed was already completed by Red and his squad. Passing their Detective Test, Receiving their Detective Identification Card, and a Base for their Detective Squad. Therefore, starting today, Red and his squad has officially begins!

Inside a seemingly small room, Red was sitting on a monoblock chair. Staring at the only window of the small room while thinking how did his squad base end up like this?

Yesterday, when Principal Diana finally and officially granted them their request of creating a club, she suddenly realized something. There were no vacant club rooms left!

Hearing that, Red and his Squad's expectations crumbled into pieces. It was like a kid thinking that they're going to take him/her to Disney Land only to end up on a Normal Park. Totally fitting of what people always said, Expectations versus Reality!

Although there were no vacant club rooms left, there was still one unusable room. But, when they saw the room, they really felt disappointed.

Although it's a room, it was more like a stock room. Small, a lot of useless things can be seen inside it, and dirty. Even though it's like that, they don't have any other choice aside from accepting it.

Even though there future detective base has a lot of disappointing things about it, there was still one good thing. The 'stockroom' was located beside the stairs on the first floor, which is a really good thing for them because everyone will pass by it.

So they accepted it and immediately started what every club will do first. Assigning officers!

Naturally, Red became the President, Vanessa became the Vice-President, while Vladimir became the Secretary, and everything was finally set. It was understandable though why only Red, Vanessa, and Vladimir became the officers. They were smarter than Leo, James and Marvin, they're also more mature compare to them, and responsible enough to lead, and so and so forth.

Going back to what's happening right now, Red, Vanessa and Vladimir are the only people inside their so-called club room of their Detective squad. Leo, James and Marvin are still having their classes, so the only ones left are Red, Vanessa, and Vladimir to clean up the whole club room. Only Vladimir and Vanessa were cleaning though.

"What is that-- ahhh! Red!! "Vanessa suddenly called out. Red and Vladimir immediately turned around to look at Vanessa. Both of them were hoping that Vanessa had discovered something left behind by their senior students who used this room before, maybe it's a mystery that they can solve. In other words, to kill their boredom.

But, to their disappointment, it was only a small cockroach. Vladimir shook his head and continued cleaning the small cabinet, while Red on the other hand approached Vanessa.

"What's wrong with the cockroach?" Red asked before he sprayed an anti-bug spray, and after a few seconds the cockroach stopped moving, obviously, it's dead. Red then picked up the cockroach and turned around.

Never did Red expect that Vanessa was actually really close to him. When he turns around, the cockroach was then almost close to Vanessa's beautiful face.

"Ahh! Get that away from me!!" Vanessa pushed Red away from her. Because of the push, Red fell down, which then made Red let go of the cockroach his holding. The cockroach was thrown in the air and it slowly fell into Vanessa's hair.

"AHHHHHHH!" Vanessa shouted before she shake hear head. Afterwards, she stood up and rushed out of the room. Red felt helpless. Girls, a creature who are really hard to understand!

"Come here Red." Vladimir called out.

"Why?" Red asked, curiously why would Vladimir call him.

Vladimir turned around before he pointed at a drawing on the cabinet wall, and he asked "What do you think this is?"

"I don't know, maybe a senior student felt bored and he drew that." Red replied casually. When Red saw the drawing, he felt that the drawing was not clear, it looks like an upside down watch tower, but he also thought that maybe it was something else. The drawing was really not clear.

"Maybe or maybe not." Vladimir said before he took out his cell phone, and then he took a picture of the drawing. He was thinking that, maybe this is a clue to some kind of mystery.

Red smiled before he returned to the monoblock chair. He was thinking the same as Vladimir. Maybe it's part of a mystery or maybe not there's no harm on taking notes.

After a few minutes, Vanessa returned inside with a wet hair. Annoyance was seen on her beautiful face. Because Vanessa was not in a good mood, thus Vladimir was left alone to continue cleaning the room. He was really helpless with the situation in front of him, the other one was staring at the window while the other one is updating her status on Facebook.

After an hour of cleaning, the room was finally cleaned, and Leo, James and Marvin has finally arrived. They immediately formed a circle and talk about the drawing Vladimir found.

Red was not interested but he still keep on listening. While Vanessa, whom never became interested on anything aside from Red, was hacking Dream Academy's Wi-Fi password. Vladimir who's looking at them, can't help but to sarcastically thought in his mind, how responsible our President and Vice-president are.

Actually, there was nothing to talk about the drawing. It was just a way for them to kill their boredom.

*knock *knock

A sudden knock on the door was heard. Red and his gang immediately felt excited. Finally, something to really kill our boredom!

"Come in." Red softly said. The door was then opened and a 17 years old teenager walked in.

The teenager surveyed his surroundings first before he looked at Red and his squad. He then realized that he is only familiar with the 3 members of this club. Interesting! The teenager thought.

"What do you want us to solve?" Vladimir said to the teenager. They are a detective club, so it's obvious that people who approached them wanted them to solve something.

The teenager fix himself first before he said "My name is Adrian. Principal Diana said to approach you to solve this case. "

Red's eyes immediately lit up as he said "What case?"

"My classmate Ben has lost his 1000$, and we all came into conclusion that someone stole it. Can you help us look for the thief? "

Red thought for a while, why do I feel that Principal Diana recommended this case to us because she felt that we're good at looking for lost things? Never mind, this case is enough to build our reputation in this school, and to kill our boredom.

"Okay, will accept the case." Red said with a smile.

We are now entering the second volume of Chess of Mystery. To those reading the novel, what are your thoughts on the Chess of mystery? Feel free to write a comment or a review. I will really appreciate it, it will help me improve The Chess of Mystery.

Starting now, Chess of Mystery will release 6 chapters a week

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