
A murder inside Morning Coffee Shop Part 1

A murder inside Morning Coffee Shop Part 1

The next day, Red was again sitting inside Morning Coffee shop. Drinking his coffee while reading the people passing by.

He was waiting for his detective squad to arrive. They were supposedly going to meet at 8:00am sharp, but its already 9:32am and his detective squad is still no where to be found.

He picked up his coffee and sip on it, but then he noticed a group of friends walked inside the coffee shop. They were really happy, they fall inline and soon it was there turn to order. One of the female, who Red heard was named Kimberly, told everyone to go and look for a sit, while she will wait for their orders.

The guy, who Red heard was named Richard, insisted that he will be the one to wait for their order while they will look for a sit. But, despite Richard insisting, he was still defeated by Kimberly and was left with no choice except to look for a sit.

Red noticed that, Kimberly's smile was something not normal. It was like, bidding farewell to someone she loved.

" It was a good thing after all that they didn't arrived early, because now I will witness something interesting. This might be a mystery case to be solve " Red thought before sipping his cup of coffee and continuing to watch the 'Play'

Soon, Kimberly and her friends order was served. Kimberly took it and walked to where her friends was at. Richard noticed that Kimberly was having a hard time carrying the tray so he immediately went to her and helped her with the tray.

After that, they arrived in there sits, cracked a few jokes which made the whole group laugh out loud. Then all of them sip a cup of coffee. Afterwards, Kimberly fall from her sit. Some bubbles where coming out from her mouth.

Red shook his head in pity. In just that moment, a life was taken without anyone knowing the reason why, except for the killer. Red knows it clearly, that she was poison and death was the only thing waiting for her.

" Kimberly, hey Kimberly, speak to me please! " Richard said in panicked. He was alarmed when Kimberly fall from her sit, and when he tried to move her body, he noticed that there were some foam coming out from her mouth and after that he noticed that she was already not breathing.

" give me some space! " one of Richard's friend said. Red heard that his name was Louise. Richard moved back and gave Louise some space.

Louise put his hands on Kimberly's hand to feel her pulse. After that, he shook his head and said " She's dead "

" How could that be?! " Richard said not believing what Louise said. For him it was really unbelievable. They were happy a while ago, cracking some jokes and laughing, and now one of his friends died? Anyone who is experiencing this will also think the same way.

" Go call the police " Louise said to one of girls. They then immediately grabbed there phones and dialed the number of the police. Richard became pissed because Louise didn't answer him.

" what the fuck dude! If this is somekind of play, please stop it! " Richard said.

" Its not somekind of play, because Kimberly is really dead! " Louise replied. Hearing that, Richard lost his balance and fall to the ground.


" Wh....wh.. What?! "

" Ahhhhhhh!!!! " one of the girls shouted. She also thought that this was just a play. She knows that they always do this kind of thing to surprise Richard. But, after hearing what Louise said, she was then covered in panic which made her scream.

" She's dead! " Louise repeated what he said emotionlessly.

*clap *clap *clap