
Cheat Skill Of The Forgotten Blood Sect

After his parents were killed by his own sect, and his puppies were taken back to hell, 11 year after old Joon grows with a cheat skill he gained after being consumed by a dark power, a cheat skill called “Assassin of Gluttony.” In this world full of powerful sect groups, mythic beings, gods, demons, and demonic qi, Joon’s dark and fatal journey is just beginning as he must do what he needs to get done, all so he can feel the feeling of happiness one last time. He yearns for revenge, and his feeling of happiness back. [You have unlocked the Cheat Skill, “Assassin of Gluttony”, would you like proceed?]

Tenlegsssssss · Fantasía
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38 Chs

Chapter 10 : Fate Of The God Slayer


As they stood before the resolute statue of Xiahou Anara, the dramatic glow of the bioluminescent fungi cast deep shadows, enhancing the fervor in The Head's eyes. He turned towards Joon with a slow, deliberate smile, his gaze piercing as though he could see right through to Joon's very soul.

"Joon, you are now faced with a rare opportunity," The Head's voice was smooth yet underlaid with a malicious intent. "Devour the essence of Xiahou Anara. Let her mighty blood Qi fortify your own. This is a path few dare even dream of!"

Joon began to sweat, saying, "Why…?!"

'Can I even do that? Devour a god itself…I can have so much power…which means I can easily get my revenge, right?!'

Joon's system panel flickered urgently, a beacon amidst the swirling temptation. [**System Alert: Severe Caution Advised! Engaging in such actions against a divine entity may result in irreversible corruption of your Qi pathways. Recommended Action: Refrain.**]

'Refrain..? But he told me I was weak. I was too weak to kill the sect leaders and the demon Azazel…and based off what Azazel said before, they constantly evolve and get stronger daily, I can't waste time..'

[Caution advised! Do not battle the divine entity of blood]

Joon felt his heart pounding like a battle drum within his chest, each beat syncing with the throbs of ambient Qi around him, growing heavy and oppressive. His breath grew ragged, caught between the gravitational pull of his master's command and the dire warnings flashing before his eyes.

Then, unexpectedly, Whispers slithered out from the lips of the statue of Xiahou Anara, ethereal and almost tender, conflicting starkly with the harsh glow now emanating from the runes etched along the blade of the Crimson Katana. "Seek not dominion over that which grants life. To command blood is to respect its ebb and flow—not to enslave it," they murmured.

As the whispers filled the air, the statue itself seemed to come alive; each step it took towards Joon was measured, the sound of stone grinding against the floor chillingly clear. In its hands, the Crimson Katana shimmered with a radiant light, intensifying as though feeding on the moral conflict writhing within Joon.

The Head's cruel chuckle echoed around the cavernous room. "Do not be swayed by mere echoes of the past, Joon," he sneered, the darkness of his intent manifesting as a subtle, corrupting Qi around him. "Embrace the power she offers. It is the ultimate test of your resolve!"

Joon could almost feel the sharp edge of the katana's energy slicing through the dense, conflicted energies swirling within him. His mind raced, teetering on the brink of decision. Fear, awe, and the seductive rush of potential power clashed within him, each a tempest that threatened to sweep away his foundational beliefs. He had thoughts of him standing on dead bloody piles of dead sect members, grinning maliciously as he was covered in their blood.

The whispers from the statue, now almost pleading, contrasted sharply against The Head's looming presence, daunting and expectant. Joon's palms sweated as he instinctively reached out, fingers trembling as they hovered near the hilt of the katana, the runes glowing an ominous, pulsating red.

"Joon," the whispers intoned, a resonance of depth and ancient power in their vibration. "Choose wisely, for not all power is attained through dominion and fear."

Frozen, caught in the monumental scale of his decision, Joon couldn't move, couldn't think clearly as the weight of both divine warning and dark temptation crushed against his will.

The scene held in a tense, unbearable pause, Joon's next actions hanging precariously in balance, his fear palpable as he whispered, "What do I do?" The heavy silence that followed was suffocating, filled with the electric charge of impending consequences.

As the tension in the air reached an almost palpable thickness, The Head's impatience with Joon's indecision boiled over. With a cold, dismissive flick of his wrist, he pointed directly at Joon. 

"If you're having trouble deciding, let me help you."

The movement was minimal, almost casual, but the resulting surge of Qi that burst forth was anything but. It contained a malignant focus, a spear of dark, corrupted energy that targeted Joon with deadly precision.

The impact was brutal. The Qi blast hit Joon squarely in the chest, ripping through flesh and bone with terrifying efficiency, leaving a gaping, bloodied hole where life had pulsed moments before. Joon's eyes widened in shock, his body involuntarily staggering backward under the force of the attack, each step a wobble of faltering strength until he collapsed at the foot of Xiahou Anara's statue.


Time seemed to slow down, with his system screen having multiple screens everywhere, saying:





Gasping, trying to draw breath into lungs that no longer functioned properly, Joon looked up in disbelief. Pain clouded his vision, but fear sharpened his mind to The Head's words, chillingly calm and clear above the echoing throb of his own heartbeat in his ears.

"Your regeneration abilities, though remarkable, will not save you in time, Joon," The Head said, his tone laced with a cold finality. "You are too weak, the process too slow. You see, you have no choice now but to do as I commanded—kill and devour Xiahou Anara. Claim her power if you wish to survive."

With those words hanging heavy in the damp air of the chamber, The Head executed a series of intricate hand seals. The atmosphere thickened, a visible shimmer in the air as he sealed the area with a potent Blood Technique, making it impossible for anyone or anything to leave.

"Consider this the ultimate test of your resolve," The Head added, a malicious grin curling the corners of his mouth as he turned to leave. The only exit now sealed, he left Joon alone, wounded critically, at the base of the deity's statue—the Crimson Katana still gleaming ominously nearby, its runes glowing with an intense light that seemed to pulse in sync with Joon's fading heartbeat.

The stone statue of Xiahou Anara, bathed in the soft, eerie light, seemed almost to watch over Joon with a somber, ancient sadness. The whispers had ceased; now there was only silence—a heavy, expectant silence that weighed on Joon's collapsing spirit.

Joon's hand trembled as he reached out toward the Crimson Katana, his mind racing. Each movement he made was laborious, fueled by a desperate clinging to life. His breaths were shallow, ragged gasps that did little to soothe the agony racking his body.

Joon laud there, alone and desperate, forced into a corner by fate and machinations far beyond the simpler lessons of right and wrong he had once known. The stark choice before him was one of survival at a cost perhaps too terrible to comprehend—the potential sacrifice of a deity, and with her, a part of his own soul.

Joon, crying with tears in his eyes, gripped the ground under him, "How can I defeat an entity in this state….i don't wanna die…I have things I have to do…please.."

Xiahou Anara, deity of blood affinity and guardian of the Blood Sect, stood elegantly yet menacingly, her katana glinting a dangerous promise. The blade, ethereal and sharp, shimmered with runes that pulsed like the heartbeat of the universe—each mark a testament to her divine essence and power.

"Joon of the Hangyang sect."

Joon looked up at her, his eyes straining red, saying, "Why don't you stop him…like you were trying to stop me…?"

As the silence in the chamber stretched on, broken only by Joon's labored breathing, the faint whispers began anew. This time, however, they formed coherent sentences that floated gently to Joon's ears. It was Xiahou Anara speaking directly to him, her voice a soothing balm amidst the seething pain.

"Joon, I sense your confusion and your pain. You wonder why, as a deity of blood, I allowed such an attack to occur, especially from one I empower," began the celestial voice of Xiahou Anara, profound sorrow threading her words. "There are limitations to the gifts of power, even those bestowed by deities." She continued, her tone patient and explanatory, "The Blood Sect, under my guidance, serves a crucial role in balancing the energies of the martial world. They are the unseen guardians who cleanse the corruption brought by those who misuse demonic Qi. Each member, including The Head, receives spurts of power necessary to fulfill their duties. However," Xiahou Anara's voice grew heavy, laced with regret, "the distribution of power must be impartial. It is bound by cosmic laws that even I cannot freely bend. "The Head, being a master of blood manipulation, has been granted a greater share of power to lead these tasks effectively. Unfortunately, the same strength intended for protection and balance can also be wielded for personal ambitions, as you've grievously experienced today," Xiahou Anara explained. 

She continued, "Despite my dominion, I cannot intervene directly in the free will of individuals, nor prevent the consequences of their choices. It is a delicate balance, maintaining the flow of life energy without overriding the sacred autonomy each soul possesses."

"But why try and stop me?"

"You haven't the blessing of the blood affinity from me."

"Oh…and that sword… that weapon…tell me about it..please…'

Xiahou Anara thought, 'He's trying to keep talking so he can forget about the pain…he still hasn't even decided to at least try and stand up to attack me. He's scared. And confused, he doesn't know what to do.'

"The katana I wield is not merely a weapon; it is a vessel, consecrated by the Rune Conclave at the behest of Kyung-Hu himself. These runes—" she gestured to the glyphs that danced lethally along the blade's edge, "—are ciphers of my own dominion, distilled into form and function."

She shifted her stance slightly, the motion fluid like the spill of blood from a fresh wound. "When Kyung-Hu proposed the system of qi runes, he invited all deities to bind fragments of their essence into these sacred symbols. It was a call for balance, for control over the raw, chaotic energies that once shredded the veils between worlds. My blood runes serve as a conduit for my power, but also as a bond—a leash, if you will—that ties my force to the celestial decree."

A faint, chilling smile curled the corners of Xiahou Anara's lips. "Every element of power comes with its paradoxes. To wield this katana, to infuse it with my blood runes, is to accept the potency it grants alongside the risks it invites. It is my strength and my potential undoing. But more so, it is my statement as a deity—my testament to the control I uphold over my realm and my responsibilities under Kyung-Hu's great design. I wield it to remind others of the might of laws, of the reverence due to the balances that keep our worlds in harmony. As for why it remains ever by my side," she continued, her eyes glinting with a fierce pride, "it is because a deity must not only decree but also defend. And sometimes, Joon, to defend the order, one must be prepared to engage in the chaos."

"Oh…" Joon sighed. "So…if all power and affinity is governed by a deity…"

'Does that mean a deity gave me this system? The words on my system look similar to the words—runes on this deity's Katana. That has to be the case. In any case, it could mean the puppies are also deities of hell alongside the fact they strengthen it…or it could be something else. What would this type of affinity of ability be called? If I find out, I could possibly find the deity behind the system..it's all connecting, but slowly.'

[7 minutes left]

'7 minutes…okay..'

Joon gritted his teeth, saying, "The Head…he fears something else…doesn't he?"

Xiahou Anara gasped, "How…"

"I…I can tell….its not just the ones who try and manipulate demonic qi…it's something else. What is it?"

"…You are smart for an 11 year old boy."

"How did you know.."

"Reading your blood, I can figure things out about you. And that you have a mysterious dark power within you, something even I can't discern. But, you asked what else The Head was concerned about? There's a conclave group of light users, humans with the qi of light, ancestors of light beings called paladins, some even call them angels, but they're not."

'Paladins…beings of light…are those the beings that were on the wall outside? The hieroglyphics?'

Xiahou Anara continued, "They are called the Luminous Vanguard. They're the holy warriors, the righteous blades of brilliance who bathe in light and wield it to fend off shadows wherever they creep. Now sit tight, because I'm gonna lay it out—all vibrant and heroic-like. They also are called The Luminous Vanguard: Defenders of the Divine Radiance. The Luminous Vanguard operates under a sacred mandate to dispel darkness and purify lands tainted by demonic Qi. They believe unequivocally that light is purity, a divine essence capable of cleansing corruption, both spiritual and physical. Their ongoing mission is to repair the ruptures in the world's fabric caused by dark sects and their foul magics."

"Why are they against the Blood Sect…? Aren't you two doing the same things…?"

"Their deity that gives them more light power, is a being named Aurion. Who embodied the very essence of the first sunrise that ever warmed the dark, cold universe. Followers of the Luminous Vanguard seek to embody his radiance in all aspects of their life. Whenever they successfully purify a piece of land, it's said that a soft glow emanates from their bodies, a direct blessing from Aurion, rejuvenating their spirit and enhancing their capabilities. Which is where the dark trinity comes on. Blood, Darkness, and Light. Light is against Blood and Darkness, no matter what the Blood Sect tries to accomplish. They will get rid of all Blood and Darkness users no matter what, as darkness. They know the true nature of dark affinities such as blood, darkness, and others. I am not strong enough to fight Aurion if it came down to it. Light purifies all."

"Tell me more…"

[6 minutes left]

"They've woven themselves into the fabric of local societies by providing sanctuary and aid to those affected by darkness. Through their deeds, they've become symbols of hope and bravery. Regular festivals of light, featuring lantern releases and bonfires, mark their presence in every purified area, serving as both a celebration and a ward against evil. In areas where the Luminous Vanguard has banished demonic presence, it's rumored that the land reacts positively. Crops grow more bountifully, and the people are healthier, living testament to their holy work. It's foretold that a day will come when shadows might rise stronger than ever before, and on this day, a descendant of Aurion's first disciple, imbued with light that can dispel even the blackest of nights, will rise."

"Oh…they'll be an issue for me…for my revenge.."

"Do you want to live?"

"Yes..I do."

"You don't have long. I'll give you an opportunity."

"What is it..?" Joon struggled to stand up, blood dripping from his chest and nose and head.

Xiahou Anara said, "A contract. If you agree to do what I tell you, I'll give you the opportunity where you can live."

"What is it?"

"You have to destroy the Luminous Vanguard, and the Blood Sect."


"But just know I won't be allowing you to devour me, I told you I'd give you an opportunity if you agreed to my terms. And since it's set in stone, you have to defeat me."

"Impossible…I can't do that."

"Nothing is impossible."

"Yeah, it is."

"And here I thought you were ready to live, you have motivations, dreams, and goals. And yet..don't want to fight for it."

Joon looked down at his chest, thinking, 'Fighting a deity…the deity of blood..can I really do it?'

Memories of the puppies, Hana, his parents, and the sect leaders courses through his head, and he clenched his fists.

"I'm ready."


With a resonant clang that vibrated through the chamber, Xiahou Anara plunged her blood qi-rune katana into the ground. Joon watched, transfixed, as the room's familiar walls and stone floors disintegrated like sand castles caught in an unforgiving tide. In their place, a tumultuous blood ocean spread far and wide under a sky dyed deep crimson. Above, black clouds roiled around a blood moon, casting an otherworldly glow that seemed to thicken the air with power and foreboding.

Standing before him, Xiahou Anara manifested in her divine form. Her presence was both awe-inspiring and terrifying. Blood patches, like the petals of some macabre flower, adorned her pale flesh, each surrounded by scars that told tales of ancient battles. She had roses coming out of her arms and neck and chest and back; Tears of blood trailed from her eyes, which burned with a fathomless sorrow and unyielding strength. A halo of flowing blood hovered over her head, pulsating with each beat of her heart. Her hair, a cascade of dark black interwoven with streaks of crimson, fluttered in a non-existent breeze. The wings that arched from her back were magnificent constructs of solidified blood, majestic and fearsome. Her katana, firmly held in her grasp, glowed ominously with qi-runes dancing like flames upon the blade.

'She's changing…is that her real form…? It's majestic…but eery. I have to win fast.'

As the scenery shifted, so did Joon. His anxiety morphed into a primal readiness, his instincts honed from countless battles guiding his transformation. He dropped to all fours like a predatory beast, his posture low and dynamic. Dark flames flickered around his form, their black light casting eerie shadows on the blood-drenched waters beneath him. With a thought, he summoned his weapon—a massive mace formed from the darkest depths of shadow, its body thick and brutal with deadly spikes protruding all around, a testament to its destructive capabilities.

From his spine, the Ripped Tail uncoiled, a malicious appendage sharp enough to slice through bone and spirit alike. It twitched with eager anticipation, capable of draining the slightest hint of strength from whatever it struck, be it the ethereal flesh of deities or the hardened scales of demonic beings.

Facing the deity of blood, Joon felt his heart pounding a fierce staccato against his rib cage, echoing the sporadic beats of the blood halo above Xiahou Anara's head. His breath came in sharp, shallow bursts, the weight of what was to come pressing down upon him like the deepest ocean.

"Joon, this is the crucible of your fate," Xiahou Anara's voice rang clear across the blood ocean, her tone both a challenge and a benediction. "Show me the depth of your resolve."

[Survive against Xiahou Anara, the deity of blood, and defeat her, but do not devour her. The body of a human consuming the power of a divine entity is fatal]

'Yeah…? I don't doubt it. But if I'm gonna get my true revenge…I have to take this chance.'

[Consuming a divine entity at this level gives you a 30% survival rate]

Joon grinned, "That's plenty!"

And with those words hanging in the air, charged with the promise of a battle of godly proportions, both figures exploded into motion. Xiahou Anara, divine and dreadful, surged forward with a grace that belied her fearsome appearance. Joon, driven by a desperate need to survive and perhaps, to understand the enigma of power and sacrifice, propelled himself towards her at breakneck speed. Their forms blurred, two forces of nature colliding across the distance of fate and free will.