
Cheat Skill Of The Forgotten Blood Sect

After his parents were killed by his own sect, and his puppies were taken back to hell, 11 year after old Joon grows with a cheat skill he gained after being consumed by a dark power, a cheat skill called “Assassin of Gluttony.” In this world full of powerful sect groups, mythic beings, gods, demons, and demonic qi, Joon’s dark and fatal journey is just beginning as he must do what he needs to get done, all so he can feel the feeling of happiness one last time. He yearns for revenge, and his feeling of happiness back. [You have unlocked the Cheat Skill, “Assassin of Gluttony”, would you like proceed?]

Tenlegsssssss · Fantasy
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38 Chs

Chapter 9: Devourer

The Head motioned for Joon to follow him closely, stepping into the heart of the cavern network that served as both a sanctuary and a test ground for the Blood Sect. The walls of the labyrinth breathed the essence of an ancient world, studded with bioluminescent fungi that bathed the path in a ghostly blue hue.

'He's making me follow him into some creepy place…is he gonna fight me here? What I did earlier, did I embarrass him and he wants to fight all out? If that's the case, then I have no choice but to fight, then devour him with my Assassin of Gluttony skill.'

Joon's arm was about to flow a red color, and his eyes glowed a little red as well, and he thought, 'I should kill him first before he tries to get me—.'

The Head said, "I'm gonna show you something. Don't be anxious, chile."

"M-Mhm. Okay." Joon released his power fast, his heart pounding.

'Don't be anxious. How can I NOT be? He's leading me away from everyone else, away from prying eyes. He's suspicious.'

As they entered the labyrinth, the first obstacle emerged: a seemingly ordinary patch of ground that suddenly shifted into a swirling vortex of sand. The Head nimbly leapt across, landing smoothly on the other side, while Joon, caught off-guard, nearly stumbled into the abyss before catching himself and executing a perfect jump to follow.

'Crap! I almost fell in. I'm so nervous right now I can't even stand straight.'

The passageway tapered into a narrower path, lined with sharp, angular stones protruding like the jaws of some gargantuan beast. The Head twisted and turned with an unnatural grace, and Joon mimicked his movements, his body slicing through the tight spaces with barely a whisper against the stone.

The Head asked Joon, "So what's your motivation?"

Joon replied, "What do you mean?"

"What are you aiming towards? What do you hope to accomplish with us?"

"To kill those who deserve it."

"And who deserves it."

"Evil people. Ji-Woo and Hanuel of the Hangyang sect, Master Liang of the Baihu sect, Elder Mingxia of the Zhuque sect, and protector Zhen of the Xuanwu sect. They aided in taking out my parents, and didn't stop the demon Azazel from taking my puppies to hell. And my best friend Hana, she was taken away by Mingxia and I don't know how she's doing. I suffered from loneliness and depression, and those bastards made it worse. Those puppies and Hana were the only friends I had, the only ones who made me feel like I was worth at least a little something. Now I'm struggling to find happiness again. My main goal is to find a way to hell and get my puppies."

'Crap. I spoke too much.'

The Head responded, "Your reason for vengeance is justified. But you would risk your very life just for the sake of happiness?"

"Yes. If you believe that, why did you take me in? I want revenge and I have the power to kill all of those who ruined things for me."

"Believe it or not, those sect leaders are powerful, the sect leaders are always the strongest in their area due to the fact that the source they get some of their power from is from a deity itself. As you will see soon."


'Not strong enough? How? There's no way those sect leaders are stronger than me. Am I really still that weak compared to them?'

Hieroglyphics crawled up the walls like ancient serpents, depicting scenes of celestial wars and demonic invasions. Figures of mighty warriors clashing with dark, shadowy entities painted a story of eternal struggle. Scattered among these were images of divine beings enveloped in radiant light, their faces serene yet powerful.

'Markings…similar markings to the visions I had yesterday, when I found the puppies, the vision that kept playing in my head, of a battle. That has to be connected to this, right?'

As Joon and The Head maneuvered through the labyrinthine passageways, the shimmering blue light from the bioluminescent fungi cast an eerie glow on a particularly intriguing panel of hieroglyphics. This section was set slightly apart, recessed into the wall, drawing immediate attention. These hieroglyphics depicted an enormous, formidable figure that stood dominant amongst the etchings—a devil, characterized by its exaggerated features: large, menacing eyes, horns that twisted like the branches of ancient, gnarled trees, and a body wrapped in what appeared to be tendrils of smoke and flame. The creature was shown in a dynamic, almost chaotic pose, suggesting movement and power, its hands reaching out as if to manipulate or command the very elements.

Surrounding this central figure were a series of markings and letters that did not correspond to any known linguistic patterns traditionally documented in the martial world's archives. These symbols were complex, each stroke deliberate and dense with intricate dots and hook-like curls. At first glance, they seemed purely decorative, but a closer observation revealed a potential hidden layer of meaning, possibly a script or a code meant to be deciphered only by the initiated. The entire depiction was bordered by a series of smaller, more typical glyphs that narrated what could be either a warning or a legend associated with the demon. These glyphs portrayed smaller figures—possibly humans or divine entities—arranged in various stances of confrontation or defense against the central figure. Some held weapons drawn toward the devil, while others were depicted in poses of supplication or despair, suggesting a storyline of conflict and appeal.

Between the larger, enigmatic letters surrounding the demon and the narrative glyphs, the panel seemed to tell a tale of ancient battles, perhaps of a time when beings of darkness walked the earth more freely, and the forces of light contended with their corrupting influence. The precision of the etchings gave the impression that whoever crafted them held profound respect or fear for the subject matter, wishing to preserve the story and its lessons across the ages. Joon, captivated by the scene, felt a shiver run down his spine as he studied the unknown script. There was something deeply compelling about it, a whisper of ancient secrets waiting to be unlocked, of powers forgotten by the modern world of the martial arts. Even in the silent stone, the devil seemed to pulse with a dark life, a remnant of a long-past era.

'It's like it's pulling me in…like I understand it, but I don't.'

"I see this catches your eye," The Head remarked, observing Joon's intrigue. "Much about what these symbols mean remains shrouded in mystery, even to us. Some believe they contain the keys to forbidden techniques lost to time, or curses too dangerous to fathom. Remember, as we delve deeper into our art, we must also tread carefully around what we wish to awaken," he continued, a note of caution threading his usual stern demeanor. This labyrinth, like the path of our training, is lined with both knowledge and peril. You are still very young, so everything you're seeing here is just a small taste of what's all in this world."

"A small taste…?"

The path forked, and The Head took a sharp left, leading them into a tunnel where the walls seemed to pulse with a rhythmic throb. The floor here was littered with pressure plates, each etched with faded runes. The Head stepped carefully, interpreting the safe path from the deadly, his knowledge of the ancient script preventing their premature demise.

Next came a corridor where the air grew thick with a heavy, floral scent that threatened to overwhelm the senses. The Head held a cloth to his nose, signaling Joon to do the same, as they passed through a garden of stunning but deadly toxic flowers, their vibrant colors a stark contrast to the deadly nature hidden within their petals. As they continued, they approached a vast mural that spanned the length of an entire corridor. It depicted a massive battle where divine beings of light fought valiantly against swathes of demonic forces. The intricate detail suggested each stroke of the brush carried significant meaning, potentially revealing secrets of ancient techniques and lost powers.

'Hopping all over the place like I'm some kind of adventurer, this is kind of fun..' Joon thought.

The Head said, "I'm surprised you're keeping up, Joon."

"You never had anyone come down here with you before?"

"Nope. Not since my son."

Eventually, the labyrinth opened into a wider cavern, filled with natural pillars that formed an almost forest-like maze. The Head wove between these stone trees with ease, each movement precise and calculated, with Joon hot on his heels, learning to read the natural cues of the environment.

The deeper they went, the darker the surroundings grew, save for the occasional flicker of light from hidden crystals embedded in the rock. These crystals cast elongated shadows that danced ominously along the walls, giving the illusion of movement and life where there was none.

Finally, they reached a massive door, its surface adorned with more hieroglyphics, these speaking of sacrifice and purity. With a gesture that held an air of revered ceremony, The Head placed his palm against the door, and with a low rumble, it slid open, revealing a vast chamber beyond.

This final room was dominated by a colossal statue of a deity—the Deity of Blood, as The Head reverently explained. The statue was a masterful work of stone, every detail painstakingly carved, from the flowing garb to the fierce expression of divine wrath. In its hands, it held a massive katana, the blade inscribed with blood scripture runes. It had two heads, female heads, one shocked, and one calm.

The Head explained, "The Blood Sect draws its strength, its very essence, from Her," The Head began, his voice echoing slightly in the large chamber. "These runes," he pointed toward the katana, "speak of the deep connection between blood, Qi, and the balance of our world—'Through blood, we bind the chaos, through Qi, we harness the will, and in harmony, we govern the balance.'"

He paused, allowing Joon to absorb the gravity of the words etched in the ancient blade. "This place, this labyrinth, serves as both sanctuary and guardian of our sect's purpose. To wield the blood abilities granted by the Deity of Blood is to commit to a life of secrecy and sacrificial duty."

"The blood abilities," The Head continued, "are not merely tools of destruction but instruments of justice. We train you to become assassins not for glory or power but to maintain the cosmic balance, to purge this martial world of those who would corrupt it with demonic Qi."

Joon looked around the cavern, the mysterious, dark beauty of the labyrinth imprinting itself in his mind—a stark reminder of the path he was about to take and the burdens he would carry. The Head's words echoed around them, a solemn vow that shaped the very foundations of their creed.

Joon kept staring at the statues, thinking, 'Who is that…?'

[System Alert: Lore Update Initiated]

[Deity Name: Xiahou Anara, Sovereignty of Sanguine Sacrament]

[Affinity: Blood]

[Xiahou Anara, often revered as the Instiller of Vital Essences and the Sovereign of the Blood Covenant, stands as a pivotal entity within the ancient pantheon worshiped by the Blood Sect. Her origins, shrouded in myth, suggest she was once a mortal woman of unparalleled martial prowess and profound understanding of life's essences, whose transformation into divinity was marked by a legendary act of sacrifice and rebirth in the battlefield's crimson soils.]


- **Domain:** Blood, War, Sacrifice, Rebirth

- **Symbols:** The Crimson Katana, The Chalice of Rejuvenation, The Ceremonial Dagger

- **Sacred Texts:** The Verses of Vital Alchemy, The Chronicles of Crimson Rites

- **Followers' Traits:** Unyielding loyalty, fierce protectiveness, mysterious nature, adept in blood manipulation techniques

[Lore and Influence:]

[As the embodiment of both creation and destruction, Xiahou Anara's influence permeates any practice that involves the essence of life, primarily blood, which her followers believe to be the seat of both physical and spiritual vitality. Her teachings emphasize the cyclical nature of life and death, promoting the idea that blood spilled in righteousness nourishes the soils of justice. The deity's lore reveals that she was an unmatched warrior who could manipulate her blood Qi to heal or destroy, depending on her will. During a monumental war between celestial forces and terrestrial demons, Xiahou Anara forged the Crimson Katana—a weapon said to possess the ability to sever the flow of corrupt Qi in any being, purging impurity from their essence.]

[Worship and Rituals]

Followers of Xiahou Anara practice highly secretive rituals often involving martial ceremonies that mimic her legendary battles. These rituals are not only a form of worship but also a means of connecting with the divine blood Qi she controls. The most sacred of these rituals involves the Drawing of the First Blood at the altar of Xiahou Anara, where initiates commit their essence to her teachings and in return, gain abilities that harness the power of their own life force.

[Statues and Iconography]

Statues of Xiahou Anara typically depict her in a battle-ready stance, with the Crimson Katana raised above her head or pointed forward, symbolizing readiness to confront and obliterate darkness. The eyes of the statues are often inlaid with rubies to represent the ever-watchful, all-seeing gaze that protects her followers from corruption and spiritual decay.

Joon didn't realize he was reading everything that was said on his system, and The Head gasped in shock, "Oh? You know more than what you're supposed to. The Blood Sect always acted in secret, never revealing hidden secrets, how did you know this?"

Joon responded, "I didn't even know I was saying that. I felt something tell me that."

'I'm lying so hard right now.'

The Head said, "Hmm. Okay. I'm telling you all of this because there's something I need you to do for me."

"What is it?"

The Head looked at Joon with a smile, "You see this statue?"


"I want you to kill her, then devour her."