
Chasing After My Wife

Jilyanna's face paled when she saw the man coming out from an expensive car. His face was as handsome as she last remembered but his dark eyes were cold and penetrating. His lips pulled up into a devilish smile making her heart faltered in its beat. "Why don't you return with me my sweet wife?" his voice was husky as he beckoned her to come closer. "I'm not your wife sweetheart. You've mistaken me for someone else." Jilyanna played along but her eyes were scanning her surroundings for possible escape. "You're not? Then give me back my sperm." Jilyanna choked at his words. She did promise him to be his wife, but she didn't want to get married at all. However, she did steal his sperm and it's over a month old.

_frieyaVida · Ciudad
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555 Chs


When Travis wasn't watching her, instead of paying the clothes using his black card, she pulled out her own card and paid the items as quick as possible.

The moment Travis showed up beside her, she had returned the card in her wallet already.

"Did you pay these already?" Travis asked her while checking his phone. There was no notification from his bank.

Jillyanna could only face-palmed herself because of her stupidity. 'Why didn't I think about the notification?' she exclaimed internally while looking around the store, avoiding his direct gaze.

"You didn't use my card, do you?" he asked again with his scrutinizing gaze. There's no way for his bank not to send him a notification if his card was used.

Jillyanna sighed helplessly and turned to face him. "I didn't use it because...because..." she couldn't think of any reason.

"Because of what?"