
Chasing after my destiny

'Chasing after my destiny' is a fantasy story about a boy whose parents had all the powers one could possibly ask for, but never got the chance to enjoy even the tiniest bit of it. He takes advantage of the major enemy the world is facing, to get his own 'power'.

Golden_Joseph_7861 · Fantasía
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48 Chs

The groggs first attack

Few hours ago, the Razeki soldiers were at their village's border.

Their commander, Recks, a huge man with blue shoulder length hair was standing at the front of his army, wearing a black light jacket, an eye patch and holding a katana just as every other soldier behind him.

Opposite the Razeki army was another army of groggs wearing a coat made out of animal skins with a leader standing at their front, who looks to have a spiky chin.

The groggs were all holding weapons made of bones, making them look primitive.

From a distance the commander, Recks shouted..." What is it that you want, coming with an army."

"I thought humans were sensible, isn't it obvious? We are here to take over every single villages in these part of the world, not one by one but at once." The grogg leader said, smashing the ground with a bony axe.

"If I may ask, who are you and what are your goal? " Commander Recks asked again.

"Sorry to ruin your party but we don't answer to human, this is world domination and I, jawsper will not fail my part. " The grogg's leader shouted, charging forward.

"Maybe you don't know but you've attacked the wrong place." Recks said, signaling the soldiers to attack.

Razeki clan, the first village you'll see when entering the west pole was known as the strongest amongst the three villages due to their speed abilities which made them untouchable.

But fighting against the groggs, they will require strength and skills, this was the challenge they were about to face as the battle began

In seconds all the soldiers were engaged in battle with one grogg and another, exchanging attacks which couldn't be predicted.

Fighting with Recks, was Jawsper who couldn't read any of the incoming attacks, though they were useless against the groggs but it was weakening.

Stamina was another factor some soldiers needed, as soon they were getting tired from the continuous use of their abilities and the groggs were taking advantage of this.

Recks has been carried away by his fight against Jawsper and couldn't notice his fallen soldiers, even the groggs too were being killed one by one.

Eventually the fight had ended when the groggs retreated with hundreds of their army after dealing considerable blow to the Razeki army.

The Razeki injured soldiers had to return to their village to get treatments while the commander also report to the king about the unexpected occurrence.

Due to the significancy of their loss they had to change their strategy.

"Your majesty, we've discovered that the other villages are also under attack even as we speak." Commander Recks said, entering into the king's palace.

"Well, let them deal with their problems and besides we have no reason to help them. It's a good thing we delayed the expedition." The king said, thinking deeply. "I'm sure the groggs won't be attacking again anytime soon so gather the rest of the soldiers and give them a rigorous training for the time being."

"On it, your Majesty!" Recks said and then walked out.

' I guess it's time we either dominate or have a truce with each other.' The king thought, sighing as he stood up from his throne.


Faced with the exact same actions were the Maneki soldiers, known for their ability to harden any part of their body which make them close combat fighters. They were the real trouble makers the other villages consistently kept facing.

The commander, Brezz , was at the center front of the army and unfortunately they were up against 'Hye', an impatient leader of the groggs with one eye.

Without giving them a chance, the groggs attacked aggressively while maneki soldiers all hardened their hands and also charged forward.

Colliding with each other the battle had begun and each time, a soldier is being seen punched into the air like a baseball though uninjured.

Since the soldiers could all harden a part of their body, they would have to also concentrate at the point of which an incoming attack is going to.

But unfortunately the groggs were now getting used to the speed of their hardening and was reacting faster and faster than when the fight started.

Being the last village to reach at the west pole was Takeki village which have been engaged in battle for a while now.

The army were not having much trouble but if only they could be as fast as a certain person and the certain person was Jade.

When the battle started he was the first to slay a grogg while others were struggling and this made them to wonder what type of training he underwent while he was in Visgard city.

Rhen and the rest of the newly joined soldiers were all trying their best to impress the old soldiers but they couldn't stand out as much as Jade did.

Soon, the groggs were going down in a fast pace and Jade was now supporting the other soldiers in their fight.

When ywan, the grogg's leader noticed the situation he ordered a retreat and that was how the battle ended.

Though some soldiers got killed while some were merely injured thanks to Jade they just needed to see Mrs Lillian.

The groggs made a camp at the East border while the three village's army were still remaining at their borders.

Jade was sitting close to a tree with the other new soldiers while the old ones were all laughing and conversing.

An awkward silence was around them until Mark spoke up.

"Hey, how are you that fast? What kind of training were you doing at Visgard? And if you don't mind, just to fill this awkward silence you can tell us about yourself." Mark said, and all the others became intrigued to listen.

"Ahh,...I don't know but em" Jade stuttered, shocked at the question and not knowing where to start." Well, as long as I know, I was actually brought up in an orphanage but I went to school, which I couldn't understand why only me out of hundreds of us. I was told that I was born sixteen years ago or seventeen to be precise.

And every single day of my childhood I was bullied at school for the color of my hair, each time I report this to the man in charge of the orphanage he would just wave it away.

Sometimes it makes me want to run away but where would I even go to, until I finally saw a poster of a boxing center, I had no money but still I went to the place, I saw amazing men fighting incredibly and from there I started skipping school.

I would go there write some point on my school jotter and train with it when I get to the orphanage while sometimes i even add some exercise. No body minded me since I was being treated differently by the owner of the orphanage.

When I resumed school, I became a lion that could take on up to three - four bullies at once, sending different people to the school hospital here and there.

A week passed and nobody tried to approach me or bully me again and my life was once again one of freedom until last year when a teenage girl approached me while I was coming back from school.

She was wearing a hoodie sweater. Approaching me she said she wanted to talk to me about my family and why I've been treated discriminatively.

This has been the one thing I've been wanting the answer to. And without resisting, I followed her.

We went to an hotel not far from the orphanage and reaching there, we lodged a room where she was about to give me an answer to my long awaited questions.

