
Chasing after my destiny

'Chasing after my destiny' is a fantasy story about a boy whose parents had all the powers one could possibly ask for, but never got the chance to enjoy even the tiniest bit of it. He takes advantage of the major enemy the world is facing, to get his own 'power'.

Golden_Joseph_7861 · Fantasy
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48 Chs

End of story

In an hotel was Jade and a girl who was wearing an hoodie sweater, both of them were keeping distance from each other.

"I know you are wondering who I am but that's not the case now..."the teenage girl began." My name's is Zenn and believe it or not I'm your sister though from a separate father.

My mother or should I say our mother sent me to take you back to where you could live your life without discrimination."

"That's wasn't the answer I was looking for, I want you to tell me why I was being treated differently and I want to know about my family not this trash you are telling!" Jade shouted in anger standing up from the chair he was sitting.

"Though I can't tell you about your family, I can tell you why you are being treated differently. The thing is our mother wouldn't have been able to take care of you if she had taken you with her so she registered you in an orphanage and was paying them regularly to train you in a school but it seems like there was no difference.

Why you couldn't get along with the others was because we were somehow born with special abilities which most people felt that they were inferior to us...." Zenn was explaining when Jade interrupted.

"But I don't have an ability, how can they even think of such? " Jade said.

"Don't you think your hair is enough for them to think so?" Zenn asked back.

"So why are you here if you can't tell me about my family? Where is this place you want to take me to? " Jade asked doubtfully.

"I'm taking you to Takeki village, that's where we believe your father to be. We will send a message to the king, find your father and you might eventually get the answers you want. Our mother just wants you to live a good and peaceful life." Zenn said, sounding persuasive.

"And why should I believe you? Why should I believe her? For good sixteen years why couldn't she have send someone to come fetch me, making me live in hell and now she sends you with crazy stories wanting me to just listen and follow you!" Jade said, towering over Zenn.

"Well then, if you don't believe me go back to the orphanage and continue your life. I'm leaving, do as you wish." Zenn said as she picked up her bag and head for the door.

"Wait, what about my mother? Where's she?" Jade asked curiously.

"If she wanted you to know, she would have come here herself! Make up your mind I'm waiting outside." Zenn said opening up the door as she walked out.

Jade pondered on what to do and eventually decided to go with Zenn.

"I guess it won't hurt to follow her." Jade mumbled, trying to convince himself as he went out of the room.

The duo went out to the subway, waited for a train going to the border line and boarded.

After a long ride, they arrived at the border line, came out and sneaked out of Visgard.

Days of hiking and talking about Takeki village the duo finally passed Razeki village, heading to Takeki village which they got to in two days.

"This is it then, our destination. Here, you would find your father, get your answers and live without restraint." Zenn said on getting to Takeki village's border.

"Wait, you are not coming with me?!" Jade asked in confusion.

"I actually can't, if I get caught in there it might start a civil war." Zenn said." Don't worry, everything will be fine."

"(Sighs) this is it then, I hope we meet again." Jade said, taking a deep breath as he walked into Takeki village.

Entering the village was just like entering a city constructed in a rural structure. Everyone was having the same hair color as him, this gave him a glimpse of hope that Zenn wasn't lying.

Walking through the street, he was observing everything, trying to take in the information until he saw someone approaching him from afar.

"Hey, are you planning on joining the army, you can sign up anytime." A boy wearing a silver set of armor having a ponytail hair said, stretching a registration form towards Jade.

"Thanks for the offer but I'm kind of looking for the king, I need to speak with him." Jade said, still gazing around.

"Oh! My dad, well I can take you to him immediately.... if you agree on joining my team." Saz said, smirking at Jade.

'what does a village prince have to do with the village's army' Jade thought, staring at Saz." Alright, but I won't start immediately."

"Well, anytime you want, just sign the form and the deal is made."

After signing the form Saz took Jade to the king's palace and on getting there, they met the king exiting the palace.

" Saz! What brings you here? And who is this?" The king asked approaching the two of them.

" He's my new team mate, he said he wanted to see you." Saz said, gesturing at Jade.

"Spit it out then, what do you want kid?" The king asked again, turning to Jade.

"I think it's confidential.... Your majesty."Jade replied, trying to sound rural.

"Hmm, let's go in then. Saz, I hope you don't mind." The king said, walking back into the palace alone with Jade. " So let me guess, you are here to find your father, right?"

"You knew?! How did you know? And where is he?" Jade exclaimed, impatiently waiting for an answer.

"It's simple, someone sent me a message about you coming here, so don't worry. I'll take you to my castle and I'll personally get him for you." The king said, facing his throne.

"I appreciate the gesture, but why do you have to go find him yourself, you can just send anyone?" Jade asked, tilting his head while behind the king.

"The thing is, your dad is my personal advisor, there's nothing bad in visiting him once in a while." The king replied, turning around.

"And that was how I found my way here, end of story." Jade said, ending his story.

Jade had been staring at the floor, deep in thought and didn't realize that all the soldiers had actually been listening to his tale all through until a soldier commented.

"Wow! That was tough."

"Yeah, real tough." Another soldier commented.

"Hey, was Saz actually that obsessed with forming a team, I mean, walking up to every stranger he sees."another said.

"Wow!!! We...were you all listening the whole time?!" Jade exclaimed timidly.

"I guess that explains your skillfulness." Mark said, standing up.

" Wait, didn't your dad tell you anything else?" Casey asked out loud, drawing everyone's attention.

"He... Didn't, I'm still searching for my answers." Jade replied, feeling down.

"Oh boy! I guess it wasn't an happy ending." Rhen commented.

"Come on guys, it not the end of his life, you know." Peter said, standing up too.

"I just hope we get to hear the remaining part." Kell wished.

"Well, it better be an happy ending, the next time." Cindy said.

"It definitely will be." Billy assured.

It was already morning and they were now making turns in watching out for attack.

Mark and Jade was alone in a certain tent when mark eventually ask an unexpected question.

"Where do you think your mom is and what do you plan on doing next?"



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