
Chaos Devourer System

In a future timeline... Earth undergoes a heaven-defying transformation when an unknown forces shift the planet away from the Milky Way Galaxy to an entirely new and unimaginable galaxy. A cosmic energy known as Mana invades Earth, transforming its essence and shattering its regular norms. This Mana awakens new genes in humans, once thought mythical. The world’s rules change, placing paramount importance on strength and respect for those with powerful genes. As humanity grows stronger and more curious, they venture beyond Earth to explore the new universe, only to encounter advanced alien races, world-devouring entities, and boundless, unexplored worlds. The Universe is Simply Boundless and word "Impossible" Does Not Exist. The story follows Zeras Celestria, a young man from one of the Nine Families. Deemed trash for his inability to awaken the powerful A-grade Lightning Hammer Gene and instead awakening the F-grade Multi-colored Hair Gene, Zeras is sold to a dark force that experiments on humans. Left for dead among other experimental failures, Zeras’s life seeped away as he clenched his teeth tightly, a mad thirst for revenge flashing in his eyes with also a tint of helplessness. Untill... "Congratulations." "Host has been blessed by Chaos." "Host has successfully awakened the SSS-grade Chaos Devouring Gene." Armed with an SSS-grade Gene and an undying will for revenge. Zeras embarked on a path to becoming the strongest and dominating the limitless universe. A Path Many Has Embarked On But None Having Succeeded. **A Future Scene...** "Look into my eyes. What do you see?" A young man with hair as white as the purest snow, lips redder than blood, and a face of perfect beauty. Yet those eyes—no, they couldn't be called eyes. They were unending black holes of... "I see death, madness, pain, and..." "Yes, I am the last embodiment of Chaos..." -- -- -- Update Schedule: Update daily. Minimum of two chapters per day. -- -- -- [Also Check out My New Book: Infinity Guardian System]

Supreme_IQ · Acción
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752 Chs

Trident Lessons


The door made a loud rumbling sound that shook the boat as both Zeras and the old man got out of it.

Zeras watched as the door slowly opened. It was huge, so huge he was like a small stone in front of it.

The door finally opened fully, but Zera's face dropped in the next second.

The place was dark and radiated a gloomy aura. There was no light illuminating the place making Zeras look at the old man with a questioning gaze.

"Did you know in the past, thousands of people fought madly just to be given a chance to train in the Athlanthean Soldiers ground? But as time passed, it slowly grew deserted. Come with me" the Old Man said as Zeras followed behind him.

Stepping into the gate, a blinding white light suddenly flared powerfully in the place as his eyes shut tightly. The lights were incredibly piercing to the eye.

Slowly regulating the intensity, he could see the area clearly and it was just a gigantic space. The entire space was a white color that extended deep into the distance with not a single thing inside.

"Is this...Is this a training ground?" 

Immediately he said that the man suddenly clapped his hands twice as a voice rang out in the hall:

"A warrior has entered into the space and has decided to challenge its levels."

"Level 1 begins."

Zeras watched as the area in front of him suddenly began changing.

The floor in the far distance sank into the ground and in its place, a battle stage slowly emerged.

A weapon rack appeared in front of Zeras lined with different tridents.

"Pick your weapon, soldier..." The voice ordered as Zeras picked up a silver-colored trident of about 2 meters in height. The weapon was incredibly light and even though taller than he was, he felt it was very suitable for him.

He walked towards the battle stage unhurriedly as he climbed on top of it.

Immediately he climbed it, a space on the battle stage suddenly sank in and a figure came out of it.

It was a dark humanoid figure, cloaked from head to toe in a red-colored armor. A red-colored trident was held in its hands as the piercing red light of its eyes shone through the armor.

The figure was nothing of a living being and looked more like a robot.

"Defeat the Level 1 puppet and you'll have passed the stage." The voice ordered.

"Oh, a puppet? Interesting."

A system notification panel appeared in front of Zeras.

[A Level 1 battle puppet has been identified]

[Quest Activated: Defeat the puppet.]

[Reward: +100 EXP]

A smile appeared on Zera's face as he just might be able to increase his strength from this, but his face changed as he felt the air violently pierced from his side.

Instinctively, he automatically slammed his trident to that area.


Zeras felt as if he rammed into a wall as he was sent skidding away before coming to rest about three meters away.

Before he could even gather himself, the puppet already threw himself into him as they both clashed on the battle stage with Zeras being placed on the back foot with every clash.

Zeras was shocked and speechless by the puppet, he could every strike of its trident reverberating through his entire body, as his hand slowly turned numb. Even though it was a puppet, its movements were incredibly fluid and every slash of the trident brought about devastating power.

The trident pierced toward his face, but Zeras didn't clash this time and instead dodged the attack by horizontally kicking off the ground in the next second, giving him a 10-meter space between the puppet.

"You got distracted at the beginning of the fight, boy. That's not a wise decision." The old man said as Zeras saw him sitting on a chair and folded his hands together while looking at their battle.

"The puppet is strong, stronger than you think."

"Strong? Tch." Zeras snorted coldly as the ground beneath him seemed to rumble for a second.


The battle stage shook as a figure pierced through the air with speed appearing above the battle stage.


The puppet had one of its knees on the ground with its trident raised as Zeras stood above it, his trident slamming from the top. Zeras was a little surprised as he expected the puppet to be sent flying from that blow but it was only put on its knees.

Seeing the robot's position, a mocking smile lined his lips, as he slammed one of his legs on the robot's chest sending it flying.

Before the puppet could gather itself, a trident's throngs were pierced into its chest as Zeras violently plunged the trident in before forcefully removing it, metallic objects raining down from the puppet before it landed on the ground, face flat.

"Congratulations warrior, you have successfully defeated the puppet."

"Level 2 will now begin."

The ground opened up swallowing the puppets, while another one came out of it.

This one was even bigger than the former puppet with a trident two times bigger than his own.

[Congratulations, Host has completed the quest.]

[+100 EXP gained]

[Total Exp:100/400]

[New quest Activated: Defeat the Level 2 puppet.]

[Reward: +100 EXP]

A smile appeared on Zera's face as he watched the system notifications, it was time to grind EXP points.

Golden Tickets and Power Stones are greatly appreciated. Already more than halfway through the target. Come on guys, Let's do this.

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