

A man named Kez stupidly fell into a Dungeon. Now he has to fight monsters and eat questionable things to survive. Will he manage to live? Well lets leave that up to chance.

Mother_1740 · Fantasía
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5 Chs

Chapter 0

Dungeons, these are filled  with valuable treasure of all kinds, and when there is  value, dungeon divers are there to collect  it.

They've  existed  ever  since the first dungeon  was discovered. Dungeon divers risk their lives  each time they do their jobs but  if they come out  alive  they would have  treasure  beyond  their  wildest dreams and  might even be rewarded  by the  government.

There are  two types of  dungeons: Ruins which are old, abandoned man-made  structures that 'Majii' a powerful thing  granting  powers and fascinating attributes and abilities is found. And just Dungeons which are extremely rare, naturally  occurring caves or caverns  that have  a large  amount of 'Majii'.

Dungeons  are  the most  dangerous as the monsters  are extremely difficult to beat causing  these dungeons to have personalized equipment. No unprepared person  is able to  exit  one alive, even people  with the equipment  have  a 99.9 percent chance  of dying.